《Primordial Origins》Time Skip for 'Boring' Childhood
Happy Valentine's Day!
Mark's POV
Years have passed since I was reborn into this world. Myrna was telling the truth when she said that it was a lot more advanced than what we originally though. The domestic technology in this world is similar to how the technology in worlds I witnessed through the sparse memories I had about them. Sinks, kitchens, bathrooms, power lines, plumbing, even going so far to copy clothing from other worlds, among other things. This world is far more advanced than how I originally imagined it to be. Myrna wasn't lying when she said that this world was more technologically advanced. Of course, she had also said that the gods limited technological advancement, but from I observed, that mostly counted to the militaristic aspect of technology. There aren't such things called guns, bullets, missiles, like in my memories. Although there are some more primitive guns such as muskets and the like only much rarer and harder to produce and make ammunition for. The people of this world still use equipment like swords, axes, bows, spears, shields, clunky metal suits of armor. Those kind of things. Still, it's nice knowing that the lifestyle isn't too harsh when it comes to domestic life. I have no idea how people who are used to such things would react if there wasn't things that they're used to in this world. That's probably a good reason these things were invented. I guess otherworlders didn't take to kindly to the kind of lifestyle before.
I am now officially nine years old in this world. I look much older though. (I blame my mana core for speeding up my development.) That may not mean much, but I'll have you know that I was able to keep silent for nine whole years. I still refuse to allow Triple Threat to hear my voice. They think they've got me under their control, but this is all just a devious ploy to get them to lower their guard. After the first initial year of testing out the capabilities of how my body is and my mental state, they came up with a rigorous training schedule, with experiments placed in between. They were glad with the status quo, deciding to watch me grow as they decided to do experiments every now and then. I still think they're still as much as pieces of shit as they were the day I first met them, but now I''m not as venomous as I used to be. They've also mellowed out after that first year.I still intend to get revenge for all they've put me through, but I see them as people who are important in this world. So, it'll be slightly annoying to kill them if I don't want powerful people gunning for my head.
My body has rapidly advanced in these nine years. My body is that of a 18 year old. My body was 5'9” and still growing. It was eerily similar to the man in my dreams, not too muscular, but not too skinny, but still shorter than him. The muscles on my body aren't bulging, more like they're streamlined to fit my build. If someone saw me, they would probably say that build-wise, I'm not strong since I'm not very muscular. I would rather say I'm slim yet muscular, most of the raw power that my strength comes from is compacted densely in my muscles. I originally retained the same black hair and red tips as the man in my memories who I assume was me, but now I had more whiteish hair mixed with my original black hair, giving it an ashy look. The red tips stayed the same, but I don't know the reason why. I left it fall to my upper back like the me in my memories did. I still retain my unique eyes, but ever since my practice with my mana core, I have been able to change different physical features at will, like hair color/length, eye color, skin color, and body shape. All in all, I seem like a younger version of him. While he looked to be in his early twenties, I looked younger, shorter, and not as muscular.
I can't mess around too much with my body, for example trying to make myself into a girl because that would cause a whole slew of problems should I fuck something up down there, so I tend to avoid such things. I usually go with my hair color as it is now and my original eyes because Triple Threat said it was the eye color of the man my birth mother loved. I always wondered if the man in my memories was actually my father, but I couldn't decide. I never asked about my mother because I didn't want to intrude upon the life the woman who gave birth to me now has. From what I can remember, she was a person acquainted with Triple Threat similarly to me, so I'd rather not bring back such memories to her.
Triple Threat's and my own reasoning matched up with the idea that my body changed because of the mana core in my body as well as being exposed to liquefied mana at such and age and surviving. That entitles it to all the things I should be going through right now, including puberty. I never really cared about people seeing my body naked while Triple Threat just took it as a better way to record down the changes in my body. Although I have seen them take extended glances towards my crotch. I've been asking them ways to get some relief such as me going to a brothel or something, but they were vehement about me going to such a place, stating that should I need a way to relieve some stress then to just ask them so they could collect samples as well. I still a little hesitant on taking them up on that offer, but it's hard doing training and focusing when I have a hard-on.
Through these nine years, I was able to get my soul-tempering to the degree where I can make a variety of different weapons, but not much, as well as able to strengthen any weapon I am using. Though it is horribly inefficient which causes me to lose stamina and mana rapidly due to poor conductivity with most of the weapons I would use. My soul itself though is as strong as ever though. I keep it a secret from Triple Threat though. I use regular weapons they give me when I have to fight the various monsters the Triple Threat put me against. Saying that it's good combat experience. To which I have to agree. I haven't gotten to fight something ever since, well since I lost my memories. It was good practice, putting the various martial skills I've taught myself over the years to use. I was able to hold my own against three large orcs with just my physical prowess alone, not counting using the mana in my body. One orc was capable of killing a regular man with ease. Usually it would take two or three typical able-bodied fighters to take one down. I was able to kill three of them in the span of two minutes.
After killing them, I devoured their corpses, black mist drifting from my shadow consuming their bodies. I felt the mana they were made out of enter my core to be purified. Most things in this world is made up out of mana, which I can devour to strengthen my core and purify the mana, while increasing my supply.
After cleaning off the blood from the mace, I returned to the board room Triple Threat were observing me from. After returning from my training session, I jumped up onto a chair to watch myself for any ways I can improve. Triple Threat were sitting against the other chairs, working on something. After reviewing the video, I brought up a screen for me to read any interesting news. There was an article talking about a child who said they were from another world and has been brought here by their goddess to save them. That guy gave me a good chuckle.
Mark: Wonder who he was? Maybe One brave Plebeian?
My relationship with them slowly turned one to mutual agreement after a few years. I was able to ask for various things that I was interested in, and they would give me a price. We would negotiate for a while, then finalize it. I first asked for various things like info on this world.
I learned through the many books that they gave me that there were many different continents, with different races presiding over them.
Ordaxth: The Human Continent. A continent filled with rolling plains, forests, streams, lakes, deserts mountains, and many other geographical features houses the majority of humanity. There is the Human Empire, governed by the the Human Sovereign. It is made up of several kingdoms inside of it, while other places remain untouched by the hands of mortals.
Mortem: The Demon Continent. A continent filled similar to Ordaxth. The Demons were made up of humanoid beings with different attachments such as horns or tails. There are also various races that didn't exactly fit in with the other races such as lamias, harpies, vampires, werewolves, etc.. The various races are allowed to live in peace and comfort because of the job the Demon Empress does managing the empire made up there. Though there is still a huge frontier waiting to be discovered.
Movtibus: The Mountains. A mountain range that the Dwarves call home. They live in underground caverns they created to build subterranean cities. These cities are ruled by a Dwarven Matriarch chosen by representatives of the different cities. She rules from the Dwarven capital. Many types of ores could also be found there, which is a hit spot to go to if you have the strength to live in the caverns.
Sylvium: The Great Forest. An enormous expanse of different types of trees. The races more attuned to nature such as the various clans of Elves or Faeries call this place home. The Elves have created a kingdom in the center of the forest, where it is said the World Tree resides. The Elves answer to the Elven Seer, who commands a council of elves to manage their continent.
Brutus: Continent of the Beast. Their land also has a wide variety of natural lands similar to Ordaxth and Mortem with a harsher environment. Many different types of beastmen exist, so they are only categorized as 'Beastmen', but have their own separate tribes they belong to that has to do with their animal traits. Many tribes are nomadic groups, moving around on the continent. They do establish a main capital though under the reign of the Beast Huntress.
There are also islands floating in the sky, with varying sizes, that once housed a long lost race. Now, those islands are used as small cities for the different races. The largest floating island is a man-made one named Cognitio Central, where I currently live on. These floating island cities are connected to the mainland of the races those islands belong to by Transportation Gates, a technology developed on the past.
These are the main continents/races aside from one. These continents used to be at war with each other; sometimes themselves; due to clashes with religion, differences in races, and territory disputes, like disputes about who gets to dive into various dungeons that existed in the world, and the most important territorial dispute, the last and largest continent, No Man's Land. No Man's Land was surrounded by the other continents, separated only by an ocean of water that took at least a month to cross. It used to be known as No Man's Land until recent events. The mortals soon learned why it was known as that when there was clearly ruins from a past civilization standing there.
Wars took place on No Man's Land when races from different continents allied themselves with others to protect themselves and fight off their aggressors. These wars lasted for centuries with no end in sight.
But all that changed when something the races thought was a 'Star' crashed into the center of No Man's Land. Quickly, greed and curiosity filling the minds of the rulers of the land, they commanded their forces to secure it. When they finally reached the 'Star', the biggest piece they could chip off was a chunk the size of three men. Soon after, a wave of mana poured off the meteor when they broke off the piece. The mana resounded across Eidolon, a power so strong that one was able to see the mana with the naked eye.
Immediately, the mana on Eidolon became much purer. This phenomenon caused rejoice among all the races, agreeing to a ceasefire to research the 'Star'. They had no idea that the meteor caused the phenomenon known as monsters to spawn outside of dungeons until they started to attack the races and awakened long lost dungeons on No Man's Land. Across the world, monsters were spawning, with no end in sight. The closer one was to the 'Star', the stronger, aggressive, and more complex the monsters became. The only saving grace was that monsters wouldn't spawn where there is a large amount of people gathered. As such, monsters never spawned within large cities or towns. Instead, they spawned in the nearby surroundings.
Soon, No Man's Land was overrun by monsters, causing all armies to flee for safety as the rulers of the other continents attempted to shore up their defenses. No Man's Land soon became the home of monster, with only the strong or foolish venturing onto it, seeking fame and fortune. It was renamed Fallen Star's Realm.
There used to be another race of humanoids with wings, something my memories called angels. They didn't care for the fighting amongst the other races, deciding to instead to live in the skies on the floating islands. When the Star fell and the other races evacuated from the vicinity of it, the angels approached it from the air, their interests peaked by the strange object. They were stronger than the other races both physically as well as magically, so they didn't take much precautions. They were ambushed in the sky by various flying monsters. The angels thought they were stupid creatures, but they didn't know the monsters were stalling for time until the stronger beasts awoke. In the middle of the fighting, the first and only elder dragons started to appear. Even though the angels had greater number, the elder dragons were existences they could not compete against. Although there were no more than a dozen, those dozen were more than enough to compete against the angels.
In a rage, the elder dragons slaughtered the angels, flying around the various floating islands to annihilate the angelic race or some making the survivors into their servants, before moving on to the other continents, displaying their power before flying off to various parts of the world, choosing their place of rest before falling into a deep slumber the ones who took servants having the angels guard them.
The elder dragon's display of power shocked the races. They made it an unstated rule to never aggravate an elder dragon from then on. Regular dragons soon started to pop up as well, but those that did not contain a fraction of the power the elder ones held. So a country could handle them should they need to.
This display of power set a need to develop technology and ways to contend with their world's new inhabitants. This brought forth an age of rapid development. With the study they were able to do on the crystals chipped off from the meteor, technology advanced and flourished at an amazing pace. New ways to live, new magic tools and inventions popped up year round. One of the most amazing things was the development of the Transportation Gate, which allowed one to travel across distances in seconds where they were placed.. Though the pinnacle of technology, which they were able to make from the largest piece they were able to collect, was with the use of the various races magics they were able to create a floating landmass like . It was named Cognitio Central, and would serve as a place where all races would be able to study, learn, and strengthen themselves. The race leaders since that day have devoted their efforts to surviving and thriving from the disaster that happened on the day the 'Star' fell.
It's been more than a three millennium since it happened.
Ever since then, the races have been cooperating with how to go about surviving in their world. They've allowed the other races to come and go into other continents as long as they have proper paperwork and the various government allows it.. Things have been peaceful for a while now. There are still some disputes and trouble, but the problems get worked out in the end. That's the whole story up to present history.
I also researched into various organizations that exist throughout the world at this moment.
First there was the Adventurer's Guild. It's like you would think, a nicely-dressed up mercenary guild. Although they do a good job at making sure the guild is clean of useless or shady characters. They're main tasks have to do with ensuring the monster population near the general population is kept to a manageable count. They also explore dungeons to see if they could find anything worthwhile for people to research while earning money at the same time. There is also times when expeditions are sent out to Fallen Star's Realm, but they don't get far in due to the sheer amount of monsters there, as well as the various mana beasts staying there.
Next was the Research and Development Society. They are responsible for looking into ways to use magic and glyphs to create new magic tools. They are an international powerhouse that all of the races contribute to.
It just so happens that the Triple Threat seem to be their best and brightest amongst their peers in the R&D Society. When I found out, I started to make fun of them, calling them a bunch of nerds and geeks who'd never get laid cause all they spend their time on is their research. All in good fun of course. They are all beauties.
I'm guessing that hit a soft spot for them because the experiments that day were especially cruel.
The research in mana cores has not gotten that far along because of the difficulty it is to get said mana cores. From what the researchers have been able to figure out is that mana cores are eerily similar to the crystals that came from the Star. The only difference is that their purity can not even compare to the crystals stripped from the Star. As of now, the only mana cores that was closest to the crystals was from various aged dragons that have been defeated, none of them any of the elder dragons.
At least it was, until I came along. The mana core in my body is the exact same type as the crystals their ancestors had collected all those years ago. That's why Triple Threat had been so fervent in studying me and the mana core in my body. They even went as far as to try to chip off a piece after cutting my abdomen open, while I was awake to experience each painful incision they made.
That was coincidentally the same day I teased them about never getting laid. Maybe they were a little pissed about my comments pertaining to their love life? I thought to myself that day.
Anyway, as soon as the chipped piece was extracted. It dissipated into light. The piece chipped from my core soon regenerated, as if they had never taken a piece from it. They did a few more tests, but deemed it impossible to take the mana core from me.
I was scrolling through different websites, looking for anything that would catch my fancy.
Eva: Whatcha looking for?
Mark: [Something interesting. Let's see here...: Newborn nobles, Man catches the greatest fish of his lifetime, Woman created new spell; said to make yourself more beautiful, Man offers greatest fish to the Demon Empress, Teenage couple causes havoc across Brutus for honeymoon, Race Leaders convening on Cognitio Central for meeting with the heads of the R&D Society in half a year's time, Underground societies becoming more proactive in recruiting fresh blood...]
I scrolled past different articles.
Mark: [Ooh, this one looks interesting!]
Eva was currently pouting behind me over my shoulder.
Eva: There's an article that talks about how the rulers of all the races are coming here to meet us in a half-year, and you're interested in what little girls like for their birthday?
I stared at her.
Mark: [I want a daughter or two when I have a child. I would like to know what they like when they are kids. This article here covers all kinds of things girls would like at different ages as well as going so far as to describing what to get for girls with different personalities. This would help me immensely when I need to decide what to-]
Ana: Alright, we get it! You damn lolicon!
Mark: [Hey! I am not a lolicon... I think. I say don't knock it til you've tried it. Specially since sometimes the unripe fruit is the most delicious.]
I smirk at her, pretending to unravel her in her clothes with my eyes, biting my lips slightly. She shivered at my gaze, turning away.
Cecilia: Suuure. You're definitely convincing us that you're not a lolicon when you talk like that. Besides, your body is what, in it's late teens? The height of sexual needs, and you still haven't even tried anything with any of us. I don't believe for an instant that you're gay. You probably just don't get off on mature/well endowed women.
Mark: [Why is it that whenever the conversation goes to my libido, it always have to do with you three. Just let me go to a brothel to relieve myself if you're that worried.]
I hate this body. They're right in the fact that I want to spread my seed in any hot thing I see,, but I don't want to do them because of my little grudge against them. Petty in my opinion, but I don't care.
Ana: No! We need to study every part of you.
Mark: [Why! For what possible reason do you have for the need of my semen?! Do you want to see if after knocking someone up, my kid will come out similar to me?! Are you three that needy that you'll lust after someone who you've known since birth and watch grow?! Is the whole 'we must study every aspect of you' just a cover up from the reality that you just want a good fuck?!]
Triple Threat gaped at my outburst, not expecting me to get so angry.
Mark: [I know! Why don't we just all take some aphrodisiacs so we all can get horny as hell, then I can bend you three over on this table right here and right now, so we can fuck like rabbits during mating season! I bet that'll satisfy all three issues you have at the moment right?]
I exclaimed, my emotions running high from my unrelieved stress.
Triple Threat went silent since my outburst. They looked at each other, wondering what to say. After a while, it seemed they made their decision.
Ana: I can make strong aphrodisiacs.
Cecilia: Are you saying that if we do that, you'll sleep with us?
Eva: We'll bang ok?
I slammed my head into the table repeatedly, groaning the whole time.
Mark: [And we've come full circle...]
A few days have passed since my outburst and I'm still seething in my shallow anger. We were back in the training center, with Triple Threat watching my progress. They said they had a special surprise for me.
Mark: [Great, did they actually get their hands on the aphrodisiac or something...?]
I bemoaned in my head as the door across from me opened up. Out came a man in his thirties. He held a greatsword on his shoulder and was wearing white pants and t-shirt. The same clothes I wear everyday in this facility.
Mark: [Oi, I thought I was your only human experiment right now. You've got something on the side as well? And I thought we had something.]
I bitched my thoughts in amusement, awaiting my answer. I didn't have to wait long.
Man: So this kid is the one I have to kill if I want to be pardoned? Ha! I can't wait to get back out there. I'll make sure the people who took me down will pay for what they've done. They will remember me as the great vampire Gam-
Mark: [Hey dumbass, are you a prisoner here as well or something?]
The man glared at me for interrupting him mid-speech.
Man: No, I was a wanted criminal for murdering people indiscriminately. I plan to get right back to it.
He smirked at me. I sighed in relief.
Mark: [That's peachy. That makes two of us. I can't wait to start killing as well. Aside from the whole indiscriminately part. The monsters they were giving me were getting a little stale. I hope you'll be more interesting than they were.]
Man: Ha, I'll be sure to give you a good time then, boy.
The man hefted his greatsword at me glowering menacingly. I leveled the long sword I had in my right hand along side him, smirking all the way. I felt the other personality I usually kept quiet surfacing, eager to shed some blood.
The man darted at me, much faster than the usual humanoid monsters I've fought against. I dodged backwards from the man's overhead swing. His sword crashed into the ground where I was standing moments ago. I darted to the man's right bringing my blade down on the man's hands.
I thought the man was a simple killer who only used brute force, but I was mistaken. He pulled back the greatsword with skilled dexterity, my slash running against the top of his weapon. He tilted his sword diagonally, parrying my slash downwards towards the ground, before using the hilt to try to bash me as I was leaning forwards.
Instead I pushed my feet from the ground, kicking away from the man altogether as I used my left hand as a spring to push off the ground, doing a small flip to right myself in the air before landing down safely. His bash sailed past my feet, hitting air.
He approached me, swinging his greatsword horizontally. I backed up once more, letting the blade pass my chest as I approached him. My sword swung horizontally from my right. The man ducked under my swing, letting the inertia from his sword follow through as he spun for a second swing that went upwards.
I didn't stay still, exchanging the sword in my right hand to my left so it was held in a reverse grip when I finished my swing. When the man's back was turned from me as he spun, I jumped up, kicking off from his exposed back to vault over him so I was upside down as I rotated in mid air. As he finished his rotation, he swung diagonally upwards from right to left. His attack would've bisected me in two, but I was currently in the air above him, slamming the hilt in the back of his head as he turned. I brought my feet down under me, landing lithely on my feet, taking a small hop backwards to keep out of his range.
The man stumbled for a moment, disoriented from the shock of my hit. It took but a moment for him to regain his bearings as he turned to watch me, a new look in his eyes.
Mark: [Wow, you actually have some decent combat experience. I thought you were just a common thug who killed some poor saps.]
The man snorted at me.
Man: 'course, ya think that the leader of the bandit group 'Storm's Hollow' is just a figurehead? Dream on. Although I have ta praise ya, kid. You've actually got some skills ta be able to fight at your age. Most people your age either pampered and can't do shit or trying to practice but not able to put what they've learned into battle.
I smirked at his praise.
Mark: [Is that right...? And here I thought there'd be at least most of the population knowing some self-defense skills and had some practice should they ever need to use said skills by my age. I should be an adult at this age, so one would think that as an adult they should be able to defend themselves. Especially in a world like this.]
The man agreed with me, nodding his head.
Man: Yup, but sadly most people your age who are learning such things are usually still in school practicing, too scared to even try to put themselves into danger, or are over-protected.
Mark: [It'll come bite them in the ass later then. They won't have the experience necessary to put what they've learned into battle. Your enemy typically wouldn't wait for you to get everything ready before starting the fight. They'd take you by surprise usually, and if you can't defend yourself from an impromptu attack, you're good as dead, specially if they've got a poison on their weapon and they get you with it. One should have the skills to protect what he cares for. I sure as hell wouldn't forgive myself if I can't even protect the things I care for. Even if there was someone stronger than me, I wouldn't take it lying down. I'd go down swinging.]
Man: Then there are some that are over-confident or arrogant, thinking they're above everyone else because of their status. So they think nothing can rough them up, then they go off and get themselves killed. I like those kids, makes me laugh when I cut them down.
Mark: [That's fucking stupid way for them to think. Everything else doesn't matter when you're the one who's being attacked. Status means nothing when people are fighting to kill each other. You can bleed the same as everybody else, you can die like everybody else.]
Man: Words to live by. Can't say I'm the most upstanding individual, but I agree with your words. Especially with the whole surprise attack.
The man laughed sadistically, multiple fireballs heading towards me after popping into existence. I grabbed some throwing needles dipped with paralyzing poison from a pouch on my waist, throwing them through the gaps of the fireballs.
I augmented my body, my bones and muscles growing stronger as they were supplemented with mana. I jumped upwards, above the fireballs to the ceiling. I nearly crashed into it had I had less than stellar reaction speed. I twisted my body, my feet planting firmly on the ceiling as I gazed down at the man. He couldn't see past the fireballs he made, so he didn't notice me jump up. Some of the needles I threw were on the ground, while others had hit his hands and chest when he tried to block them.
I kicked off the ceiling, barreling down at the man. The speed I was going was far faster than the man could react against. It wasn't until he heard the sound above him that he noticed me within a few feet from his head. He couldn't move his body and we both knew it.
I smirked down at him as he grinned back up at me, awaiting his execution. I landed behind him as blood sprayed into the air, his head tumbling in the air.
I stood at attention, sighing in relief as blood rained down on me. It felt good to let loose some steam. I was even able to learn that I should practice more with my augmented body, else I wouldn't be able to control my power when using it.
The man's body fell to the floor as I finished my observations, grinning. The door opened to reveal Triple Threat looking at me weirdly.
Mark: [What is it?]
Ana: You know you look like a maniac when you're grinning like that while covered in blood.
She pointed out. I looked at myself for a moment, taking in my sanguine appearance. My mouth started to smile further, getting a growl of satisfaction from the other personality and an awkward look from the three women.
Mark: [So it does. Does it really matter? I know you think I have a split personality, to which I do not deny.]
Cecilia: Just go get cleaned. We'll have someone take care of the mess.
Mark: [I could do that!]
I suggested. I used my devour ability, rolling over the corpse as well as all the blood in the room. It took some time, almost five minutes, but soon the room was clean as the time before the fight. Immediately I felt a burst of mana approach my core, causing it to tremble slightly as it purified and consumed the mana. I giggled like a mad man, exuberant at the amount of energy I got from an actual sentient being.
Mark: [We need to do this again. He gave so much more mana than typical monsters.]
I requested seriously. They looked at me, wondering whether or not I was mentally unstable.
Mark: [Don't look at me like that. You guys were the one who sent him after me. Besides, I'm perfectly sane, just the more bestial side of me wants to have some more fun.]
I heard he was a vampire, so I started to wonder whether or not I had gained anything from devouring him. I recalled everything I could from the books I read about vampires. I tried everything I could think of, getting my fangs to extend like when a vampire is about to drink blood.
Mark: [Hey look! I'm a vampire now!]
I grinned wickedly at them with my pearly whites, practically skipping out of the training room as I went to the bathroom to clean myself off.
Cecilia: So now we know he's able to take traits from races as well now...
She supplemented aloud redundantly.
Eva: We may have created a psychopath...
Once that was done and I was dressed up again, I left for the board room once more. There I found the Triple Threat sitting down, talking on their own personal computers, while a inconspicuous box sat on the table.
Mark: [Oh joy, more injections.]
I deadpanned the best I could through computer app on my PWC.
They turned to look at me, a strange look on their face. One I haven't seen before on them. Their face looked at me with excitement, embarrassment, interest, happiness, among other emotions.
Mark: [Your facial expressions are creeping me out here...]
I said to them as they stared at me. Moments later, they returned their attention to their computers. I shrugged at their actions, returning my attention to browsing through the internet. I found some interesting cooking recipes that looked good, so I decided to try them out later. It gets boring searching for something to do online. After a hour of clicking and tapping on keyboards, Triple Threat finished their work.
Cecilia: Go get ready for injections.
Mark: [Yes, mother...]
I joked. I walked off to the injections room, all types of weird ass vials filled with liquids of all colors. I walked over to a cleaning station, cleaning myself off with alcohol before taking a seat, pondering what I should do to get out of here.
Life in this facility hasn't been that horrible. If you don't care about the various painful experiments, weird injections, and strange requests you get from the head researchers. But it's so dreadfully boring. There's a whole world out there for me to fuck around in; gallivanting to places I've never seen before, meeting interesting people, tasting all kinds of foods, killing all kinds of things in different and painful ways, and what not; and I stay locked up in here.
As I pondered what to do, Triple Threat walked in, carrying that ever ominous plain box in with them.
Mark: [So what is it going to be this time?]
I questioned. They looked over at me, a smirk adorning their face.
Triple Threat: That's a secret!
They giggled in unison as they put their fingers to their mouths in a shushing motion.
Mark: [That's not creepy at all.]
I think to them as they went about preparing everything. They grabbed a desk, setting it down across from where the chair I was sitting at was. They carefully laid down the box, opening it up to reveal the contents.
Inside the case was two vials, both clear liquid sloshing inside them. I'd never seen these before. Throughout the years, they used a variety of different drugs on me. From poisons to drugs, ranging from common to rare quality. Slowly, I built up an immunity to whatever they gave me. They said it was all the things they could get their hands on.
Mark: [Guess that means I still got to be careful about poisons from mana beasts.]
I lamented as they prepared the syringes, taking out the liquids. They turned to me, a chesire grin decorating their faces.
Cecilia: Choose which one you want first.
Mark: [Left one.]
I answered immediately. They looked at me weirdly.
Eva: Why did you choose that one?
Mark: [Because two wrongs can never make a right. Or was the saying three lefts make a wrong?]
They stared at me giving my nonsense to them as if it was the most common sense. Shaking off their stupor, they went to work strapping me into the chair. They haven't done this in years.
Mark: [Is it really that bad that I need to be strapped in? Even for me?]
Ana answered for me.
Ana: No, we just feel it'd be more enjoyable to watch like that.
She smiled mischievously. I pondered her words while awaiting the moment when the needle would pierce my skin. Ever so slowly, they pushed the needle into my arm, pumping whatever was in it into my veins. I felt nothing for a moment. A few seconds passed and... nothing. They took out the needle, leaving me alone to simmer as they watched me.
Mark: [Hey are you sure this works?]
I asked them. I wriggled in my seat, moving my body when I felt it.
Mark: [You bastards...]
I insulted them as my body shook once more, causing the poison to ever more work it's magic. I felt every single thing my body experienced multiplied many times over. Every rub of clothing against my skin, the leather straps wrapped against my skin causing friction, every breath the three exhaled onto my neck, every touch of theirs along my skin as I squirmed in my seat, jolts of electricity flooding my brain as my body started to heat up.
Eva: Enjoying yourself...?
She smirked as she ran a finger along my jawline, her touch causing me to shiver.
Cecilia: That was a Sensitivity Poison. The strongest we could make. And this here is the aphrodisiac that goes along with it. We made this especially for you.
They smirked. I was too focused on trying to devour the first poison they shoved into me to care about what they were going to do next. I was so focused that I didn't notice when they had stripped me, fondling my growing erection as Eva administered the aphrodisiac, shoving the needle into my arm.
A jolt rocketed through my body, causing me to thrash about. They backed up, surprised at my reaction. I kept up my actions until I felt myself black out.
Cecilia's POV
As Mark started to grow up, we looked upon him in a new light. No longer as an experiment. Our views changed from an enigma, to a interesting experiment, to a growing boy, to a man. He may still be partially through his physical development stage, but even now he's very handsome. If he were to walk the streets, women would pounce on him first chance they get. His mature mindset makes him even more desirable in our eyes.
He thought we were no longer virgins, and kept on teasing us all these years while asking if he could go out and have some fun in a brothel. Hmpf, as if we'd ever allow other women to have him first.
He was convinced of our sexual prowess, much to our dismay. Sure we may have the looks to send any man overboard with lust, but usually no man we interact with is willing to get close with the whole 'mad scientist/sisters of the current rulers' situation we have going on. We're still young maidens, who know and dream about various sexual things, but have never experienced them before.
So when he cracked that joke in the board room about him taking us then and there, we decided to get some payback while getting to experience our first time together. We made up plans on how to get back at him. And today was the day it would happen.
We watched as Mark felt the Sensitivity Potion effect him. He started to breath heavily, his face flushing as we toyed with him. We played with his still semi-flaccid erection. We knew that he was well-endowed, but seeing his erection start to stand proudly as if to declare itself to the world caused us to become slightly nervous.
Cecilia: I knew he was big, but there's no way in hell that monster will fit in any of us, maybe Eva.
I thought to myself as I gazed upon his large cock as I leisurely stroked it. It wouldn't be that bad, but the girth on that thing was almost twice the normal size. We kept on stroking him as Eva injected him with the aphrodisiac. I have to hand it to Ana, the aphrodisiac she made is so potent that a whiff caused her body to start to tremble in need. As Eva finished the injection, his member grew hard as stone. We grew slightly excited as we started to pump it more vigorously.
Our fun was short lived as he started to thrash about rapidly. We backed up, surprised at his reactions. After a few moments, he went still, his erection never going soft through out the whole thing.
We looked over at each other, wondering what had happened.
Cecilia: Did something go wrong?
Ana: I have no idea. Eva?
Eva: Don't ask me. He started to freak out when I injected the aphrodisiac into his body.
Ana: Wait what?!
Cecilia: What's wrong?
Ana: This idiot here administered the aphrodisiac by injection! That's what's wrong!
Cecilia: What do you mean?
Ana: You're supposed to administer it orally! You just gave his whole body a direct dose of that overpowered aphrodisiac! Just how much did you give him?
Eva: Umm, all of it?
We finally realized the problem we had made. Before any of us could speak up as to what to do next though, Mark awoke.
???: Finally we get to have some real fun. We're always so uptight about giving into our desires when it comes to you three.
We heard Mark speak, or whoever the personality that was currently awake spoke. It was also our first time hearing Mark actually speak. It was an easygoing, yet playful voice that if you heard, you wouldn't worry to much about, brushing him off as someone harmless. It was a voice that felt as it could coax anyone into a comfortable bliss.
???: Oh, why hello there. You all did this because you were all horny right. Well, we can help you with that.
He smirked, muscles flexing as he ripped free from the bindings. He jumped at us, pushing us down on the floor altogether. He held us down, bringing his face close to mine as he licked my cheek while playing with the other two's spot between their legs with his hands.
Cecilia: W-Who are you?
I gasped out as he went to work on my collarbone, giving me small gentle sucks as he trailed up to my ear, nibbling on it slightly.
???: We're sorry, forgot to introduce ourselves and all. I'm our split personality. You may call me Enigma since I have no name and in reality we're both the same person. I'm just... shall we say... his failsafe. A precaution should he go into shock. I'm also the more bestial side of us. I'm sure you've seen times when we seem a little unstable. That's just little old me affecting ourselves slightly. Just a little fun we have in this head of ours.
Eva: W-Where's Mark?
She got out as Enigma's hand rapidly toyed with her core, breaking down her resistances.
Enigma: He's awake and watching all of this. He's just trying to recuperate mentally from the shock of being given that; oh so very potent; aphrodisiac in such a way. We may seem uptight about the whole banging you guys thing, but in reality it's just because we still got a little grudge against you guys. Don't worry though, we have nothing really against you guys, so we don't mind fulfilling your desires a little. Especially after you've drugged us up like this.
He groaned as I felt him rub is erection along my lower lips, not even realizing when he had gotten the three of us out of our underwear. I felt my insides grow slick as he rubbed against me down there, as if it was preparing itself for what would happen next.
Cecilia: W-Wait, I haven't even prepared myself.
He grinned down at me, parting my lower lips as the tip of his head entered. My lips swallowed his head whole as he pushed ever so slowly inside of me as I got used to his girth. My lips clung to his rod as he reached further in before stopping. I could feel the tip of his cock probe my maidenhood.
Enigma: That's the best part, surprise penetration.
He whispered in my ears as he thrust into me, tearing through my hymen as his cock reached my inner most parts. Before I could give a shriek in pain, he captured my lips, pushing against mine greedily as my upper body fell to the floor. He never relented in his assault even as he stole my first kiss. He pounded into me repeatedly, carving out my vagina to adapt to the shape and size of his erection.
After a while the pain stopped, a feeling of ecstasy replacing it. He broke our kiss as he continued to thrust into me. I felt a twinge of jealousy as he moved to kiss Ana, taking her lips. His arms and hands never stopped pleasuring the other two while he pounded away inside of me.
I watched him with fervent rapture as he broke the kiss from Ana, her pouting as he did so. He moved his mouth down to her neck, kissing along the way as he reached a certain spot. I saw his mouth part slightly as his fangs extended, like a vampire's, as he bit down into my friend.
I heard her squeals of excitement as the pressure between my legs reached its peak, pushing me over the edge when I saw one of my best friends bite down into him as well. I screamed as my first orgasm came, taking my whole mind by storm as it rushed through me. I felt him pull out of me as I collapsed in a heap of sweat. I felt a feeling of emptiness as his dick left me. I whimpered slightly at the loss of contact.
He opened his eyes, pulling his lips away from Ana as he smirked down at me.
Enigma: Don't worry, we still have more to give you three.
He smiled wickedly as we watched him as he bit his lips, drawing blood. He kissed the three of us, one at a time. I tasted the blood on his lips as he swirled it throughout my mouth. He pulled away from me, making me swallow his blood and our saliva to inhale a breath of air. Immediately I felt my sense of touch grow sensitive and my body grow hot as his blood went down my throat.
Enigma: We can reproduce any poison you've given us in the past.
He informed as he gazed upon our shocked looks. I felt him pick me up to switch me with Eva who was on my left. His hands entered me to keep me pleased while he entered Eva. Shrieks of ecstasy flew from her mouth as I watched jealously as his cock enter her, pausing slightly before tearing its way through. I saw blood flow down her lower lips, her innocence being taken right in front of me. He gave her the same treatment he gave me. The only difference was that he ripped her top off with his mouth, revealing those sinful breasts of hers. He leaned down, taking one of them into his mouth, kissing and sucking slightly as he got closer to the teat. I saw him envelop it, Eva's breath getting caught in her throat. I have no idea what he was doing to her, but from her reaction following soon after, I wanted him to do the same to me. My hands joined his at my pussy as I watched him pound into Eva while sucking on her jugs of milk. A scream followed soon after, clear liquid flowing out of Eva as she came hard. A look of pure bliss coating her face as she fell lazily.
I saw Eva's nipple after he leaned up to move Eva so he can position Ana next. Eva's nipple was red and hard from his actions. After getting Ana where he wanted and going back to please me and Eva with his hands, he pleasured Ana. He licked the holes he had made on her neck, tasting blood as he moved his cock to Ana's lips. It glistened against the air from the blood and cum that came from Eva and me both. I saw Ana tremble when she saw his dick approaching her. He kissed her lightly all the way from her collarbone up to her neck, stopping at her lips which helped her calm her racing heart.
The three of us didn't believe he could fit in Ana because of her size and the size of him.
He pushed towards her hole, but even his head could barely fit in her. Ana, being the smallest out of the three of us pouted lightly, tears starting to appear as she knew he couldn't get it in her as is, so she may not be able to feel the same pleasure we did. He smiled down at her comfortingly, as his hands left me and Eva. I saw him carry Ana in his arms, laying on his back as he positioned Ana above him, their genitals still touching.
Ana noticed what he was about to do, steeling her nerves as she readied herself. I watched with a lustful gaze as I saw Ana's juices dribbling out of her crotch, bathing his cock in it. She was on her knees as he grabbed her waist, pulling her down on top of him. I watched as I saw Ana swallow him whole, impaling her with his rod. She leaned back, letting out a powerful scream as she came from penetration, cum and blood pouring out of her. Eva and myself watched overawed as we saw her belly protruding slightly, knowing that was where his cock resided inside her right now. Ana stared back into his eyes, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck as she bounced on his dick as she moaned at every movement. Every movement giving her unimaginable pleasure. Her hands scrawled across his back, drawing blood which she, of course, lapped up.
He was surprised at her actions, but pleased nevertheless. He started to meet her hips half-way, thrusting upwards into her as she got even more pleasure out of him. I felt left out as I moved over to him, kissing him with fervor. Eva stole him from me after a moment, kissing him while Ana came non-stop from being pounded so much with her little body. The three of us saw him change slightly, a tug in his gut as he groaned loudly. Ana stopped moving as well, as she pulled him closer with her so she was on the floor. She made sure to wrap her pale legs around his hips, keeping them conjoined as closely as possible. They stayed like that for a while when he finally moved out from her. He moved away as we crawled on all fours to observe as his seed spilled out from her body, no doubt filling her up all the way to her womb.
Enigma: Eat it.
He commanded with a rough voice. Eva listened to his command, moving under Ana as she positioned Ana so she was on top of Eva's face, all the cum she could have falling into Eva's eagerly awaiting mouth. Ana shook as she felt Eva eating her out, her face flushing in embarrassment.
He positioned me above Eva's hips so our pussies were touching, sliding over each other. I moved forwards towards Ana to kiss her as I felt the man behind me lift mine and Eva's legs. He slid his cock in between our pussy lips, savoring the feeling. My tongue fought with Ana's as they wrestled for dominance. I felt Mark pause, before entering me from the back, an euphoric sense of fulfillment washing over me as he entered my deepest parts, ravaging my insides.
He leaned over, breaking the kiss between me and Ana, taking our lips for himself before whispering in my ears.
Enigma: I'm going to fill you up next.
He promised. He rapidly sped up his thrusting, causing my to squeal in bliss before slowing down, giving long, agonizingly slow strokes, before speeding up again. He never gave me a rhythm to get acquainted with. So I was always on edge. I felt his tip poking the entrance to my womb, kissing it repeatedly.
For what felt like hours, I heard a shout from behind me, a flood of warmth shooting up inside me as I felt it enter my womb, bathing its untouched walls with his seed. I came hard with him, my screams muffled in Ana's mouth as I tightened around his dick immediately, clenching it for every last drop I can milk from him. I felt him move slowly inside me as my walls tightened, massaged, and caressed him; readying him for a third round.
After a while, I felt him get hard inside of me once again. This time he pulled out, before pushing his cum covered erection into Eva beneath me and Ana. I saw Ana shiver as I hear a muffled moan come from Eva below us. He smashed into her roughly, causing the three of us who were interconnected to tremble.
Enigma: We're going to make sure you three get what you deserve. We are going to fill you three to the brim in every orifice you have with our cum. We will make sure that once we're done here, you'll be covered in our seed. We are going to make it so you'll want no one else but us. You three will be our woman to have our way with whenever we want wherever we want once this is over. We swear to you three that we'll make you three moan and pant like the bitches in heat you are.
He vowed, each pause in his sentences accentuated with a powerful thrust that made Eva scream. We know he was just talking us up to get us excited, but it would be a lie if we didn't have a small hope he was telling the truth in his words.
Enigma: This is just the beginning.
The three of us shivered as we thought of all the things he would do to us.
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Unparalleled Emperor
When an era came to an end, various forces set foot in cultivation to compete for immortality. A young boy who spent most of the time sleeping got lucky in the troubled times and became an unparalleled immortal who could cover the sky with a snap of fingers. Was he going to live forever? Click to read all of updated chapters on FlyingLines: Unparalleled Emperor!
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The Last Transmutator
Transmutators - beings with unimaginable power who use the power of the mind to Transmutate the world around them to their liking. Beings who can polymorph the world around them to fit their needs - and their desires. The Transmutation War left the world ravaged and deformed, an utterly chaotic world left with no two mountains alike nor a plain kilometric space. Both Transmutators died at the end of the war, but power... power never truly dies. Through centuries, the Transmutators' legacy survived, living in hiding as to not wreak havoc on the world again. A young Transmutator, the now only member of the family line, thinks he has what is needed to become a hero and break the stereotype people have of the Transmutators. But, if he is to overcome the challenges the hateful world of Gartaena has to offer, he will have to fully master the Transmutation, or die trying. Fiction completed
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Everything in existence possesses two sides, but only one side will be known across the world while the other lurks in eternal damnation. The world of Triea fights against an unending tide with the sliver of hope to reclaim the rightful place of the light on the land that was once theirs. Everyone shares the same dream to step on the lost land as liberators. A young man named Konnor will take part in the effort to reclaim their old home as a child blessed by the gods, a new status thrust upon him but still has the determination to embark on a new path. Unbeknownst to him, his home had to sacrifice too much to maintain the flames of hope alive. Very soon, the sparks will cease, and one side will claim total victory over the other once and for all. Also available on ScribbleHub. Cover art made by me.
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Lead Me Astray is now published as a Wattpad Book! As a Wattpad reader, you can access Wattpad Books Edition upon purchase and the Original Edition for free."Ambitious and fiercely original. Sondi Warner is the exciting new voice we've all been waiting for." - Carmen Ho @ HQWhen Aurie dies, only two people can save her soul: a seductive Empath who sees her ghost, and a hot werewolf investigating her death. But will she accept the desire swirling between the three of them? ***** After her death, Aurie Edison awakens in Overlay City, a shadowy world of supernaturals hidden within the ley lines of New Orleans. There, she meets a non-binary Empath named Mys who agrees to help her with her unfinished business, and Detective Zyr, a rogue werewolf investigating the sketchy circumstances surrounding her hit-and-run. A magnetic attraction soon pulls the three of them together - but can they stay out of bed long enough to catch the vampire who may have killed Aurie?[[Watty's 2019 Horror & Paranormal Winner]][[Winner of 2018 Rune Awards Romance Category for Best Technical Skill]][[Winner of 2018 Majestic Awards in Paranormal]]Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains scenes of violence and sexual activity, which may be triggering for some readers.[[word count: 100,000-150,000 words]]
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