《One piece My story》chapter 10


Chapter 10 of OPMS

New bounty's, Cocoyasi Village and Man fish pirates


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died smiling.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


–Dexter P.O.V--

It's been an entire week since Otis, we are currently going to Cocoyasi village, After that will be Loguetown and then finally Grand Line.

As for what we are going to do at cocoyasi village, well I heard that there was someone selling log pose, one of the most important item on grand line without it you can't navigate, the magnetic fields render useless compass.

" DEXTER, CLYDE GET OVER HERE QUICKLY ! I JUST GOT THE NEWS PAPER, OUR HEADS GOT A BOUNTY !" Again ?! I rushed to cynthia, she has 3 Pieces of paper in her hand, I guess we really got new ones, Clyde also got here, he was cooking apparently since he wore an apron.

" How much his my head worth Cynthia ?" It feels so weird to say this phrase.

" Dex, your head got to 18Million Berry, it's 8million more than the last one, Mine was put on 7Million as for you clyde she got put on 4Million." She handed to us our Bounty's, I really got 8million more, I feel like a star.

" Our life are gonna get harder from now one, before the marines didn't know what we looked like except for Dexter but now they got our pictures, how did they even get it ?" Said Cynthia dejectedly.


" I don't know how they got it but I'm sure the cooks at the bottle will be proud of us and even put our Bounty's into the kitchen!" Clyde looks Happy at the idea of having a bounty on his head.

" So what if they got out pictures ? Even if people come to try to kill us I'll just kill them first, I"" intend to find the One Piece and become the pirate kings and neither the Marine nor the bounty hunters will prevent me from realising my dream, each of us have something we want to do and we'll Do it together, You're all with me on this one!"

"" Yes Captain!""

" Anyway we should be getting to Cocoyasi Village soon, Get ready!" .

" Yes cynthia."

" Ok I'll finish cooking before then!" and with that Clyde got back into the kitchen and I went back to training my sword moves, cynthia started teaching me how to use a sword, I've gotten able to create a sword made out of blood, it's as hard as the other one and can cut a rock in two, really useful.

If I had to say, our life on the seas got really hard, especially for Clyde, he has the habit of trying to pick on cynthia when she's bathing, and let's just say it's never ending well, for him AND me, we really have to find a carpenter or someone good in repairing at least because the boat won't take much more hit from cynthia.

– 1 hour later –

– ??? P.O.V –

" Hey Gaba think we are gonna find them ?" Asked my crewmate Ko

" For the last time Ko, Yes we will, The villagers can't get out of the island easely, after all we destroyed every ship here, and if they try to call for help, our friends in the marine will send a false team that we will wipe out." I must say, Humans may be weak, but when it comes to money they can do everything, The officer we've bribed never betrayed us and he has been really useful.


" Hey Gaba there's a boat coming!"

" Where ?" Looking in the direction Ko was poiting I could really see a boat coming here, Great, Ko may be stupid but he really has a great view, I almost can't see it from here.

" Let's go Ko, looks like we have another boat to destroy." after saying that we both dive into the water and started swimming towards it.

What the fishmen didn't know at this time, it's that The people on this boat will be their doom and their crew doom. They also didn't know that a the girl they we're searching for was right next to them.

" I pray for your safety whoever is on this boat."

--Dexter P.O.V--

* Spash * * cough cough cough * As I was taking a nap on the outside of the boat, I sudendly got Sprayed with water,

" Who the fuck did that ! Who the Heck threw water at me!" When I looked around I saw two giant fish looking towards me.

" Hey Gaba it's just a human, can I take care of him ?" Said the left one

" Sure go ahead Ko, I'll go see if they are more on the boat." Responded the right one as he started walking away.

" Take care of me ? Take care of ME ? You WAKE ME UP, THEN WANT TO KILL ME ! I DON'T THINK SO YOU OVERGROWN FISH !"

I turned my arms into blood, started gathering some, turned it into a sword then charged towards the Blue one.

" A devil fruit user ?!" That's right I'm a devil fruit user you overgrown fish ! I rushed the blue fish, and cut his head off. Then I pointed my blood sword towards the other one.

" Your turn." The other fishmen started sweating, if it's even possible for fish to sweat, then started running towards the water, he wants to escape !

" Where do you think you are running off to?!" I won't make it in time! " Fire Kitchen, Burning Knives !" Clyde's appeared out of nowhere and threw multiple knives on fire. They all reached their target and burned the fishmen down.

" Nice one clyde he almost got away."

" No problem. I wonder what those fishmen were doing here?" I can't answer that question as I don't know too but something tells me Orange town is not gonna be a happy place if people want to kill us before we even set foot on the island.


Chapter 11 done.

I'm starting to get really good at this, As always hope you enjoyed, don't forget to make suggestions about anything wether it's a new devil fruit, event, ennemy, Town name, etc.….

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