《One piece My story》Chapter 4


Chapter 4 of OP:My story:Girl's house, help and a Dream.


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

"My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died smiling.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )



She better have a GOOD reason to steal MY MONEY from ME, well at least she didn't peek inside my bag or else she would've seen a devil fruit, bombs, bullet and guns, in less than an hour I would've gotten all the marines from this Island on my ass.

Anyway Right now I'm tracking the thief, How did you find her you ask ? Well as you probably noticed, I love MY MONEY, so much in fact I made sure to be able to trace the scent of my wallet


I must say she's doing a great job losing people, she went into a small hole in a wall, into the sewers to get out in a dark alley just to get to her house, You need years of experience, too bad she messed with the wrong guy.

I creeped up to her door, and knocked on the door.

" Come out come out wherever you are wallet thief, I promise I won't break too many things if MY MONEY is still in it."

–??? P.O.V--

Shit how did this guy find me, I made sure to cover my tracks, I need to get out!

" Don't try to run away by the backdoor, i put a bomb there, if you open the door you'll have to pick your parts everywhere, just give me my wallet and I'll go away." This guy is crazy, completely crazy. Guess I'll just give his wallet back.



Slowly but surely the door started to open, the first thing I saw was my wallet going out of the door, guess she's trying to say 'don't kill me please I surrender' by doing this. I just grabbed it the second I could.

" See it wasn't that hard, now give me a good reason as for why you took my money, I mean surer you hava a debt but it won't help you to steal other people." I say that But I'm a pirate, stealing and pillaging is my job normally aha.

" A debt? Thats what they told you, they lied I don't have any sort of debt on me." No debt ? Then why are they chasing her

" Why are they chasing you then? " " Why would you want to know ? You won't help me anyway."

ah ? Trust issues I see, well I do look like a guy you don't want to mess with since I tracked her here and even planted a bomb at the backdoor in case she tries to go away.

" I could, it depends on what I have to do, and why I should help you. But before could I get in ? Talking outside is annoying." She was silent for a few seconds before opening the door.

Once inside I was shocked at what I saw, when you see her you would think she's everything but a dangerous girl but I'll be damned, morgenstein, sword, guns and a lot of other weapon were laying around, also I could see maps of the sea and other stuff for navigator… Maybe I could get her to join me !

I sat down on the couch, she came back with 2 cups of water, I took mine and drank it ( not sure if it's the corect word that's what good trad said to me soooo yea )


" You know it's my first time inside a women house and I didn't expect..."

" The weapons and maps ? Yeah I don't really have time to tidy up everything with those guy chasing me around, plus my mother was collecting weapongs from everywhere."

" I can understand anyway, so what should I help you with ? Oh I almost forgot, I am dexter a pirate but you can call me Dex." as I said that I made the biggest smile I could without looking awkward.

" I'm Cynthia Bloom, swordman and navigator, also thief in when I have to." Well that's a lot of things she can do, next she's gonna tell me she can cook. But bloom, wasn't that the name of a famous swordman ? I'll ask

" Bloom, isn't that the name of the famous swordman ?"

" Yes it is, My mother is Elena Bloom, she was a swordman and a bounty hunter when she was alive."

" She died? I'm sorry I didn't know. So, what do you want my help with ?" She just shrugged.

" It's easy, kill Anthony Bloom my father and retrieve the utanji, my mother sword." She had a smile on her face but her eyes weren't smiling.

" Kill your father ? But why ?"

" My father is the chief of the marine outpost here, he is rotten to the core and would do everything to make money. Even kill my mother for her bounty, and he is chasing me for Gutanji of my mother, one of her two swords, they sell for a really high price when in pair."

Wow, didn't expect that, he killed his wife and is chasing his daughter 24/7 for money ? What an asshole. And I complain about my father who was a complete idiot always smiling even the day of his death, compared to him he's the best dad of the year.

"what's your dream ? And would you be ready to do anything for it? Depending on the answer I'll help you, or would've never met."

"My dream ? To become what my mother couldn't, The best swordman in the world !"


Author here, I wanted to ask, should I put the mature tag ? It's not tthat bad but I do talk about people getting decapitated, blood and also swear sometimes. Should I?

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