《Primordial Origins》Can't I Catch a Break?
Words like this [italics] mean they're said with a speech bubble or written down on something.
Mark's POV
As the light engulfed me, I felt a sense of weightlessness, before feeling a sense of disorientation and nausea. I heard muffled voices around me, but when I tried to reach out to them, all I felt was slimy warm walls moving, attempting to move me towards the light, but I never got closer. As I waited, the voices grew louder, a light ahead of this dark tunnel shone, but never got closer.
???: Prepare for the Cesarean section, she's too small to give birth. Hang in there, Number 72.
A woman commanded. A scream followed soon after, a flash of light coming from above me as the light was opened wider. I didn't even wonder why the woman giving orders was calling my mother 'Number 72', my mind was preoccupied with other much more important things.
Mark: Hahaha! Now I know the whole 'light at the end of the tunnel' mystery. It's you coming out of the vagina. ...Only I didn't seem to come out that way.
A mad laugh was the first thing that escaped my mouth as I attempted to open my eyes to see my birth mother. They probably thought it was a cute giggle. I can hear my mother breathing heavily, as she calmed down.
???: Seems we did have to do the Cesarean section. It's a boy. He seems healthy. We'll take it from here. Patch her up and let her rest before setting her free.
Mother: C-Can I at least see him?
I heard my mother beg. I was wondering why she couldn't see me.
???: You've done your part, we'll keep our end of the bargain and stay out of your hair as long as you give us the baby. Congratulations Number 72, you're now free. We'll be taking your son.
Mother: P-Please. I just want to see him once. With such a situation like this, can't I at least see my son. I can't even find his father anymore. You can't find him either.
Mark: Does that mean my mother slept around? Is she a whore? My apologies mother, 'lady of the night'. Still, I don't want to see random dudes walking past me knowing they're going to do or done my mom!
The woman who was holding me, from what I think, was acting like a total cunt. So I tried wriggling in her arms, reaching out to the voice of my mother.
???: Ah, that's right. This situation is unique with the whole 'you falling in love with an imaginary man and bearing his baby while still having your innocence' scenario.
Mark: ...What?
Mother: He wasn't imaginary. That child is the proof of our love.
???: Yet no one can seem to find or even remember him. He also doesn't exist in the memories of anyone who you said met him. Hell, you can't even remember him now, only what he looked like! And even that's becoming blurry at best and still getting worse as time passes. Your innocence is even still intact!
Mother: Please. I-I know he exists. I want to see our child.
???: Like I said, the last time we met up, you said that you had fallen in love with some man. We did the best we could to find out who in the world the father was, but came up empty. We questioned all the people the two of you could've met on your outings. Even the people who you were closest with have never claimed to met the man, much less of you dating. We wanted to see what sort of enigma the child would be, with a person like you; our greatest success; as the mother and the strange enigma as the father. So we gave you the deal to give you your freedom if you give us the baby, you agreed. Nine months later, here we are.
Mark: What the fuck is going on here?
???: All I can tell you was that from how you described the father, he looks like his son; same hair, probably same eyes as well. As if they were the same person.
Mark: Alright, that's it. I give up. I'm done here. What the hell is this kind of birth?
I squirmed some more in her hands, trying to reach out to my mother.
???: Oh look, it seems he can somewhat understand what were saying. He's even reaching out to you.
Mother: P-Please! At least let me name him!
Cunt: That wasn't part of the deal. Good day, Number 72. Leave her to rest up, she isn't strong enough to catch us right now. We're moving out. I just got a new test subject.
I heard the wracking sobs of my mother as she screamed for me, quickly going quiet as I assumed she was sedated. The woman who was holding me was a real cunt, so that's what I'll call her for now. All that was left was the sound of the Cunt's heels clicking against the floor beneath us. I slowly gained the strength to open my eyes, seeing an older-looking brunette with green eyes above me with decent sized breasts. She looked down at me, smiling lightly.
Cunt: I'm going to be your new 'mama'. Can you say 'mama'?
I reached up at her, making her to lower her head.
Cunt: Yes?
She cooed as her face was near mine. I did my best to pull at her hair, in an attempt to get her eyes down so I can poke them out in irritation.
Cunt: Ow, you little shit. Maybe you can understand what I'm saying. Heh heh, I'm going to have fun experimenting on you.
She growled in pain as she brought her head away from me. I felt sleepiness overtake me, so my eyelids started too close against my will.
When I looked around, I saw we were in some sort of facility. There were doctors in lab coats, standing around conversing about shit I couldn't keep up with. As we walked, there became less and less doctors occupying the corridor. Cunt turned down many corridors. Soon, it started to look like a more private facility, with a more homely feeling on the windows outside. Inside the building though, it felt empty. Soon, we arrived at big wooden double doors with intricate decorations carved into the door. Inside there were two other female doctors.
Mark: Come to think of it, why was there mostly females here?
Once they saw me though, all their eyes gained a rabid gleam, quickly approaching.
???: Is this the new test subject?
One ditzy looking blondie with blue eyes asked. I noticed she had pointed ears as well.
Mark: An elf! What the fuck. Aren't elves usually lithe and graceful? This one looks like a whore who'd choke down dicks for fun and then get paid as an bonus. What the hell is someone like her doing here? She looks like a total slut! Lift your arms for me real quick and I bet I can see the most of your tits with that kind of top. And why is your skirt so short, all you need to do is sit down and anyone can see your panties, if you even have any on at the moment, to which I am seriously doubting!
Cunt nodded her head.
Cunt: It also seems he can already understand us.
???: Interesting...
A black-haired doctor mumbled as she stared at me with ravenous eyes. She looked to actually be dressed decently as a doctor although she was a loli. She had a paler skin tone than the other two, with red eyes. I saw small pointed fangs at the corners of her mouth.
Mark: A vampire? Oh, come on! Get her the fuck away from me. She looks like she's about to take a chomp out of my jugular. She's getting closer! Hey, I thought you wanted to do experiments with me! Can't do that if I'm dead right?! Unless you want to try undead experiments with me... Is that even possible? Or do they just become mindless zombies here? H-Hey wait! Argh, the bitch cut me.
The bitch lifted the nail with my blood on it to her lips, savoring the taste.
Bitch: He's tasty. Better than most newborns I've sampled.
The crazy vampire bitch started to reach for another taste. So, I decided to name her Bitch. Cunt moved me away.
Cunt: No time, we have experiments to start.
Slut: So, what shall we do first?
The blonde bimbo, aptly named Slut, jumped excitedly her milk jugs bouncing away.
Mark: How do you not have back pains with those thing connected to your chest. I mean they're like what, F-cup? Pushing G-cups?
Slut saw me staring at her breast, smirking the whole time.
Slut: Aww does the little one want a taste?
She grabbed me from Cunt's arms, smothering me in those weapons of mass smothering. I looked up at her, nearly dying in her embrace. She pushed me against her teat, laughing joyfully. As my mouth neared it, I made a blade of air with the minuscule mana I have. I gave her a light cut above the teat. I sucked as much of it down as I could as until she noticed the blood running down her chest. She dropped me, Bitch catching me before I could hit the ground.
Cunt: Haha, that's what you get for not listening to my warning.
Slut: Shut up cunt...
I turned to look at Slut, giving her my best thumbs up as I could. Slut saw my reaction when she called Cunt, laughing happily as she healed her wound with magic.
Slut: Seems like even the child likes calling you Cunt.
I nodded at her words. Cunt glared at me, but otherwise left me alone as she went ahead, Slut and Bitch following after her. We walked towards a special facility, where it looked like just the Triple Threat worked at.
Mark: I like that new nickname for them.
They set me down on the ground, leaving to do other things. I spit out the remainder of blood in my mouth, using it to draw my nicknames for them on the floor. When they returned, they were shocked when they saw what I was doing. I pointed to each of the nicknames and their corresponding counterpart. I grinned up at them, covered in blood.
They looked at each other, grim smiles decorating their faces.
Triple Threat: This is going to be fun...
They announced ominously. I just grinned right back at them.
After they got a sample of my blood and saliva, they strapped me to a machine. They hooked up nozzles into my nose,, while sticking needles into me. Then I felt air being pushed inside of my lungs, giving me air to survive for whatever they're going to do.
Bitch left the room for a moment, wheeling into the room a steel crate, the sounds of liquid sloshing inside. She placed it underneath where I was currently placed, moving away to work on something else. Cunt walked over to me to explain. She pulled the tarp covering the liquid underneath me. Inside was a clear bright blue liquid that seemed to exude waves of power.
Cunt: Okay, so I have no idea if you can understand me, so just try nodding.
I spat out a little leftover blood of Slut's, watching it as it fell into the liquid, dissolving in an instant. Cunt smiled at me.
Cunt: Seems you can understand me. Anyway, that underneath you is a vat of liquefied mana. It is the most potent form of mana to date, and if your body is not tough enough to endure it, then it would cause unimaginable pain. We're doing an experiment on whether you can withstand the pain, as well as if you can adapt to surviving in potent forms of mana. If you do, then we can proceed, but if not, then... well maybe we get to see if you can make a sound aside from a laugh.
She grinned maliciously at me. The other two left the room, killing the lights as they undid the bindings the lower me into the liquid mana. The box had a glass front, which allowed them to see my reactions. Ever so slowly, they lowered me into the liquid. Immediately, bursts of pain started to envelop my baby body as I felt the mana enter my body through my pores. I used my ability to devour, consuming the mana that had entered my body. Slowly, I was able to process the mana to the point where my own blood started to take the traits of liquefied mana. After a while, I floated in the liquid mana, staring out at the people behind the glass. After a few minutes, I was pulled out, to let drip off the excess liquid mana that covered my body. Immediately, I felt my body explode, rivets of pain coursed throughout my body. Slowly, my body had begun to grow little by little, stopping until I was at the size of an early child of about three years old. The Triple Threat immediately rushed over, staring at me in shock. The mana had stimulated my growth, causing my body to rapidly develop and change. The mana coursed through my veins, entering them as it forced my body to adapt to the foreign substance. Ever so slowly, the mana changed my body, a core forming inside of me, in the center of my body, slightly below the navel.
My mind took a moment to realize what the fuck was going on as I underwent the changes caused by the mana merging into a core in my body. After a few minutes of agonizing pain, to which I made no sounds just to piss off the Triple Threat, I calmed down, the changes made to myself completed.
Only later would I find that a detriment that occurred was since now I wasn't able to do magic since the core in my body absorbs it all. Instead, I can only alter how my body is structured with the mana inside of my body. That means that I would be able to do skills/arts or maybe even changing how I look, but unable to cast most ranged magic because my control of the magic would quickly disperse once it leaves my body. I would need to find a way to fix that in the future.
Once I got myself under control, the Triple Threat immediately ran some tests on me, only to find not much had changed in my body internally aside from the fact that my body was rich with mana. That meant my blood as well.
Bitch: I want a taste...
Cunt slapped her hand.
Cunt: Don't! For all we know, his blood may be just as dangerous as liquefied mana.
Slut chimed in now.
Slut: Then that means that if it is, we have a way to milk a substance almost the equivalent of liquefied mana from the kid.
They looked over at me with greed on their faces. I ignored them as I wanted to go to sleep. I dozed off after they picked me up to run more tests on me.
That was our relationship for the most part. They would run experiments while I would be the one to suffer. I still never made any sounds throughout any of their experiments, which gave them an endless amount of annoyance. I learned about them through conversations they had with various individuals whenever they would give me a chance to rest. I heard them talking to all kinds of people, deciding that they were some pretty influential people among the higher-ups of this world.
So whenever I had free time from the three mad scientists when they were busy, I researched into the art of soul-tempering and purifying the mana in my body.
Soul-TemperingThe ability to forge one's soul into physical form. Takes times depending on the type of form that piece of soul takes shape as and causes the owner of the soul to feel an infinite amount of pain while in the process. Can also divide one's soul, strengthening it altogether to create different kinds of weapons while making the weapons stronger and more durable. Can be used in conjunction with physical material as long as there is a catalyst to help the soul take shape.
It was a skill that I learned about from the info-dump. It has to do with smashing the soul into bits, allowing those bits to gain power, then bringing said bits back together to form a stronger piece. As time goes on, your soul would be strengthened, allowing you to shape and mold it into whatever you want. The more complex the design is, the harder it would be to create.
Purifying mana is a little more simple. It has to do with after gathering the mana from your surroundings, storing it in your body, while expelling any impurities the mana may have. Only problem, is that I have no way to store mana since all of it is consumed by my core and it takes longer for me to get my mana back because of that. The only saving grace is that since my core seems to have taken a liking to the quality of the mana that was in my soul when I devoured Myrna's chains, It automatically purifies it for me to that quality. I searched for a way to absorb mana without having to focus, finding a technique that does it while I don't use mana.
So whenever I had free time, I concentrated on soul-tempering, allowing myself to strengthen my soul, while the Triple Threat strengthened my body on the outside. They had me do various strenuous exercises as well as many different things to judge how I my body moved. For the most part, I seemed like a human, only with an abnormally rich amount of mana with a mana core in my body that strengthens me. Sadly, my blood couldn't be sold as a substitution for liquefied mana, but that didn't stop them from trying out other kinds of things on me.
Triple Threat was fairly excited over me, after learning what had happened. So I was made to do various exercises which involve my mana core. I thought they were overreacting when they had learned of it, but later learned that humans aren't able to create mana cores. That is something that only higher ranked monsters that have become mana beasts would be able to do since the mana required to make a core is extremely large and must be incredibly pure. It seems the vat of liquefied mana was the most pure type they could get their hands on. There are even more pure wells of liquefied mana, but they are guarded by either packs of mana beasts or an extremely strong mana beast. I made it a mission to seek out such mana wells to see if there may be other things I may gain from them.
Afterwards, they tied me up to a chair, ensuring I wouldn't be able to move. I stared on at them, watching as they pulled out syringes full of copious amounts of strange liquids. Cunt walked up to me, a syringe filled with a green liquid in her hand. I saw her dilute it, so it must mean it may be too strong for my body whatever it is.
Cunt: This is a type of poison. We have hundreds of different types, and we're going to test if you can live through it. Hence, why I had diluted the first batch. Now be a good boy and try not to scream.
I struggled as she injected the poison into my arm. I felt a slight stinging pain as it started to run it's course throughout my body. My mana core did its best to speed up the development of antitoxins to fight off the blasted poison. After what seemed like half an hour of agony, my body started getting rid of it. Triple Threat recorded what they saw, before readying another one. This was repeated times, but I was able to expel most of the poisons. The ones I couldn't get rid of, I devoured. I would later remake the poisons I could handle, only more potent than before to strengthen my immune system. I diluted the ones I couldn't handle, remaking them in a slightly weaker potency, allowing me to build an immunity.
After finishing a few dozen poisons, they let me take a rest. They brought me to my room, a pitiful excuse of one. I looked up at them as I toddled beside them.
Mark: Don't give me that look. I saw all that high-tech shit you got. You're saying there's nothing better than this?!
The room they had led me to was a small as shit apartment. It was a single room with a small futon on the floor that looked to be many years old. There was nothing else in the room but a shitty looking tv.
Mark: I'll probably get the abc's on that shit or at least the news.
I groaned at my luck, getting few surprised stares.
Slut: Looks like the little one can make noises.
She mocked, getting a chuckle out of the other two. I walked around the room, observing it as I noticed a big problem. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, writing words of utmost importance.
Mark: [Where's the kitchen and bathroom?]
This came as a shock to them, realizing that I could realize everything they were saying and what they were doing. I was even able to communicate with them. I stood there for a moment, awaiting their answer.
Slut: Turn left down the hall, turn left again, second door on the right for the bathroom. Turn right down the hall, first door you come across.
I nodded at her words, leaving my room to go take a piss. After returning, they were waiting there for me, watching me on a monitor that seemed to pop up from Bitch's wrist.
Mark: [What's that?]
I questioned. They looked down at the spot where the monitor came out of.
Bitch: A magic tool I made.
Mark: [Let me get one.]
They looked at me weirdly.
Slut: Why should we let you have one?
I glared at them for a moment before responding.
Mark: [I have no idea what the fuck you guys are doing here, whether your attempting to make a super-soldier, wanting to fuck with little kids as you take them from their mothers, or just trying to get off on hearing a child make sounds because you three have been hell bent on attempting to make me make some. If I'm going to go along with this shit, I want shit in return.]
They gaped at the small paragraph I had written out, albeit slightly sloppily, but hey I'm a toddler.
Mark: [Also it makes it easier to communicate than writing with my child hands.]
They looked at each other strangely, before looking back down at me.
Cunt: If you know how to communicate and all this other stiff, why don't you just talk.
I stared at her, wondering if she was stupid or something.
Mark: [Are you an idiot? Is that lab coat you're wearing for the shits and giggles? I was just born what, yesterday maybe? Hell if I know. I was dunked in shit that was painful as hell, and then went through an unnatural growth spurt. You shoved all this weird shit in me that, should I not have had certain abilities, I would've died. I'm currently a toddler in the physical sense. Do you really expect me to want to talk to you? It's already a hassle communicating with you like this. Besides, I'm still getting used to this body, how the fuck am I supposed to use a muscle so fine-tuned to produce words after all that?]
I chastised them. They turned their head awkwardly as they realized their actions. Bitch left to go get one for me. I sat down on the shitty futon, yawning lightly as I felt tiredness overtake me. Bitch came back with a weird looking gun, she asked me to stick out my left arm, which I did.
Mark: Hey, Myrna came through. I got a cool tattoo!
A sharp pain went up my arm. She injected whatever the thing was where one of the snake's head was on my wrist near the vein. I saw a blinking light appear under my skin near the wrist before going dim.
A slew of windows flowed past my eyes, taking a moment to read them as quickly as I could, before getting rid of them. It wasn't important for the most part, just shit like what the device is useful for, how great the creator of the tool is and other random shit.
Ana: I call it the Personal Wrist Computer, or PWC. Only a select few have them as of now-
I waved her off, stopping her spiel. After all was said and done, I was able to access the internet with this thing. I looked through a few different news sites, but nothing really caught my attention. I took my attention off from the new gizmo returning my stare to the Triple Threat who were scrutinizing me with judging eyes. I used an app I found, where it types out what you want to say in speech bubbles after saying a keyword to start and end the quote.
Mark: [Thanks for getting me this. We good for now? ]
They stared at the speech bubble that floated by my head for a moment before replying.
Slut: Who are you?
I shrugged.
Mark: [No idea. Lost all my memories.]
I gave them a little white lie.
Mark: [Anyway, I'm hungry. Let's go eat!]
I strolled out the door, arriving at the kitchen. I approached the door, the automatic hiss of air resounded in my ears as I walked through the doors. I looked through the fridge, finding some food to eat. I came out with a banana, biting into it as it was soft enough for my newly grown teeth to sink into. I climbed up onto a chair, sitting down as my face barely covered the top of the table. The Triple Threat followed after me, watching me the whole time. They got something to eat as well, but just kept on staring at me.
Mark finished his banana, tossing the peel away before toddling back over to them.
Mark: [So what are your names? I usually just call you three Bitch, Cunt, and Slut. Or Triple Threat when referring to the three of you.]
Cunt: Who's Bitch and who's Cunt?
I started to laugh aloud which came out as a giggle, realizing how that sounded. Cunt herself realized the words she just said, blushing.
Mark: [Mine, the bitch and cunt are all mine to have my way with.]
I joked, receiving three glares.
Slut: Hey, what about Slut?
She asked indignantly. I tried to stifle even more laughter the best I could.
Mark: [Sorry, she's too easy.]
They looked ready to pounce on me.
Mark: [Anyway, what are your names?]
Cunt answered first.
Cunt: My name is Cecilia Dravleich.
Bitch was next.
Bitch: My name is Anastasia Morde.
Slut was last.
Slut: My name is Evalene Johnson.
Mark: [Even her name has the name dick in it...]
Triple Threat: You thought of something rude just now didn't you?
Mark: [How did you know?]
They stared at the speech bubble besides my head. Seems I forgot to keep that thought to myself. I decided to brush it off.
Mark: [I've always thought of something rude when it came to you three. Anyway, do I have a name to go by, or can I choose?]
They looked at each other for a moment, whispering to themselves. I sat there on the chair, peeking over the table to look at them. After a few minutes, they decided.
Cecilia: We'll let you choose your own name.
Mark: [My name from now on shall be Mark. There are other people named such, but this name is mine.]
They nodded at my name, deeming it acceptable.
Mark: [Now, let's get down to business, what our relationship would entails for both parties. I believe-]
Eva cut in.
Eva, One thing, can you put some clothes on?
I stopped my words, glaring at her the best I could.
Mark: [Do you have any?]
- In Serial53 Chapters
Where It All Began
On the eve of the apocalypse, Eva finds herself confined to a clearing in the woods with only her clothes on her back. Staring her down is a goblin armed and ready to fight. Eva will have to survive not only the goblin, but also gain enough strength to confront the aliens responsible for bringing mana to Earth in the first place!
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Ilden grows colder with each passing year, as smoke and smog cool the city, but no one cares about that, it is just the way things are.Three people, a teacher, a company's heir and a low life, who should have never met become entangled in each other's lives, have no choice but to work together, for change various “way things are”.Alhough, it may not even matter, at this point.__________________This work may feature very strong language and potentially triggering content as mild as it may start. A simmering slow burn is my intentions with this so be forwarned. I would provide a warning in advance in the chapters themselves. Contains art work every chapter all done by me which includes the cover amoung other art pieces
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A Thousand Reincarnations : Overcome My Destiny
Hi, I'm Revlo, the main character, the title speaks for itself, an isekai story. Somehow I died by getting hit by truck-kun when I was walking home from school and got reincarnated into a world of magic and swords. Elves, fairies, and goblins roam this world that resembles that of the middle ages. Don't tell me I'm gonna be one of those isekai protagonists where I get cheats, build my harem and become op?... Wait, where is my cheat? I don't get a system? or any talent in magic? Well that's okay, I have the knowledge that I got on modern-day Earth, I'll use this to get any advantage that I can.... and I died at the age of 15, seriously? before my legend even began, I died just like that? Wait! I got reincarnated again! This time I'm in a cyberpunk world... I still don't have cheats and my knowledge is useless in a cyberpunk world... frick... well I got a second chance, I won't waste it, I don't know how I died in my previous life but I'm gonna make the most out of this....15 years later... I died again... The third time, I'm in a cultivation world, I died at 15 years old again... The fourth time, I'm in a futuristic world, I died at 15 years old again... The 5th, 6th, 7th, 18th, 23rd, 55th, 68th, 132nd, 300th, 419th, 600th, 665th, 999th life. I kept dying and reincarnating and no matter what I do to prevent it, I kept dying the moment I turn 15 years old! Until I reached my 1000th life..... the moment I was born... within in the depths of my soul.. something felt different. [2000+ Words Per Chapter] ===Update Schedule=== > > support me on patreon ---> patreon.com/drdedot
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Gamemaster's Adventures in another world
It's your typical "I got transfer to another world by death or some virtual reality game," but this time it's the Gamemaster who gets transferred to another world. Fortunately, he gets to keep his powers. (Think of this like light novel, The New Gate.) - - - - - - Verden Kyler is a gamemaster of a Game Master in a virutal world called Avant-Garde’s Mirror Sky. For unknown reason, he's been transported to another world that appears to be Avant-Garde’s Mirror Sky, but thirty years have passed and the players who once roam the world are considered distance legends. Fortunately, Verden gets to keep his powers as a Game Master only unrestricted now. What shall he do?
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Having a Common Game Ability In Normal Life
As long as i can remember, i can see something other people can't see Yes, on the top right of my vision, i have something that looks like a map, does it useful? how does something that blocks 1/32 of my vision to be useful? Does it have to be useful.. right? As i get older, this looks like "mini-map" in a video game that i played, so i decided to call this Mini-map at least I'm not the only one with this kind of thing.. from what I've found, everyone has different ability, for example my little sister can see another person status, there's a person that can heal wounds by eating meat, there's a person that once a day can spin roulette to get reward, there's a person that can jump twice in the air and there's a person that can throw fireballs..... wait a minute!? the story will be slow, since i just write this to train my english anyhow the idea of this story will be if someone can throw a fireball does their hand burns? if someone can jump for 30m can they survive the fall? if a bard play a song that can regen their allies, why’s the enemy isn’t regenerating? if a cleris creates a barrier can their allies attack from inside barrier? and About the first few chapter i know the grammar was really bad but it’ll help me if you guys read the first few chapter and go straight to the last and tell me have i improve or not P.S i hope The world has “common language” feature so everyone speak in the same tongue lol
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"All i need in this life of sin is..." Kiara Palet is a 22 year old photographer from Harlem New York, her life is a train wreck and so is her love life. khari Sage Francois is a 26 year old poetand business man, h e was the world in his hands, he has the money, the fame, the respect and all of the women he could possibly have.
8 88