《Primordial Origins》Freedom?!
Mark's POV
I felt myself floating around in darkness, nothing anywhere to be seen. There were no sounds, no lights, no senses. It was like I was in a void where nothing existed aside from myself. For the first time since my memories in this world, I felt true fear. Fear that all that happened was a lie. Fear that I never truly existed in that world. Fear that my memories are all a lie.
???: Hahaha. I was right. You sure are a lot more interesting than the others.
I looked for the voice, but found no one. The voice reverberated from all around me.
Mark: Who are you?!
I call out. A ball that seemed darker than the darkness surrounding me appeared in front of me.
Mark: Who... What are you?
I question, a chill running down my back as I swore if it had eyes, they would be peering into mine.
???: You're asking me? Well, maybe you don't remember because of your lost memories. At least, the memories you 'chose' to remember during your existence.
Mark: What are you talking about?
The wisp floated closer to me, the darkness melding with its surrounding to take a human shape. The humanoid for started to crack all over, revealing small pieces of skin. Once the darkness was fully shed, the form it took was the image from my memories.
???: I am your father.
I gasped dramatically at its declaration. I play along for fun.
Mark: NO! You're lying!
???: Just kidding. Well, maybe not, in more ways than one. I was the one who implanted the fertilized embryo from which you were born in the girl who gave birth to you. Anyway, this form is the same one you take in this universe. I'm sort of like you, only on a larger scale.
The Being said vaguely, mumbling to itself as it thought up of a way to explain.
???: Or at least, I'm the one who watches all you do. See it like this. I'm the god and you're the mortal. The rest is just added scenery for me to enjoy watching you live through. You are the most powerful existence in 'this' universe. There are other people like you in the other universes, governing them in their own unique way. I guess you could call them your little brothers and sisters, but it's always so boring watching them. They always make themselves omnipotent and then go about ruling over their universe, whether they do it in a good way or bad way is up to them.
The Being explained, walking around.
???: You, on the other hand, are different. You don't do all that shit. Well, at least you don't anymore.
The Being snickered at my obliviousness.
???: Don't worry, I'll make sure to pump your head full of the memories you decided to not remember, from before your life with the 'first' true love of your life, Aurora.
Mark: Aurora, my first true love? You know about her? Tell me! What about the other names?!
The Being raised its finger, silencing me.
???: Ah ah ah! Can't just give you your memories back, especially with how you went about losing them was entirely your fault anyway. That'd be no fun. No, I want more entertainment. I have already set up some things in the world you're living in currently. But I'm getting off-track.
The Being waved off my question, steering the conversation in another direction.
???: I'll tell it to you straight. All those names that you remembered, are in the world you currently live in. At least, they will be.
The Being smirked.
???: I want to watch you live your life, however you want. I'll be setting off the little surprises I have for you whenever I want. One of them is already underway. Of course, you'd never know which surprises I dabbled in and which ones are caused by your *snorts* luck.
The Being smirked at me. I feel like retorting about its comment on my luck, but can't think of how to say it.
???: I will be watching you go about your mortal life on that world. I will interfere with it. I will restore you your memories, the memories you have forgotten and the ones you've decided to not remember, at a time I deem most... appropriate for my entertainment.
Mark: Wait, why can't you just go about making your own entertainment? Why must you watch and interfere with me?
The Being shook where it stood, clutching its stomach as if it was in pain. It didn't do it any good as it let loose a maddening laugh. It took a few moments to collect itself. It sighed, wiping away a tear that formed.
???: Man, you sure are a laugh sometimes. To put it simply, I can't do what you do in your universe. I can interfere slightly, but that's about it. As for why I don't make my own entertainment. Well, what do you think all of these other universes alongside yours are to me?
The Being asked me, a grin on its face.
???: Here's a little something for giving me some laughs so far.
The Being cackled as it closed in on Mark. Mark tried to back away but couldn't as his lips were stolen. It wasn't a gentle kiss either, it was full-on, tongue wrestling kiss. Mark felt his whole existence shake, darkness consuming him. In the darkness before he passed out, he saw a message just like when he learned of his Devour ability.
Creator's ExperimentBestowed with a unique existence gained through the experimentation of the Creator. It destroys and reshapes the mind, body, and soul of the inheritor to strengthen its entire existence.
Origin's KnowledgeBestowed upon you by the Creator. His knowledge pertaining to the various experiments he repeated over and over again for insight on how his creations survive in different situations. Granted the knowledge of the runic signs of an unknown race they used to survive in one of his numerous experiments.
Mark: So that's who he was...
Creator: Oh by the way, I've already sent your youngest sister into your world to get some real world experience. You'll probably meet her sooner or later. Try not to knock her up, though considering your luck, I'll just guess how long it'll take.
I awoke to the taste of blood in my mouth and a tingly feeling in my brain and soul. I tried to touch my lips, but found my arms chained against the wall. I opened my eyes to take a look around. I was in some stone room, the only pieces of furniture inside was a stool and a table. On it was an empty bowl. I looked around, but found no one. I tried the chains to see if I could free myself, but nothing. I then tried to devour them, which actually did work. If it did work, why was I still locked up?
Mark: Could they have found a way to stop me from using my ability? Probably... or Enigma is a masochist who likes the pain. That could be true as well. Wait, aren't we the same person... sort of?
I think to myself. I try to call out to Enigma in my mind, but I get nothing. Instead, I noticed that I didn't feel his presence.
Mark: Maybe when my mind underwent the experimentation, he got destroyed,... or he merged with mine. Fuck does that mean I'm going to be even more crazier than normal?
I complain in my head. If he did merge, then I'm going to be a lot more open with my feelings about certain things than I usually was. Well, no reason worrying about it now. The only thing I'm wondering is why was I locked up? As I was pondering my existence, the door opened up, revealing the Huntress in its archway.
We stared at each other, when she raised her hand, icicles coming down on me. I run out of the way, the spells crashing against where I was.
Mark: Wait! It's me!
Huntress: I know, stay still so I can immobilize you!
I call out and get ignored as I I feel a burning sensation overcome my body. I fall to the floor, writhing in pain as the pain consumes my entire being. It feels like when I was dumped in the liquefied mana, only a hundred times more painful. I felt myself break apart at the atomic level, my bones snapping and shattering while I felt my body heat up so much that it started to steam in the cool room. I felt each bone and muscle being destroyed then remade, I couldn't even scream out in pain as I trembled. Out of my pores came this black gunk that smelled ghastly, which would've made me vomit had I any control of my body at the moment.. I was still being tortured by the pain as my body temperature rose so high it had crusted the gunk into flakes. My organs were destroyed then remade, my heart exploding in my chest as the new one grew in its place. My hair and nails fell out before being replaced by new stronger ones. Once the pain subsided, I finally got a fresh breath of air, my new organs getting used for the first time. After a few minutes, I sat up, breaking through the cocoon of burnt dead cells and impurities. I stood up out of that mess, like I was being reborn. I though of what just happened.
Mark: The Creator probably fucked with my genetics, so my cells were destroyed and remade and this black gunk is the destroyed cells and my body's impurities.
I nearly hurl from the thought of this stuff on my body, but I swallow it back down.
Huntress: You're finally awake.
She announced, a strange look on her face due to what she just saw and heard.
Mark: Yeah.
Huntress: You go through some weird shit.
I snorted at her comment, attempting to take off all the filth on me, not succeeding in my endeavor.
Mark: Let me go to clean myself first.
She looked at me warily before ushering me out of the room. I walked out, her keeping slightly away due to the smell and look. We walked towards the bath as I went over the things I gained from the Creator.
Mark: Man, he sure was egotistical.
We quickly arrived at the indoor bath, stripping my disgusting clothes as I washed myself under hot running water from the shower. The water felt good as I saw the gunk run off my body and down the drain. My senses were sharpened past what my old body's capabilities. I was able to hear, see and smell better than most people if I focused enough. My sense of touch was a lot more sensitive as well.
Each thing I experienced felt like I was experiencing it all over again hundred-fold. My mind was able to calculate and run on over-drive, giving me greater reaction time and observance skills. It also gave me new mental skills like having an enhanced memory and strengthened mental capacity. As for my soul, that is less vague. The only thing I can tell is that my soul was strengthened greatly and some other changes.
After finishing washing myself clean so that there was no more dirt, blood, gunk, and grime on my body, I entered the sauna in the room. I felt the warm water relax the tension in my body as I felt myself loosen up.
Next, I looked through the runic language I was given. I didn't recognize any of the runes, but understood what they said and what they could do from the acquired ability I received. I also learned of a variety of ways to use these runes, one such way allowed me to practice magic. There are some interesting runes I can chain together to do some interesting things. To use such runes, I either carve them into the thing I want the rune to empower, imagine the rune I want to use in my mind and it'll come out of the catalyst of my choosing albeit much weaker, or I can write them out in mid-air. Though the way to use such powers comes at a painful cost. I need to carve a catalyst where the spell would come out from. I decided to carve them onto my hands so I can use them from my hands.
Mark: Maybe I'll carve a catalyst on my tongue. Then I can breath fire like a dragon?... Nah, I can just find some fire breathing thing to consume later to get such a skill.
I have to admit, I'm pretty pumped about the telekinesis and flames from what I can think of creating right now. I can just imagine myself using magic to knock things away from me and pull things closer to me. I can also see myself using flames to set on fire some flammable liquids or even focus on a single target like a flamethrower to melt them. Hell, I wouldn't even need a light anymore when I can just make a small flame on my fingertip. I can even think of some ways to chain runes together for spacial and gravitational magic. Hell, I can fucking teleport, albeit at a costly amount of mana, unless it's short distance like a few meters.
Mark: Can't go teleporting across the world.
I pout to myself. The most intriguing thing are these runic traps I can set. Since the traps I make are by using the language, any words I can find that can be strung together into a powerful trap can make for a deadly combination. Especially when one of the words I found has to do with the soul.
As I was relaxing and looking through my new abilities, I heard the Huntress call out to me.
Huntress: Are you done yet?
Mark: Nah, let me relax a little. I just woke up.
Huntress: You've been in a coma for half a month. I didn't think you would get like that due to some blood loss.
Mark: So after passing out and going into a coma, you people decide to shackle me against a wall?
There was no retort on their behalf.
Mark: You could've at least given me some cushioning. My body hurts like hell from being on the floor for so long.
I grumble as I get out of the water. I walk in front of the mirror, examining myself as I dried off my body. There were no physical changes at least. I felt my muscles, getting a surprise. My muscles used to be rock hard from daily training, but now they were somewhat soft. My finger pushing down a little, getting a soft yet hard feeling from the muscles underneath. I could feel my strength was stronger than I was before though.
Not minding the change much, I looked around for some clothes, but found none. I walked near the door, opening it slightly to ask for some clothes.
Mark: Hey, there's no-
Huntress: Finally!
She sighed as she grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the bathroom.
She walked down the corridor, not looking back as she dragged me away. I tried to stop her, but she kept on shushing me. We passed some maids on the way, getting surprised looks. I decided to call out to them.
Mark: Can you grab me some clothes? She didn't let me grab some before dragging me out.
I ask, getting meek nods as they scurried off with blushing faces.
Huntress: What are you asking?
She scolded as she turned towards me. She just now noticed the state of affairs I was in. Her eyes crawled across my body. He gaze landing on my crotch.
Huntress: ...Impressive...
Mark: ...Thanks...
Huntress: ...No idea how you fit that inside Ana...
Mark: ...Me neither...
Huntress: ...This is awkward...
Mark: …It'd be even worse if even more people saw us like this...
Huntress: ...Yeah, it would be...
We laughed awkwardly as we stood there in silence. We heard footsteps approaching, coming around the corner to meet them, thinking it was the maids. We turned the corner, finding ourselves face to face with the race leaders and their daughters. I swear, I could hear someone gulp when they saw me. We stood facing each other, not knowing what to say. They let their eyes do what they wanted, roaming my body, landing on a specific part of my anatomy for a moment. The race leaders moved their sights to Ana, bewildered looks adorning their faces while their daughters never moved their line of sight.
I heard the maids rushing back here, carrying a set of clothes, stopping dead in their tracks when they saw who we were surrounded by. I walked over to them, taking the clothes from their hands as I changed in front of them. A simple white t-shirt and pants covering my body. Afterwards, I turned towards the people who were still looking at me. I turned away from them, looking for some breakfast before we talk.
Mark: I can't be a bride anymore...
I acted dramatically with a single tear rolling down my cheek as I set off for some breakfast.
Yuzu's POV
I just woke up and we were going to go see if Mark had woken up yet. We were traveling in a group with the grown-ups talking to each other, and the rest of us were talking to each other. I only chimed in every now and then.
Yuzu: I wonder why Mark hasn't woken up yet?
I mumble to myself. The last time we met, he was with my mother, injured all over. I tried to protect him from Mother even if I would get in trouble. I didn't listen their conversation as I kept trying to heal his wounds. He had passed out after a while, making me even more nervous.
Mother pulled me away, while Kali's mom healed him. I cried at my Mother, but she kept saying that he deserved it, but he'll be okay soon. After tiring myself out, I fell asleep.
I woke up the next day, asking about Mark. Mother said he was resting, but I couldn't see him for now. I pouted at her, but she wouldn't budge. I went about my day, the following days being the same. I started to get worried, so I asked Mother once again about seeing Mark.
Huntress: Mark has still been sleeping.
Mother told me, but she made an anxious face. It had been a week since I've made sure he was fine. I was getting worried.
Yuzu: Can I see him?
Mother looked like she was thinking it over for a while before responding.
Huntress: I'll let you see him soon. I'll let you go with the others in a few days.
I wasn't satisfied with her answer, but couldn't change her mind. So after three more days, we were finally allowed to see Mark. We met up after waking up and left together after the grown-ups heard that Mark was starting to wake up. When we were making our way over there, we saw some maids rushing down the corridor looking flustered.
That is how we ended up in the current situation. Our eyes were glued on his figure, him with nothing on but his birthday suit. I swear I can hear the other's breathing become ragged. He looked at us as we saw him. We made no moves, but I noticed the grown-ups heads turn to look at Aunty Ana, more specifically, her belly. I think I know why her belly is swollen, but I don't know why they turned to look at her when they saw Mark's... penis.
The maids that had passed us by, returned with clothes in their hands, to which Mark took and put on. I heard him mumble something, but couldn't tell what. He left us, making his way to the kitchen. I ran up after him, grabbing his hand as I walked alongside him. He looked down at me, surprised.
Yuzu: It's good to see you well Mark.
I smile at him. He responds in kind, adding in a head pat as well. I giggle at the touch, rubbing my head against his palm. We make our way to the kitchen looking for some breakfast. He tells me to take my seat after asking what I want for breakfast, while he goes into the kitchen. The others arrive after us, taking their seats, a silence among all of them. Maids and butlers come flowing out of the kitchen door, getting all our orders and drinks. They go back into the kitchen, the sounds of cooking coming out muffled. I turn my head towards my mother.
Yuzu: Mother, why were you with Mark while he was naked?
I question, a dissatisfied expression on my face. Everyone turned to face her. Mother nearly chokes on nothing as she answered.
Huntress: He wanted to take a bath so I took him to get one. After he finished, we left the room with me leading. I didn't notice him like that until he called out to those maids.
She responded stiffly. We heard Mark's voice call out.
Mark: She left some out! I was going to ask for fresh clothes, but she dragged me out of the room when I was going to ask. She only noticed my predicament after I asked for clothes.
We turned our attention back to Mother.
Huntress: Oops... I was in a hurry to get him to talk.
We didn't ask any further, instead opting to make small talk with each other while we waited. Soon after, the doors flew open, the servants moving deftly as they laid down our meals. I saw Mark come out with half a bagel in his mouth, holding my meal. He set it down in front of me with my drink. I had a simple breakfast of eggs, sausages, bacon, and a small side of pancakes with syrup and fruit with a glass of milk. He took a strawberry from my pancakes, tossing it into his mouth before going back to the kitchen.
We ate quickly, scarfing down the delicious food. He even made me a smiley face on my pancakes. I giggled at the sight, eating it as well. Once we were done, we calmed down, less awkward now. Mark came out, holding his breakfast. He sat down at the far end of the table from where we sat. He started eating, not minding the anticipating looks from the grown-ups and the curious glances from their girls as he ate. He didn't look interested in talking, and we didn't want to be the ones to speak up.
Mother broke the stalemate after enduring for minutes.
Huntress: Can we talk now?
Mark swallowed a swig of his milk. Opening his mouth to answer.
Mark: Sure, what do you want to know?
Matriarch: Is what you and Ana said last time we met true?
Mark looked over at them, a puzzled look on his face.
Mark: Are you sure you want to talk about that with the kids around?
He asked, motioning to us. I saw the grown-ups nod. Mark sighed at their action.
Mark: Yeah, it was the truth. I got Cecilia, Ana, and Eva pregnant.
He announced, dropping a bombshell on us. The grown-ups didn't have the expected expression I thought they would have. I looked over at my Aunts, their faces red as I saw their hands rub their tummies. I felt an emotion I was not familiar with sparkle, but snuffed it down.
Sovereign: Especially about how you went about doing it?
She asked. I didn't understand the meaning of her words.
Mark: If your asking if they got pregnant the first time when they drugged me, then no. They got pregnant many sessions later following that one.
He informed. I understood now. He had sex with Aunty Cecilia, Ana, and Eva. Many times as well. They only got pregnant recently. That small emotion I had tried to snuff out in my chest started to burn stronger.
Seer: How far along are you three?
She asked my aunts.
Cecilia: Eva and myself believe were one month while Ana is three months along.
Huntress: What about your 'extracurricular' activities?
The three nodded meekly, causing our mothers to sigh.
Matriarch: You know that we can't let this go, right? You're going to need to answer for what you did.
Mark: Oh, I don't really care about what they did. For me at least.
He chipped in. All of the grown-ups looked surprised.
Mark: What? Sure, I was pissed, but it was a childish grudge.
Huntress: You do know what they did to you was something they can never take back, right? Something unforgivable and horrible.
Mark nodded his head.
Mark: I know, but I got something out of it too. So I don't hate them for it. Maybe a little payback. Which I already got.
He grinned, the three in question blushing.
Sovereign: We would still like for them to do something to repay you still.
Mark: If you insist, I would like that piece of wood from the World Tree they promised, and freedom. Oh, also anything my mom needs, even though I have no idea who she is.
Mark railed off.
Seer: I have that piece. I was wondering why Ana asked me for such a specific piece...
Cecilia: We've already set your mother up so she'll live comfortably.
Huntress: We can give you limited freedom.
Mark stopped eating his breakfast, turning to face them ever since he started eating.
Mark: Explain.
He ordered in a emotionless voice. I felt a chill go down my back when he said that.
Empress: We can let you go about having your freedom, but we want to be able to keep track of you. So I think we'll let you go to school.
She suggested. Mark didn't seem to keen on this suggestion.
Mark: School? That's like prison for children.
He groaned. It seems he thought of something, his expression brightening up.
Mark: How about I go to school, but I can live by myself with freedom from them with visits every now and then. After a year, I get to have special circumstances where I can travel to the different continents, taking up requests by the Adventurer's Guild. But I always report back to school after coming back from the request.
He countered. The grown-ups hesitated, talking with each other while Mark went back to eating his breakfast. They came to a decision, turning back to Mark.
Empress: You have a PWC correct?
He raised his wrist, clicking it so a screen popped up. They nodded in affirmation.
Empress: We'll track you with that, so we know where you go, okay?
Mark thought for a moment, giving his answer.
Mark: I want the ability to turn off such tracking whenever I want. I'll always turn it back on though. How about it?
They debated for a moment before responding.
Matriarch: We should be allowed to turn it on whenever we want to to make sure we know where you are. Deal?
Mark grumbled for a moment before answering.
Mark: Fine.
He conceded.
Huntress: And you have to take responsibility.
She added in suddenly. We all turned to her in confusion, Mark included.
Mark: For what?
He asked, genuinely confused.
Huntress: For making my daughter imprint on you!
Mark: Hey, that's not my fault. Besides, isn't imprinting done instinctively? How is it my fault?
Huntress: Because you're you.
Mark: Huh! That makes no sense! Besides, we don't even know which kind of 'imprinting' she did. It could be the brotherly kind.
Huntress: But it could also be the romantic kind!
Mother retorted.
Mark: Why don't we ask her?
I heard Mark suggest, turning his gaze to me. He smiled. A kind smile. A smile so comforting that it made me feel that even if the world would end the next day, he would make me the happiest person he could before it ended. I felt my heart beat in my chest, stamping wildly. I didn't know what to say. So, I said the only thing I could think of.
Yuzu: I-I don't know.
I stuttered out as all the gazes focused on me.
Huntress: Do you see Mark as a man?
Mother asked. I didn't know what that meant.
Mark: You can't expect her to know something like that, no matter how bright she is.
Mark lectured to Mother. He turned his attention back to me.
Mark: Do you see me like someone you would want a brother as, or someone as a lover?
Yuzu: I don't really understand what a lover is?
Mark: Do you see me as someone you want to marry in the future and have children with, someone who would support you through everything you go through as be there for you when even the rest of the world doesn't believe you?
I look over at my Aunts, thinking about how they were carrying Mark's children.
Yuzu: Would I want to do that some day?
I thought to myself, knowing the truth. I would like to do that some day. I want him to look at me with loving eyes. I want him to care for me. I want him to be my support when I got through tough times. I want Mark not just as a brother, but more.
Yuzu: I think..
I may be mistaken with my feelings though. I could be overthinking it and really just be affectionate towards him.
Yuzu: Maybe in the future though...
But I also know that saying what's on my mind would cause trouble. If I say that, Mother might get even angrier than she is now at him. I should lie to them, but maybe I can tell the truth to Mark later.
Huntress: That doesn't sound like a lover to me. Sounds a lot better in fact.
Mother grumbled.
Mark: I see it like that. If I was to marry someone, I would feel like that is what I would do for the one I love. Even if I marry multiple people, I'd love and treat them equally.
Mother: You're looking to start a harem or something?
Mother asked, to which Mark shrugged at.
Yuzu: Um, I see you as more of a big brother sort of person.
I lie to them, a slight pain coming up from my throat but I choke it down.
Mark: ...I see...
Mark replied, a pondering look on his face as he observed me. I looked down, flustered at his stare.
Mark: Well, there you have it. It's more like a big brother feeling to her.
Huntress: Well in that case, I'll have you still take responsibility.
Mark: What does this 'taking responsibility' exactly entail?
I look at my mother as well.
Huntress: Why I mean that you'll be her big brother of course.
Mother grinned broadly. Mark still seemed skeptical.
Mark: And I would have to do what exactly?
Huntress: Why, you would have to live together, dote on her, and help her with her life.
Mark threw his hands up in the air, a tired groan escaping his lips.
Mark: Didn't I just say that I want freedom? What makes you think I would agree to live in a place like where she lives, probably surrounded by guards and whatnot?
Huntress: I never said you were living with her...
Mother grinned playfully.
Mark: You just said...
He stopped his words, a surprised look decorating his face.
Mark: You would really trust me like that?
Huntress: Of course. Besides, if you do try something, I'd know immediately by having her tell me when she checks up with me daily.
I looked at the two of them in confusion. Mother turned at me, a grin threatening to split her face.
Huntress: Congratulations Yuzu, You got a Big Brother and now you get to live with him while you go to school!
Mark's POV
I sigh dejectedly, turning to face Yuzu. A surprised look is on her face now, different from the face she made when she lied to us just now about how she really felt. I excuse myself, getting up to put my empty plate away after making sure the servants got enough to eat. I return to the table, the conversations turning more relaxed now. Of course, whenever I look at Yuzu, she looks away, flustered. Instead I ask the Seer about the World Tree wood she brought so I can get started on it. She tells one of the servant to take it to my room. We spend the day together, doing all kinds of things the kids are interested in while the grown-ups ask me about various things like how my life has been like up til now. We return back to the mansion.
I leave the dining hall, returning to my room. I find the piece of wood there waiting for me. It looks to be a piece of one of the branches. It is white and incredibly durable.
Most normal carving knives wouldn't be able to cut through it. I manifested my soul as a carving knife, only the knife didn't look like its usually clear color. Instead, it looked like it was a black crystal with crimson/purple liquid moving inside then flashing to a white crystal with blue liquid then back again. I pondered what could've caused this, but decided not to think about it too much.
Mark: It was probably from the Creator tampering with my soul.
Instead deciding to get to work. I decide to carve the branch into a shape of a cylinder, making a mark where the handle would be. Afterwards, I would carve it into two separate pieces, one long like a sheath and the other short like a blade's handle, from the single piece of wood, a simple design as a cylinder that can split into two separate pieces..
On the handle, I decide I would put runes on to strengthen the wood and allow it to manifest any weapons I have with a handle on them like one handed bladed/blunt weapons. On the sheath, I decide to carve runes that would allow me to manifest my other soul weapons that had a longer cylindrical piece like a spear or warhammer/battleaxe. I also decide on a precaution where no one would be able to separate the two unless they used their soul like me. I also decide to not bind it to me personally because I never know when I may upgrade, Ana's comment about using living beings still stuck in my mind. Although I haven't decided on whether they would be one of the races or a monster.
In the middle of my work, Yuzu came into my room. She didn't say anything, opting to sit on my bed while I worked. After a while, I decided to take a break after finishing the shape of the weapon before creating the handle and sheath itself, I decide to ask her something that was on my mind. I got up on the bed, sitting besides her.
Mark: Why did you lie?
She jumped at my question, making a look that I couldn't tell was fake or real.
Yuzu: About...?
Mark: The imprint.
She paled at my words, shaking slightly.
Yuzu: I didn't-
Mark: Don't lie, I saw you make that face when you said it was only a 'brotherly' imprint.
Yuzu: I-I didn't want to cause you trouble.
She confessed. I sighed, laying down onto my bed as she looked down.
Mark: Truth be told, I wish your words ring true.
She looked torn at my words, tears falling on her face. I grimaced at the sight, but continued on.
Mark: I don't want you to be focused on me like that. It's not that I don't like you, but I don't know if I would ever like you like that.
She looked to be even more distraught at my words.
Mark: You shouldn't even be thinking of stuff like that at your age. You should be having fun and getting in trouble with your parents, even if you are a princess. I want you to be able to experience life without having to think about such things at your age. I wish that you could live without thinking about things like that when you think of me.
She started to get up, about to leave when I grabbed her arm. She looked back at me as I pulled her down so she laid besides me.
Mark: But you can't. I don't know if this imprint thing is for life, but for right now, could we try living as siblings, and when you grow up and mature, I'll tell you my answer then. Maybe you and I are wrong and it is a brotherly imprint and you just had mistaken your feelings. I just don't want you to think about such things right now.
I asked her, staring into her eyes. She sniffled a little, wiping her tears and snot in a handkerchief I gave her.
Yuzu: I'll try.
She answered. I smiled at her, knowing she didn't like the compromise, but she couldn't change it. I gave her a hug to calm her down.
Mark: Truth be told, I don't know why you imprinted on me?
Yuzu: Even Beastmen aren't sure why some people imprint on others while others don't. But I feel like I imprinted on you because I like the feeling your smell gives me.
Mark: Oh? What does my smell make you feel?
Yuzu blushed, her head dipping down to my chest to hide her face. I pretended like I didn't hear the sniffs she was taking.
Yuzu: Your smell gives me a mysterious and poisonous feeling.
I looked down at her, a confused look on my face.
Mark: That doesn't sound like something you should like.
She giggled into my chest, inching closer so she can cuddle me.
Yuzu: It's like the kind of poison that you take but can't get enough of.
Mark: Those kinds of poisons are the ones that'll give you the slow and painful kind of death.
Yuzu: I feel like this poison is one that I can tough through and overcome. I feel like I should get as close as I could to it and take it every day so I'll soon grow an immunity to it.
Mark: You should grow an immunity to it so you won't have to think about it so much anymore.
Yuzu: Mmmh, then I can love it and take it every day.
I grumbled under my breath about kids these days, rubbing the top of her head which caused her to giggle.
Mark: Go to sleep you little twerp.
She cuddled even closer to me, falling asleep soon after. I sighed in unison with the sigh from outside of my room. I got up carefully so I wouldn't wake her. I moved to door that was ajar slightly, pulling it open.
Mark: Well, you heard her.
Yuzu's mother was sitting outside by my door, nodding her head.
Huntress: Seems so. Well, there's nothing we can do about it. You'll just have to see how she reacts living with you to find out whether or not she really likes you or is just infatuated with you for some reason.
I nod my head, leaning against the door as I closed it. We sat there together for a while, neither wanting to speak. I though about various things, one thing making me chuckle a little.
Huntress: What is it?
Mark: We still haven't properly introduced ourselves.
Huntress: Why are you asking? You already have my daughter.
She puffed her cheeks in displeasure.
Mark: Don't be like that, I should at least introduce myself to Yuzu's mother.
She looked at me for a moment before replying.
Huntress: It's Alice.
I stifled a chuckle that didn't go unheard.
Alice: What's so funny?
I waved off her anger.
Mark It's nothing, It just reminds me of a story I heard.
Alice: What's it called?
Mark: Alice in Wonderland.
She thought for a moment before replying.
Alice: What's it about?
I organized my thoughts for a moment before answering. I told her the story's content, to which she found amusing.
Alice: That sounds like it would be a nice story to tell kids.
Mark: Yeah, this is a story kids Yuzu's age would enjoy. *sigh* She seems far too mature for her age.
Alice looked down, a depressed expression on her face.
Mark: You have a guess as to why she is so mature for her age?
Alice nodded, looking out the window at the pale moon, her eyes shimmering in the light. I thought it was breath-taking, even with her anguished expression.
Alice: When she was young, her father passed away. It left a big shock on her. I was never able to keep her company, and for that, I feel like a horrible mother. I was always busy with my work, so he was the one she always played with. She got through it by maturing earlier than she should have.
Mark: I'm sorry for your loss, but don't put yourself down, you couldn't have helped it that you couldn't spend time with her.
Alice shrugged her shoulders.
Alice: Don't be. It was a marriage arranged by our families. We only embraced each other once for Yuzu. I didn't hate the man, but I didn't love him either.
Mark: This makes it sound like you had something to do with his death.
She punched my arm, a smirk on her face.
Alice: Haha, very funny.
Mark: You didn't deny it. I feel scared now.
I smile alongside her, her's becoming slightly melancholy.
Alice: Still, when I said marriage doesn't sound like that to me, it was mostly because I felt a little jealous of the girl who could get that kind of devotion from their lover.
Mark: Sounds more like you're jealous of the fact that your daughter may get that kind of devotion.
Alice: Maybe...
I decide to change the subject.
Mark: So how does the ruler of the beastmen get chosen?
Alice gives me a wry look.
Alice: Not a very good way of changing the topic.
I gave her a shrug in return.
Alice: It is only able to be chosen from the matriarchs from the different tribes. The chosen are based on various criteria, but one of the most important is whether or not they can cooperate with the other races. We don't need some upstart destroying the balance we have kept.
Mark: So do you rule til you die or...?
Alice: No, I rule for a decade, then we see whether or not we should change things or if I want to stay should I want to still rule.
Mark: So when is the next election?
Alice: Next year...
I stayed quiet, thinking over whether or not to ask her.
Mark: Are you going to try ruling again?
Alice shook her head.
Alice: I don't know.
Mark: I would say don't.
She looked over at me.
Alice: Why?
Mark: Because if you don't, you can spend time with your daughter.
Alice: Maybe your right...
Mark: It's never too late to try to connect to her. She can't really go to me about women stuff...
Alice laughed at my question.
Alice: True, but is that the only reason? Sure you aren't trying to have another beauty in your home?
I snorted at her retort.
Mark: I wouldn't be against it. But really, I think you should try to get along with her.
Alice: I really feel like you are just trying to get me into your harem...
Mark: If that's what it will take to get you to bond with her, I'd be attempting to seduce you right now.
Alice stayed quiet at my response.
Mark: I don't know if Yuzu told you, but I have amensia. You probably heard it from Cecilia and them, but I have no recollection of my past. Only sparse memories from before I was born and some split-personality. I don't even know why I have those memories. And even then, I didn't know what it was like to have a mother's love. I don't want Yuzu to go through her childhood never experiencing that.
Alice: Is that why you act like you do? So you'll leave an impression on those you meet? So if you get amnesia again, you have people who could tell you how you were like?
I looked out at the moon, as if I can find peace and tranquility staring at it.
Mark: Yeah. Another reason I don't want Yuzu so attached to me is because I don't know how I was like before I had amnesia. I could've been a psychopath.
Alice: Sure...
Mark: Remember that thing I went through this morning? That was caused by some 'being' that calls himself the Creator, and he said that in my memories, I was an individual that was so horrible that I made myself forget such things when I met the first woman I had ever truly cared for and loved.
Alice stayed silent at my exposition. I turned towards her.
Mark: Do you see what I mean? Before her, I must've been a monstrous person who I would despise even knowing I once did such things. I don't want her around if I start acting out. I have all these weird powers and that weird person who knew me in the past. I'm not normal, and I'm afraid Yuzu might get caught up in my troubles.
Alice: You never know, he may have been just messing with you.
Mark: You saw what I went through this morning. And he says there are others like me that he messes with, all for entertainment. He called this entire reality scenery to watch me live through as he messes with my life to get his entertainment.
Alice didn't know what to say, so she just looked down.
Mark: I have no power to change what could happen, so I didn't want her getting involved. Because in those sparse memories, I do remember being like an older brother. I don't want to see someone who's like a little sister to me get hurt.
Alice nodded her head, looking out through the window once again.
Alice: I don't think we can change her mind though.
Mark: I know, that's why I also want you to be there to protect her from sources of danger, especially if it was me.
I sighed, getting up.
Mark: This conversation made me a little sad, I'm going to go get something to drink, you want something?
Alice shook her head. I shrugged my shoulders, setting off.
Alice's POV
I sighed as well, opening the door and walking in. Yuzu was lying down, still softly sleeping away. I sat down at the side of her, stroking her hair.
Alice: Now I know why you seemed so attached to him. He really reminds you of your father huh? He reminds me of him as well, before we drifted apart.
I smiled down at her.
Alice: You were never able to sleep in bed unless your father was with you. When he died, you never slept peacefully, except for now.
I stopped stroking her head, lying down besides her. I hugged her tightly, herself responding unconsciously. I smiled bitterly at her actions. This was the first interactions we've had in a long time and she was unconscious for it. I closed my eyes, the first feeling of peaceful rest I felt I've gotten in ages.
Alice: Maybe it wouldn't be so bad living with you two. Then maybe he can help us bond together again. Maybe it will help me make sure whether or not the imprint I had on him was the same as yours...
I drifted off to sleep, the same scent my daughter smelled wafting in my nose to lull me to sleep.
- In Serial36 Chapters
Magical Girl Gunslinger
“Would you like to make a contract?” When eldritch horrors known as the Anathema began tearing through reality to invade Earth, aliens calling themselves the Zenith stepped in to protect humanity. Individuals were chosen and gifted with the ability to use magic and advanced technologies to combat the existential threat. Over twenty-one years later, the so-called “Magical Guardians” are still hard at work keeping the peace. With their flashy outfits, superhuman abilities, and reality-defying spells, they are the part-time heroes and full-time idols of modern society. But none of that really matters to Mai, whose biggest problems are dealing with her family, classmates, and the ever growing dread of her imminent future. As far as Mai is concerned, mundane problems are more than enough to worry about, and the idea of magic and monsters might as well be nothing more than daydreams. At least, they were until she finds herself in the middle of an Anathema invasion… A Dark Magical Girl LitRPG with sci-fi elements. Note: Slow burn and gradual introduction of LitRPG mechanics that become a focal point once introduced. Please be aware this story contains intense violence, gore, traumatic situations, and other potentially unsettling content. Chapter One and Two are considered the first “episode” and introduction into the book. As such, they are mega length to allow for uninterrupted reading. Enjoy! Inspired by Stray Cat Strut, by RavensDagger.
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Have you ever considered, what is a Limit? Well, I have. I’ve seen people who were as strong, as wild animals. Those that were faster than the wind. Some that shined with intellect. Yet, what are the Limits of mankind’s strength, or intelligence? No one seems to know. We develop more and more, seemingly without an end. What if, someone was the smartest in the world? Would that suggest the Limit? What if, someone was the strongest in the world? Would that be the Limit? Would that make that someone, more than a Human? These are just questions, but what if I saw people reach their Limits? What if I know what happens, when you break the Limits? What if I were to tell you about it, would you believe me? (This novel is no longer published on royal road. If you wish to read more than 1st volume, head to webnovel. That is all)
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The Grand Cultivator of Unusual Means Solves a Murder
Feng He finds his world spiraling out of control, and somehow ends up in his favorite novel? And to make things worse, the character he takes over dies! What can he do? I have had a technical error and have lost over 10k words and almost 4 chapters worth of work. I lost everything up to the middle of the chapter I last published. This has broken me to the point of no return and I will be dropping this story. My mind can not overcome this lost. I am sorry for those who enjoyed the story. I will be starting a new story and will be using a different writing program and hopefully will be able to no have this happen again. Thank you for your support. Lan Li BxB Has some gore (COVER IS A PLACE HOLDER WHILE I DO THE ART MYSELF. THE ORIGINAL ARTIST CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://m.weibo.cn/u/1764472957?uid=1764472957&luicode=10000011&lfid=1076035845511408#&gid=1&pid=1 PLEASE SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL ARTIST!)
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Savage Sonata: Oath-sworn Song
Morgan belongs to the Khantani, a tribe of sea smiths granted the power to craft legendary weapons and armor by an otherworldly god, at the cost of being unable to wield the weapons themselves. For centuries they flourished in isolation until one day they find themselves being hunted by a genocidal king.Cast into a savage world filled with mystically twisted islands, Morgan must harness the power of slain beasts and wild spirits to craft weapons for his new fickle allies; a withdrawn soldier that can never leave war behind and a shapeshifter that forgets more of themselves day by day. **Updates are now Tuesdays and Saturdays** What kind of story is this? Savage Sonata is an epic fantasy story with classic fantasy world building. It contains light dungeon elements in the form of Isles, while heavily focusing on classes, character progression and the use of monster remains for crafting.
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Dekker's Dozen: The Last Watchmen
When a demon-possessed tree tries to impose its will on the universe, the future turns dark. But what does Dekker want? The leader of the only mercenary squad capable of standing in the enemy's way would be content if his ex-girlfriend and business partner promised not to stab him again. As he and his eleven teammates track down the intergalactic assassin who stalked his family for generations, they encounter Ezekiel, a mysterious man claiming to be a time-traveler and ancient prophet. Ezekiel claims Dekker will responsible for the annihilation of all reality--but worse, he knows all of Dekker's secrets: that he wields an ancient, celestial weapon, was once married to a terrorist, and is the last member of the Watchmen--an ancient secret society with one purpose. At Ezekiel's insistence, and with a super-weapon in the hands of warring armies, Dekker and his team must do the unthinkable to prevent the Sun's annihilation before his archenemy can bring what Ezekiel calls "the divine engines of reality" to a grinding halt--breaking all of existence--destroying all that is, will be, and ever was! Steampunk time-travel, cyborg ninjas, plant-spore-controlled unicorn zombies, a deep-space plague, ghost warships, alien cat-people, living planets, and star destroying Hassidic superweapons converge in one epic, but doomed, timeline. Free ebook prequel available now! Download for Kindle/Nook, etc. Dekker's Dozen: A Waxing Arbolean Moon is available on Kindle- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EKP7IGY Nook- http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/dekkers-dozen-christopher-d-schmitz/1123682851 all others- https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/631408 #featured
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A Spark in the Wind
Though there has been mistrust between the Kingdom of Alinor and the Forest Kingdom for thousands of years, Prince Meneldir has naught but love in his heart for Lord Vilyánur, his oldest and closest friend.But something's coming: something that will turn their lives upside down, something that will consume them and everything they hold dear should they fail to unite their two kingdoms into one and rise up against this threat.But then comes the real question: if you tamper with essential forces of nature to save the one you love, is it even worth it? What can be the result of such an action? Is a world claimed by decadence and degeneration even worth saving? The board is set, the pieces are moving.[A WATTYS 2018 SHORTLISTER] [ALSO SHORTLISTED FOR INDIAN AWARDS 2019]
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