《One piece My story》chapter 28


Chapter 28

hey, I found a cool picture that kinda looks like snow when she transform into a half dragon You just have to think everything is snow white and with scale ( if the link dosn't work copy paste it it worked for me )


Also, my characters are made to be strong, and while they are made to be strong there is still way to go, they can't just fight with one of the three admiral and win easely, even someone like Moria or Bartholomew would be able to fight with them.

I'll try to make my next characters a bit weaker ( although There are only 2 left and after that it's done )


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


Crocodile got beaten, the war was stopped and everyone heard the truth, we finally had the time to relax, everyone is currently in the castle of alubarna, we we're invited by vivi and her father.

The city was in ruin and everything needed to be repaired, well I guess a fight between thousand of men and devil fruit user can easelt destroy a city.

End of the story ? Crocodile was captured by smoker and brought on a marine boat, Luffy got a new crewmember, Nico Robin is her name, we also got the news that marines we're gonna come soon to capture us. We just saved a country can't they give us a break.

" Well Vivi, it was fun helping you but it looks like we have to leave." I got ready to leave, and us in the story ? We got money but not too much, they need it more than us to repair the damage crocodile did, I love money but not to the point I ruin the life of other for it. We left soon enough.


before leaving though Nami gave to me a piece of paper, she said it came from Ace and that he also gave one to luffy, Oh yeah right, you can cut the vivre card in multiple pieces. ( Thanks Lightning )

" Cynthia I leave you the navigaton like always ?"

" Like always."

" Clyde I'm hungy can you make something to eat, and please snow stop hugging me !"

" No ! You left me alone ! I won't leave you alone now !" Snow is doing her crybaby.

Oh, and before I forget, Byron is still sleeping in a room on the boat, The fight we did was really harsh and she didn't wake up, we healed her injuries and put her there.

Time to go to our next destination

It's been a week since Alabasta's event, Everyone got a new bounty, I jumped to 60 million, Cynthia to 35Million, Clyde to 20 million, as for Snow she didnt get a bounty.

Luffy and zoro also got their bounty, luffy got to 100million and zoro to 60million, Well luffy did beat crocodile a shichibukai so it's obvious he would get this much and smoker probably talked about how strong we all were, that's probably why our bounty got this high, if they knew I was always going easy they would not believe it.

Byron woke up and accepted to join the crew, it looks like she always do what she says, she got friendly with everyone except Clyde, You can guess why. I say friendly but she is not talking much,

What I know though is that she is a bit overconfident in her abilities.

She also talked about her devil fruit, it's called the tempo tempo no mi a paramecia, she creates a room (kinda like Trafalgar) where she controls the speed of everything.

She can make herself faster or slower and also objects inside it, she can also makes her enemy's slower but it's not as strong as on herself.


Anyway we are getting close to our next destination, pleasedon't be something troublesome, please don't be something trouble…

It's something troublesome, we didn't even need to get to the city to know it, it's a place Called Base9, A peaceful city with no problems happening, always in winter season.

So why is it troublesome you ask ? I don't know maybe the Marine Prison RIGHT NEXT TO IT !

This place is one of the 17 Base on Grandline, 10 of them on Grand Line and 7 in the new world.

They are well known to be place where pirates aren't allowed, or well they are allowed but You have to be careful not to get caught by Marines.

And most troublesome of all are the Marines, some of them are really freaking strong, and if it's not the strong caporal it's the hundreds and hundreds of soldier and their 20 fully armed battleship.

And that's why It's troublesome, because knowing our tough luck we'll definitely have to fight marines. And worst of all Cynthia looks excited at the idea of going there, probably because she knows we'll have to fight hundreds of marines.

I pleaded and tried to get Clyde to help me but to no avail, Snow just wants to have fun and Byron doesn't care. AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS ABOUT OUR SAFETY ?! WE ARE GOING TO FIGHT A MARINE BASE !

" Cynthia, please, I beg of you, change the direction. We fought B.W a week ago, can't we have a break ?" I pleaded in my cause, Cynthia smiled.

" Sorry but we can't avoid it, The Log Pose is locked on it we have to go there. Also you had a week worth of break on the seas, it's more than enough." Her eyes weren't smiling, She is definitely thinking about fighting, I feel it in my bones. Meanwhile I was crying in a corner.

No use trying, we'll have to go there I guess. Please god don't abandon me. I prayed for the first time in my life, Feels weird.

--Meanwhile with ???--

* Tonk Tonk Tonk *

" Wake up ! Time to check your cell !" The guards woke me up, its still 5 A.M in the morning.

* Tonk Tonk Tonk *

" Can't you give me a break ? It's still 5 in the morning, I didn't sleep enough." I said

* Tonk Tonk Tonk *

" I'm sorry but we can't do anything about it, The Boss around here wants to make your life hell, even we don't want to we have to." Those two poor guys we're assigned to make sure I never escape and make my life harder. They are good people that always helped me when they could before.

* Tonk Tonk Tonk*

" If only you didn't do what you did you would't still be with us." He said to me.

" I am also not proud of it, but I had to, this guy did enough bad things here."

" We know and each and everyone of us are thankfull to you, that's why we don't beat you to death like we are supposed to every morning." My Friend said and checked the cell, once he finished we went out.

* Tonk Tonk Tonk *

Tomorrow will be a Great day.


chapter 28 done

Hope you enjoyed, no fight for this chapter just a bit of talking.

Also the * tonk tonk tonk * may be confusing/Annoying but it has something to do with the character, I will stop doing it later in the faction so bear with it.

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