《One piece My story》Chapter 5


Chapter 5 of OP:My story: Devil fruit, Marines and a legend begins.

also to the gy who found out wich devil fruit Dex will be using, well I decided to create a new one, I got the idea during a sleepless night. So sorry aha


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

"My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died smiling.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )



I took from my bag my Devil fruit and put on the table, cynthia looked at it, before frowing.

" This devil fruit was given to me by a strange old man when I saved his village, I didn't want to eat it before having someone who is like me, someone who wants to accomplish his dreams, Will you be this person Cynthia ? Can you make me the promise that whatever happens, you will become the strongest swordmen, and will be ready to help me find the One piece ?"

She fell into deep reflexion before getting up from her chair and saying " YES!" and like that, I got my first crew member, and she's amazing, a swordwomen who is also a navigator and a thief in her lost hours, so cool!

I took the devil fruit and ate it in one go. I almost wanted to vomit, it had the taste of wood, now all I have to do is find what it does.

" Cynthia you wouldnt have a bok about devil fruit laying around would you ? I want to know what mine does." She looked around and took a worned book from behind a pile of sword and handed it to me " Thank you."


Let's see… no,no,no,no,no,no,no, not this one, not that one… HERE found it!

" It's the Blood Blood devil fruit (Best name FRA lol ) It makes me able to control blood that I can see. That's one messy thing to do."

" Are you sure it will work ?"

" Only one way to find out." I took out knife and cut my arm, blood came out in a small quantity, how should I do it ? Let's see if I can make it move…

--Several hours later--

… It worked, I could make the blood move, levitate, and become as hard as steel. I've also bought a recent book about Devil fruit and found out that this fruit is really useful, even If I took out 5 bottles of blood out of my body, I wouldn't die from bloodloss, it looks the fruit replaces instantly the blood

Missing in my body with new one. Also when I use my power my eyes goes from black to Red.

" Well Cynthia, we have a marine base to Attack, a person to kill and a sword to retrieve right ?

We'll do it like this, I'll put a bomb on the front door, make it eplode and while I get the attention on me you will go find the sword of your mother, I would suggest you take a sword."

" Of course I'll take a sword, I'll retrieve the utanji from my mother by using the gutanji." That's the spirit Cynthia !

–Later at Marine Base--

I planted the bomb, and cynthia started sneaking in, 3...2...1… * BOOM * I walked in and looked around, it's not even a full minute and there's already around 20 marines out and running at me.

" You want me ? THEN COME GET ME!" I took out 2 other bombs and threw it on them, some of them got caught into the explosion. I loaded My 2 pistols and started shooting * BANG BANG BANG BANG * Blood sprayed everywhere.



--Cynthia P.O.V--

He isn't kidding when he said he'll get the attention on him, I heard 2 other eplosion and screams from marines.

I'm seraching inside the storage the sword of my mother, it probably isn't here but checking just in case.


" I don't have time for you… One sword style, Crescent cut!" Poor guy couldn't react before my sword slash chopped his head off. Where is that damn sword…

I'll search in my father ofice.

--Back to Dex--

I must say, I didn't expect so many marines here, The more I kill the more gets out, do they respawn? What's a respawn anyway ?

" One sword style, Crescent cut !" A black wave came flying straight at me better dodge.

I ducked down and shot 6 bullets from the direction the wave came, all I heard was the sound of bullet hitting steel.

" Who is the criminal that decided to attack the marine outpost of a great person such as myself."

Seeing how he talks about himself he must be Cynthia Father, she forgot to tell me he knew how to use a sword.

" Me ? I'm Dexter, pirate and a friend of Cynthia, she asked me to help her retrieve her mother's sword among other things."

" Cynthia ? She is here ? AHAHA it's perfect, I'll kill you and take away Elena's sword from my daughter. One sword style Crescent Cut !"

another black wave came at me, this time I won't dodge.

" If there is one thing I hate it's betrayal, and you are the worst scum when it comes to this, I will kill you !" a Blood wave just like the black wave appeared and blocked the way,

Mr. Scum looked suprised before getting red of anger and shouted, " A devil fruit user?! MEN KILL HIM!" Tons of bullet came at me but I didn't dodge them, Anthony had a smug smile, but it rapidely turned into a frightened one when he saw the bullet passing through me.

" This type of things won't do anything to me, I ate the blood blood fruit, My entire body can turn into blood making anything pass through me." I started accumulating blood in my hands then threw it in every direction.

" Let me make you a demonstration of my powers, BLOOD RAIN."

Blood rain is the first use that came to my mind, I threw blood in the air and made it as hard as steel, every drop forming a needle. The screams of Marines getting pierced echoed around as they fell onto the floor, even Anthony wasn't spared, from the looks of it his two arms are unusable and his left leg is ruined too.

" St-st-stop, what do you want? Money ? Power ? I can give you whatever you want just don't kill me." he looks really pitiful right now, with a mix of tear, blood and snot on his face, Gross.

" Money ? I can take it after killing you. Power ? I don't need it. The only thing I want is to find the One piece and become the pirate king."

On this day, The Blood Family crew gained their first member and the legend of Dex started.


Thank you for reading, Hope you enjoy leave a comment to help me continue this fiction,

if you want to make a suggestion ( ennemy, devil fruit, ally, city name, anything ) just do it and If I like it I'll make sure to use it.

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