《One piece My story》Chapter 9



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I really love writing it's so relaxing, you should try it too guys when you have time, anyway

chapter 9: a swordman, The end and clyde's dream


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

" My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died smiling.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


--Cythia P.O.V--

" Twins swords style, Double tornado!" Those guys are so annoying, the more I sent flying, the more comes.I keep slashing when suddendly I get countered by a man

" Ooooooooh a skilled swordman around here ? That's uncommun, I wanna fight her, you guys leave her alone, she's mine !" Looks like this guy words is law, every pirate around me and him retreated.

" I don't have time for you, die please !" I charged straight at him swords in hands, I have to find dexter.

" Not so fast girly, WE have all the time in the world!" He also charged at me.

* Ting, Ping, Shing,…. * we kept clashing against each other again and again for 2 minutes before finally stopping, " I gotta admit you are a little more skilled than a first look would give."

" I return the compliment to you girly, I'm Zac, the left arm of Otis, pleased to meet you." He charged at me again.

" I'm Cynthia, Navigator and swordman of Dexter crew !" I also charged at him but this time I won't go easy, " Twins swords style, 60 strikes !" as the name says it's a sword technique that deals 60 strikes in a quick succession great against one target.

" Then I'll go full power too !" the sword he had in hand started to glow green, " One slash X"

he moved his sword once but behind the move looked like there was another 10 coming.


It blocked half of my strikes and deviated the others, he really has skills, too bad I don't have time to play.

" I'm sorry but I have to go," I sheathed my twins swords, took my stance and threw at him my best attack." TAKE THIS ! TWINS SWORD STYLE, DRAGON'S CRY !" What looked like 2 dragons came out of my strikes against him, he couldn't dodge it in time and got thrown away by the blow, leaving behind a pace of blood.

To find dexter now, there I see him ! What is this, a giant boulder is going straight at him !

I gotta help him

" Twins swords style, One hundred and twenty slash !"

--Clyde P.O.V--

" Protect the restaurant with everything you've got guys ! Those pirates will never set foot in it !"

" Clyde, go ahead I know you want to help that dexter guy."

" But I can't leave you alone ! This is my responsability !" I've been named head chief of this restaurant and I will do everything to protect it !

" Don't worry, we are not weak, They will never get close to it as long as we're alive!"

"… OK ! But you can be sure I'll break your bones if they get to it !" and with that I got ahead, this Dexter guys is the type that always get into trouble.

I hope he's okay, Just looking at him makes me want to go on an adventure.

These pirates are all on my way ! " Get out of my way you shitty pirates ! Fire kitchen, explosive Knives !" I threw around knives that explode on contact.

Suddendly smoke came out of nowhere, and it looks like poison too, shit! * cough cough *

I have to breath, " Air Kitchen, wind knives!" the poison fog got blown away, fresh air feels good.

" Shit he got rid of the fog ! What do we do now!" they are the one that tried to poison me ? I won't let this go unpunished!

" You get out of my sight that's what you are gonna do! Fire kitchen, Explosive knives!" The pirates were all blown away, now to find That Idiot looking Dexter !


I see him ! And he has a giant boulder coming straight to him, I gotta help him !

" Fire Kitchen, Explosive knives !"

--Dexter P.O.V--

The boulder that was coming straight at me got cut into hundreds pieces before exploding.

" I could've taken care of it but thank you guys." Cynthia and Clyde both got close to me and hit me on the head " Ouch it hurts you guys !" It doesn't but still.

"" You idiot ! What are you trying to do by fighting Otis alone!"" they said at the same time, creepy.

""" Pft, ahahaha""" We three started laughing at the same time.

" Well not to ruin the moment but Otis over there is gonna try to throw another boulder at us. We should probably take care of that, but before, Clyde when everything is over want to join me and Cynthia ? I will find the one piece and we need a cook on our tales!" Please say yes.

" We'll see once everything is over." was all he said before turning to face Otis.

" Yeah you are right, Was a stupid question to ask right now." I also turned to face Otis

" Of course it was stupid, you are an idiot anyway." Cynthia did the same as us.

" Let's take care of that guy now!"

" YOU BRATS WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO BEAT ME ! I WILL BURY YOU UNDER THE GROUND!" He really need to chill and take a breather, he's so angry.


"" Ok Dexter"" clyde went to the left and started throwing knives on the arms of Otis while cynthia went to the right and started slashing at otis legs, wich leaves me the upper body.

" YOU ARE GOING DOWN OTIS !" I turned my arms into blood and threw it, " Blood Needles!" The blood turned into Hundreds of little needles going straight into otis stomach.

" YOU WON'T FINISH ME OFF THAT EASELY ! ROCK BODY HARDENS !" The needles bounced off his body, same for the kinves Clyde was throwing and cynthia's swords bounced off.

" Ack so persistent, what can we do if we can't pass through his defenses." I have to find something, anything to down him. I know !

" CYNTHIA, CLYDE, AIM FOR THE HEAD WITH ME !" Once again I transformed my arms into blood but this time I won't stop there, I also took all the blood in my range and made a giant Lance.



our Three attacks together went straight to his head, he started to duck down but it's too late,

chains made of blood prevented him from moving his body and with a scream, Otis rock head went flying across the sky, gradually turning back to normal, and his body fell lifeless on the floor.

A silence installed itself when the screams finished, then all the pirates started retreating while screaming " They got Our captain!" or " Run away Otis lost!"

" WE DID IT ! WE SAVED THE BOTTLE ! HOURRAY !" Cheers came from behind me.

Cynthia and Clyde came to me.

" See clyde ? I said It would be fine, now let's go eat I'm hungry." we made our way towards the bottle, a feast is needed for this win.

--Some times later--

Once we all ate, I got closed to clyde.

" So clyde, about my propositions, do you want to join me and cynthia ? Do you have a dream you want to realise ? You'll realize it during our journey to find the One piece."

" A dream huh ?" Clyde fell silent and seemed to be lost in his memory, "Be able to cook everything in the world is my dream, there are so may ingredients I never heard of, I want to see them all!"

" So do you want to come with us ?" Clyde looked around and saw all of his friends smiling.

" Hmph, we don't need you here, we can survive without you, go with them we know you want to."

" You guys… ok ! I'll come with you." And with that we got our cook!


Chapter 9 donny done!

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