《Primordial Origins》I'm Fucked!
Mark's POV
I awoke to the musky scent of sex clogging my nasal passages. I opened my eyes to find Triple Threat cuddling against me, the four of us completely naked. I saw various kinds of dried fluids covering our bodies and the floor. Sweat, cum from the four of us, even blood. I'm only unsure which parts of it was from their deflowerment and which was from the bites caused by Ana and myself. I recalled the memories of last night, only I had no control over my body at that time. I could only watch and feel as my split personality took over.
Mark: Ugh, so that's what happened.
I groaned as I sat up, Ana falling lightly from by chest and into my lap. The three of them stirred slightly, blinking the sleepiness from their eyes as they finally recalled what happened last night. They looked over at me in embarrassment.
Mark: Oh, so now you feel embarrassed.
I chastised them. They looked surprised that I was talking normally.
Mark: It's not like I'll go back to using the speech bubble app unless its for shits and giggles. You've already heard my voice, doesn't really matter anymore. The novelty would wear off after a while anyway.
I sighed. I got up, leaving for the bathroom to wash off the results off our night of sex. Before I could leave, Ana ran up to me, jumping towards me. I caught her, embracing her as she kissed me.
Her tongue danced alongside mine, the taste of sweet cum and metallic blood filling my mouth. She pulled away.
Mark: How did you like the taste?
I asked. She smiled deviously.
Ana: Loved it. It was sweet.
Mark: Which liquid?
Ana: Both.
I guess she tasted blood differently from me. Cecilia and Eva walked up to me.
Cecilia: So what does this mean for us?
She asked. I thought for a moment, before deciding.
Mark: Nothing much has changed. Just whenever I feel the need to have some fun I'll sleep with one or more of you for the night. We both get something out of this arrangement. You guys can come to me if you want something as well.
I answered truthfully. I saw a small look of disappointment flash across their face, but didn't say anything. I wasn't going to get into a relationship with them, and they should've known that after everything they've done to me. I don't mind being used as well to get some relief.
I let Ana down, leaving for the bathroom to wash up. They didn't bother me about it as well for the moment. I left to clean myself from our night of lovemaking.
As I felt the warm water wash over me, I noticed that the split personality of mine was a lot quieter than normal, probably happy it could have some fun as well. He'll probably be back to influencing me a little bit later.
I came out of the washroom wearing the typical white clothes I always wore here. I went to the kitchen to cook something to eat. I saw the three of them sitting at the table, reading something on their PWC. They looked up at me for a moment, their gazes a more compassionate than they used to be. I looked over at them, noting that down before they looked away.
I started on a pot of coffee before moving to the fridge to get different ingredients to use for breakfast. I've gotten into the habit of preparing our lunch and dinner a year or two prior. It gives me something to do aside from looking through the internet in my free time. I made a quick simple breakfast of bacon, sausages, toast, hash browns, and omelets for the four of us. I made the omelets specialized to the four different tastes.
I served them breakfast before sitting down myself. We ate quietly, small conversation going back and forth between the scientists as they talked about work stuff. I droned them out, thinking back to the previous day.
It was a great day in my opinion. I finally got to get some experience against another race, as well as finding out I can get some traits from them along with the mana that makes them up, and even got to have some raunchy fun with Triple Threat.
Mark: Oh yeah, that reminds me...
Eva looked up from her PWC.
Eva: Hm?
Mark: Do I get to kill someone again today?
Ana answered for me.
Ana: No, we can't have people shipped to us every day. It'll probably be a weekly thing.
Mark: Aww, I wanted to kill more.
I pouted.
Cecilia: Well, why don't you run away, then you can kill all you want until you are caught.
The three of them snickered, knowing that they're base is guarded to this world's utmost ability.
Mark: I'm working on it.
I grumbled, causing the three of them to look at me with piercing gazes.
Ana:: What do you mean?
She questioned, the other two now focusing their attention on me.
Mark: Anyways, how strong was that vampire? Like in terms of an adventurer or something in this world.
They glared at me for a few moments before sighing, knowing I wouldn't answer their question unless I wanted to.
Eva: He would've been at the B-rank level.
I pondered their words for a moment, thinking about the fight I had yesterday. In terms of physical capabilities I was leagues above him, but magic gives rise to challenges. Luckily, he only used it straightforwardly, but the use of magic can create many different and unique situations. Had he set traps or used various detrimental magic to lower my combat ability, then it would've been a slightly more difficult fight.
Mark: I see...
I reply. I decide to dedicate training to getting used to my body when I augment it with mana, as well as fine-tuning the amount of mana I strengthen myself with so as to not waste it. I also think about getting a personal weapon for myself to use.
Mark: What's the best thing that can be made into a weapon with great mana efficiency?
I ask them. I know about various ores and other items used to create weapons, but I don't know the best one for mana consumption.
Ana: Any of the races.
Ana jokes grimly. I chuckle as well, playing along her joke.
Mark: Yeah, but I can't make hand held weapons out of them. Wait! Maybe I can? I could rip their bones from their body and carve them into...
I go off on a spiel, getting grim looks from the three.
Cecilia: Wait! Wait! Don't go carving up people for experimentation to see whether or not you could do that.
I stare blankly at her.
Mark: Are you guys qualified to tell me something like that?
I mock playfully, going back to my thoughts as Eva chimes in.
Eva: Well, the best material I can guess is wood from the World Tree.
I stare at her in surprise. I grab her hand across the table, surprising her.
Mark: Can you get me a piece that is 3 feet long and as straight as possible for making a weapon?
I ask her.
Eva: I can't, but Ana can!
She exclaims, surprised at my outburst. I was confused for a moment when I heard that an elf so far up the food chain like her can't get a branch from the World Tree, but a vampire like Ana can. I turn to Ana with hungry eyes, causing her to shiver.
Ana: W-Why should I?
She asks flustered at my response.
Mark: I want to create a weapon from it.
I answer her with fervor, never breaking my gaze from hers.
Ana: W-Well what's in it for me?
Mark: Anything you want that I can give you.
She pondered for a moment.
Ana: I'm not sure what I want, but once I know, I'll tell you, deal.
Mark: Deal!
I agree instantly.
Eva: What happens if she asks for a kid?
Mark: She better learn about child-bearing then. And that I would be gunning for a girl.
I answer her question. A chair screeches backwards, falling against the floor.
Cecilia: Wait, you mean you'll give us a kid?!
Mark: Sure, just remember, you can't really put the kids through what you did for me. I only survived because of my ability.
I shrug. I can't really stop them from doing these experiments, but I can caution them.
Mark: But your kid may just be a normal kid. Nothing special about them. Also, I have no idea if you'll be able to take the mental stress of actually experimenting on your kid, someone who you carried in your womb, gave birth to, was at one point a part of you. Maybe it'll drive you mad.
I warn them before leaving for the training room to practice.
Mark: Plus, I just might decide to get some revenge if you do hurt the little munchkins.
A week had passed and now I was finally able to fight another person. I was eagerly awaiting my next opponent, wearing gloves with claws for nails and metal boots with sharp edges at the heel. While I waited, I was practicing forms when the door opened.
I saw the figure of a female woman with the same clothes I have on. On the top of her head, there were two cute ears and a fox tail behind her.
Mark: Oh my god!
I shout, shaking the woman from her fake nervousness.
Woman: Y-Yes?
Mark: Can I touch your tail and ears?
I ask with my eyes locked onto her tail and ears. She shivers from my hungry look, no doubt wary of me now.
Woman: N-No...
She gets out, but I've already droned her out, approaching with my hands outstretched, fingers moving in anticipation to the feel.
She frowns at my actions, jumping backwards with her innate natural strength. I followed after her, speeding myself up to get behind her. She crashes into me, turning in shock.
My hands had already grasped her tail though, thoroughly stroking the soft fur with my hand against my cheek while my other hand caressed her ears, getting a growl of pleasure in response.
She stops herself mid-purr, jumping backwards. I chase after her every step of the way, never stopping from feeling her. After a while, she shouts at me with a blushed face.
Woman: Can you stop that?! We need to fight if I have any hope getting out of here!
Mark: But I wanna touch you more...
I state with a drooling face as I start to approach her once more. She backs away, casting a fire wall to surround her while ice spikes shoot out towards me.
I frown, bringing up my hands smash or knock aside her attacks.
Mark: You're no fun...
I pout.
Mark: Anyway, why are you locked up?
She looks at me strangely, before answering.
Woman: I went on a killing spree with my hubby.
I nod at her words.
Mark: Sounds nice.
I compliment sincerely. She looks at me even more strangely now.
Woman: What? Having a hubby?
Mark: No, well maybe? But I digress, I meant getting to kill anyone you want. I've been locked up here ever since I was born. I want to get out there and kill people when I want to. Of course without getting in trouble. Being allowed to kill while being free would be awesome!
I inform her, side-stepping the blades of wind coming from behind me. I wonder if that answer came from Enigma though... stuff to ponder.
Woman: You're a weird one...
I snorted at her comment, retorting with one of my own.
Mark: You're one to talk. I haven't even seen you attack me physically. Isn't your race physically stronger than all the others, and yet you use magic as your main source of damage.
She shrugged at my comment. I approached her weaving through the various spells she sent at me. I caught an earth spike she shot at me, tossing back at her. She lost her concentration due to having to dodge the spike, lowering fire wall surrounding her.
I dashed into close quarters, clawing at her as she knocked aside some of my blows. Her claws flew past my face, giving me a chance to grab her wrist while her right arm was extended. I held her arm out while bringing my other one up to crack her arm. I used too much force in the attack though, smashing through flash and bone as I amputated her arm with my hands with blunt force.
She backed away, but not before I smacked her in the face with her own arm.
She knelt down in pain, clutching her stump with her other hand.
Mark: Need a hand?
I mocked, shaking the bleeding limb in my hands at her.
Woman: Fuck you!
She growled at me. I gasped in fake shock.
Mark: But we just met! Well, if you insist...
I taunted, shedding my upper clothing. She roared at me, closing the distance between us in a second while her claws lunged at me. I tossed my shirt towards her face, blocking her vision for a moment. Her claws sailed past me as I raised my foot above her head. She ripped off the shirt only to see me bringing my heel like an axe towards her head.
Sensing danger, she jumped back to escape, but she wasn't fast enough. My heel was able to crash against her sternum and cut into her chest, leaving a gruesome injury across her torso as my foot slammed down into the ground, cracking it.
Mark: You don't look so good anymore.
She looked at me with hatred.
Woman: And who's fault is that?
Mark: I have no idea, but should I ever find them, I'll be sure to give them a stern talking to.
I nod with sincerity. She fumes at me.
Mark: So rest assured, and rest in pieces.
I laughed, moving myself to approach her. She surrounds herself with an even stronger fire wall while casting fireballs everywhere. I evade the spells, a few hitting my body which I strengthened to endure the burns, surprising her when I dash through the flames surrounding her. I clawed across her body, cutting her apart.
As the flames died down, I stood in front of a bloody mess, the woman looking up at me as I gazed down at her disfigured form, her limbs and guts splayed out for all to see. She glares at me in defeat while I just move around her, sitting down near her head as I stroke her ears when I put her head in my lap. She shakes at my touch, attempting to squirm slightly, before stopping. She knows that she won't be getting out alive anyway.
Mark: I like your ears and tails.
I compliment. She coughs out some blood before replying.
Woman: I can tell.
She groans out, letting me do what I want. She starts to accept my touch, passing from this world feeling some semblance of bliss in her last moments.
I stand up, taking off the gloves as I wipe my hands of blood on my trousers. I start to consume the body, reveling in the mana I get from her.
Triple Threat walk into the room as I finished cleaning up.
Cecilia: Did you not want to kill her?
She asks. I'm surprised at her question.
Mark: A little. It's a shame. She was a real beauty...
I mumble out loud. I clean the gloves before tossing them back into storage where the other weapons are.
Ana: What did you get from her?
Ana asks. I start to think of what I could've gotten, trying out the first thing that comes to mind. A pair of fox ears appear on my head and seven tails sprout for my backside, all in the color scheme of my hair.
Eva: Seven tails...
She mumbles in shock as she watches me as I sway my tails to and fro.
Mark: Is it that much of a shock?
I ask, shaking my hips side to side as I stare at myself in a mirror.
Cecilia: It is said that one of the gods the beastmen worship is a fox with seven tails. A god of serenity.
I chuckle at her words.
Mark: That's interesting.
I retract the power from my transformation, the ears and tails dissipating into visible mana before disappearing completely.
Mark: I can't wait for the next person.
Months passed until there was only a month and a half left until Triple Threat would have their meeting with the race leaders. Triple Threat were wary at first after the night they lost their innocence, but after Ana asking me to help her, they warmed up to the idea of getting to cut loose.. The following months I had fun with the three of them, always feeling great that I don't need to hold back much. The four of us were happy getting something out of the arrangement. I didn't only fuck with them for those months, I also fought against various people.
Over the months, I accumulated a few abilities/transformations from different people. A demon I had killed gave me the ability to grow horns. The horns I grew jut outwards then immediately angling inwards on my head, resulting in an ash colored crown on my head with red tips along the six horns. A lamia gave me the ability to inject poison into people through my fangs or nails. An elf gave me the ability to sense mana in the world, from when things have more mana than others, to when someone manipulates mana for a spell like an attack or sets a barrier/aoe spell. A dwarf gave me enhanced dexterity as well as making me ambidextrous. I usually used my left hand for most things, but now my right hand is just as skilled as well after a week or two of practice. Humans were the only ones that didn't give me any special abilities, but the mana they gave was more pure, a trait that allowed them to fill out a variety of roles that the other races wouldn't be able to do. That's why humans have the most diverse class options they can train in easily. If only I could find an angel or any interesting mana beasts then I could get more powers.
Now, I can transform my body to look like a demon by growing out my horns. I can also look like a beastman with the fox traits I can grow. That combined with my ability to change my body gives me a powerful transformation ability. The transformations also give me an increase in power, but it also drains my endurance quicker that fighting in my normal form.
I was testing out the different forms I can transform into, seeing the various perks they give. The beastman form allows me enhanced physical traits, while the demon form gives me enhanced magical capabilities. Sadly, since I can't use magic freely on the outside, I can't make use of such capabilities. Maybe I'll find a way to bypass that in the future. I could still look like a bad ass demon though!
Cecilia: Hey Mark, are you ready yet?
I heard her call out to me. I walked out of my room, wearing clothes they had prepared before hand for me. It was a typical suit for a butler, complete with a tailcoat and everything.
Mark: Do I really need to wear this?
I complained, moving around in the clothes to get comfortable as I can get in them.
Eva: Yes, we will just tell them that you are an adopted son of ours that we've kept under wraps for some time.
Mark: So the race leaders don't know about your little human experimenting...
I thought to myself, my mind working out a plan to finally get some freedom, when Ana jumped out at me. She hugged me with her upper body, careful to not put pressure on her stomach as it bulged slightly. I noticed that she was pregnant a few months prior when she stopped asking for me to keep her bed warm at night. Instead, she only asked me to spend some time with her. She already knows that I know she is with child, but I don't bring it up after our first talk about it. I've heard the other two were jealous that she was first to bear my child, but they got over the fact after learning that they were with child a month prior to the present. They think I don't know they are, but I can tell when symptoms of pregnancy show up from their actions. From their mood swings, to their cravings, and the dead give away when they stopped asking me to keep them company under the guise that they need to start focusing on their work.
I've told them that it's safe to have sex during pregnancy, only we would have to be a bit more careful in the act when we first learned that Ana was pregnant, but they were so stressed about it that I had to calm Ana down and tell her we wouldn't do anything if she didn't want to to keep her stress levels down the best I could so it doesn't affect her nor our babies.
Yeah, that's right, babies. Plural, more specifically two. Dos. Deux. Duo. There's two of them, but she doesn't know that. There's also two in Cecilia while there's one in Eva. The technology is pretty advanced for the kind of age we live in, but they still can't tell how much children they are carrying nor the gender. They can only estimate by the size of the swollen belly, but considering Ana is a loli, we can't be sure. I can only tell since I've trained my soul to be able to detect other souls. That's why I can feel the souls in their womb when I concentrate hard enough. They feel like they are someone I know, but I have no idea. Maybe I'll find out when they can talk.
Mark: So why do I have to be a butler?
Cecilia: It's because they'd never believe we would have a child for fun. If we make it look like we brought you up as a butler, then they won't ask questions.
Mark: Not for fun huh...
I mumble, glancing down at their stomachs.
Eva: W-Well, what we meant was-
Ana: Yeah, we wanted kids for experiments!
Cecilia: Yeah, that's right.
I didn't believe them for a second. Oh yeah, speaking of experiments.
Mark: Speaking of which, when you do human experiments, stop using kids. Uncool man, uncool.
They pouted at my words.
Ana: We've only ever used you for experimentation.
She cried indignantly.
Mark: What about Numbers 1-72 then? I remember my mother sounded quite young. No more than a young teenager at most. What did you say again, Cecilia? ' Stay out of your hair as long as you give us the baby' was it?
They paused at my words, visibly stiffening.
Cecilia: You remember that?
She asked quietly. I affirmed their suspicions with a grunt.
Eva: That was because we were searching for a way to strengthen people. The people in that experiment ranged from young children to grown adults. We asked them for their consent and gave them a life to live if they survived.
Mark: Well, how many of them survived?
They stayed silent to my question. I continued on.
Mark: Kids aren't able to understand what they get into when you tell them something like that. All they know is that they'll be taken care of and they'll agree even if they don't understand if they're desperate enough. I'm not asking you to stop your experiments. I have no right to ask of that of you. All I'm asking is that you not experiment on kids. I know you wouldn't like it if someone did that to your kids, and I sure as hell wouldn't like it if someone experimented on my kids. Also it's bad karma.
They listened to my request in silence. After a taking a few moments to think, Eva answered.
Eva: What makes you think that we won't experiment on our kids?
I looked at them with a gentle smile, surprising them.
Mark: For all the time we've been together, I know you're not heartless enough to do that to your own kids. The only reason you did it to me was because I was an enigma on your eyes. The only woman to have survived your previous experiments and a man that never existed in the eyes of this world with the only thing to tie him to it is me and maybe my mother's memories. What would you expect? You'll maybe put them through rigorous training and whatnot when they're old enough, but not experiment on them like you did me.
I answered her truthfully. I decided to add a little threat at the end.
Mark: Also, if you do decide to do that, I'll kill you slowly, making sure to extend your suffering. I can think of all kinds of torture I could try out on you. Especially with all the different types of poison at my disposal.
I gave them my best smile, which probably looked grim in their eyes. I admit, I'll probably get attached to the little buggers once they're born. Maybe it's that parental side of me coming out.
Mark: Well, let's go! I've never been out of these walls before, and I can't wait!
We were in an fancy carriage moving through the streets of Cognitio Central. There were all kinds of buildings towering above us, with people coming in and out of them. The people ranged from old to young, from all different kinds of races, working all kinds of different jobs ranging from adventurer to researcher to government official and many others.
I saw many different things that are important to this world, like the weapons they use and their defensive armor, to interesting magic they used.
Cecilia saw me staring around with awe and chuckled to herself before speaking.
Cecilia: When you look like that, it makes me think that you really are like a little kid age wise.
I pouted at her, causing the other two to snicker.
Mark: I have no memories aside from the stuff that was shoved into my brain. This would be like my first time seeing the world. Why can't I act a little excited?
Eva: Well, you are a father in a way and are already considered an adult.
Mark: Your point? I bet I can find people who are a lot older than me and still act like a little kid.
Ana: He's right you know.
Mark: See, Ana's on my side.
I beam at them while giving Ana a sideways hug and a kiss on the cheek which made her blush. She attempted to push me away, but didn't put any real force into it. I laughed into her cheek, pulling away.
Mark: So anyway, why are you going to meet them right now anyway? Aren't you meeting them a month and a half from now?
We were on our way to the estate where the race leaders were currently staying at to view the different changes that have happened over the past year. They have access to almost everything because their nations are the ones who are funding it, so they like to see what they paid for.
Cecilia: We are going to go see them because they are our family to catch up on what's been happening since we've seen each other, and so they can get a preview of what's to come.
Mark: Family huh...
I mumbled. The closest thing I have to a family would probably be these three, and our first impressions weren't the best.
Mark: I sometimes forget that you guys are partial royalty and shit.
Eva: Well good for you because now you're also a part of it.
Mark: Heh, no. I don't want to get involved with politics and shit.
I stated with determination.
Ana: Do you think you could say that after getting Ana pregnant?
Mark: As well as you and Eva? Yes. Don't you guys technically give up country ties to be affiliated with the R&D Society to this level. It's more like you are your own nation that runs on the other nations taxes.
Eva: Wait, you know me and Cecilia are pregnant?
I looked over at her with an exasperated face.
Mark: Really? It doesn't really take a genius to notice the signs of pregnancy.
They pouted at my observations, angry at me.
Mark: Anyway, what are you going to tell them?
Ana: What do you mean?
Mark: Who are you going to tell them the father is?
The sounds of the people outside and the clopping of the horses were all that echoed within our carriage. The look on their faces made me understand immediately. I sighed tiredly, rubbing my temples, feeling a whole lot of problems coming my way soon.
Mark: You know, for the top scientists of this world, you three can be surprisingly air-headed at times. What were you going to tell them, 'Hey you guys! Guess what? Well you can probably already tell, but in case you can't, I got knocked up! But I can't tell you who the father is!'? Do you really think they would let that fly?
The three hung their head in defeat which only infuriated me further.
Mark: Don't just sit there and mope about what's in the past! We need to figure out a way to tell them, before-
A knock came from the carriage door interrupting my lecture. We hadn't even noticed it had stopped.
Driver: Excuse me, We've arrived.
Mark: I'm fucked.
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