《Roki》Chapter 8: Dungeon of Goblin
*chirp chirp*
A bright sunny morning with a cloudless sky, wearing sweatpants and a plain t-shirt a young man was jogging with earphones listening to his favorite mix of songs. It was a rare sight to see for Kichiro to be jogging early in the morning. Let alone doing exercise this sudden jogging even shocked Okaa-san, but she delightfully gave him a smile happy that he was doing something out of the norm.
While jogging he then remember the things that happen previously in game.
Both Roki and Rinoa were still keen on their eyes toward the lone man. The lone man waits for their answer but none was said. Rinoa said to Roki;
‘take the loot first Roki, you are the one who kill it’
Furious by the duo reaction, the little girl lash out;
‘ hey you don’t ignore my brother, and who let you take those loot!’
‘calm down Lola, those are theirs to take, they are the one who kill it’
‘but nii-chan we need…’
Ian gesture Lola to stop using his hand, he then walk forward slowly;
‘I know this seems weird to you but we really need your help’
Rinoa put her guards up seeing the approaching Ian.
‘please don’t be alarm, im here only to negotiate’
Finish collecting all the loot, Roki stand up and face Ian;
‘for someone who is asking for help don’t you think readying yourself for battle is consider quite rude’
Rinoa flinch after hearing Roki’s word, she then strengthen her guard.
‘ahh them, I apologize on their behalf my group are a bit of the cautious type but do not worry we have no ill intent’
Rinoa then spoke;
‘Since you are asking can you tell us the detail about this help of yours?’
‘I would love to tell you, but isn’t it better to talk things through in a better place’
‘you are suggesting?’
‘Happy Tea Time bar in the city, we will see you there at 10 a.m. if its okay with you guys’
Lola suddenly intervene with her annoying little sound, dressed in light leather cuirass a pair of dagger was held by the small young girl. Based on her height she was probably 10 or 15cm more shorter than Roki himself.
‘but nii-chan we need to go…’
‘shuush Lola’
Roki seeing how the both of them interact spoke;
‘it seems you are in a hurry since the brat is pestering you that much’
‘brat?! Did you call me brat just now! Nii-chan lets just kill them and steal the Moon Tear’
She was ready to bash Roki’s head after being provoked like that but thankfully Ian was a step faster and withheld his small little sister from rampaging. He wouldn’t want her sister name to be smear as the first player killer.
‘look at him nii-chan for someone who calling me a brat even he looks like a brat!’
‘haha sorry for my sister behavior she sometime has issue with her not so tall height’
‘haha don’t mind don’t mind, I already went through that phase already, since she already blurt it out so what business do you have with this new gem of mine’
Roki retort with confidence while throwing around the tear shape light yellow gem on his hand.
‘Let me explain Captain Ian’
A bluish shoulder hair length woman that looks like in her early twenties came in front. Spotting a square framed glass with her emerald green eyes, it was peculiar taste but fit with each other. What spotted her from the rest were the nekomimi features. A trait of the werecat a race that bear the hybrid of a human and feline. What she wore was the typical beginner priest equipment alongside a small size mace hanging on her waist.
Though most priest like user has a bright and cheery face, the woman who call Ian as Captain has a stoic face that show no expression whatsoever.
‘hello I am Tieriea, a priest in charge of the safety of this group, nice to meet you’
‘ah yes, like wise’
Different from her expressionless face her polite behavior was certainly didn’t suit her. she then explain of the need of the gem in a monotonous tone;
‘since three days ago we as a party have undertook a B-class subjugation quest for level 25. We as a party completely exterminate all the monster required and at the last floor of the dungeon after going up against the goblin leader we after depleted all resourced and energy have win. Thus completing our quest’
‘okay so?’
‘after the end of the quest, we then received a sudden continual quest after our own shorty over here found a key hole with an inscription that goes;’
‘hey!! Tieriea what do you mean shortie and aren’t you on my side’
Again Ian, hold his sister back from her outburst grabbing a hold of her he step back while his face smiling face show don’t mind and just continue.
‘eh? Nii-chan stop!!’
‘cheh pesky brat ouh yes where were I, ah yes the inscription goes
-Once when then moon howl let the door to a whole new world be open enriching thou with vast amount of gold that no man could dream-
This is the description engraved on the door that Lola found, and based on the information we have gathered the key that was descripted was none other than the Moon Tear a gem that can only be earn after defeating the eluding beginner boss, Alpha Wolf.’
Rinoa and Roki were both surprised by the polite priest turning spiteful in mere seconds and changing back to normal, a bizarre personality indeed. But Roki still reply with a normal response forgetting about the sudden changes in her behavior;
‘so since you guys have discovered this so call door of treasure are you expecting us to give you this freely?’
‘it would be better if the gem lay on our hand rather than yours’
A blunt respond from Tieriea, her words were direct and straight to the point not thinking of any negotiation at all. Ian without had to step up;
‘haha im sorry of my companion misbehavior it isn’t like you think off’
Rinoa spoke her words dissatisfied by the demand by the one who are asking for help;
‘you know Ian-san, your negotiation so far isn’t that convincing, I don’t think me and my friend would accept your offer’
Rinoa spoke with a voice that emits confidence and attitude; her years of being a leader can be shown well off during this kind of engagement;
Seeing how his childhood friend responds, he just smile and went along with it. The urge of him to play this game was still not enough for him to play it by himself only the fact to accompany his friend was the motivation for him to play except fighting stronger enemies. Like the battle against the big dog has let his sudden will to play ignite. Except for that none interest him until heard something interesting;
‘wait how about we split the treasure 50-50?’
Rinoa stop on her track, intrigue by the sudden proposition she suddenly turn her head facing Ian while her eyes were blinking like money loving people. It seems Roki childhood friend was a bit of money loving person I guess. Even with those blinking eye she still hold her ground with a confident voice;
‘even still how could we know that you will uphold your words?’
‘I guess I have you on the hook then…’
‘haha don’t be too serious, we are in a game aren’t we. Don’t worry we will used the party system of loot allocation with priority 50% to the both of you’
‘but nii-chan, the treasures is mine didn’t I am the one who found it’
‘Lola you know we have other important things to do’
‘but… don’t worry once we have reach a higher level this wont be a problem’
Hearing their conversation Rinoa cannot help to ask;
‘since you are searching this gem for so long, why don’t you find another Alpha Wolf?’
‘hmm to ask of that question, it seems you didn’t know the spawn rate for boss type monster’
‘care to tell me Ian-san’
‘it was only found recently, but the spawn rate for any type of boss is around the one month period after being defeated’
‘I wonder why didn’t you just wait for another one to spawn?’
‘for one thing our goal is to reach level 60 or so in this mere one month period so to be halt in this process wouldn’t interfere in our level’
‘level 60 in one month that’s preposterous isn’t that a bit too fast for someone at level 20?’
Retort Rinoa with her face clearly showing surprised and intrigued by the sudden notion of being able to level up fast.
‘well for your information my nii-chan here is a genius and for someone who discover it to the likes of you wont know it hahahaha’
The midget little girl, Lola laugh her hearts off, bragging her brother superiority to the duo.
‘then I would forfeit my part of the treasure as long as I can participate with your party for leveling’
Ian’s group were surprised, forsaking all the treasure that she will gain, she trade it for the sake of having to level up alongside them. To them the notion doing that was also a bit crazy but nonetheless Rinoa has a goa, a goal to reach the top a goal to reach her idol JoantheArc.
‘uhm you mean?’
‘I will gladly gave you the gem in return I could be one of you, in other word to be one party with you’
Once again everyone was silent, until Ian spoke up;
‘hmm I wouldn’t mind you know, but for the leveling you need to be always with us, is that okay with you?’
‘yes sure you are with me right Roki?’
She ask Roki with a bright smile on her face, she was more excited of hearing how to level up faster than the gaining of wealth. Roki could only smile agreeing to his friend’s wish.
‘ouh about that, I don’t think we could accept the both of you’
‘eh?? Why? What do you mean?’
‘hmm how I should say this, well for this strategy of mine to work the maximum amount of user in party can only be maximum at 6 users only. So if we include the both of you I don’t think we can execute it perfectly.’
She was disheartened, left with only two choice she could only choose of either abandon her friend or abandon the way of leveling up. Face with a dilemma, her face frowned as usual, a face that doesn’t know what to choose.
Roki seeing how Rinoa was currently in a dilemma knowing she was really in need of this alliance between her and the party.
“huh this girl must be worrying about me again, better as well be the sacrifice then”
‘Rinoa, I wouldn’t mind its fine if you want to go with them’
‘but you…’
‘don’t worry im gonna be fine, level up first then train me you got it hehe’
Tear start to form at the corner of her eyes. But she felt guilty of doing this, since she’s the one who drag him in the first place and then now it seems like she’s abandoning him. Then she thought of something;
‘Ian-san can I ask you for one more the thing in trade of the moon tears’
‘can I at least get one equipment to give to Roki since he also help in getting the moon tear’
Before Ian can reply Lola already intervene with her smug face;
‘haha no way…’
‘yes sure you can, it’s the least we can do but is it okay with you, Roki-san’
‘i don’t really mind, so I guess this is farewell then Rinoa’
‘eh? What do you mean, you are also coming’
‘Rinoa, what are you saying didn’t Ian-san already said im not going’
‘well Ian-san for the treasure Roki don’t need to form a party so its fine if he tag along with us right’
‘hmm yeah sure, but I need to remind you the goblin are quite fierce so be prepared’
‘its fine Ian-san I can protect Roki from danger’
With Rinoa determination to protect Roki, Lola disregards Roki for being weak;
‘heh so much for a being that short plus being protected by a girl hehe’
Roki ignore the little Lola provocation, it would be too tiring to handle that kind of person. After all the conversation, they all then proceed to dungeon where the door of treasure lies. Before they embark into the dungeon, a simple introductory were done between the party and the duo.
In the party consist of 5 people which all have different types of class and race, they all come together produce the best synergy based on the strategy devised by Ian. The team consists of acquaintance of Ian, along with his younger sister.
A well balanced party, a scout, a tanker, a striker, a ranged offence and a healer. Quite normal but in fact it is the essence of MMORPG. After a few minutes they then arrived in front of the dungeon. Clearly the dungeon reeks of goblin smell. Not like you guys know what they smell like, lets just say small green little hafling with a bad attitude and a serious case of bad hygiene.
At the entrance of the cave, Ian cautions his teammate to be ready;
‘guys be ready, arm yourselves and check for equipment and your inventory, for those who don’t have enough health potion or mana potion speak up so we can share, though we have been here we should not let our guard down’
Befitting of a leader, the party follow the command of the human magician even his tantrum prone sister follow his command obediently. Beside that their eyes were focusing, concentrating themselves before entering their eyes shows the determination of handling this situation like in a real life situation. Roki was amazed seeing how well this people take this game seriously. To him their seriousness must be higher than Rinoa herself. I guess similar goal and personality attract alike.
As the others prepared themselves, Roki watch the entrance of the dungeon. A description box opens up describing the information of the dungeon.
Green Goblin Dungeon
A dungeon infested with the creature known as goblin. Inhabited by the goblin since the birth of the world, the dungeon was known to many adventurers as one of the beginner spot for dungeon exploring. Within the tunnels and narrow space of the dungeon, lay numerous types of goblin that range in level 15 to level 25. At the end of dungeon lays the master of the dungeon, the big variation of the goblin, the Goblin King!!
“hoo interesting, Goblin King hmm”
While he was dazing looking at the entrance of the dungeon, the thought of fighting the goblin king riled him up. Since the fight with the Alpha, he wasn’t really satisfied as he need to release one of the skill that achieved master class, Stealth.
Even so, this time it would be different. A one on one fight with a boss would be exhilarating. But to get that opportunity was indeed hard to come by. Along with an experience party to get an exclusive fight with the boss was certainly difficult to obtain. He painstakingly stop silent and think how to think of a plan.
Then a voice disturb his brainstorming section;
‘Roki, what are you doing, come on its time to go and can you wear some shirt or something’
‘yeah yeah’
Since he was half naked since the fight with the alpha wolf, he doesn’t have any upper cloth to wear. Luckily for him, he gain something from the Alpha. Opening up the inventory he took out a cloth and boldly wore it over his bare body. it was a trench coat that cover him from top to bottom, at the middle bare his upper body.
Seeing Roki dress with a new equipment, Rinoa curiosity rouse up, she quickly ask him;
‘Roki that looks cool where do you get it’
‘ah this its from the Alpha’
‘ehhh any item for me?’
‘hmm I don’t think so, want some gold it drop like 2 gold’
‘waaa that’s a lot, give me after this okay’
‘yeah sure’
The snotty little brat then intervene shouting to the both of them;
‘hey come on stop flirting and lets go don’t waste my brother time’
‘cheh that little girl, lets go Roki lets get this over with’
Roki just nod while reading the description of his new coat;
Coat of the Alpha Defense:37Durability:100 / 100Quality:Uncommona coat drop by the elusive Alpha Wolf that rule over the Nightingale Forest. Its collar was made by fur like the fur own by the Alpha. Its white, soft and glistening. Beside the fur, all of it was covered by black color material. At the back, an insignia of a head of the wolf was done in silverfish color. Underneath a full moon, the coat effect will be enhanced double the amount:
-grant 100 health
-grant 50 mana
-grant 5 agility
Special effect: can block one magic spell at a time, maximum level that it could block up to only E class magic. Effect cooldown take 30 minutesRequirement:No level required
They then venture into the dungeon, while they walk through the tunnels of the dungeon. Ian forget to ask about something, their levels. Since they won against the fight with the Alpha, he deem them to be must be on the level or more. He then shrugs it off without knowing that their actual level was far below than he expected.
In the game of Daitai No Sekai, levels cannot be seen by other users without the consent of the user. other exception were the used of the skill User identify a sub-skill of identify that can be learn to peek at the user statistics.
The dungeon consists of numerous path and tunnels, different from the usual levels in other games dungeon, the dungeon in this game mimics the reality of the real world caves and tunnels. So rather than going up a level the user need to venture deeper into the dungeon to reach the final end.
In the beginning most of their encounters were with normal goblin. Some are alone and some comes in a group. But with Ian’s party excellent attack patterns and teamwork did the job well of exterminating them in mere seconds.
Both Roki and Rinoa were left out since the fight finish earlier than they expected. Roki was getting bored while Rinoa was fascinated by this group sheer power and coordination. Even with 2 or more groups of goblins attack, they can easily counter them with their tactics lead by Ian the Magician.
With the two melee classes, Kubo and Take took the front line brandishing their swords. Kubo wield a sword and a shield while Take wield a single blade sword that resemble a rapier. Both of them halt the advanced of incoming goblin attacks. Kubo mainly used the defensive skill and Take used the offense based. With their cooperation no goblin are able to go through their front line.
At the side, Lola pull a hit and run attacking style. Supporting the duo in front, Lola utilizes her rogue skill to deplete the goblin health points from their blindside. She also protects the rear guard, whenever an accidental loose goblin came through. Her skill with the dagger was exceptional contrary to her small stature, her skill show more than what it seems.
For tougher opponent or multiple enemies, Ian took charge. Using his wide area magic he contain the enemies. Depleting their health for the frontline to kill them off and like always for support the acting priest, Tieriea heal the front line before they reach the danger zone.
Astounded by them, Rinoa could not help to be excited for when she enter their party. With smooth sailing, they then reach deeper into the last phase of the dungeon. With a lot more varieties in goblin species and tougher to handle goblin especially Goblin Mage. The group then encounter a large cavern area, with small campfires and primitive tents. They reach a goblin encampment, from a far they can see multiple goblins along with a shamanic look goblin at the center of the crowd.
‘woo, isn’t this a bit too many’
‘hehe you newbs for your information we five could handle this quite easily’
Proclaim the little midget while puffing her chest up. Tieriea interrupt her saying;
‘for someone who is always on the verge of dying, you brag a lot’
‘what did you say you obnoxious cat-lover, im gonna…’
Ian intervene once again, not wanting to let the situation escalate;
‘guys stop it, be ready we don’t want to experience those kind of experience don’t we’
Tieriea and Lola stood silent agreeing to Ian comments. Both of them nod to the their leader;
‘Take and Kubo be ready to tank at the front and Tieriea be sure to cover for them Lola kill any weak link on the spot I will manage the crowd’
Shouted the 4 members in agreement, confused on what to do Rinoa hesitated to ask Ian;
‘and Roki and Rinoa be sure to protect yourself, its gonna be a tough fight but I think you guys could handle it’
‘ah yes Ian’
‘okay that’s settle, guys formation! 2-1-2’
Take and Kubo took the front Lola at the center, TIeriea and Ian at the back. several binds of light envelops the whole team, casted by the murmuring Tieriea, she cast a Bless spell to all of them to increased their attack and defense for 4%. Beside her, Ian was casting his spell with magic circle begin to form on the ground where he stands.
Taking a full 30 seconds, he then released his spell, within the confined tunnel spark of electricity begin to form above a group of goblins. Paying no heed to those spark, the goblin roam around and then it descend;
‘Lightning Spark!!’
With one word from his mouth, the spark descends in static electricity. Lighting rain down on the goblins electrocuting them in a 7 diameter wide area. From above, their full health bar depleted in mere seconds decreasing around 30 to 40% of its health. Recovering from the electrifying attacks, the goblins then aware of their attackers. A lone goblin spoke out loud in its language alerting the others;
‘ughi ughi ughi!!!’
The entire goblin took arms and rush forward toward the party in a disorderly manner. Some are wielding rusty swords, some are brandishing half broken spear and some using a mini bow.
‘guys! Get ready!’
‘Power Guard!’
Kubo initiate his support skill, increasing his overall defense.
Take follow along his mate, increasing his offense.
As soon as the goblins reach them in a 3 meter radius, Kobu activate another spell;
‘Warrior Roar!’
A deafening sound came from the mouth of Kubo, the skill attract the incoming enemies to focus on Kobu while also increasing his defense for 110%. Goblins encircle Kobu, their numbers amount to 25 to even 40.
Kobu health point quickly deteriorated in this frenzy situation even with his upgraded defense, he slash and guard and holds on as long as he could. With his health point reaching the red zone, white radiant light engulf his body, Tieriea heal Kubo as fast as she can, and supporting the tank with her restorative spells.
Take released his skill as much as he can killing of the distracted goblins.
‘Sworto Pierce!’
With his rapier like blade, he pierces the goblins at its heart delivering critical blow after blow. Prior experience had taught him the goblin’s weakness. With his keen eye and accuracy, his sword pierce was deadly.
Lola utilizes her Rogue’ skill to the maximum, whispering in a low voice she activates her skill;
‘Critical Stab’
Not once but twice as her dagger landed on the same spot as soon as she activate her skill moreover critical emerge corresponding to her skill bringing death to those who encounter her dagger.
The game mechanics uses the verbal activation respond, for physical attack and magic, user need to recite their skill name for it to be activate while some have certain capabilities to lower their tone of voice for the activation skill and for this instance Lola, her rogue class allow her to minimalize her voice usage for skills.
It might sounds to be rather irrelevant but less voice allow them to be sneakier and more tactics based for them to defeat their enemies in duel and even against monster. With her low whisper, her enemies were forced to be send to the netherworld.
Ian on the other hand cast his wide area magic, though it takes times for him to cast the magic. The wide area magic itself help depleted a multiple numbers of goblins health allowing for the others to easily kill it off. Lightning Spark and Cold Shards, rotating between those two wide area magic, he crowd control the battlefield.
Goblins were still swarming over Kobu and even with the increased number of goblin corpses the swarms of goblins were still not decreasing. Kobu was still being swarmed, he calmly fought on. With his 5 minute time limit starting to reach its end limit, he shouted to the others for the incoming agro.
‘Guys!! My Warrior’s Roar is ending brace yourself’
Ian shouted;
‘guys!! 2 – 2 and Kubo ready for another aggro’
Take and Lola ran in front of the rear guard preparing to protect them.
Then it ends…
The goblin target change to the others as soon as his skill ends. Goblins went toward the others.
And then they clash…
Take cut them down and Lola stab them but they were still too much, Ian attack them with his measly oaken staff while releasing energy ball to the goblins. Tieriea was still focusing on healing Kubo, ignoring the incoming goblins.
They managed to hold until at the 30 seconds, a loose goblin leap into the air with its intending target the focus werecat. Ian who saw the incoming goblin could not do anything with him being preoccupied himself;
“shit Tieriea”
‘Slice of LiuBei’
Three combos landed on the goblin and quickly it falls dead after experiencing the might of the skill. Ian heart calms down after seeing someone else protecting his party member. It was the new addition to his party well maybe not now but after this.
‘hey need a hand hihi’
Rinoa smiling standing beside Tieriea with her dagger slightly glowing in orange red. Then a new voice emerges out of the chaotic scene in battlefield;
‘this seems exciting hehe’
A young man with wolf insignia on his back grins.
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