《One piece My story》chapter 19


Chapter 19 of OPMS

How our little girl looks like:


Also random naruto joke ( no reason in particular just found it funny )


Treasure, going back and Hell.


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


" I'm snow. I protect my father's treasure." After she said her name and what she was doing here, we moved out to a 'better room' has the other one had Ice and blood all over it.

" Well let me introduce myself Snow, I'm Dexter, The pirate that will find the one piece and become the pirate King, This girl is Cynthia and the guy that is stuck in the wall is Clyde my friends."

" Hichihichi, You also want to become the pirate king ? I heard this so many times it became a joke at this point." She laughed.

" I never joke about my dream, I'll do it even if I have to die. Anyway what are you gonna do now ?

We catched you and you said we'll gain something if we do." I really hope it's the treasure behind.

" It's true. My father's treasure is yours, he said to give it to the first one that will respond the criteria he has." YESSSSSS ! I GOT MY MONEY BACK ! On the inside I was jumping in joy, on the outside I was as calm as a monk that attained enlightement.


" Then we'll take it now, and you ? You have nothing to do now do you ?" I asked to be sure.

" Me ? I'll come with you of course, I won't let you spend my father treasure on stupid things. Also I like to play with you." She said and jumped on me.

" Get off ! Aw aw aw not the claw Snow please !" She still is in her dragon form ! Those claws hurts !

" Oh sorry Big Brother, Wait a second." She turned back.

" Well now that it's settled, let's wake up Clyde who ate the wall and get back."

We woke up clyde, took the treasure and got back to our boat. As a bonus Clyde got everything that could be cooked, he was in paradise when Snow told him what to get and not get.

As for Cynthia well she just got a little sister I guess ? She doesn't stop cuddling Snow, wich is annoying since snow is stuck on my back.

The Log Pose charged back and we set sail.

– 4 Days later –

My life became hell, I don't have any other way to say it.

Snow never leaves me alone, she even sleep with me, the first day Cynthia almost killed me when she stepped into the room and saw Snow in the bed with me, I had to sit in seiza for 2 hours straight before she finally let me talk about what really happened.

Talking about snow she is also her fair share of problems, she is always comploting something in our back, I got buckets of seawater poured on me, cynthia had her weapons strapped to the back of the boat where she couldn't reach them and Clyde had to search everycorner of the boat to find every knives he lost


Anyhow the life is still the same in the other point. Clyde still tries to pick on Cynthia, Cynthia is always trying to kill Clyde when he does. Oh and clyde's cooking is really loved by Snow.

On another note I got much much better at controlling my devil fruit, I can now turn my full body into blood and do something else meanwhile, leaving me invulnerable to people without a devil fruit or weapons anti-devil fruit user.

As for snow fighting ability… Well I can't say I wasn't surprised when she killed a sea monster alone in one swing of her arm. 2 Days ago a Giant seaSpider tried to attack the boat, before anyone could react, Snow transformed into a half Dragon flew towards it and split the monster in two.

That day I made a mental note, never become Snow's enemy.

We also all fell out of our chairs when we learned her age, She looks like a 12 years old little girl but she is actually 17.

It's been a week now that I think about it. I have to see how he is doing. I went towards Cynthia who was navigating the boat and talked to her.

" Cynthia, can you follow this piece of paper." I said as I took out his vivre card, Cynthi who didn't know what it was looked at me if I was crazy.

" It's called a Vivre card, it always indicate the directions the person it is tied to. This one is for Luffy, a friend of mine asked me to go see him a some time after going on Grand Line."

"… Ok, All I have to do is follow the directions right ?" She surpsringly didn't ask questions, Meh as long as she does it I don't care what she thinks.

" If it gives luffy's position it also gives zoro's one…" I think I heard something, when I turned to see Cynthia I saw her Looking at her swords with an evil grin. What have I unleashed ?


Chapter 19 donny done

As always Leave your suggestions and point out the mistake

Hope you enjoy.

Next time Best Characters appear.

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