《One piece My story》chapter 20


Chapter 20 of OPMS

Thanks to assasisin and zlighting123 for the suggestions it makes me happy

I've also noticed I did the wrong laugh for snow it's supposed to be hichichichi and not chihihihi, I'm too lazy to change it on the last chapter so be careful about it.

Another random shit I found while searching on the internet,


Cynthia is scary and a fight.


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


--Same time as last episode--

Cynthia did as asked and started following the vivre card, Dragon will kill me If I don't check up on luffy.

" Where are we heading Big Brother ?" Snow, who is as always attached to my back whenever she has time, asked me in a curious voice.

" We're going to see a friend of mine. He's also a pirate and probably one that will shake the world one day." I can't picture luffy not changing the world, he has the same spirit as my father.

" Is he funny ? It's boring the sea and I can't play pranks or Cynthia will lock me up in my room." What ?

" Can't you just destroy the door ? You have the power of one of the most powerful creature in the world, don't tell me you can't pass a door." I said surprised

" She has sea-stones handcuff, I feel sleepy when they are attached to me." WHEN THE HELL DID CYNTHIA GET THAT ?!


" This is not good. I have to get rid of them." Or else My life will become a lot more hellish.

" I already tried, she always has them on her." Responded Snow. Dammit, now I can't do anything stupid or I'll be sliced up and my devil fruit won't help me….

– 9 hours later –

" Dexter ! I see a Desert ! I think we found where luffy is." Cynthia screamed from outside. I was eating a snack with Snow and Clyde.

" We're going to see luffy ? How ?" Asked Clyde.

" I got something from a friend called a vivre card, it's locked on luffy and gives me his position anytime." I responded while eating my steak.

" I'm gonna see Sanji again… And let's not forget nami…" Clyde left this world and was now probably thinking about nami's size, Fucking pervert.

Snow got up and slowly creeped up behind Clyde, then she took water from inside her dress and threw it on Clyde.

" Cough cough why did you do that snow ?!" Clyde was soaked from head to toe.

" Cynthia asked me to do it when you had a creepy look on your face. Hichihichi." Snow responded and got back to eating with a smile.

" Damn you Cynthia, even getting a little girl against me." Clyde said dejectedly. I think you don't need to blame cynthia, Snow would've done something like that anyway.

I didn't say anything but the smile on my face was probably saying everything about how funny I find this situation. I finished eating and got outside.

" How much time till we get to the Island?" I asked while looking towards said Island, it's sand everywhere. I can also see a pathway and a port.

" 10 minutes max, get ready to anchor the boat Dexter, Snow Come here and help Dexter !" It feels like Cynthia is the real captain… I feel like crying.


We finally anchored the boat and I took the vivre card back.

" Well guys, you can do whatever you want and I'll go find luffy." I runned towards the direction the vivre card was pointing and left the other to their business.

I runned for Fifteen minutes before finally seeing luffy and his crew. Getting chased by marines.

" * Sigh * Can't they do things normally." I thought about just following them when I saw a smoke storm coming towards luffy.

" A devil fruit user !" I gotta help them, I rushed towards them. They kept running forward.

" White blow !" The smoke guy launched a punch towards luffy.

" Heat Haze !" " Blood dome !" Once I got in range I created a blood dome around us, before finally closing it I saw Fire appear everywhere.

After not hearing anything I dropped the shield to see a man made out of smoke looking towards another man, someone I didn't expect to meet now.

" Ace… It's Ace ! You ate a devil fruit ?" Luffy knows him ?!

" Yeah, the Mera Mera no mi." Ace responded to luffy. Meanwhile tons of marine soldier got behind smoke guy

" You again…. And another researched pirates joined you, Dexter was it ? 27Million bounty, searched for destroying a marine base, killing Otis Baldfayn and Arlong." Didn't know I was this popular.

" Captain Smoker, your orders ?" One of the soldiers asked.

" We can't talk like this ! I'll catch up later !" Ace said.

" I'll help you. You guys go, the marines can't get me and Ace together." I said and stepped towards Ace.

Luffy and his crew ran away, only me, ace and the marines were left.

" I don't get it, Why do you two are helping Strawhat ?" Asked Smoke guy.

" Luffy's father would kill me if I didn't help him when I could." I responded calmly.

" As for me having a little brother who is on the slow slide makes me worry." Ace responded.

" Move away both of you." Smoker Said, this guy has balls of steel, in front of Two Logias he doesn't bat an eye.

"" I don't think so"" Ace and me responded at the same time, I started leaking blood everywhere and Ace made fire spread around him.

" Who would've thought that Portgas D. Ace was luffy's brother." Smoker ignored me and started spreading smoke everywhere. " White Spark !" Tons of smoke came towards us.

Fire and smoke started hitting each other, A giant storm of fire and smoke spread everywhere.

After 20 seconds both forces disappeared. I took my chance and created blood spikes towards smoker, He dodged and Threw another white blow towards me, Ace Reacted and sent fire towards the smoke, making both disappear again. This time however Ace and me ran away while smokes was blocking the view.

– Smoker –

I can't deal with those two at the same time. Dexter launched Blood spikes towards me, I dodged and counter attacked, Portgas D. Ace Reacted and blocked my hit making smoke blows everywhere, when the smoke died down Dexter and Ace weren't here anymore.

" Fire against smoke is pointless and I know for a fact that Dexter was holding back. If those two are working together to protect Stawhats I can only give up for now. Let's go back."

" Yes Captain Smoker !"


Chapter 20 done

Hope you enjoyed, as always make your suggestions and point any mistake I made.

Best Character finally appeared ! Ace is the best, I looked up the episode of alabasta where ace appears to make sure I got everything right with smoker and Ace.

I've also decided to stop putting titles, I just can't find good ones without spoiling a part of the chapter.

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