《One piece My story》chapter 12



I finished another chapter, I'm happy.



GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smiles.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


– Dexter -

Nami guided us to Arlong Park, the place where Arlong crew stays. We got in front of a giant door

How does it even open.

"Arlong is in here ?" I asked just to be sure.

" Yes he is in here, but be careful he isn't the only powerful fishmen in here, there's also a swordmen with 6 arms, his name is octo." Cynthia reacted to the swordmen part and looked excited to fight, damn battlemaniac.

" Well the let's go in, nami get away from the door, it's time for our grand entrance, Clyde can you explode the door please ?" nami got behind me and Clyde threw Explosives knives to the door, I'll have to ask how they work some day.

* Boom * and gone is the door, the smoke cleared out and I could see on the other side, it looks like our entrance attracted the attention as fishmen were all looking in our direction.

" Wich one is Arlong ?" I asked as I readied myself for the fight, Cynthia brought out her twins sword and Clyde opened his little backpack with knives inside.

" It depends, who is asking for it ?" Said a fishmen laying down on a chair, he had muscle everywhere and a nose I'm sure you could cut through Rocks with it.


" Dexter, a Pirate that will take care of you and all your friends here, I have a Log pose to take and a village to free." Nami was looking in the direction of the giant fishmen, he seemed to noticed as he also looked towards her.

" Looks like you made friends nami, are you gonna betray them like you did with the other ?"

" I'm not going to help you anymore Arlong, today is the day Cocoyashi willage will be freed from you!" Looks he is Arlong.

" So you are Arlong huh, time to take care of you then."

I started turning into blood, then transformed some into a sword, then I ran straight towards Arlong,

Fishmen tried to get in the way but Cynthia and Clyde stopped them in their tracks.

" Take care of him quickly Dexter!" Shouted Cynthia

" On it !" Arlong still didn't move from his seat, is he not taking me seriously ? I slashed straight at him but before I could hit him 6 swords blocked the way.

" Not so fast, You can't just come in here and try to kill Arlong!" An octopus blocked the way, I found Cynthia's ennemy.

" Oi Cynthia, your friend over here wants to play." Cynthia, who just took 'care' of the fishmen that blocked my way looked over here and started running once she saw octopus man

" I left it to you, get out of the way Octopus man." I pushed octo out of the way and made my way towards arlong.

" No one to block my way now. Get ready Arlong! Blood Needles!" I launched a bunch of needles made of blood towards Arlong, he finally got up, took a piece of the wall behind him and blocked my attack.


" Is that all you've got ? For a pirate with 18.000.000 berry on his head you sure are weak!" he threw the piece of wall straight at me, I slashed it in two pieces with my sword.

" Don't worry I'm only getting started!" I started slashing towards him in every direction while spraying blood, he blocked every sword slash or dodge them, then I jumped back and used the blood to send spike towards him, he couldn't dodge all of them, but it sure isn't enough to down him.

" You aren't that bad, but still too weak !" He rushed straight at me, I didn't have the time to dodge and he punched me in the stomach, I flew back and hit the wall.

" I feel like I'm being sent flying every time." I had blood going down my mouth, and this one isn't intentional. I got out of the wall.

" Round Two Arlong !" I used the blood around him to create blood chains, It blocked off his legs then created a Blood spear, " Try to dodge this !" I threw it towards Arlong.

" Annoying !" He ducked down, huh didn't think he would do that. Then he stunned me by breaking my blood chains by crushing them with his teeth.

" That's one damn powerful bite to be able to break my bood chains." He didnt say anything and just walked towards the building, he then punched through it and got a giant sword.

" Time to get serious !" He rushed at me with this giant sword, I have my back against the wall I have to block it ! I turned all my body into blood and made a giant dome of blood around me !

A loud sound came from outside as Arlong hit it, Now time for a counter attack ! I formed giant spike around the blood shied.

When the shield dropped down I saw arlong with some minor wounds that weren't there before, damn only this kind of effect!

Arlong saw an opportunity to attack when I opened the shield and grabbed me out of it, then proceeded to bite me,

" Aaaaargh! It fucking hurts !" I lost control of the blood shield and it dropped down on the ground, I took this opportunity to launch pillar of blood towards arlong, he got a hit full force and got blown away, dropping me in the process.

" I must admit, I didn't think you would be this hard to beat Arlong, but it's the end for you."

As in on cue with what I said a screams resounded around it said

" Gomu gomu no, Gatling Gun !" The reinforcements arrived !


Luffy times, don't worry he won't become an important charater for now, he'll just appear in this chapter and probably the next one

Anyway, as always hope you enjoyed and make your suggestions.

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