《Primordial Origins》Big Brother
Hope everyone had a good holiday/break!
Mark's POV
???: Good morning, Big Brother!!! (x4)
I turned my head to see four different people covering my clothed body. They were snuggled against all four of my limbs. They looked as if they had just woken up from a blissful nap as they looked up at me from their positions. It was terrible for my heart because whenever I wake up from my sleep, they're always covering me with their bodies, naked as the day they were created. Unable to stop my annoyance, I sighed tiredly before asking the question that was on my mind.
Mark: Why are you all naked again in my bed?
On my left leg, a small girl that looked no older than twelve looked up at me with a cheerful expression. Her snow white hair matched her skin, as if they were trying to show off how pure this girl was. Her sky topaz-like eyes gave off a sense of curiosity as she snuggled against my leg as she tired to go back to sleep.
On my left arm was a teenager of about seventeen. Her black hair was cut short at the shoulders in a pixie-cut sort of hairstyle. She skin looked pale as if she was sick with a still-developing woman's body. Her onyx-colored eyes staring into my eyes as if trying to make me feel lost in them. She was glaring at me as if I had taken her first time before moving on to having my way with her sisters against their wills, like a insatiable beast to sate my lust, in front of her. But I noticed the look of glee and embarrassment in her eyes as I smiled back at her, which caused her to blush and look away.
On my right arm was someone who I could only describe as a seductive temptress/succubus that looked to be in her mid-twenties. Her wavy violet hair only helped accentuate her tanned, womanly figure. Her eyes looked to be made out of emeralds. If I had to explain it, the I would say think of the girl of your dreams. This woman would be the rival that the girl of your dreams could never hope to compare to. At least for other men. I had two women in my heart that she could never beat as she is now. Though I have to admit I do care for her.
Lastly, the child clinging to my right leg. She looked to be no more than the white haired girl's age. She had stayed the most quiet, smiling at me and wishing me good morning before going back to snuggling against me. Her leaf-green hair fell to her upper back as she struggled to keep her earth-brown eyes from closing, her lightly tanned skin giving off a soft feeling.
If someone were to see this scene, you can bet with 100% guarantee that they would either curse at me for my luck with women or denounce me as a disgusting, lecherous vagrant and attempt to rescue the girls from my evil clutches, convinced I had done something like brainwashing or any other dirty schemes to get them in my bed.
No one would think that they were the most powerful beings in the universe, who were currently sleeping with their big brother.(Their words not mine.)
???: Good morning, Big Brother!!! (x4)
I once again groaned tiredly from their words, sighing again as my inquiry was so bluntly deflected.
Mark: Come on you guys. I need to get up.
Little Miss Succubus spoke up, a chesire grin decorating her face as she thought of her little innuendo.
???: I'm sure I could get you up in a moment.
She grinned, moving her hand towards my crotch. I grabbed her hand to stop her from going any further.
Mark: I'm not in the mood right now, Karma.
I chastised Karma as she attempted to pout adorable, yet somehow still making it look seductive.
Karma: Fine...
She pouted as she got up off my bed, sashaying her hips as she left the room to go do something else. I turned my head toward the girl on my left arm. She was currently squeezing my arm as if not wanting to let go at all, which contrasted with the look she was currently giving me.
Mark: Death, can you let off?
Death only looked at me as if I was some bug that asked her to keep me as a pet.
Mark: Please...
I pleaded, as I brought my right hand over hers, rubbing my thumb over her hand gently. Her expression immediately turned to one of embarrassment as she tilted her head down as if to say 'pat my head'. Death immediately noticed her actions as she blushed furiously, leaping off my bed with her face as red as a tomato, as she ran away.
I sighed in relief as I turned my attention to the last two who are looking up at me. One had a hopeful expression while the other looked at me expressionless.
Mark: Fate, we need to make sure the universe hasn't gone to hell yet. Come on, I'll help you a little bit later.
Fate, the white-haired girl, jumped for joy as she hugged my tightly. My face smashed into her still flat chest as she squealed in glee.
Fate: Yay, more time with Big Brother!!!
I smiled at her exuberance, hugging her gently before allowing her to dart out of my room. Finally I turned to the little girl on my right leg, wondering what she would ask of me to do to get her to let me go. She sat up, straddling my leg in between her thighs, as she raised her arms up like a child waiting to be...
???: Carry me.
Mark: Aren't you getting a little too old to ask to be carried, World-chan?
I joked lightly. She, on the other hand didn't take my joke lightly as she glared at me, shoving a materialized knife at my face. She stopped a centimeter from my eye, holding it there.
World-chan: Don't you know that it's bad manners to ask a girl her age?
She glowered at me as she waited for my answer.
Mark: Heh heh, my bad...
I laughed nervously as I felt sweat bead on the back of my neck as a cold chill flew down my spine. World-chan, on the other hand, was relentless in her pursuit of being carried. I sighed lightly, moving my arms forward to embrace World-chan's body against mine, holding her by the armpits as she wrapped her arms around my neck while she leaned her head against my left shoulder. I formed a little seat with my arms under her for her to sit on. I carried her in my arms, her butt under my arms as she leaned against me, relaxing in my arms.
I walked out carrying her to her room. I passed by small rooms used for various purposes. Once I arrived at her room, I walked through the portal, transporting me to a world filled with nature. It was as I she had transported a whole world's ecosystem into her room.
But now that I thought about it, she probably could do that if she wanted to. I didn't think anything else of it. I was happy seeing World-chan jump out of my arms, running around for a while before settling down.
World-chan: Thanks, Big Brother!!!
She shouted as she ran off into a forest, beginning her work of making sure the various worlds haven't been screwed to oblivion.
I sighed tiredly, walking through the portal and back to my room. It's mostly barren in there, only a bed and a table with some chairs. I walked into my bathroom, stripping quickly to take a quick cold shower to wash away my drowsiness. Before I tossed my clothes away, I had noticed they were damp with sweat, whether from the girls covering my body or from myself sweating due to seeing my past memories, has yet to be seen.
As I passed the mirror, I stared at my reflection. A weary-looking man of his early to mid-twenties looked back at me. I have shaggy/spiky black hair that covers my face with crimson tips at the end that reach my upper back. A body trained to the upmost perfection, not too muscular to be disturbing yet not too slender to be mistaken as skinny. I had simple masculine face with light stubble decorating my chin and cheeks. If I was asked, I would say my eyes were the most unique thing about my looks. The irises was multicolored, as if the aurora borealis was in my eyes, with my pupils looking to be as if you were looking into space with the stars themselves within.
I dressed quickly, a simple grey t-shirt and black pants. The girls always wondered why I dressed and acted like I was a mortal when I could simply do whatever I wanted with my will. I told them that it reminds me to keep in touch with my time when I toured the universe, experiencing as much as I can for myself.
I walked out, meeting up with the girls, or the Fearsome Foursome as I liked to call them. They had just finished checking up on their duties, while I prepared food for them after spending some time with Fate. Throughout our time together, they had also gotten used to my lifestyle. I set up the table and got them their food. It was a happy scene for anyone watching. No one would be able to imagine the conversations they would have over a simple meal.
Mark: So, how goes the responsibilities?
Fate answered first.
Fate: I've made sure that the beings I've gifted my power to are using it responsibly and not abusing their power.
She smiled jubilantly. I stroked her head which made her shake in delight. Next was Death.
Death: I've made sure the ones I manage are doing their jobs.
She was quick and precise in her explanation. She glanced my way awaiting her praise. I smiled at her, which caused her to turn her head, blushing slightly.
Karma: I've made sure there are no problems and that everyone is getting what they deserve.
Karma smirked at me, eyeing me like I'm a piece of meat waiting to be devoured. I smiled wryly at the meaning of her words and actions, before turning to the last of the four. World-chan sat there quietly, eating her food. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, she spoke up.
World-chan: There was a couple of upstart gods trying to cause trouble. I took care of them.
She announced blatantly. I nodded at her words. Every now and then, some gods get the idea that they deserve more and try to take it from others greedily. I agreed with her actions.
In the universe I created this time, I made sure that there would be someone to take care of anyone that tries to cause trouble. In the first universe I made, I ruled and controlled everything. It became a huge hassle trying to make sure everything goes well that I couldn't stop it all. So after all the trouble that had happened and after Aurora's first death, I reset everything. I decided to go about it in a different way in the second universe. I created a group of people to run the universe, letting them supervise while I went and played around throughout it, which is when I met Dawn and then Aurora a second time. That led to biased opinions and corruption which sparked the whole war that involved the entire universe. After that hell, I decided that there would be a group of rulers just like in the second universe, with them giving similar power to others to govern over other various parts of the universe. The group of rulers that gained the powers I gave them would know of my existence, and what I would and can do if they misuse their powers. That leads to our current meeting over our meal. I'm making sure they're doing their job by listening to their reports as well as tapping into their powers to make sure they're telling the truth. After a while though, I started to trust them more and wouldn't need to make sure they were telling the truth, but it can never hurt to check up every now and then to get some concrete facts. Once that was done and over with, we enjoyed a nice meal.
From eldest to youngest, it would be myself, then Fate, then Death, then Karma, and lastly World-chan. From strongest to weakest it would be World-chan, followed by Fate/Karma/Death, and lastly me. It may seem strange for the youngest to be the most powerful, but aside from myself, when the power you have is only able to be of use when you have someone to use it on, you soon realize that World-chan is the one holding our jobs in place with the universe she designed with all the other things in it. They wondered why I was the weakest when I should've been the strongest out of all of them. After I explained to them how the universe was pieces of my power split up to become unique and different as well as how the power they now control was once my own, they soon understood why I was so much weaker than all of them.
Currently, the powers that each of them have is tied to their name. The powers they hold are ones that I once held, but split it and gave it to them to use. Fate and her minions help shape the lives of the various people who would be living in the universe. Death and her minions make sure that the souls of all who die, no matter if they're mortals or immortals, are reincarnated properly, as well as mete out punishment on those who would go against this rule. Karma and her cohorts overview the entirety of the actions done by the beings in the universe and decide what happens to them. Reality, nicknamed World-chan, creates all the things that exist in the universe. She also reports of any strange things going on in the universe. While I am the weakest of them all. I have no power, no control over this universe. Only the threat that should they not follow my rules, I can destroy and consume all they had done should I want to. Of course they've never seen my power before, but they still listen to me. Why, I have no idea, but I still make sure to ensure they aren't lying. I'm pretty happy with this situation due to the fact that they are actually listening to me.
In the universe, the Fearsome Foursome are known as the Primordials. To the Primordials, I am known as the Origin. I am also thought to be a Primordial by those below us, albeit the weakest one since I have no gods that answer to me, but I let it be. Then below them are the so-named 'gods'. These gods are the servants of the Primordials, myself excluded, who run the worlds that exist in the universe. They answer to their respective Primordial that they serve while still showing respect to the other ones. The gods themselves are split into separate rankings as well because what they stood for was usually a deviated power from the original power controlled by the Primordials. Underneath them are the mortals who, for the most part, live their lives ignorant of the Primordials, and sometimes gods in some worlds.
After all of the annoying stuff was out of the way, our topics moved onto more relaxed things. They talked about all kinds of things, such as distinguishing individuals that they enjoy observing, to different types of situations they've never encountered before, and even amazing or interesting worlds their subordinates have created. This somehow led to our next conversation.
Fate: Big Brother, you have to visit our world some time! We worked really hard on making sure that it was exciting and dangerous, but still fun.
I tilted my head in confusion. Karma took over here.
Karma: We've been making a world where the four of us thought it would be... interesting, to live as mortals, so we thought that maybe we could all go there together.
Death: Yeah, we've got some experience interacting with mortals when we've gone with you on your trips, but we've never lived a life as one, so we're interested.
World-chan nodded her head in agreement. I smiled at them, thinking they were like children who wanted to go play outside.
Mark: We could do that, but that means that you guys can't use most of your powers, and you'll have the same start as everyone else for the most part, right?
World-chan: We know. We've been wanting to live a life as a mortal, to see how they see things. We could leave things here to run on autopilot because it only requires some power from ourselves to keep things running, while we have fun in our world. We can check back every now and then to see how things are going.
Death: Yeah, besides we already know for the most part the powers we'll have when we become a mortal, so we've already been training them.
They all nodded their heads in agreement, eager to show off their skills. Once we become mortals, we'll only have a certain type of power related to our current ones, our manipulation/purification of power, any memories in things you've done before, and our souls.
The soul is your entire existence. And I've taught them how to temper their souls, creating weapons for them to use. As of now, they've all already figured out the types of weapons they like and how to use them. The only difference is when were mortal, they would need to temper their soul again because the soul we would have as a mortal is only a fraction of a fraction of the power we have now. Only us five know how to do it because I've taught no one else save for the two loves of my past. Although it did take a lot of convincing on their part to get me to teach them.
Fate: We still have to do things up here, so we'll let you go and see the world we made. We'll catch up to you later.
Mark: Are you guys sure?
I'd feel bad if they feel left out. They all nodded, save for World-chan.
World-chan: If you feel bad about it, then could you answer a question on all our minds?
I tilted my head. First, I wondered if World-chan could read my mind, then on what type of question they could have that makes them so serious.
Mark: What's up with this serious tone from World-chan?
I nodded, telling them I would if I wanted to.
World-chan: Who are Aurora and Dawn?
A flicker of anger appeared on my face before vanishing entirely, but it was enough for them to know it was a sensitive topic, considering I never got truly angry at them.
Mark: Why do you know those names?
I questioned, observing each of them with scrutiny. They all paled in their seats as they squirmed in discomfort, not used to my change of attitude. In the entirety of time we've spent together; which is a long ass time considering I had to teach them how to control their powers at first, ensuring everything is going well with how they're managing the universe and then making sure they would be okay in most situations; I had never gotten angry at them. There were times when I was annoyed and pissed off, but never truly angry.
Karma: We've heard you say their name while you slept. We were wondering who they were.
Death: Are they the reason you go out to various worlds as if searching from someone?
I stared each and every one of them down, slightly peeved that they've kept this a secret from me.But considering the circumstances, they had no option but to remain silent. I sighed tiredly, resolving to tell them somewhat about them.
Mark: They are people that I care about. I've been trying to find them, but I haven't found them ever since we created the universe.
Fate: If you'd told us, we could've helped you search.
I shook my head.
Mark: Only I would've know whether they were there or not. There was nothing you could do to help me.
They remained silent, looking down. I sighed once again, feeling like it may become something commonplace in the future.
Mark: I'm not that angry, just slightly ticked off that you've kept this from me.
They all apologized to me, while giving me a hug. So, I let it go. I wanted to ask them more on their world, but they refused, saying I should just go experience it for myself.
Just as I was about to leave, I turned back to them, having an internal debate on whether or not I should give the the power to remember as well. I've learned over time with them that I could trust them. I also care for them as much as I do with Aurora and Dawn. I'm just not sure if I care for them as far as lover's standpoint. Hell I don't know if they see me from a lover's standpoint.
As I was debating this, they looked at me as if I was acting strange, wondering why I wasn't walking through the portal that would take me to their world.
Fate: I-Is everything alright Mark? Do you not want to go now because we know about them now? W-We promise that we'll never bring this up again, if you're still angry. We'll also do our best to search for them.
Fate started to tear up, apologizing to me. The rest of them soon started to follow her example.
Mark: No, I'm just wondering why you guys seemed so intent on getting me out of here. Why don't you want me to stay, got some guys you like coming over? Embarrassed of your Big Brother meeting them?
I decided to tease them, brushing off the idea of them needing the power to remember. They're powerful enough as is.
Death: W-What are you saying?! We'd never have a need to invite guys we like over because the one we want to be with is you.
Death suddenly declared something surprising. Ignorant of my surprised reaction, the four of them nodded their heads in sync as if they heard the absolute truth. Following soon afterwards, they realized the words Death had just shouted out, their faces going red like a tomato.
Death: W-Wait, I didn't mean-
Karma: You klutz, now he knows!
World-chan: B-Big Brother, we can explain-
The three of them tried to backtrack their words, but surprisingly it was Fate; the most childish one of them all; to answer my shocked expression in a resolute tone.
Fate: We know as of now you don't see us as lovers, but mark my words that one day we'll have you fall so bad for us that you'll be begging to warm our beds at night.
She stated with the upmost confidence. My mind couldn't keep up with Death's confession, so Fate's declaration made my brain short-circuit.
As I stared at the four of them with a shocked expression, Fate suddenly became timid again, pushing me towards the portal to their world.
Fate: A-Anyway, we'll see you soon Big Brother.
I had no say in this as I was transported away, into an endless white expanse, not realizing that due to how weak I was at the moment, the power taken from me was so much that it had also taken many memories with them. All that was left was the technical skills my mind and body has remembered through years of experience, fragmented memories about various things, and the names of those most important to me. As for who those most important to me are, as well as what I would do for those people, I find out later.
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