《One piece My story》chapter 14



Decided to put this one eralier than usual, it's kinda short so don't be surprised

Battle on the sea


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


– Dexter –

" Dexter, new bounty's !" Again ?! They work really fucking fast in the marines, it's not even 2 days since we killed Arlong.

Hello again it's me dexter. We left cocoyasi village this morning, we waited one more day to let luffy's crew get ahead of us, we didn't want another battle between zoro and Cynthia nor a discussion between sanji and Clyde, you don't know what I've been through when Cynthia and nami learned that those two were comparing their sizes.

" So how much this time ?" I asked cynthia.

" You jumped from 18 to 27 million, I got to 16 million and Clyde you got to 11 million."

We didn't even set sail on Grand line and we are the most searched pirates on East blue since the death of Arlong, well we did kill him so it's only fair that our bounty gets high.

While we were talking we suddendly heard a voice screaming.

" DEXTER,CYNTHIA BLOOM AND CLYDE ! YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST ! SURRENDER YOURSELVES !" Looking towards the voice we saw 4 battleships from the marine surrounding us slowly but surely.

" Shit we got surrounded ! How did they even know it was our boat we don't have any flag hanging?!" It's a really bad situation, we can't run away and We also can't take care of all of them.


As I was panicking Clyde punched me in the face, it brought me back to reality.

" What do we do dexter, we can't just get caught here. After all you said it yourself, we will realize our dreams, and neither the marines nor the Bounty hunter will stop us."

" Thank you clyde, it's tru we can't let those guys stop us afterall, I made the promise to luffy, we will see each other to the one piece, and I never break promises."

But what to do ? We cant fight 4 ships from the marine. Think dexxy, think…

I know !

" Ok heres's what we are gonna do, We'll fake a surrender by putting a whiteflag, they'll have to at least get one boat closeto arrest us, meanwhile you both will go charge the cannons inside. Once the boat gets close to us, you shoot the 2 other, while I take care of the one that got close, ok ?

"" Yes Dexter !" They ran off inside and I started putting on a white flag.

--10 minutes later –

- Marine officer -

They've put a white flag, guess they understood they couldn't fight 4 ships at the same time.

" Men get ready to carpture them, butdon't drop your guard off, on this boat are 3 dangerous pirates that we're able to kill Arlong. We don't know what they are gonna do." You can never be sure what pirates are up to.

- Dexter -

They bought it, a ship was currently coming towards us. The other didn't get close but we cant always be lucky, As soon as I make a move, Cynthia and Clyde will shoot several cannonballs, after that we will run away full speed, if we can.

" It's good you decided to surrend, we don't want any useless bloodsheds do we?" A marine officer talked to me as he got on board, keep talking it'll be your end soon enough.


" Well 4 boats fully armed with a hundred of marines and cannon versus One small boat with almost no cannons and three peoples." I talked back, making sure to sound confident, wich I am not.

" Men put him the Handcuufs for devil fruit user." A men came with the second worst enemy of devil fruit users, handcuff that blocks our power, if a devil fruit gets one strapped to him he is as good as dead.

As the marine soldier got close to me I started the plan" You know, I would really like to chat with you more, but I can't really stay here so be a good dog and Die." as if on cue with my words, you could hear cannon shot and sounds of explosion coming from 2 of the 3 boats that were surrounding us.

I didn't wait for them to react and launched smoke bombs around me, they costed a high price and I make sure that every one of them counts. The coughs of the marine soldier around me were getting loud

" It's a trap ! Run to the boat quickly !" The marine officer didn't lost his cool and gave order to retreat, too bad I don't intend to let you run away.

" It's nothing personnal, but you want me dead and I want to live, I pray that your next life will be nice." I shot blood needles around me, screams of marines soldier echoed around but slowly died down, some of them tried to shoot around, but it's useles since bullets and swords don't work on me.


I didnt wait for a response and got close to the board that was relying our boat with the marine one and dropped it off, then I got close to one of the cannons, charged it and shot towards the said boat.

The marines also started shooting and I heard cracking noise from our boat, that doesn't sound good. I got down and saw clyde.

" How is the boat doing ?!" I asked with a little bit of panic in my voice.

" We lost some cannons but no real big damage, at least we still float for now, buuuuuut I have a bad news for you dex."

" What what ? Please don't tell me we are gonna dive into the sea I can't swim."

" No we don't but one of the shots from the marine destroyed the Safe, we lost hlaf of the money we had." A long silence issued this news.


" DEXTER NO ! We can't risk our lives for money ! We can still get more later but we only live once!" Clyde was frantically trying to hold me down.

" I'll kill them all, I'll burn the entire marine down if I have to ! YOU HEAR ME YOU ASSHOLES ?! I'LL KILL EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU THE DAY I GET THE CHANCE!"

And with that we got away from the marines, the soldier left on the boats said that this scream shocked them to their very souls and that they never want to meet Dexter again.


Chapter Done

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