《One piece My story》chapter 15


Chapter 15 of OPMS

Last chapter was bad, It sounded good in my head when I wrote it but after re-reading it another yesterday I noticed it was actually trash tier kinda chapter xD

Also remember, I got IRL stuff to do for today and can't answer comments and all so don't bother on this chapter.

Loguetown and an acquaintance


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died with a smile.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


My money…. My poor money…. All my money is gone….I have to give a proper funeral...But I don't even have the remains…..

" How long has he been like this ?" I could hear Cynthia muttering behind

" Around the time we fianlly got away from the marines, If I knew the loss of half of our cash would make him like that I wouldn't have talked about it. Lesson learned., they don't understand that I lost friends of mine today…

" Oi Dexter, we are soon gonna arrive at Logetown, please get out of the corner and come help us dock the boat." Cynthia Said while pointing at the port in view.

Aaaah loguetown… It brings back memory. Anyway let's help them for now, I'm sure my money wouldn't want me to mourn them for all day.

Get ready world, because today is the day we finally put on our Pirate flag.

– 30 minute later –


" Ok, Cynthia, Clyde, let's go separate ways, that way we will be able to buy what we need faster, let's say we meet at the center of town in 2 hours ? Sounds good ?"

" Yes I got no problem with that."

" Me neither."

" Ok then let's go." On the shopping list today, wood to repair the boat, a cannon or two, Cannonballs and gunpowder of course, and food that's what I have to buy. It's gonna cost so much and I already lost so many friends today.

I searched around for almost An hour before finally fiding a workshop, If I have to buy woods and cannons, what is the best place to buy them other than the place they get worked on ? I don't know any other. And just like I predicted it costed too much, almost 50 000 berry just for enough wood to repair the boat and 20 000 the cannons, I couldn't bring myself to buy more than 3. They will deliver them to our boat before we depart in one hour.

While strolling around I saw someone I didn't want to see, if I saw him it means he want to talk to me, I made sure no one was watching and got into a backstreet, then I took stairs to the roof, once I got here I could see a man with a hood and a cape around his body, no doubt it's him.

" How are you doing since last time Dexter ?" He didn't look at me and just stared towards the sky.

" I'm fine, well as fine as an orphan who saw his father gets executed can be." I shrugged and

and sat beside him. He didn't react to what I said and still stared at the sky.


" I heard you met my son, how is he doing ?" He asked, I can't see his face but I'm sure he is smiling, he always smiles when he talks about his son.

" Don't worry about him he is perfectly okay, on another word, how is their brother doing ? You know who I am talking about."

" Ah, he is doing okay don't worry about him." A silence issued after this sentence as we had nothing to say.

A discussion was heard from down the building, a discussion both of us took interest in.

" Did you hear ? Apparently pirates are fighting on the center of town, where Gold Roger was executed."

" Yes, I saw the marine running towards there, if I were you I wouldn't get close it's probably gonna be a terrible fight."

He got up and started walking towards the center of town.

" Wait for me, my crew is there I want to make sure they are okay."

We both went to the center of town.


Chapter 15 done, I finally hinted at Dexter family and relations in the world, Like I said I will change element of the story to my liking and this one is one of them. It's probably obvious who he was talking to but don't spoil it for people who don't know please.

As always make suggestions about anything you can think of and hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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