《One piece My story》Chapter 3


Chapter 3 of OP : My story : Marines, a strange gift, and my wallet.


GOL D. ROGER, a legend, the most powerful pirate to have ever set sail on the sea, his death should've stopped all piracy activities in the world.

But it didn't, as his last breath came, his words inspired thousand of people to set sail,

"My treasure? It exist, I've left him somewhere in the new world, FIND IT!" he died smiling.

This was the start of the golden age of pirates! (cue the One piece intro )


--Still Dexter--

What's the worst ennemy of pirates ? The marines, those guys chase them around without giving up.

Why am i bringing them up you ask ? ( shhhh the 4th wall 'oh right sorry' ) Well it's because right now…

" Thank you for saving this village, Red beard was a pirate we tried to catch for 3 month already. His head was put on 5000 B, take them since you killed him yourself."

Yeah, right now a ship of the marines stopped here after getting a call from the villagers that got away and they are bowing to me while giving me money, I'm probably the first one to ever get that treatment, Oh and I also got a compass and food for 2 weeks from the people I saved

" Thank you for the money and it wasn't really anything, I just happened to pass by aha."

" Well since our job here is done we will not trouble you anymore." he didn't even finished his phrase that he was already getting on his ship with the pirates that got caught. Time for me to go away too I guess.

As I was ready to sail, I saw an old man coming here I didn't see him when I saved the hostages, probably one that got away, I don't know why but he gives of an aura of


" Can I help you ?"

" No, no my boy, you already did enough for us by saving this village, I have a gift for you take it."

He handed to me a small chest, I wonder what's inside it.

" Thank y-" Hey where did he go ? I didn't dream right, there was an old man here. Well I got a free gift guess that's something in exchange for my sanity let's see what's inside.



Inside it was a devil fruit, it looked like an apple, except it's color was Blue with spirals everywhere.

I guess that's something, but I don't want to eat it.. it would be stupid, a pirate that can't swim is a dead pirate, I'll wait till I get a crew member to save me when I drown." Thank you strange oldman"

--4 days later--

I got to the first city it's named castel-feu weird name right ? Anyway I docked ( excuse me for this weird word, I don't know if it's the correct word for a boat stationned in a port ) on a small spot, I need to buy food and ammo for my guns.

--1 hour later--

I brought everything I needed, My wallet is screaming at me some mean words Right now I'm sure.

Let's see, now I should probably go sleep a bit, after asking some direction I got to an inn named 'the small tiger' it's a cheap one but it's okay…

* bump * I bumped into a girl, she looks about 20 years old with Black hair and Green eyes.

" Oh sorry I didn't see you there !"

" It's okay, don't worry about it." and she ran off… guess she had something to do.

" HEY YOU, didn't you see a girl around 20 years old with Black hair?" Ah, she was getting chased by those weird guys, they look exactly alike all dressed in black with sunglassed and a scarf around the head.


" No I didn't, why did she do something wrong ?" let's ask you never know.

" It's not your business but yes, she owe us money, A LOT of money." so she owes them money, too bad I don't help those kind of people.

" Well sorry but like I said I didn't see her, If I do I'll come see you, Good day." and they went away like that, well let's go sleep I'm tir- huh that's strange I'm sure my wallet was here a second ago…


" ahahahahahaha, I will find you… you little prick, You don't mess with my wallet !"


–-??? P.O.V.--

I just got a chill running down my spine, probably someone I pissed off again… anyway how much is there in here…

– — ---

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