《One piece My story》Chapter 30


Chapter 30


I did one last chapter to make it 30, also I can do a naruto kind of story or if I do a one piece I can do it with luffy's P.O.V except he is not as simple minded and not dumb. Your choice

You can also suggest your own kind of world and I'll do it


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


"Blood Family, you are under arrest ! Surrender without fighting !" … I knew it was a bad idea, We are now surrounded by marines soldier, where you ask ? At the Hotel of course.

" SHE'S THE ONE THAT STOLE MY MONEY, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR KILL THEM !" The rich asshole cynthia stole was screaming behind the marines.

" Can we just talk this through ? I don't wanna fight." I asked the closest marine but I was refuted with a sorry and a glance towards the rich asshole, I can guess what's happening here.

" Well, It looks like we have to run for it."

I made walls appear everywhere and blocked the way of the soldier, we made a run for it.

We ran towards our boat, to find it wasn't here anymore, where it was before was now 2 marines soldier waiting.

Clyde subdued them swiftly before they could react.

" Where is our boat ?" I asked clearly angry, those guy are being used by Rich Asshole but I won't let them touch our boat.


" It's at- at the marine base, Richard wanted it. Ple- please don't kill us all we wanted was to keep our jobs." So Rich assholes name is Richard.

The Marines explained the situation to us, it looks like this richard is someone that can do what he wants here and If you don't do what he says you get in prison or worse.

" Well, it looks like we won't leave here before going into the marine base… I knew this was not gonna end well." I resigned myself to the inevitable and we went towards the marine Base.

We gently 'knocked' on the door and got in. The marines soldier tried to stop us from going in but it was useless, Cynthia and clyde moved them out of the way easely.

Inside we found prisonner everywhere, looks like it's their time to get out of their cell.

" Stop right there !" Hundreds and hundreds of guards and soldier got in our way.

" We don't have time for all of you guys !"

* Tonk Tonk Tonk *

An Old Man was coming from behind all the soldiers.

" Would you please move out of they way." Was all he said before the marines flew in every direction, all unconscious. He then came in front of me.

" Guys we have to search for our boat let's go." Everyone scattered and started searching, only I and the old man were left.

" Thank you for helping us Old Man." I said and started moving away just to be stopped before I could.

" This feeling… It's been a long time since I saw you Dexter." I don't remember this old man

" I don't remember ever seeing someone like you." I simply said.


The Man cracked a smile. " I can't forget someone like your father… Nor can I Forget his son."

" How do you know ? Who are you ?" If he knows about my father then he is either a friend or someone that wanted to kill him.

" If you can't remember then I'll help you." Was all he said and I dodged.

* Tonk *

Where I was was now was a distinct lign coming from where the man was.

" Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, It seems like I lost with age, You couldn't see it coming before."

" Roy Jones ?" I said The oldman looked towards me.

" Finally remember me Brat ? Brahahaha !"

" What are you doing in jail ? Last time I saw you you were peacefully growing plants in West Blue." I am surprised to see him here.

" Well, you see when I heard you became a pirate I wanted to say hello, It's good to see you again."

" And how did you end up in here ? How did you even got caught ? Last time I saw you you were living peacefully on a small Island."

" Living Peacefully isn't something for me, Unfortunatly I helped the wrong person and was arrested for treason, How wasI supposed to know this little girl was a pirate searched for almost 80Million ?" Looks like some things happened to make him this angry.

" I would love to talk more but I have my boat and crew to find, You comming with me ?"

" Why not ? An ex Rear Admiral and the son of the kings of pirates, It seems like my days will be more lively from now on." He said and followed me.

We 'safely' got out of the marine base, we still had to fight marines and guards to get out back but it wasn't bad, at least no one too powerful was here.

" So, Who is this old Man Dexter ?" Cynthia asked once we got away from the marine base, thank the god it looks like the Log Pose Recharged.

" He is Roy Jones, an ex Rear Admiral and one of the Marines that captured Gold Roger." A silence issued after this Sentence.

" Brahahahaha, don't worry I won't capture you, I was a friend of Dexter's father."

" Dexter father ? Who is he ?" Cynthia asked. Ack, I sent roy a glance making him know it's not something to say for now.

" It seems like Dexter didn't tell you, I won't say it then." Thank you Roy. Cynthia was once again rejected when it comes to my past, No one needs to know I exist for now.

" So what are you going to do now Roy ?" I asked Roy.

" I'll come with you for a while, it's been so long since I enjoyed a trip on the sea." He laughed, You don't say it's been a while.

Time to go to our next destination.


Chapter 30 done

Hope you enjoyed.

What Roy looks like


Probably this old man comes from somewhere like every other picture I have for my crew, I don't own them just saying.

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