《One piece My story》chapter 13



Thanks to the guy who noticed that the 'jet' thing didnt exist at this point. After hearing it for hundreds and hundreds of time it's a thing that I always say.

Also for Arlong being able to hit Dexter, well I could've just made him unable to hurt him but it wouldn't be fun. So I made it so he can't control his powers well for now ( just like luffy when he first ate his devil fruit ) to make it a bit more interesting.

Reinforcements and Arlong end's


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smiles.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


" Gomu gomu no, Gatling Gun !" Reinforcements came in ! Right on time too!

Arlong who didn't expect another ennemy got surprised and took the hit full force, He returned into the wall I sent him flying before.

" Are you okay Dexter ?" Said nami as she got close with everyone. (Strawhat crew and Cynthia and clyde )

" I'm okay, you guys were right on time, good job." I made an ok sign with my hand. If you want to know why they are here, it's easy, nami knew they would be chasing her here and talked about it

-30 minutes ago -

" Hey dexter, do you think you can take Arlong down alone ?" nami said and stopped moving

" I can't be sure, from what you told me he is really strong, but I think I can manage, why you have something on your mind ?"

" Yes actually, Before coming back here I was travelling with pirates, Luffy their captain wanted me to become their navigator and I know that when he has an idea in mind he won't give up."

" So what ? He can help us fight Arlong ?"

" He can, all you have to do is to buy time against arlong while they come here, after that you'll have to finish him off with luffy."


" I'll try but I can't guarantee I won't take down Arlong before he comes." and with that we resumed our walk towards Arlong park.

-- Now --

Yup, Strategy at his finest, now Arlong wont be able to fight luffy and me when he is already injured.

I looked around and saw all the destructions, the building was in multiples pieces, fishmen were laying around either badly injured or dead

I walked towards Arlong and luffy, " Checkmate Arlong, all your crewmates are down and you are badly injured, there is now way you will be able to fight all of us." To prove my point everyone got close and now stood before him.

Arlong didn't move from his spot and looked around, " So this is how Arlong park falls ?

By betrayal of our navigator ? This is laughable! But you won't take me down without a fight !"

He rushed towards us with a " AAAAAAAAAAAH !" Warcry.

" Gomu Gomu no, No ono!" ( It's the move he used to finish off arlong in the original series )

"Blood Lance!"

Arlong got impaled by my blood lance and his whole body was thrown to the ground by luffy's Kick, after a moment of silence, Arlong never got up again.

" And with that ends the reign of Arlong Park, and freedom comes back for the people of this Island."

Tears started to fall from nami's eyes, I can understand her, all these years she was used as an object by Arlong, she saw her family and friends get killed by him, it must be terrible.

I walked towards the building and started searching for what I came here, A Log pose.

– Night, the same Day –

A giant feast was prepared for everyone in the Cocoyasi village, We of course got invited since we we're the one to kill Arlong and free them.

" Thank you for helping us Dexter and Luffy, without you all we would still be terrorised by Arlong without any way to stop him, today is a great day, I'm Genzo" A man with Scars everywhere and a strange hat talked to me and luffy while we were eating.

" What's with the strange hat ? And no problem, All I wanted was a Log pose and Arlong got in my way."


" As for me, no one harms my friends and get away with it!" Luffy looked in Nami direction while saying that.

" ahaha, you are both really weird you know ? One of you doesn't care about the facthe saved a village and the other is an overprotective friend, if no one told me you we're pirates I would've never guessed." ( funny thing, Genzo is a rare character that has a normal Ahaha laugh and not a special one )

We kept eating till the end of the party, Fighting a dangerous pirates always makes me hungry.

Some times later only me, luffy and nami were left.

" Nami now that your village is free, are you gonna come with us ?" Asked Luffy.

" I would like to but here is my home, after so many years I can finally live here in peace with my sister and my friends." Nami responded but she looked unsure of herself, I should give her a push.

" Nami, do you have a dream ? Something you can't realise here ? Something that you want to accomplish more than anything else ? If you do then join Luffy, Just looking at him I can see he is like me, he'll go somewhere and, after all he has the D. in his name,, those people have great destiny, either good or bad." And with this Nami should go with Luffy, and luffy has a debt on my name, I'll use it later.

" Ok, luffy I'll come with you, after all you can't count on zoro since he is always lost, and sanji only knows how to cook and be a pervert." Nami laughed at her comments, I must admit it made me laugh too. Nami excused herself and said she has to talk to her sister, only luffy and me left.

" Hey luffy, let's make a promise together."

" What promise ?"

" To accomplish our dreams, and to always protect what's dear to us."

" Do you even need to make a promise for this ? Of course I'll always protect them ! And I'll also find the one piece and become the pirate king."

An idiot, he really looks like you doesn't he dad ?

" Sorry Luffy but I'll be the one finding the One piece, you can become the pirate king if you want still." I smirked at luffy.

" NO ! I'll be the one to find it !" luffy got up and got close to me.

" Dream on ! With all the money this treasure has I'll be the one to get it, I can't let it get taken away by useless people after all it would be a tragedy." and with that I went to find Cynthia and Clyde.

– 5 minutes later –

sounds of sword clashing were going around like crazy, I found Cynthia and Clyde, Cynthia fighting with Zoro and a clyde talking about a touchy subject for womens with Sanji, those guys, who looks alike goes well together doesn't they.

Cynthia and zoro just kept clashing while screaming they would become the best swordsman, Sanji and Clyde we're having a different opinion on wich size is the best, Don't want to explain what they are talking about, and Usopp Was laughing while looking at this from the side.

" Oi cynthia, Zoro, you know you can be both the best swordsmen in the world." They stopped fighting and were now looking in my direction, a look saying ' go on, I don't believe you.'

" One of you is a women and the other a men, you just have to become both the best swordwomen and swordman in the world." Now they had a stupid look on their face like they didn't think about that, it's obvious though when you think about it, a women can't be the best swordsmen and a man can't be the best swordswomen.

" Well, I'll be going to sleep, good night guys." And with that I returned to our boat.


Chapter 13 done. IRL stuff got in my way and I couldn't finish it earlier sorry,

As always hope you enjoyed and don't forget to make your suggestions.

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