《Primordial Origins》Women are Scary...
Mark's POV
Mark: Here I am slaving away in the kitchen, while the others get to go out have fun touring the town.
I grumble to myself as I finish yet another dish, this time a stir-fried vegetable dish, depositing it onto the hot cart which will keep the food warm until they get back. In my unconscious actions, I had managed to fill six different carts; four hot carts and two cold carts; with a wide enough variety of dishes to fill a buffet for 40 people. I decided it would be fine if I stopped here. If there's any leftovers, we can give it to the servants in the house.
I washed my hands, finding a place to sit down as I waited for them to come back. It gave me time to think on different things.
Mark: Man, I am so screwed. First, I have no idea what Triple Threat told the race leaders about me aside from my special constitution. Second, I met the Princesses. They all seem nice and whatnot, but they are still Princesses. I sure as hell don't want to get involved in politics. Third, is what did Ana say about her situation?! Cecilia and Eva you can't really tell, but with Ana's size you could spot that she's pregnant in a heartbeat. Did she tell them the truth? Argh, I fell like I'm about to get fucked right now.
I heave a sigh as I close my eyes to rest. I turned my thoughts to different things.
Mark: Yuzu seemed like a cute girl though. She's also incredibly bright for her age. I'm sure her mother would be proud of her. Maybe a little afraid as well... Nah, mothers should love their children even if they were a bit different. Speaking of mothers, Triple Threat are going to become mothers in the near future. Five kids between the three of them, huh. I bet it'll be hell for them who are new to the thing to handle five kids. I have to wonder though if there would be something special about them. From what I saw, they seemed to have a powerful soul. Maybe there is something different about my kids. Still, I'm going to be a father...
I laugh at myself in this situation, finding it too out-there even for me.
Mark: How many nine year old kids can say they're fathers? How many nine year old kids could actually be fathers? It should be impossible shouldn't it? Yeah,... I'm definitely a strange one.
Mocking myself in my mind as I think about the situation I'm in, I don't realize the amount of time that has passed outside of my own thoughts until someone shakes my shoulder. It's the head butler.
Head Butler: They have returned. They are in the bath, taking their time washing themselves. They asked for the meals to be placed on the table so they can eat after they've finished.
I nod my head in understanding, telling the butlers and maids who are here to help what to do to ready the table.
Yuzu's POV
We had just finished taking a bath in the indoor sauna. We were making our way to the dining hall after dressing ourselves. We were wearing comfortable clothes that we could go to sleep in after dinner.
Before we even arrived, we were met with an appetizing aroma. It made all our stomachs grumble in anticipation. We hastened our footsteps, eager to reach the hall. We reached the door, opening it up quickly.
Inside was a lavish hall with a dining table which could seat 20+ people. On said table were many different meals, each of them carrying a salivating aroma. We stared at the various colorful dishes, from soups to salads, meat to fish, fruits to vegetable, hot to cold.
We couldn't wait to get started when we heard a voice call out from a side door that leads to the kitchen. We saw Mark carrying out a pot with steam coming out of it.
Mark: Oh, you're finally here? Thought the food was going to go cold. Make sure to save some room for dessert.
Mark called out. I heard an audible gulp come from each of our throats as our stomachs growled for sustenance. We ran, in my opinion ungracefully for who we were, for our seats. Plopping ourselves down as we asked about each dish and taking some from each one. We were enjoying the taste of the various dishes. Some of them were so spicy that we asked for milk. Others were sweet that it made our taste buds tingle. And then there were salty ones that made us crave more after the sweetness.
While this was happening, butlers and maids came out, asking for what we would like to drink and delivering it. They had also took our empty, dirty plates in front of us before placing a new clean one for us to use.
I was eating a spicy soup called gumbo that had pieces of crab in it with rice when I saw Mark leaning besides the kitchen door, directing the staff every now and then. In his hands he had a tiny glass of water. I saw he wasn't eating and called out to him.
Yuzu: Hey Mark, why aren't you eating?
Everyone stopped, looking up to see Mark as he stopped swirling the water in his glass. He looked up at me, my heart stopping for a moment.
Mark: It's not proper for me to sit with you to eat with the whole difference of stature and everything.
He replied bluntly. I pouted at his answer which caused him to shrug.
Mark: I'm not hungry anyway.
Yuzu: Why not?
Mark: I already ate.
Yuzu: When?
Mark motioned to the table with all the dishes on it.
Mark: I tried every single one of those. Gotta make sure they taste good or you guys would be pissed.
We looked at each dish.
Yue: Are you saying each one of these were sampled by you?
I thought of Mark trying each of these dishes I am eating right now.
Yuzu: Indirect kiss...
I repeated in my head. I looked at him, my face warming up. The other females at the table glared at him except for Aunty Cecilia, Ana, and Eva.
Mark: Don't look at me like that. I made sure to use a clean utensil each time.
Yuzu: Oh...
I replied.
He drank the water in his glass, making an expression.
Mark: Man you guys have some good alcohol here.
I heard him praise as he walked back into the kitchen, hearing him say the words 'you only need to set the top on fire'. I was confused by his words, but went back to enjoying the meal.
Once the main courses were done, he came out with different sweets, ranging from cookies to small cakes. There was even a jello that was on fire.
Mark: Enjoy, I'm tired and sweaty, so I'm going to go take a shower.
Most droned him out as they devoured the sweets.
I watched him leave the room, waiting for a few minutes, before excusing myself from the table.
Huntress: Make sure you brush your teeth properly and clean up.
Mother lectured, though the words were somewhat ironic with the crumbs from the cookies around her mouth.
Yuzu: I will mother.
I replied before leaving the room. I walked down the corridors, tracking Mark through his scent. Mother says that my sense of smell is leagues ahead of normal people. I remember it from the time we first met. People carry all sorts of scents that made me feel different things, but they each gave me a unique reaction. For example, Mother's was a calming scent. Mark's on the other hand, had a strange scent. His was more vague, as if mysterious, and poisonous. Extremely poisonous. Whenever I focused on his scent, I got all dizzy, making my head feel funny. As if the scent really was poisoning me. With a scent that made me feel like that, you would think I would stay as far away from such a person, but I only felt that I should get closer so I could learn to endure, maybe love, it.
Yuzu: After all, if you take enough poison and survive, you'll get an immunity to it. Then it won't hurt you anymore and you can love it without fear.
I followed his scent down various corridors, before stopping in front of a room. The scent led in here. I was careful I wouldn't walk in on him naked, so I focused my hearing to make sure he was in the shower. I heard the running of water and the sounds of clothes dropping to the floor. Next, there was the sound of footsteps and the sounds of water colliding with something that it wasn't hitting before.
Once I was sure that it was safe, I entered his room. Inside was a typical bed and nightstand with a lamp on it, the moon being the only thing lighting the room from the window. Across from the bed was a wooden dresser where his clothes was probably stored. A door on the left had light coming out from under it. I sat on the bed, waiting for him to finish.
I probably wasn't fully thinking when I waited for him. I didn't think of the scenario of him coming out of the bathroom with clothes missing or something.
Instead, I decided to think about what I would say to him.
Yuzu: Should I just confess to him about 'imprinting' and how I think I may have imprinted on him? Does he even know what 'imprinting' means? Argh, what should I do...?
I was so focused on what I was going to say to him that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, so I was surprised when I heard the door to the bathroom open. I looked up, to see Mark standing there,... and then some.
He had grey shorts on that reached a little lower than his knees, which was a little loose around the waist so the front sagged a little to show his boxer's waistband around him. That was it. He wasn't wearing a shirt or anything else. He was drying his hair, but his body was still wet slightly from the steam in the bathroom so there were droplets of water running down his body.
He paused mid-way through drying his hair when he came out and saw me sitting there on his bed. We looked at each other for a good moment, him looking like any girl's dream guy from what the other princesses talked about and me in my cute PJ's.
He made a funny look on his face.
Mark: Is this a test or something? If it is then how would I go about passing and how would I fail it?
I heard him mumble to himself. I didn't know what he was talking about, but I decided I would tell him my thoughts. I opened my mouth to tell him, when he stiffened immediately. He rushed over, grabbing me by the waist and throwing me further onto his bed.
Yuzu: Eep!
I was surprised at his actions and all I made was a small squeal when I landed near the bed post. He climbed onto the bed as well. He was on his knees, towering over me. This was the first time that I felt small. Not in the physical sense, but more in the mental sense that I would have nowhere to go if he didn't allow me to. He reached under me, holding me against his chest as he pulled the blanket so it covered the both of us so we couldn't be seen.
Yuzu: N-No way! A-Are we about to h-have sex?! But shouldn't that only happen when I'm older? Or does he like me as I am now? I-I don't know what to do. Should I let him take the lead. I-I'm scared. I-It's still my f-first time. I wonder if it'll h-hurt. I heard it does.
I think to myself as I prepare my resolve. If I was older, I probably would've thought how disturbing my train of thought was for someone my age, and I would know what I should do in a situation like this. Alas, I'm not that knowledgeable in such things as I am now.
He put his finger to his lips in a shushing motion. He put his arm underneath my head like a pillow as he hugged me like I was a body pillow as we laid down. My head was against his arm so I faced his muscular chest, still slick from the steam. I could smell his scent on him. I confess, I took some unneeded sniffs of him while we were in such an intimate embrace. The scent coming directly from the source made me feel funny, my head feeling dizzy as my mind started to go blank.
In the middle of my rapture, I heard the door open, freezing my actions. I sniffed the air, catching the scent of my mother.
Yuzu: Oh no! If Mother finds me here, she'd kill me!
I worried to myself as I held my breath so she couldn't hear me. I hadn't even thought she would be here for Mark instead. She walked up to the bed, shaking Mark.
Huntress: Hey, wake up. We need to talk.
Mark fake groaned, pretending to wake up. He complained a little before conceding.
Mark: Fine. Let me get dressed first. Get out of here.
Huntress: Why, you feeling shy?
Mark: I don't have a habit of strutting my stuff in front of a married woman. Unless your into such...
I heard mother exhale roughly, stomping towards the door. We waited for a few second, before moving. As he got up out of bed, I sat up as well to look at him. He motioned for me to be quiet once again. I saw a bubble pop up by his head with words, telling me that he doesn't know why I'm here, but asking me to return to my room once he and my mother leave.
Afterwards, he looked through the dresser, taking out a black tank top. He closed the dresser, putting his arms through the holes as he pulled it over his head and covering his chest. It still doesn't hide his muscular figure with such a tight shirt I thought as he walked back over to me.
He rubbed my head, his hand between my ears ruffling my hair softly. Whenever he does that, I feel like there are butterflies in my tummy. He leaned down to whisper.
Mark: Sorry you couldn't ask what you wanted to. I'll make it up to you later. I need to go with your mom or we'll both get in trouble.
He smiled to me after telling me those words and leaving the room.
Yuzu: I knew it. He wouldn't do anything weird at all. I knew I could trust him.
I smiled brightly as I thought that he cared for me. Something I was partially right about.
Yuzu: But wait, what does Mother need him for? Could she be suspicious of him since I had that conversation with her about 'imprinting'? If that's true, then this is my fault! I need to find out.
I decide in my heart as I sneak after them.
Mark's POV
I walked out of my room, seeing the Huntress across the door leaning against the wall. When she saw me walk out, she scanned my figure, surprise adorning her face when she saw me.
Huntress: You actually have a nice body.
Mark: I try to give the ladies nice eye candy to look at.
I joke, getting a snort in return. She walked down the corridor, me following beside her. She looked at me for a moment before letting it go. We walked in silence, the moon giving us enough light to see as it passed through the rows of windows. I looked out of the estate, gazing at the sprawling city that lit itself up at night. The silence was somewhat awkward between us, but we could do nothing about it. We didn't really have much to talk about with just each other.
This sparse silence gave me time to think about my midnight encounter with Yuzu. I thought she saw some interest in me when we first met, but that was it. I sure as hell didn't expect her to come to my room in the middle of night. I sure was surprised when I saw her sitting on my bed in her PJs. What in the world was she even there for? Even if she was bright for her age, she should know that entering a man's room at night is no good, right.
Mark: Let's say she didn't know, why was she there? Let's say hypothetically she knew about sex, and hypothetically she was interested in it? Why the fuck was she in my room? A little girl like her shouldn't know, much less act on such things at that age, no matter how sharp she was. Especially with how sharp she was. I can't come up with an answer. Was there a problem she needed help with? A bully? Who in the world is stupid enough that they would bully someone like her? Girl stuff? Hell if I kno- well I do know bout things like that- BUT she has a mother to talk to about such things! Boy things? No, that doesn't make sense...
While I pondered such intricacies in my life, I missed the Huntress looking at me every now and then. Her face looked like she had something she wanted to ask, but was trying to find a way to convey it. After a while, she spoke.
Huntress: Hey, what do you think about Yuzu?
I stumbled for a moment at her question.
Mark: Could she have something to do with Yuzu being in my room? No, let's not jump to conclusions.
I rearranged my thoughts before answering.
Mark: Sorry, it's dark and I stumbled a little. About Yuzu, huh. Well, she's a sharp girl for her age. She knew who adopted me when I gave her vague hints.
The Huntress smiled at my answer.
Huntress: Yeah, she is bright for her age. Sometimes a little too bright. Which causes... complications.
Mark: Well, you should be proud of her and raise her correctly. If you teach her right, she'll eventually catch on to said 'complications', and will be able to avoid them in the future.
The Huntress went silent at my words, taking a moment to reply.
Huntress: Yeah, maybe you're right. But when I was asking about my daughter, I meant in the more physical sense.
Mark: She seems like a little sister to me.
I reply instantly.
Mark: Don't want her thinking I see her daughter as a person of the opposite gender at her age or something.
I saw the Huntress's smile cramp at my reply.
Mark: Was my reply wrong or something...? Please don't tell me you're trying to set me up with your daughter at her age.
Huntress: Like a little sister huh?
She mumbled, going silent for the rest of the trip.
Finally, we arrive at a living room we passed on our way into the estate, which was quiet now, save for a few voices. She entered first, me following after. Inside was all the adults of the dinner they had tonight, drinking some wine. Everyone looked like they had a little bit too much, looking a little tipsy.
Empress: Ah, you're finally here. Please sit with us.
She smiled. I complied, taking a seat besides Triple Threat.
The Huntress sat down in her seat, the main actors for the night finally assembled. At least that was what I monologued in my head.
Sovereign: Now then, Mark can you tell us about your unique condition in detail?
She asks. I'm not sure how to reply, so I counter with a question.
Mark: May I know what they've told you about it so far?
I ask, motioning to Triple Threat.
Matriarch: They said that you have a mana core in your body.
I nod at her words.
Seer: We also know about that peculiar ability of yours. The one they say you call 'Devour'.
Mark: I see.
Empress: We would like to know more about this ability of yours.
Mark: Well, I can't really help you there. All I know is it is an innate ability of mine. That's about it.
Sovereign: Well, what can it do?
Mark: Um, it absorbs things?
Seer: Like...
She asked, rolling her hand, motioning for me to get on with it.
Mark: Everything?
Huntress: Is that a question or an answer?
Mark: Both?
I reply, trying to keep it as vague as possible. I don't want them to know the extent of my powers when even I don't know the extent of them..
Matriarch: Can you give us an example?
I look around for something to absorb, my gaze lying on a steel dagger on the Huntress's waist.
Mark: Can I see that dagger? You're not going to get it back though.
I ask, motioning to the Huntress. She looked at the dagger on her hip, thinking for a moment before unsheathing it, tossing it at me.
I say tossing to be nice, but she practically threw it at me. I caught it deftly with my left hand, twirling it to see the material it was made of. I heard a grunt coming from the Huntress, but decided to not say anything. After a moment of examining it, I held it in my hand, a black mist creeping out from my body to consume it. It took no less than a minute, the dagger completely gone from my hand.
Sovereign: Fascinating.
Empress, Yes, it has many useful applications.
Matriarch: Like hiding bodies.
After they went over the interesting points of my power that they could think of, they moved their attention to Ana.
Seer: So, Ana, are you finally willing to tell us who the father is?
She asked. The others leaning forward in anticipation.
Ana: Well, you don't really need to know. Isn't Mark's constitution more interesting?
Mark: Don't move the conversation back to me!
I yell in my head.
Mark: It's not that interesting.
Ana: Of course it is.
Mark: You're over-exaggerating.
Ana: Am not.
Mark: Are too.
Ana: Am not!
Mark: Are too!
Ana: AM NOT!
Mark: ARE TOO!
Race Leaders: Please! Silence!
They yell to get some semblance of control over the situation. Our childish bout of retorts ignored them, instead elevating to more sensitive remarks.
Ana: Mark is really nine years old this year!
She let the cat out of the bag now!
Mark: They're doing human experimentation! I'm a victim!
Ana: He's the father of the child!
Mark: They pumped me full of aphrodisiacs in the first place!
Ana: He also got Cecilia and Eva pregnant too!
The Race Leaders were flabbergasted at our retorts.
Mark: They're the ones who wanted kids!!!
Ana: Yuzu probably imprinted on a lecherous man!
Mark: How dare you bring the pure, innocent Yuzu into this!
I gasped at her accusation!
Mark: Ana and Cecilia are going to have twins!!!
I one-up her as I smiled smugly. Ana and Cecilia both hold their bellies in shock.
Mark: Wait, that makes my situation worse doesn't it?
I ponder to myself. All women in the room are glaring at me now. The alcohol probably didn't help with their thinking as they probably imagined me forcing myself on them.
Mark: So anyone got a stool and some rope or...
Huntress: What did you say?
She stood up slowly. I stand up as well, readying myself to run.
Mark: Maybe some poison or a blade to slit my thro-
I try to joke. She rushed towards me, causing me to back step out of her reach. Her hands caught air as she saw me a few feet away from her. A growl escaped her throat as she dashed forward once again. I repeated my actions, growing anxious.
The other race leaders had already taken action. They had surrounded Triple Threat, their hands clamping down on their shoulders so they couldn't escape.
Empress: We would like to have a little talk with you four about recent 'developments'.
I backed away slowly, the Huntress and the Empress closing in on me.
Mark: That sounded more like a threat rather than a request though.
She smiled sweetly. It looked so sweet that I bet it could kill diabetics.
Empress: Why, that's just how I talk.
Mark: If that's your way of talking, I wonder how you ever got on someone to trust you.
I laugh lightly as they moved ever closer. I looked around the room, formulating any escape plans I can put into action. I quickly narrowed them down to one, deciding to take it should I need to.
Mark: Now now, can't we just talk this out?
Huntress: Sure, I just want to check something real quick..
Mark: What's that?
She grinned wickedly at me.
Huntress: Nothing much, just your blood.
Mark: Mmm, yeah. That's gonna be a no.
Empress: Get him!
They both rushed at me, strengthen themselves with mana. I did as well, also transforming into my beastman form, rushing out through the window towards the forest. Surprise colored their face when they saw me rush out, my tails flicking in the night. They followed through the window, chasing after me.
I started to run through the forest, the two close behind me. I noticed that the Huntress's animal traits started to glow in the moonlight, her speed doubling.
Mark: That's no fair! I want extra racial power-ups!
I rant to myself as I darted between trees. Even with my enhanced traits, I couldn't shake them. Thankfully, they weren't attacking me, so I was somewhat able to dodge around each of their tries at nabbing me. I could see the coordination between these two, being able to cover each other's weak spots as well as following through with their next actions fluidly.
After half an hour of chasing, they started to employ magic. Sadly, since I can't use magic for the most part, I quickly became disadvantaged. Their attacks started to weaken me. Wherever I would go, earth spikes would pop out in front of me, controlling the directions I would go, while ice spikes were shot out at me. I thought they were trying to incapacitate me, but when I saw those spells go through trees and boulders, I quickly became demoralized.
Mark: Are you trying to kill me?
I shout out at them. All I got in response was a couple of ice spikes. I was sure that the alcohol they drank was inhibiting their thinking.
Mark: Wait, Yuzu's mom hadn't drank anything yet. That means she's doing this on purpose! She's just violent as is. What a frightening woman...
Soon after, there were numerous cuts on my body that I stepped at an awkward angle due to my fatigue. They made sure to capitalize on that, an ice spike shooting through my abdomen and an earth spike piercing through my right shoulder. They quickly reached me, incapacitating my arms behind my back as they hauled me up to walk, leaving the spikes in me.
Mark: You know you could've been gentler.
I grumble, getting a shove from the Huntress in response. We walked back to the estate, stopping at the courtyard. It took us two and a half hours to get back with my condition. The Empress went in to get the others so I don't dirty the floor, while the Huntress stayed behind to keep watch over me. We stood awkwardly together. Finally, she decided to break the silence.
Huntress: What do you know about 'imprinting'?
I looked at her with a glum expression. She merely glared at me in response. I decided to humor her, looking for any information in my head to respond to her.
Mark: It's something that a child does to it's mother, usually?
I suggest, getting that piece of info from something I read about animals.
Huntress: Specifically about the 'imprinting' for the beastmen race.
Mark: Oh, then nothing much. All I know is that it happens rarely to people. And sometimes never at all for the rest.
She explained to me about the different types of imprinting, but I have no idea where this conversation is leading.
Huntress: Understand?
Mark: Yeah, but what does this have to do with me?
Huntress: Are you stupid? Didn't you hear what Ana said to you when you were shouting at each other?!
I thought back on what she had said, the gears turning in my head. I swore I heard a gear click in my head and a lightbulb go off above me.
Mark: Oh, well we can't be sure.
Huntress: There is a way to check.
She said, walking in front of me.
Mark: Oh? How?
She grinned at me, pulling the earth spike out of my shoulder. She replaced it with her finger, jamming it in there roughly.
Mark: Argh, can you not!
Huntress: Don't cry.
Mark: It hurts, take it out.
Huntress: Sorry but I don't like pulling out. I'm already in too deep.
She joked, chuckling at her innuendo.
Mark: What do you know? Me too, that's how I'm going to become a father, but this situation is different!!!
Huntress: Don't be such a baby. Try to focus on better things. Like the love of your life.
Mark: Hm, you know I would, but it's hard when I have a chick this deep inside of me!
Huntress: Maybe you just need some practice. Come on, close your eyes and imagine your perfect woman.
There was a beat of silence.
Huntress: Well...?
Mark: I see Yuzu...
The finger that was already jammed deep inside of me started twisting in the wound adding nails to the equation, adding to the pain.
Huntress: Don't you know she just turned eight this year? I don't give a shit if you are really nine years old this year, your body sure as hell ain't.
She snarled at me. I retaliated by grabbing her head, rotating it so she looked behind her, where we saw Yuzu running up towards us.
Yuzu: Stop don't hurt him!!!
She shouted. She saw the ice spike sticking out of my stomach, her face paling as she rushed over even faster.
She pushed her mother out of the way, surprising her as she hugged me, practically tackling my stomach. I tasted something sweet come up my throat, arduously swallowing it back down so as to not worry Yuzu even more.
Yuzu: I'm so sorry!
Mark: There's no reason for you to be sorry.
I smiled calmly. She shook her head vigorously.
Yuzu: No, if I hadn't sneaked into your room, Mother wouldn't have gotten angry at you.
The Huntress's focus snapped back at me, murderous intent in her eyes.
Huntress: What?!
She hissed, a look of murder in her eyes. I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes, which admittedly was mostly boring with flashes of random images when I was drugged to high hell.
Mark: It's nothing, she just wanted to ask me something right, Yuzu?
I sweat dropped, while Yuzu nodded. The Huntress on the other hand licked the blood from her finger.
Mark: This situation is just too disturbing for that to seem erotic at the moment.
Huntress: Shut it, I'm just making sure about the imprint. Why the hell would you think it looks erotic anyway.
A flashback of Ana using her nails to slice my bottom lip while I was leaning back at an angle and watching as blood flowed down my chin and neck as it pooled at my collarbone before overflowing, which lead the blood down between my pectorals and into her eagerly awaiting mouth, lapping up the crimson liquid as it flowed on my abdomen. I shook my head from the sensual memory as I focused back on the task at hand.
Mark: It's not like we need more convincing right?
I asked, looking down at Yuzu. She was staring at the ice spike in my abdomen to the right of her face. When I looked back at the Huntress, she had a bewildered look on her face as she stared back at me with an unreadable expression.
Yuzu: Don't worry, mother taught me healing magic.
She said, yanking the ice spike from its place, a splurt of fresh blood decorating the right side of her face. She paid it no heed, focusing her magic powers to form a healing spell. It worked a little bit, but the blood still poured from the wound. I clenched my muscles, slowing the flow of blood down a little bit.
Mark: Yuzu, you should move away, you'll get dirty.
I chided, wiping the blood flecks from her cheek, which admittedly, only seemed to smear it more on her. She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes as she glared at her mother.
Huntress: She did imprint on you!
Mark: She did?!
I dramatized my words with a pose, my hand clenching over my heart.
Huntress: Look at what you did, you even made her shove and glare at me.
Mark: She's merely going through a rebellious phase.
I brush off her words.
Huntress: Because of you! If I had my way, I'd take your heart here and now!!!
Mark: You can't do that. You'd have to treat me nice. I want us to go slow at first. Compliment me and flirting would be nice. Maybe buy me some flowers for starters.
She glared at me.
Mark: Wine me, dine me. Expensive things to up your chances?
Her anger only held back by the little girl clinging to me in tears. The Empress was walking back over to us with the others, amused looks on their faces as they listened in on my words.
Mark: Hell, buy me a drink or two while sweet talking me. Then we could see where that takes us.
I chuckle, coughing out a little blood that hit Yuzu's clean cheek. I smiled at her, patting her head as she looked up at me with her tears mixing with my blood. I looked at the Huntress, slight guilt crossing her face when she saw me in pain.
Mark: Who knows, maybe you'll be able to get me on my back by the end of the night?
I heard a chuckle come from the approaching group. I wobbled on my feet, feeling dizzy from blood loss.
Mark: Or maybe just some extra holes in my body is all that's needed.
I mumbled, falling to the floor as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me gently, darkness taking me. The last thing I heard was someone calling out Alice.
Mark: Hahaha, down the rabbit hole we go...
Alice's POV
Empress: Alice!
I heard snapping me out of my trance as I caught him as he was falling, a guilty look on my face. I hadn't meant to be so aggressive, but the need to know whether or not he was imprinted on won over my common sense.
I laid him gently onto the floor as the others rushed over to see what was wrong. I pulled Yuzu away, where she wouldn't get in the way. She resisted me, but I kept telling her that he would be fine. She looked at me teary-eyed, a accusing expression on her face.
Yuzu: Why?
She sobbed. I held her close to my chest. She tried wriggling out of my grip, but soon stopped and just hugged me as she shook.
Alice: If he already has her this unstable, I pray for her well-being should something ever happen to him.
Once the sobs that wracked my daughter's tiny frame subsided, I held her at arms length, explaining what I could to her and telling her why we did what we did. In the middle of my explanation, they took Mark inside to be treated.
Once I finished my explanation, I could tell that even though we only did what we thought was right, she didn't agree to it but accepted nonetheless.
Yuzu: Well, can I visit him soon?
I thought of how to phrase my words to her before speaking.
Alice: Once he wakes up and we can question him, then you can. I promise.
She nodded her head, eyes still puffy from crying. Soon she slipped into peaceful rest, giving me time to think.
- In Serial69 Chapters
Kenosis of the Light Bearer
What does it mean to empty oneself of divinity? To give up that which makes you a God. That ruthless passion which permeates your soul, that undying fire that keeps you going. One man will find out what it means to lose everything as he goes from Mafia God to Slumdog. The story is set in the year 3000 and follows the reincarnation of Lucifer. A once strong and powerful Mafia God that reigned over Earth during the late 21st century. In this new world he must learn to adapt to the ways of its inhabitants and learn to control his ever growing abilities. This is a world where superhuman mutants, aliens, magic and a virtual reality game all coexist.
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Apocrypha of The Dead
For eons, the gods old and new waged a static war. As they could seize control of their own Fate, omnipotence was a matter of semantics and no single god or pantheon could gain dominion over another. A pact was made using grand Law magic to bind their Fates to that of mortals to wage their wars by proxy. Contracts signed between gods and mortals threatens the age-old stalemate, promising to bring real change to existence for the first time. A young man is offered such a Contract after his own murder to fight for an insidious god in another world. He must only sign away his name to agree and in turn gain another chance at life for both himself and his ailing brother. However, this new world proves deadly in its own right and worst of all something has messed with his Contract...
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Regarding The Life of A Certain Fallen Noble
.. ...Every paths leads to the same destination... Five Saints, five Kings, seven Sins. One entire plane in agony. ..Chaos must reign... In days long past, several Mage Kings cut a path of destruction everywhere they went. Cruel experimentation, the creation of monstrous creatures, the tearing apart of families and mass genocide...There were few crimes the mad Mage Kings didn't commit. As the Five Saints were summoned in desperation by the races of the world, everything was already at it's darkest hour. When the fighting was over, when the Mage Kings were gone and the Five Saints had returned to their planet of origin, a World Council was erected to keep the the delicate balance from falling apart. Many eras pass. Lyle Greyborne. Current heir to the powerful Greyborne family, the only son of Adarian and Alyssa Greyborne. With the maroon hair of his Greyborne ancestory and the exceedingly rare golden eyes of his mother's Bathory clan, Lyle's talents can only be described as terrifying. These, along with his personal status, make him desired by many. After a young Lyle begins a relationship with one Sophia Alderton, two years pass by. Then a lack of trust coupled with a certain misunderstanding leave the two estranged and left on a sour note. But Lyle even still retains his friendship with Cecelia, Sophia's sister. With Cecelia, his loving sister Iris and Melanie--A young woman who recieved his aid some time ago--Lyle is content to pass the days in peace and idleness. Well, when he's not completing harsh missions from his combat instructor, that is. But this peace is ruined when Lyle's father tells of a mysterious group hell-bent on causing war between the human and demon continents. Later, when his father involves him and his sister in an incident resulting in Iris being put in mortal danger, Lyle makes a decision which could very well cost him not his life... but instead his soul. His status, his loved ones, his dignity as a human being... All these may soon be lost. His life isn't his own. Not anymore. He can only brace himself for the things to come and hope he makes it out with his sanity intact. ******************* EDIT- Author Note: Another thing, the cover photo is not mine. Obviously. It's just a picture I found one day at DeviantArt and thought that the two shown in the picture looked like how I imagined Lyle and another character to be. Simply put, it was convenient in various way and I also loved the art. From my understanding is is from a collaboration between artists Chocobikies and Pinlin. Here is a link to where I found the original http://pinlin.deviantart.com/art/Linked-456655669
8 137 - In Serial85 Chapters
Multi-Track Mages Down Under series - Sisters of Rail, Daughters of Titans
A railpunk serial. Book 1: Sisters of Rail Join farmgirl Charity Wilison on a magic and steam powered adventure as she attempts to flee the demons of her past and present. Her life continually runs further off the rails, yet she can never really escape them. Also available on my website at https://crashsnowdon.com/fiction/sisters-of-rail/ Book 2: Daughters of Titans Now in progress, see prelude chapter for synopsis. Also on my website at https://crashsnowdon.com/fiction/daughters-of-titans/
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9:28 PM+82 XX XXXX YYYY:[sent you two images]9:29 PM+82 XX XXXX YYYY:you like that, baby? 9:34 PM+82 XX XXXX YYYY:wait...shit.wrong number.BLACKPINK's Lisa puts herself in a sticky situation when a text meant for Chaeyoung ends up being sent to BTS' Jeongguk. On accident. What the text contains, you may ask?Her nudes. ━ idolverse ━ idol!liskook━ romance, pining, fwbH I G H E S T R A N K I N G S#1 in LIZKOOK#1 in BLACKBANGTAN
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❝ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐃 ❞ ༄ *:✧・゚reality is all around us, so we sometimes forget what a frail thing it can actually be.𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈. the titan's curse𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈. the battle of the labyrinth𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈𝐈. the last olympian𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐕. the lost hero𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐕. the mark of athena𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐕𝐈. the house of hades𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐕𝐈𝐈. the blood of olympus𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. the aftermath[extended summary inside][oc x ?]
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