《One piece My story》chapter 21


Chapter 21 of OPMS

This chapter is bad, well not bad but for someone that started writing 18 dats ago it'snot good, I'm bad at describing acutal emotions, When I wrote the chapter it sounded good in my head but once translated in english it became a it harder to do and what I wanted to describe is half there.

As an apology for this chapter you'll have another one in an hour or so.


Another random shit I found ?



GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


We ran away with ace, We probably can take care of them but it's too troublesome.

After a while we stopped running and found a place where no one was, Ace probably has some things he want to ask and I'll answer for now…

We went out of the town and found a place with no one, I just followed Ace silently. He turned towards me and started asking questions, the first one being

" Who are you ?" Obvious question.

" Me ? I'm Dexter, a pirate, didn't you hear smoke guy ?" I responded with a smile, I'm sure he wants to know something else but he won't get it that easely.

It's easy to see that it wasn't what he wanted to hear, he got closer to me and flame started popping up on his hands


" Now Your REAL name ?" I just stayed silent.

" Don't you have another question ? I'll respond to this one when we finished our talk, don't want you to kill me before talking with you." He sighed and understood he won't get an answer from me before our talk is over.

" Fine, then what re you doing here ? You seem to know me and luffy, You're not here by pure luck are you ?" Really sharp I must say, didn't expect anything else.

" You are right I am not here by luck, Luffy's father wanted me to check on him after a little while after I got on Grand Line, He gave me this." I showed the Vivre card, it looks like he knew what it was.

" Luffy's father isn't dead ?"

" No he isn't, he is alive and well, I can even add that he is doing big things, ever heard of the rebels?"

" The one that fights against the marines ? Yes I've heard of them."

" Well He is the Boss there, he created it." It shocked Ace but he got back to his two feets quickly.

" And Luffy doesn't know ?"

" Of course not, it would be bad if people targeted luffy because of him right ? Kinda like you I guess." He raised an eyebrow.

" I'm the 2nd commander of White Beard of course people would target me, I'm a pirate."

" You know, I'm not talking about you being in White Beard Fleet's, Even if you weren't a pirate you would be targeted, You know why." It took him a while to uderstand but when he did he was clearly ready to kill me.

" You are talking about my family right ? How did you know ?" The flames got heavier and stronger.


" You wanted to know my Real name right ? Then here it is." I opened my Jacket and took out a photo, A picture of me and my father that was taken on my 6th Birthday.

" My real name is Gol D. Dexter, Son of Gol D. Roger and Portgas D. Rouge. Nice to meet you little Brother." A Silence issued this revelations, The flames around Ace slowly Died down.

" … You are my Brother ?" He finally asked after 5 minutes of silence, Now the worst part, how will he react.

" Yes I am, Gold D. Dexter is my name." the picture is enough of a proof.

" … Why only now ? Where were you all this time ? I lived without a real family for 23 years and you only appear now ?!" He was clearly angry and I can understand. I just decided to tell the truth.

" Because I couldn't face you before, I was afraid. I know you hate our father, I know you hate the blood that flows in your veins And I was afraid you would hate me too, who has the same blood as Roger, That's why, Because I am a coward." I took a punch in the face, I deserved it I guess

" I hate our father because He left me alone in this world. Why would I hate you ? But why only now ?! Were where you all this time ?" He hugged me as He said that.

" I was on East blue, on a small Island with a friend of our father." I looked at him in the eyes.

" Also know that whatever you may think about father, he was a great man, and, if not for the disease he had you would've known about it too."

" You are my family, I only hate our father for leaving us alone." He smiled and I teared up.

" Thank You…. Thank you for not hating me… ahaha, I can't believe I'm crying on the day I finally meet my brother." I wiped my tears and took out the vivre card.

" Well we can't just stay here, let's go find Luffy, after all I have to introduce myself to my step-brother right ?" Ace put on a smile and nodded, I guess I have 3 brother now.


Chapter 21 done, Kinda short I'm sorry

Also it's my first time trying to define emotions, I don't know if I did good but I feel like it wasn't that terrible… Right ?

Hope you enjoy .

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