《Primordial Origins》Cliché Much?
Mark's POV
I felt myself lying on the ground, a finger poking my face as I tried to move my body. Slowly, I was able to get my body under control. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing a white expanse filling my vision. I would've gone crazy if I couldn't see my body and other people inside the white expanse as well. If I wasn't able to see them or myself, I would've believed that all I was looking at was the color white and nothing else. Some were standing up as well, while others were either asleep or beginning to rouse from their slumber.
I focused my attention on a blonde-haired, brown-eyed buxom beauty poking me in the face as she stared at me curiously. I willed my body to move, pushing her finger away as I tried to get up. I stood unsteadily on my feet, taking into account the people around me. Most looked like they were still in high school.
Mark: Wait, what the fuck is this thing called school? And why do I feel like I would hate it?
I pondered, before a mind-splitting migraine penetrated my head, causing me to keel over. My mind was instantly filled with info. The massive info-dump was immediately uploaded into my mind, sorting itself into important things, things useful to know, and miscellaneous tidbits of info such as: manners in front of people in power, how to juggle, and how to please a woman.
Mark: Wait! That last one should go under things useful to know.
After sorting through the info in my mind, I was able to focus on the important pieces of info.
How to fight.
How to kill.
How to survive.
How to thrive.
And then there were names. I can't place a name to a face, but I feel like if I were to ever met them, I know they're important to me.
Mark: Aurora, Dawn, Fate, Death, Karma, World-chan.
I tried out saying their names in my mind. I felt a different personality surface inside my consciousness. A mad, dare I say, psychopathic side of me, awaiting times when I can cut loose, enjoying everything in all its carnal desire. A feral grin adorned my face as I thought of them wanting to meet them as soon as I could, the split personality affecting my state of mind. Before I knew it, I was licking my lips like a wolf finding its prey.
I noticed myself in the middle of my actions, stopping myself mid-way through, even though I was agreeing to meeting them as soon as I can. We both wanted to meet them, whether for pure desire or for stability, we will find out.
The woman who was poking my face visibly shivered as a blush adorned her face, seeing my expression. Probably mistaking my actions to have been caused by her. It took her a moment to get her breath and emotions under control, willing the blush to leave her face.
Mark: Though if I have to say she does look appetizing.
???: Now that you are all awake, I would like to greet all of you. My name is Myrna, and I am the chief goddess in charge of the world of Eidolon.
The woman who was poking my cheek announced. I silently chuckled to myself, thinking of the person's naming sense as anything but laudable.
Mark: That's a hilarious naming sense. Makes one think back on the life they had in the past, you know, before we all die, again probably. Hmm, did I die? Can't remember...
Myrna saw me laughing to myself, giving me a quizzical look. I merely responded with a flying kiss, which caused her to pout at me.
Mark: Aww, don't you look adorable pouting like that.
I thought to myself out loud, causing everyone to look at me. After I noticed what I said aloud, I decided to roll with it. I gave them an uncaring shrug.
Mark: What? It's the truth. Makes me want to tease her more so she'll make that face for me everyday. Now that'll be a fulfilling achievement.
I daydreamed, ignoring everyone who was giving me a variety of looks. The best one was the one Myrna gave me, a content growl escaping my throat as I saw her. She switched her gaze from me as soon as she heard it. She decided to focus on explaining what we were doing here, but every now and then, I could see her taking peeks my way. She cleared her throat to draw everyone's attention before speaking once again.
Myrna: As I was saying, My name is Myrna and I am the chief goddess in charge of the world called Eidolon. I rule over other gods and goddess, making sure they stay in line for the most part and report to a higher power.
Immediately, whispers of curiosity flared amongst the crowd, thoughts on things such as gods and who this 'higher power' could be. Myrna overlooked the crowd, silently watching and listening to all of their conversations. I decided to interrupt, just so we can get over the whole 'higher power' phase.
Mark: So you're like a mascot?
Myrna stared over at me.
Myrna: Excuse me?
Mark: I mean, a cute goddess like yourself, represents the other gods and goddess. You also report to a 'higher power'. It's like you were made to be the whole spokesperson for your group, to deal with things such as this and the 'higher power' You use your personality and cute looks to get people onto your side, or in the case of the 'higher power' curry favor right?
The surroundings immediately turned quiet, watching my figure as I stared down Myrna as she tried to read through my words and actions to find the reasoning in my whole spiel.
Myrna: If I said no, and that I am actually in charge, as well as stronger than all the others, what would you say?
She retorted me with a smug smirk. I gave her a defeated look, which only seemed to inflate her ego.
Mark: That means that I can't see you in a mascot outfit. I was hoping for something like a nekomimi outfit or something similar.
I deadpanned in dejection. Immediately, Myrna looked shocked at me before blushing furiously in annoyance and embarrassment.
Mark: Haha! I got you to blush yet again. Me: 2 Myrna: 0
I did a little jig in place, causing more than a few snickers to which I paid no heed to.
Myrna: Wait! When did you get a point?!
She accused me with an angry look.
Mark: When you didn't reject my flying kiss.
I teased her with a wink. She started to stare at me with fury, which only made me want to tease her even more.
Mark: Now it's 3:0!
I laughed, which caused her to be even more infuriated. She snapped her fingers, glowing white chains wrapped around my whole body save for my head. I was flipped over, suspended in the air, looking down on everyone from above. Everyone stared up at me in amazement. No doubt wondering about this power and if they could use it.
Mark: Wow, chains! I didn't expect you to be into bondage. I thought you as a more pure girl. Pretty kinky though. I dig it.
She blushed even more. I thought that if we were to open her mouth and flip her upside-down, She'd puke blood.
Mark: Speaking of opening her mouth while she's upside down...
My thoughts trailed off to an innocent number. It seems she was able to hear my thoughts, causing her glare at me to intensify.
Mark: 6:0
Myrna: How did it increase now?!
She seemed exasperated, so I decided to tell her the truth..
Mark: You got caught up in my pace. I got you to blush again with the bondage, and I know you read my mind when I made the comment about opening your mouth.
I gave it to her straight, chuckling at my little innuendo. She only started to despise me more. A chain wrapped around my head, silencing me for now.
Mark: 7:0
Myrna cleared her expression, taking a moment to collect herself and continue on her explanation while she gave me her best attempt to ignore me.
Myrna: Anyway, as I was saying, you are all here because you were chosen to be reincarnated because we gods thought that it would be fun to see how people from other worlds deal with our world.
Cries of outrage ran through the group when they heard that they would reincarnate.
???: Hey, what do you mean?! You saying you killed us just for fun.
A woman asked as he glared at Myrna in anger. Meanwhile, I decided I would use that innate ability that I learned I possess to chew through the chains keeping me quiet.
DevourInnate ability of the Origin. Gives one the ability to consume existences whose power came from the Origin. If the existence that is consumed is alive and sentient, it must be in a weakened state to devour their power. Time taken to devour depends on the amount of power the existence holds/held. May be able to take traits from devoured creation.
I used it immediately, a black fog spreading through the chains in my mouth as if they were made of air, consuming the pieces. As I devoured them, I felt the power they were made of empower me. A short while after, I felt slightly fatigued, taking a moment to recover after the power from the chains left me.
Mark: Radical... Wait, that's probably out of date, what the fuck do kids say these days? YOLO? Ah fuck it, I don't really care. I'm going to have fun with this power.
I thought to myself as Myrna got the situation under control. I wasn't aware of the mana that made up of those chains imprinted on my soul, causing it to seek mana of similar purity or to create it itself.
Myrna: Silence!! We did not kill you. You had already passed, And we thought it would be interesting, so that is why we are summoning you.
I decided to chime in here.
Mark: Don't put it past them to kill you though. Immortals are usually fickle when it comes to mortals.
I added my two cents. Myrna stared at me in shock, wondering how I had taken off the chains binding my mouth. She was about to retort my claim before I interrupted her.
Mark: Don't lie to people who are already dead, you look them in the face and say there are no gods who do fuck with mortals for fun with a straight face.
Myrna hesitated, before shaking her head. She instead decides to change the topic, ignoring the subject all-together, knowing there is nothing we can do to challenge her.
Myrna: Anyway, as I was saying, We are letting you have a second chance at life, albeit very different from your old one. The technology is similar to your world on some fronts, while on others not so much
???: What do you mean?
Some teenager asked, nervous, but anticipation colored his face.
Myrna: The world I will be transporting you to has some similarities to your old lifestyle, but in our world, there exist the concept known as magic, with a world rife with monsters.
Shouts of excitement filled the air as people began speculating the idea of wielding magic. Most of them probably read or watched too much anime or manga
For the sake of getting the conversation going, I decided to ask, in the most sarcastic way I could.
Mark: But for people like us, who've never used or seen these things, how could we ever learn to use it?
All attention focused on my words in an instant, everyone agreeing with my words. Myrna glanced in my direction, but decided to explain to them, seeing that I was helping get the conversation going.
Myrna: Naturally, since you all have died. You will be reincarnating as a baby-
A shout of joy rushed out of the mouths of different people, all men. The woman looked upon the people who had shouted in disgust, realizing what the men were thinking about. Myrna was among them, glaring at me.
Mark: I, on the other hand, had no fetishes of sucking on a woman's boobs as a baby. Maybe when I'm in puberty, but not as an infant. Especially if she was my mother, unless she was hot. All guys have urges when they go through puberty. Never underestimate a teenage boy's strike-zone while in puberty. Don't worry though, we usually don't act on them. We find a way to deal with such problems. Males tend to figure that shit out pretty quick.
Myrna relaxed at my thoughts, nodding her head in agreement after hearing my thoughts.
Myrna: Females figure that shit out pretty quick as well.
She said aloud, agreeing with my thoughts. Everyone stood confused as to what those words meant. She realized she spoke aloud, glaring at me while brushing off their stares.
Mark: As if I was the one at fault for making you think that out loud.
Myrna: -as I was saying, you will be reborn as a baby with your past memories. You will most likely grow up surrounded by magic and I'm sure someone will explain it to you. I'm sure you could figure it out as you go from there.
A man in the back called out.
???: W-W-Wait, what happens if we don't?
Myrna looked at him in annoyance. Before she had a chance to retort, I did it for her.
Mark: If you, with a past life of experiences, and you're still not able to get it, while kids are born without memories aside from what they could remember ever since they got born could do it, then that just means you suck.
The man glared at me for my explanation, but knew I was right.
Myrna: Continuing on, we will let you live in our world, observing how you adapt to the differences in culture and realities. When you turn twenty years old, you can report to a certain island in the center of surrounding kingdoms. You will have the chance to meet up with each other there. You'll know I sent you because you'll have a tattoo on your left wrist.
Whispers of confusion and fear surfaced among the plebeians. That's what I decided to call the crowd below me. Makes it more fun. There's Plebeian 1, Plebeian 2, 34D Plebeian, Library Girl Plebeian, oh there goes Ditzy Plebeian falling standing still, etc. One brave Plebeian decided to ask.
One brave Plebeian: Why are you asking us to go to this island? Are you asking for us to strengthen ourselves so we can join together to defeat the demon lord?
Mark: Pft-
I admit, I didn't try my best to disguise that. I started to guffaw at his question, shaking in the air as I realized his thought process. Everyone turned their attention to me.
Mark: It's so cliché!!!
I cried out loud as another chain came to wrap around my mouth, silencing me once again. I decided to leave it there until I am able to calm myself down.
Myrna: No, most of the continents are inter-connected, and the races work together or tolerate each other. Sure there are some rough points like assassinations, conspiracy, criminal organizations and what not, but this is merely so you can meet up with each other.
One brave Plebeian: How can we trust you with just that? 'We're giving you a second chance at life for free?' I don't believe it.
Mark: Would it make you feel better if you thought of it as their 'entertainment', watching you struggle in their world?
I persuaded after I calmed down and took the chain out my mouth.
Mark: Anyway, I have question, how does your world have technology similar to theirs?
Myrna nodded at my question.
Myrna: This will not be the first time we've taken people to our world. Some of them created inventions that rely on magic power that works similar to yours. Of course, we've also limited the advancement of technology as well. Too much power can never truly be good for one person.
I nodded my head in agreement. Speaking of power, I suddenly thought of a urgent question.
Mark: Oh yeah, what about slavery and rape?
Everyone quieted down at my words, awaiting her words with bated breath.
Myrna: We have taken countermeasures to ensure they are not able to happen. We have a system that watches over the world as well as the actions individuals take. Slavery in itself is impossible, in that you can't force someone under a spell where they can't disobey you at all.
Mark: Sure, but there's probably loopholes to get around that with contracts and shit.
Myrna glared at me for my thoughts.
Myrna : If you were to try to rape someone, you would be stopped, brought to a prison for indefinite amount of time until we decide we want to release you. Even if you were to try to do it through blackmail or coercion like kidnapping one's family or pressuring someone with your status. Since this world is a female-dominated world for the most part, a lot of the goddesses wouldn't take to kindly to someone trying that shit. Females this also applies to you, but we don't usually do such things, we would just seduce then man we fancy. Besides, since that has been like that ever since the beginning of our world we are sending you in, no one's ever really thought of doing such things anyway.
She turned an accusatory glare my way. I shrugged at her glare. I decided to ignore her for the most part as she started to tell us about the various races and histories of the world. The whole info dump in my brain told me about all kinds of race, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. I could find out about the races when I get into the world. It'll be more fun that way. Instead, I categorized the info in my head that will help me survive. I found a memory showing someone who looks like me, training and showing myself how to fight with various weapons, how to collect/purify mana, many different arrays of runes that use a weird language, different ways to strengthen oneself, a way to create/strengthen weapons with my soul, and other survival tips.
After I was done categorizing the things in my head, Myrna finished her spiel. The people were talking amongst themselves about what to do and if they did decide to reincarnate, where would they go. Myrna had given them the choice of starting out on any continent they would like. The only thing she didn't promise is what kind of life they would be born into. She did reassure them that they would get a little extra power-up when they are born.
After letting them do their thing, she walked over to me, deciding to stand besides me. She stood like she had a sour taste in her mouth.
Mark: What's up?
I decided to ask the question that's on my mind. She turned to me, as if debating whether or not to ask.
Myrna: Why would you think of us 'gods' as doing something as fickle as watching people for entertainment. You talk as if you know what someone in our position would do.
I shrugged at her question, tapping my head a few times with my fist.
Mark: Dunno, lost most of my memory aside from this weird info dump that got put in my brain. If I was in your shoes though, I'd like to entertain myself by doing something like that.
She stared at me cautiously, as if trying to ascertain whether I was lying or not. After a while, she decided on a different route.
Myrna: Why don't you talk to any of them?
She asked, motioning to all the people talking excitedly who were summoned alongside me. I looked at her weirdly.
Mark: Why should I? I have no idea who the hell they are.
This seemed to get her attention, as she started to mumble to herself as if she was crazy. I decided to tease her some more.
Mark: You know, if you talk to yourself, people will think you're crazy. I don't mind though. I'll accept you.
She glared at me for a second, before going back to muttering to herself. Well, seems she's really interested in why I don't know the others. She even went as far as asking everyone else if they knew me or checked to see if I was really suffering from amnesia. After a while, she sat down beside where I was hanging.
Myrna: Why did you help me?
I smirked at her question.
Mark: About what?
I grinned at her as she took an annoyed expression.
Myrna: Why did you help me with getting everyone calmed down so I can explain to them what's going on.
Mark:Though it'd go a lot faster.
Myrna: Oh really? Sure you weren't just trying to get on my good side, trying to score a few perks for yourself while you're at it?
She grinned at me. I gave her my most shit-eating grin right back at her.
Mark: The only side I would want you on is your back, while I take the perks of being acquainted with a goddess -nay- you, in all your glory.
She smacked me on my cheek, causing me to spin for a few minutes before stopping. I'm pretty sure she was blushing slightly at my words.
Myrna: I guess that little bit about how to please a woman didn't help you did it.
She smirked at me, looking as if she had won a great victory. I merely glanced over at her, before giving her my retort.
Mark: If you let me out of these chains, I can show you how well I can please you.
I conveyed sweetly. She glared at me with a death stare, as if she would take no greater joy than tearing me apart limb from limb. Instead she just settled for stabbing me through the stomach with a knife, getting a sense of satisfaction as I faked a pained expression.
Mark: You're not very used to flirting are you? Also, it's usually the other way around. I'm the one usually piercing through you to your very core. You a virgin? Hope you are. Personally I love virgins. Shy little things when it's their first time. When I finally get my hands on one, I always love deflowering them. I especially enjoy biting their ear hard, helps take their mind off the pain down there during the act. And then the sex that comes after. Gods I love it. Since they're usually inexperienced, I'm the one taking the lead. I love the way their untainted walls slide and tighten around my dick as I pound their recently deflowered pussy. The moans and writhing of pleasure they make, the lust scrawled over their face, the way their body begins to accept me as it slowly gets adjusted to my girth, carving it out so it fits the shape of my cock personally as it kisses their womb. Don't even get me started on when I cum in them; which is something I usually do since we take precautions to not get pregnant; I just get intoxicated with the idea that my seed is the first one to coat their pure insides.
Myrna gaped astonishingly at me as she heard my thoughts, blushing more and more as time went on. No doubt the idea of me having my way with someone to such a degree is too much for her 'pure' mind. Her breathing became slightly more erratic and she started to squirm on the spot.
Mark: And that's just when I ravage their pussy. I still got the ass and the mouth to fuck. Hell, maybe their tits if they're big enough. Fuck man, even their feet if I'm horny enough. Then there's all the things I could still do with my mouth and hands. Argh, dammit. Now I'm all turned on. Hey Myrna, you wanna fuck?
Once she noticed what my words were doing for her psyche, she immediately purged all ill thoughts from her mind. Then she stared at me as if I was one of the most detestable beings she's ever had the pleasure of wishing she had never met.
Myrna: Is that all females are to you? An outlet to your lust?
She reprimanded me. I looked at her seriously for the first time we've met, meeting her gaze straight on to show how serious I was. She became flustered at how my attitude changed.
Mark: Just to get my rocks off, yes.
I announced to her in her face. I added on the next part before she decides to try to kill me for real.
Mark: BUT, from an actual sentient being's point of view, I think of them as people I might wish to know, maybe love and care for. Also, I wouldn't just fuck any girl I find, unless I was just trying to get some relief and they would have to feel the same. Even then, I'd never play with the girl's feelings. The whole entire thing you heard in my mind just accounts for the women I dated, loved, cared for, and so much more. I would treat women with the same way I would treat everyone else, indifferent, never being truly rude to them unless they deserve it. Or at least until I get to know them. The spiel I was going off on in my head just now was the crème de la crème of the sexual side of a relationship for me personally. Afterwards, I would start to let her fantasize and experiment with various things. But before all that comes into play, I would be doing things the old-fashioned way. I would like to get to know them, take them out on dates, make them happy, gives little kisses and small pleasure to make them feel special. Then I would attempt to make a move on them once I know they are willing.
Myrna stared at me in wonder at my declaration. From how she looked at me, she didn't know whether to call me a horny pervert, or a caring lover. Either way, I didn't really care for what she thought of me. Then a confused expression popped up on her face.
Myrna: Wait, if you have barely any memories, then how can you say you think that way and that's truthfully what you mean?
I was about to answer her question before stopping myself. I thought back on the things that were shoved into my mind, searching yet coming up empty on any memories of me actually doing such things for real. A puzzled expression appeared on my face as well.
Mark: I... honestly can't answer you. It just feels like that's what I would do if I was in such a situation. Maybe it's remnants of my personality when I had my memories.
Myrna was surprised at my confession, probably believing that I would make up some bullshit lie to trick her.
Mark: Anyway, looks like the people have already decided on what they want to do and decided to just listen in on my declaration.
I pointed out. All eyes stared at me, various expressions and emotions flickering across their faces. Myrna got out of the stupor I put her in, quickly going to work sending the people off. After the last person was sent off, it was just me and her left.
Mark: Sooo, you wanna do something before you send me off?
I suggested coyly. She merely stared at me with a complex expression. I sighed lightly, devouring the chains that kept me elevated. She was shocked seeing me get rid of her chains so easily. After the energy high wore off, I stood in front of her, waiting for what happens next.
Mark: So...
Myrna: Since when were you able to do that?
Mark: Ever since I read about it in the info dump that I had.
Myrna stared at me for a few seconds longer. She groaned inwardly, thinking that she had just met a troublesome person. She decided to put it off for now, instead asking a different question.
Myrna: So where do you want to be reincarnated to?
Mark: Surprise me! Besides, I feel like you have a place you want to send me to anyway. Just think of this as a way to commemorate our first meeting.
Myrna: First?
She asked with a raised eye-brow. I shrugged, deciding to remain silent. She would like nothing more than to get some revenge on me for my actions, so I'll let her. Myrna, on the other hand, was overjoyed that she got to pick where I would end up. After a while, it seemed she had made up her mind. She turned to me, a blossoming smile adorning her face.
Mark: Aww, so cute...
I smiled at her expression, giving my heartfelt confession. Her face turned into the color of a ripe tomato, her eyes darting to and fro in nervousness. I decided to stop teasing her.
Mark: Well, I'm ready. Don't forget the goodbye kiss before sending me off to work, dear. Oh yeah, for the tattoo, I want an Ouroboros tattoo, with three snakes instead of one.
I joked, letting myself get one last tease before leaving here, maybe not seeing her ever again. She got her emotions under control, nodding at my words. Soon a beam of light started to envelop me.
Myrna: Hey, do you have anyone you like?
She asked me.
Mark: What's with the sudden question? Well, it's not like I have anything to lose.
I answered her truthfully.
Mark: Honestly, I have no idea.
Myrna looked at me skeptically.
Myrna: What does that mean?
Mark: I mean, since I have almost no memories aside from the things that were dumped into my head, I don't know. All I have are six names that I don't know if I like or hate.
The beam of light was getting stronger, signifying that is was starting to transport me.
Myrna: What are their names?
I thought for a moment before telling her.
Mark: Aurora, Dawn, Fa-
A blinding light took up my vision, stopping me from finishing my sentence.
Myrna's POV
Just before Mark could get out the last four names, the light transported him away. Myrna watched him leave with a complex expression. She had noticed him trying to speak some more, but was cut off. She repeated the names of who he could get out before disappearing.
Myrna: Well, doesn't matter to me.
She tried to convince herself, the strange feeling welling up inside her. It was similar to when she watched other mortals live their lives in Eidolon, but different somehow. In the past, she looked upon such mortals with playful interest, but with Mark it was different. She didn't know what to make of this feeling, so she decided to put it off for now.
Myrna: I now need to focus on the arrival of the Primordials. They told me they were coming to play in their world soon, so she wanted everything to be perfect.
She rushed around, ensuring all that would be prepared for their masters to enjoy their time in the world they allowed her to be in charge of.
Fate's POV
A few weeks later, my sisters and myself left our home, letting most of our power run things by themselves. We saw the remnants of Big Brother's power moving itself to our respective work areas, making sure everything is going well. We could all see how much smaller Big Brother's power was compared to ours. We've still never seen this ability he has that allows him to devour everything in the universe, but we don't care for the most part. He doesn't make us listen to him all the time, he helps us with what we're supposed to do for our responsibilities, and even makes us tasty food.
When we first came into being, he was there, to tell us about what were there for and how he would help us. At first, we were all angry at being made to do things, but he stayed calm, explaining the circumstances as well as our responsibilities.
After telling us about them, then he talked about all the different things we could do once we got our powers and responsibilities under control. He had even helped World-chan with her job, giving her ideas of things she could create to make all kinds of pretty worlds with interesting things in them. Everyone was amazed at the things she had created.
I was overawed as well, but I couldn't help but be a little jealous of the fact that she got to monopolize Big Brother under the context of 'helping' her. Even if she really did need it. That's why whenever Big Brother takes those long sleeps; to which no one amongst us knows why he does it; I would always ask him to help me so I can spend more time with him. When I do a good job, he pets my head. I'm always happy whenever he pets my head. It always make me feel safe and giddy inside. Then my tummy starts to do somersaults whenever he does that and smiles at me. I wish I could spend more time with him. Makes me want to be under him as much as I can, letting him pet me all he wants.
Fate: Our own petting sessions...
I drooled at the thoughts. My sisters were looking at me weird.
Karma: Everything okay over there, Fate?
I nodded immediately, blood rushing to my face. They looked at me awkwardly, before turning their attention back to the people kneeling before us.
???: Primordials, it is our pleasure to welcome you into our world. My name is Myrna, the one who overlooks this world.
A motherly-looking individual flattered us. The people behind her repeated her words of greeting.
Myrna: Everything is ready for your descent among the mortals, although, I thought there were five of you?
She looked at us hesitantly, wondering why there were only four of us.
Death: What are you talking about? You should've already met with our Big Brother? A few weeks ago at most.
We looked at them weirdly. Myrna tilted her head at us, pondering Death's statement.
Myrna: If I may interject, we've only had a single group pass through to our world recently, and there was no being as powerful as you four are, even if they were weaker than you.
We stared at her in confusion. World-chan was the first to recover.
World-chan: Wait! If Big Brother lost most of his powers when he came here like he did, could it be that he had too little and lost his memories as well?
She asked us with a expression of unease. We four pondered it for a sec before realizing what she was saying could be true. It was at that time Myrna decided to interject.
Myrna: In the group that last came here, there was someone who had lost most of his memories.
Primordials: What was his name?!
We shouted in unison.
Myrna trembled at our outburst, recalling as much as she could from her meeting with the strange man.
Myrna: I-If I remember right, then his name was Mark.
The four of us visibly brightened at her words, before our expressions turned dark.
Myrna: We don't know if he was the one you speak of.
The four of us pondered her reply. She could be right.
Fate: Can you remember anything else about him?
I asked, desperate to find something. Myrna thought for a moment before replying.
Myrna: Personally, no. He didn't talk about himself, due to his so-claimed amnesia which I checked if he was lying. He seemed to be truthful about that. He was also quite crude and perverted one moment, before turning serious the next.
The four of us looked questioningly at each other, not familiar with the side of Mark she was telling us about. We knew she would tell the truth because who would lies to us here.
Myrna: He did say some 'things' that made it seem that he may have a split personality, but I couldn't be sure. The gleam in his eyes showed a small unstable side of him, but something was holding the personality back. Maybe he was hiding it when you were with him.
We four shivered at her words. If he was suppressing an unstable personality inside of him before losing most of his powers, allowing the personality to have more control, then it could be the reason why he was acting as he was. If he had let that side of him fully go all out, then what could happen should he be truly broken. After getting our feet wet in our responsibilities, he told us about how he had reset the universe twice before all of us. What happens if he does it once again.
Karma: Was there anything else?
Myrna searched deeper inside of her memory, coming upon a tidbit of info.
Myrna: He did say he had some people that seemed important to him, but he wasn't sure in what way.
World-chan materialized in front of Myrna, shaking her shoulders.
She shouted at the top of her lungs.
Myrna: T-Their names were Aurora and Dawn. But I have never head of anyone na-
We froze at her words, not hearing the rest. The four of us looked at each other, the blood draining from our faces.
Primordials: OH FUCK, IT'S HIM!!!
We surrounded her in an instant. We were uneasy internally at first, but after learning the truth, we started to panic.
Death: Where did you send him?!
Myrna: I sent him to Cognitio Central. It's a place filled with the brightest minds for research. It's a continent floating in the sky. I have no idea who's child he ended up.
Fate: We need to check up on him, you have ways to keep track of the people you send into the world to entertain yourselves right?
Myrna nodded, ushering us to a room, having the other people attempt to find him in haste. They scoured through all the people they've ever sent into the world. The most recent group coming up last, we saw how all of them were living, a few years had already passed in the world while only a few weeks had passed in our realm. After flipping through the people multiple times, someone shouted.
???: We can't find him, it's as if he had never went into our world in the first place.
The four of us visibly shook where we stood. Everyone took our shaking as anger, but it was out of fear. Mark having that kind of power and was unsupervised with a psychotic personality, while having no memories at all. It was as if the world was screwed as is.
We turned our attention to Myrna. She nearly started crying on the spot.
Death: You're coming with us down to the world, and helping us search for him.
Myrna nodded her head in a flurry of motions, getting everything prepped to have us reincarnate. With our powers, we were able to decide who we would be born to, as well as where. We chose three different but close noble women/scientists with ties to all the kingdoms, that lives on Cognitio Central, deciding to be born as close sisters so we can keep in touch quickly.
Just as the light started to shine, Myrna was giving some last minute orders. We were all thinking the same thing, only I saying it out loud.
Fate: I hope Mark hasn't fucked up the world too much...
All the gods and goddesses paled at my words just as we were engulfed in brightness. Advertisement Previous
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- In Serial50 Chapters
Exalted Warlock
Magnus Tempest was a young man back on Earth, filled with hopes and dreams. That is until everything that tied him to Earth was taken and destroyed. One night tormented with grief and contemplating dark thoughts. He stumbled upon a mysterious black gem-like shard, that whisked him away to another world called, Pandora. A world part of the vast stage of the Known Cosmos. -------------------------- 3 chapter (3,000+ words a chapter) a week. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! Please be advised this is a slow burn, so if you do not like novels that go at a leisurely pace, then do not complain later. I have stated it right here and right now. Also, constructive criticism and feedback are always welcomed! -------------------------- Advance Chapters:https://www.patreon.com/Abdirah Support Channel:https://ko-fi.com/Abdirah Line Of Communication:https://discord.gg/4SRPMpg
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Life of Two
Within two separate worlds, Two unique children were born. They weren't calm and always seemed to be in constant pain. One had the fate to be a God-Class being, while the other had a less fortunate start as a Mortal within confines. They saw through each other's eyes, witnessing two lives in constant and thought separate thoughts in their connected single mind. Of different status, of different passage of time, of different mental fortitude, and of different lifestyles, nothing matched for the two as they lived twice at once. In the end, all they wish for is a constant of peace. A dream that was rather difficult, but was better to at least think to. The Mortal who hid his exhaustion and kept away his darkened corruption, and the God who lead a healthy yet dutiful life. This is the Life of Two.______
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The legend among the legends,who killed the god disappeared from his own world.Eons Later he returns to that world.Not to save that world,Not to meet those who were waiting for him,Neither to keep his promise to his student.Neither because he lost the world he was living because of the attack by undeads.Only to continue finding his world where he truely belongs to.As he is the who was called TearFire.Join him in his quest to find his world. (MC is Probably the most overpowered main character ever made in the history). Thank you NGT for the cover.
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The Vacuous Doctor
Even in a shattered world, life still go on and thrive. The Reid caravan is a part of humanity, carving a way in a land filled with danger. In this frozen night, they carry a cargo most precious. Another soul making his way in the world is the Doctor. He will cross path with the Reid caravan and this event will seal their fate in blood.
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Lost Things
"In this disordered continent, where everyone seeks to be the heroes of their own tales, there are still some rooms for smaller stories to breathe." "Past, present, and future—keep your eyes open, and see where they lead you to." This story follows three housemates’ lives: Carson Calding, Virgil Barion, and John Salore—onto their adventures of finding Carson’s past, Virgil’s present, and John’s future. Despite their clashing backgrounds and circumstances that forced them together, they’re definitely going to find the things they had lost, for sure. Each entire chapter will be updated biweekly. There'll be three smaller parts per each chapter. Note that this story was written to be an interactive one, with polls at the end of each parts deciding on what happens next. Though, the polls for this story won't be available on Royal Road updates. (I also upload this in Arcane Odyssey forum, and it's currently the only place where I open the polls and use the poll results from.)
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The End
Rosalina Gilbert is the twin sister of Elena Gilbert. She's always been shy, different, the family disappointment and very jealous of Elena. Rosalina lives a different life from her twin sister. Having no friends, failing school and being the only person who doesn't know about the supernatural world until she gets out into the middle of all of it. Rosalina learns about the supernatural, her doppelgänger sister, vampires and even catches the eye an original hybrid. Disclaimer: I don't own anything the vampire diaries. I am using parts of the plot and some of my own. I do own this story along with my character Rosalina Gilbert.
8 183