《Primordial Origins》Meet the Family
Mark's POV
We paled in unison at his words. In my case, I can already imagine myself on the chopping block with the executioner's axe raise up high in the sky, awaiting the order to do what Triple Threat's family thinks should be done to someone like me.
Mark: One moment!
I called out to the driver. I pulled our heads together in the carriage so we can keep our voices to a whisper.
Mark: Okay, you three figure out what the story is you're going to give them, and I'll play along. Capiche?
I whispered to them. They nodded their heads, whispering quietly to each other while I opened the door to get out. What came into view was a grand estate with its white marbled walls and tall glass windows. It was surrounded by a luxurious lawn with all sorts of vegetation decorating the place. I saw trees and flowers of all different kind scattered around the estate. In the center of the estate where our carriage was parked, was a fountain with a statue of five women standing together, water spraying outwards against the sunlight to create a beautiful scene.
After taking in the view, I turned my head to the driver.
Mark: Thank you for taking us here.
I thanked him, to which he nodded to tend to the horses while I waited for Triple Threat to finish their discussion. Afterwards, they stepped out of the carriage, wearing causal clothes which somehow made them look good. I remind myself that I've only ever seen them in lab coats or naked. I looked at them, and saw a resolute look in their eyes. I decided they knew what they were going to tell their family, so I didn't interrupt them.
We walked slowly towards the entrance, myself several steps behind them like an actual butler. We came up on grandeur double doors which opened noiselessly by two servants. Inside was a lavish foyer you'd expect from an estate like this. Inside were servants lined up leading to a staircase which branched off to different paths leading up spiral staircases. At the top of the stairs were seven women that had a domineering aura. They felt like they were used to being in power and they knew how to use it. They looked down at our group, their expressions softening up as they saw the three in front of me.
From my position, I could guess who they were. Each of them had traits of their own respective races. The only surprise was they looked much younger that I had anticipated. The Human Sovereign had motherly figure with gold hair and warm green eyes. The Demon Empress had what I would call a dynamite figure with blood red hair and amber eyes with black horns protruding from her forehead. The Dwarf Matriarch seemed to be a voluptuous loli with black hair and sharp grey eyes. The Elven Seer was what I would expect from an typical elf, a graceful figure with green hair and silver eyes. The Beast Huntress had a more toned but still alluring body with white hair and sapphire blue eyes, traits showing that she was of the fox tribe.
I saw the Huntress stiffen up immediately. Her eyes staring into mine as she saw me. I didn't know what it was about, whether she recognized me from somewhere, which should be impossible because I've never left the facility I was living in. I blew off thinking about it for now, deciding to ask about it later if I remember.
Mark: I know that this world is ruled with women being the superior gender and everything, but there has to be a limit on the amount of powerful women I have to get involved with.
I mentally sigh to myself at my misfortune as I heard the Empress.
Empress: Leave us!
She ordered, the servants bowing, before taking their leave. I tried to do the same to get out of the room, but Eva caught my arm.
Eva: Except for you. We still need to introduce you.
I felt a cold sweat run down my back as I noticed the race leaders' gazes fall unto me. I turned around, bowing to Eva which caused a small smirk to rise on her face, before taking my place slightly behind the three once again.
The seven women descended the stairs every step was graceful, yet held no excess movements nor openings for people to attack at. All their positions covered each others' blind spots, as if they've been working together for years. Something I wouldn't doubt. We walked towards them, meeting them half-way in the foyer.
Seer: Ana!!
The Seer called out, running up to give Ana a tight hug. Ana reciprocated, but kept some distance at her midsection, something that didn't go unnoticed by the race leaders. Eva went and hugged the Dwarven Matriarch, while Cecilia chatted with the Huntress and Empress.
Mark: Is that why Ana is able to get a piece of the World Tree? Also what's with this weird combination of relationships? Maybe some of them are adopted or something?
The Seer turned her head towards Eva, Empress turning to Ana, and Sovereign turning to Cecilia. I could practically cut the tension in the room.
Seer/Empress/Sovereign: Sister...
Mark: Or it's because of some kind of complications that have to do with their relationships...
I think to myself. I decide quickly not to pry. I know not to ask about things unrelated to me.
Cecilia: It's so good to see you guys in the flesh. You look like you haven't aged a bit. Don't look a day over 30.
She cuts in, diffusing the tension in the room.
Huntress: Well, it's since we're the strongest in our countries, we've been able to stay young with the purification of the mana in our body.
Mark: So that's why they look so young even though they're probably a lot older.
I thought to myself silently. I noticed a silence, the women in the room glaring at me.
Empress: You thought of something rude just now didn't you?
Mark: Women's intuition is a frightful thing.
I felt their gaze intensify at my silent remark. I bowed to her with my reply, hoping I don't anger them further.
Mark: I wouldn't dare think of such things.
I replied resolutely, waiting for their judgment.
Seer: So who's this?
She asked playfully to ease the tension in the room that popped up once again. She walked around me, running her gaze over me, sizing me up. I felt like I was a slab of meat waiting to be devoured by carnivores though.
I was about to reply, but Eva interrupted me.
Eva: We'll tell you guys about him over lunch.
She persuaded. The others nodded.
Mark: Well then, if you allow me, I'll excuse myself.
I bowed before trying to back away. My escape plan was foiled by the Sovereign and Empress. They wrapped their arms around mine, Sovereign to my left and Empress to my right. It would've felt nice if this was a regular situation, but it was definitely not. Especially when these powerful people are right next to you and two of them are holding you from escaping with a vice-like grip.
Sovereign: What are you talking about, you should escort us to our location like a gentleman. Let's say, the veranda outside?
The women nodded their heads, joining us in our departure.
Empress: Yes, we also need someone to serve us for the time being.
I was silently crying on the inside, wishing I was back in the experimentation facility.
The race leaders and Triple Threat were catching up on each others' lives as well as recent events. I, on the other hand, was serving them. I quickly learned where the kitchen was and the types of snacks they enjoyed.
I had just returned from my fifth snack run in the past two hours. I know it may be a stereotype that women like sweets, but this is ridiculous. I mean I can get behind the idea that they may be hungry from their trip over, but come on.
While I was taking their empty plates, I swore so much in my head then and there that I swear if I had used the speech bubble app, they would've been blinded after hearing Eva's comment.
Eva: Mark is also a great cook. When we first had his cooking, we were skeptical, but now he is the one who prepares all our meals. You guys have to try his cooking.
Huntress: Is that so? Well, maybe we'll have him cook for us this evening? Anyone objects?
I pleaded in my heart, but life was cruel and it was set in stone that I would be worked to death.
Matriarch: Who is Mark to you guys anyway?
Mark: Oh so now you focus on me?
Matriarch elbowed me in the gut, getting a small grunt in return. I turn to smile at her, which was returned with narrowed eyes.
Mark: May I ask what that was for?
Matriarch: I had an urge to hit you. Did you think something?
Mark: I think about many things.
I reply vaguely, taking the dishes to the kitchen as their gazes were on my back.
Sovereign: So who is Mark to you three exactly?
Ana: Mark is our adopted son!
I heard from behind me as I left. I shook to my very core, thinking they were talking about me with no way to defend myself.
I had just left the dishes in the kitchen, grabbing a fresh pot of tea and coffee as I was working my way back to the veranda. As I was walking to the veranda, I heard a voice coming from around the corner singing.
???: Pomf Pomf, Kimochi
Mark: What the hell?
I thought to myself as I waited around the corner for her to pass so we don't run into each other.
???: Everyday pomf, every time is pomf, I wanna ride on nii-chan all day long.
I stiffened at the lyrics after listening to it. I had no idea what to say. I have no idea if the girl singing is an influential person or not. I would be lying if I wasn't surprised at the song she was humming, as well as where she had heard it.
???: Everyday pomf, every time is pomf. There's no way that thing will fit. I'll endure it.
She continued on as she passed me. I stood stock still, waiting for her to pass, but fate had other plans. She noticed me at the last moment, stopping her stroll as she looked at me. We gazed at each other for a moment. I sure as hell wasn't going to start the conversation due to the most recent development.
Mark: Oh, fuck. What is up with my luck with women. I can't even tell anymore if my luck with them is good or bad. It can't be a coincidence.
???: You were listening to me singing...
The girl mumbled. She had red hair, with amber eyes gazing upwards at me. She looked to be about twelve years old. She didn't even try to ask me, she just straight out accused me.
Mark: I knew it, don't get involved with a girl like her. She's too strong-willed to listen to someone like me and she'll just make my life more complicated.
I was about to deny it, but she interrupted me.
???: Hey, why were you listening to me?
Mark: I-
???: Did you like the song? The lyrics?
My face made a goldfish expression.
Mark: What the hell is this girl saying?!
???: Hey, do you want to be my onii-chan?
Mark: Why do I get the feeling of deja-vu? No! Focus Mark! Focus!
???: I know six other girls aside from me who would like an onii-chan like you...
She continued. My eyes bulged at her words.
Mark: Six others?! That means there are seven of them! It definitely isn't a coincidence. Someone is messing with me. I am sure of it!
???: Hey, come meet them.
She asked, holding out her hand for me to take. I have to refuse.
Mark: I'm sorry ojou-chan, but I must be off.
???: If you don't, I'll scream-
Mark: So, where are they at?
I acquiescence as I help her gather the things she was looking for.
Mark: Why me...?!
Yuzu's POV
Yuzu: I'm bored. I can't relate to the other girls because I'm younger than them. They talk about complicated stuff and then about things like boys they find interesting. I just don't get it. Boys are annoying. They always try to flatter me just because I'm a child so they can suck up to my mom. Even some girls are the same.
I sigh quietly as the others gossip while Yue went to get some snacks for us.
Yuzu: At least when it comes to the other princesses, I'm able to talk with them as equals. Even if I can't enter some of their conversations.
I pout to myself as I watch the door to see if something interesting strolls in. Lo and behold, something does, causing my tail and ears to flicker in excitement.
Yue walks in with nothing in her hands.
Yuzu: This should be good.
I laugh in my head as I watch the scene unfold before I freeze. I stare at a young man behind her.
Mark's POV
The Demon Princess known as Yue walks out onto a patio. Inside I can hear the sounds of girls talking.
Mark: Oh god...
???: Yue! Where's the snacks?
Yue: Don't worry, I got some help from my onii-chan.
Mark: Don't introduce me with a comment like that!!!
I scream in my head. I walk through the door, spotting six other girls. Their ages range from 11 to 13, aside from the Beast Princess. She looks to be about eight years old. They each take after their respective mothers in terms of looks.
Mark: Wait, I shouldn't make assumptions. Just look at their mothers. They could actually be older than they look.
Little Sovereign: Hey, when did you get such a cool onii-chan?!
Mark: Please don't write me off as her nii-chan so quickly.
I tsukkomi in my heart. The five girls aside from the youngest mob me. I causes me to raise my hands so they don't knock over the plates.
Princesses: Be my onii-chan instead. (x5)
Mark: I'd rather not be anyone's onii-chan!
I retort in my heart as they started grabbing my limbs to get a hold on me. Some even started to swing on my arms.
Mark: Please stop.
I ask politely. They go quiet at my request.
Yue: Are you ordering us?
Mark: Don't twist my words like that!
I scold her mentally.
Mark: No, I just need some space so I can set down your snacks.
I reply respectfully. They pout at my reasoning, but let go. I sigh in my mind, thankful for the space as I walk over to the table they were sitting at to place down their snacks. The only one left sitting there was the young Beast Princess who looked at me with inquisitive eyes.
I give her small smile in hopes to keep her silent. The other girls return to their seats as I stand a ways away from them to introduce myself.
Mark: Greetings, Princesses. My name is Mark and I had accompanied the R&D Society leaders here to meet with your mothers.
Little Matriarch: Hey, why do you know we're princesses?
She asked me. I smiled at her to ease her caution.
Mark: I know because I was serving your mothers' tea party when Princess Yue here 'asked' me to accompany her.
The Little Leaders nod their heads in understanding. It'd be hard to say differently with how similar they look to their mothers.
Mark: May I know your names?
If I recall correctly, the ruling family takes the name of their continent as their last name.
Little Sovereign: Ally Ordaxth.
Little Empress: You already know mine. Yue Mortem.
Little Matriarch: Milly Movtibus.
Little Seer: Kali Sylvium.
We turned our attention to the last person. I noticed she was still watching me even while we were introducing ourselves.
Mark: And your name would be...?
I ask politely as she kept staring at me.
Kali: Hey Yuzu?
Kali shakes Little Huntress/Yuzu's shoulder, snapping her out of her stupor.
Yuzu: W-What?
Kali: Mark was asking you for your name.
Yuzu: O-Oh...
She mumbled to herself quietly.
Yue: Don't mind her, she's usually shy. Sorry about dragging you here, I just didn't want to carry all that stuff myself.
I nodded at Yue's words. I told them they could continue their conversations while I tried talking to Yuzu. They nodded, going back to gossiping about various things while taking quick peeks at me.
I walked over to Yuzu, causing her to freeze up. I knelt by her side so I could see her easier.
Mark: Hi, my name's Mark. I'm... sorta like an adopted son of Triple Threat.
She looked at me, a quizzical look in her eyes.
Yuzu: Triple Threat?
I laughed lightly, scolding myself for the slip of the tongue.
Mark: Sorry, I meant of the people your mother is meeting with at the moment.
Yuzu: Oh, you mean Auntie Cecilia, Ana, and Eva.
I gave her a surprised look, not expecting her to know who they were with such a vague hint.
Mark: Yup, I came with them, but ended up playing butler.
She giggled at that, making me glad she was opening up to me a little.
Yuzu: They must make your life difficult.
I laughed at her comment, patting her head.
Mark: Oh you have no idea.
She froze when I started to pat her head. I pulled back immediately, giving her an apologetic look.
Mark: Sorry, was that too much?
I chuckle nervously as I rub the back of my head with my hand.
Mark: Or racist? Would that count as racism? Petting a beastmen?
She shook her head, her cheeks taking on a pinkish hue.
Yuzu: Mm-hmm, I was just surprised. Only mommy does that to me.
I scratched the back of my head awkwardly.
Mark: Sorry if that was too personal. It felt natural for me to do. Like I've done that forever.
Her expression quickly turned back to confused.
Yuzu: I thought you were adopted by the Aunties? I've never heard of you until today, so that means they must've kept you locked up without you meeting anyone. How would you have felt like you've done that before?
Once again, I was astonished at this girl's deductive prowess.
Mark: Smart girl aren't you.
I joked, pinching her nose lightly as I shook her head sideways. She giggled at my actions, pulling my fingers off her nose. I pulled close to her ears, so I could whisper in them. She mistook my actions, her face growing redder as I approached.
Mark: I'll let you in on a little secret. I have amnesia, so I don't remember most of my life before I was taken in. Only bits and pieces. One thing I remember was six names: Aurora, Dawn, Fate, Death, Karma, and World-chan.
I told her before leaning away from her She gave me a funny look.
Yuzu: Those last four names don't really sound like names. They sound more like things that governs our world, aside from the last one.
I smiled at her inwardly praising her for her views on such things in this world at such an age.
Mark: True, but I can't help it. I feel like one or more of those people I just named was like a little sister to me. Sorta like how you would be.
She smiled back at me.
Yuzu: Yeah, you give off the feeling of a big brother figure. You seem like you'd be an onii-chan I'd like to have.
I looked around the table, making sure the others weren't focusing on me. I got a few inquisitive gazes.
Mark: It's nothing, just checking to make sure that none of you need me to refresh your drinks or anything.
They looked at me for a moment, before going back to the conversation.
I turned back to Yuzu, giving a wry smile before whispering.
Mark: If I had to choose, I'd like to have you as a little sister. Especially one so bright for her age.
I teased, enjoying her cute expression before standing up.
Mark: Yup, cuteness is justice...
I laugh in my head as I announced to the group.
Mark: Now then, I must be getting back to your mothers. They'd kill me if they found out that I was spending time with their daughters.
They all pout before looking up, their faces turning pale. I pondered what could've gave them such an expression.
Huntress: You're wrong on that account. We wouldn't kill you, we'd drag out your suffering.
I heard a voice from behind me threaten. My face paling alongside the princesses. I turned around in a fluster, seeing the race leaders as well as Triple Threat standing in front of the door leading inside.
Seer: Look at you, getting all chummy with our little girls. Planning on seducing any of them?
I laugh nervously, receiving their glares.
Mark: I wouldn't be so bold...
Sovereign: That's a shame. We'd love for you to marry one of our daughters and be our son-in-law. Especially after learning of your unique... constitution.
I get even more uncomfortable at their comments.
Mark: It's a little early to be thinking about things like that isn't it? Especially in front of said *cough* daughters *cough*.
They merely smirked at my reaction.
Mark: So, now that lunch is over, what will be next in the agenda?
I inquired, changing the subject.
Cecilia: Well, we are going to go visit the new things that have popped up since we've last met, along with the Princesses. You on the other hand will start preparing dinner for us.
I sigh at her words.
Mark: Fiiiine...
I accept dejectedly as I made my way to the kitchen.
Yuzu's POV
We were currently taking multiple carriages to various sites to see. I was in the carriage with my mother and Auntie Ana. They were talking about various things I wasn't interested in, so currently I was watching the scenery pass by us.
My ears did perk up when I heard mention of a name.
Huntress: I have to admit, I never thought of you to take up child raising to an age like Mark's, much less actual bearing one.
Ana: Well, you know us, always interested in different/interesting things.
Huntress: Still, you three are keeping your mouth shut on the juicy details. Who's the father? Come on, you can tell me. It's just me and my baby girl here.
I saw Aunty Ana shift uncomfortably in her seat through the corner of my eye.
Ana: We told you, we'll tell you after dinner.
My mom pouted at her answer, definitely unsatisfied but willing to overlook it for now.
Huntress: Fine then. What about Mark? Are you telling the truth about his special condition?
My attention was fully focused now.
Yuzu: Mother, what do you mean special condition?
Mother looked at me awkwardly, not wanting to answer, probably because it was important.
Huntress: I can't really tell you about it, Yuzu. If you want to know about it, then you have to ask Mark or one of your Aunts who raised him about it.
It was my turn to pout at her answer. She knew I definitely wasn't satisfied with such an answer. We had a little staring contest, but she won in the end, so I decided to change the topic.
Yuzu: Fine then. What about imprinting then?
Mother looked surprised at the sudden change of topics on my inquiry.
Huntress: Why do you want to know about such things? Did you...?
I thought about it for a moment before shaking my head.
Yuzu: I'm not sure. That's why I'm asking about it.
Huntress: Well...
My mother tried starting, but her words got caught in her throat. Ana commented from the side.
Ana: Fascinating, that expression looks exactly like the one my parents gave when they tried to explain to me about the 'birds and the bees'.
Mother glared at Aunty, before turning her attention back on me.
Huntress: Well, imprinting is something that only happens to few people. There are different types of imprinting that may change as you get older. The youngest/earliest kind is one when you're young and you imprint on someone older than you. This kind of imprinting is like when a baby sees its mother for the first time. It can also happen to someone you see as a figure you know 100% you can trust unconditionally. Another kind is the imprinting of the romantic kind, where you see someone and there's just something about them that draws you to them, sometimes so bad that it hurts to be away from them. The first kind of imprinting can evolve into a romantic kind, but it can't happen vice versa.
Yuzu: Is there any way to check if someone has been imprinted on and who did it?
Mother looked at me uncomfortably.
Huntress: Well, there are ways, such as someone like me who's lived long enough and is knowledgeable in such things to check the imprinted person. Then I can tell whether or not they have been imprinted on and by who.
I pondered for a moment before replying.
Yuzu: Hypothetically, if I meet someone and I didn't imprint on them the first time, could it happen later on?
Various emotions flickered across Mother's face, before she returned to looking calm.
Huntress: Well, in the romantic imprint, no. The only exception is if that person later becomes imprinted in a trusting sort of way, which could then mature into the romantic version.
Yuzu: I see...
Huntress: Why the sudden interest in such things?
I smiled brightly at her.
Yuzu: No reason!
I lied, my mind trailing back to my first meeting with Mark. I failed to catch the expression on Aunty Ana's face.
Sorry about not updating for a while. My laptop died and then my charger's wire got fucked up, so it took a while for me to post this chapter.
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