《Roki》Chapter 7: Alpha Wolf
A dagger fall upon the unfortunate body of a lone wolf deteriorating its health bar less than 3%.
‘now Roki finish it off!’
‘yeah yeah don’t shout I can perfectly hear you’
Roki follow through with a clean horizontal slash killing the unfortunate wolf. Its body drop dead leaving behind some loot suitable for its level.
‘huff huff so? Did you level up?’
‘hmm no’
‘goddamn it, its been 3 hours since we start grinding wolf and you are still level 3? Is it a game bug’
‘hey hey calm down, I didn’t do anything I follow your command just as you said’
‘hmph! Anyway even since we start grinding not a sight of an Alpha wolf huhhh~~’
Its been 3 hours since the duo slay all the wolf that they can find in hope of increasing Roki level in a short amount of time but to her dismay he only level up twice. It was a weird phenomenon; naturally for a level 1 user can level up double or triple in a short amount of time if they slay those of higher level than them but for Roki it was like slow as hell. Not that he mind of course.
Rinoa was infuriated by this incident making her not able to progress further as leveling her childhood friend a priority. Her goal was for them to beat the boss level monster of this forest for them to elevate themselves much further but her partner level was an obstacle. You may wonder why he didn’t used his skill, it would be a lot easier for him don’t you think but for our protagonist here, he thought it wasn’t necessary to used it in front of Rinoa since she was so adamant about tanking for him.
While standing around thinking how to solve this problem, she unconsciously starts to bite her nails. It was a bad habit of her if she was stuck on a problem. Since they have known each other for so long he notice that his friend was in trouble he non-chalantly pat her shoulder while saying;
‘hey don’t worry, I can take care of myself so how about we find that precious Alpha wolf of yours’
Turning around it was the first time he had comfort Rinoa, she was getting tears in her eyes but she endure from letting it flow down. It was rare to see Roki treat her like this since in the real world there was nothing that he could do for her Rinoa as she was able to solve anything that block her path.
Rather than being weird about his behavior she gladly accept it from him and reply with a smiling nod.
While she start to question him about his sudden caring attitude, his eye then started to sharpen as he notice something in the surrounding. The current time was at night and the full moon was shining above them gracing it benevolent light to clear away the darkness .
Due to his constant bout against monsters during his two week he was able to innately detect something that released killing intent. He then aware his talkative friend;
‘Rinoa I think we found the thing you were looking for’
‘and since when….eh? what do you mean?’
‘look there up on the rocky hill’
She change her sight to the rocky hill pointed by Roki and up there her eyes brighten, an entity that she was looking for, majestically on its four paws looking down on the duo who has caught on his sight. Thick silverfish white fur enveloping its whole body, with its body that was thrice the size of a normal wolf and upon closer look on his left eye was vertical scar that ran down its fiery red eyes. It was the fable Alpha wolf that was the boss of this forest. Its aura exudes those of a king of its species corresponding to its name the Alpha!
With the full moon on the backdrop, it then let out a menacing howl. Its howl was loud even at a far distance they can still feel the strength of his howl. As the howl spread in the atmosphere, sounds of wolves can be heard in the near distance approaching them in a terrifying speed and without them knowing it they are already been surrounded.
‘yeah I know we’re surrounded’
In the middle of a plain a duo were surrounded by a packs of wolves with their leader staring them down.
‘so how many?’
‘on my side around 8 to 10 how about you Roki’
‘more or less the same, hmm can you handle them?’
‘since their level are around 9 to 10 I think I can handle at most 9 wolves’
‘so this side mine then haha’
‘why are you laughing we are in a situation right now and by the way you are still level 3’
‘haha let the fun begin then’
Rinoa was showing a weird expression, she hasn’t seen him be this enthusiastic since…………ever. So she was a bit clueless on how to respond to Roki. But right now there were other concerning matter beside his weird behavior it was the predator on top the rocky hill.
‘make sure to stay close to me and never leave my back’
Roki was only smiling ready to face the danger in front of him. For one thing he knows with one sword strike he could kill them with such ease but he wouldn’t it would have kill off all the fun. Rather than a fast clean sweep he enjoys clashing with his opponent increasing his heartbeat.
Then it happens, another howl from the Alpha wolf initiate the attack of its pack. The surrounding wolves completely close in to the duo at the center. Simultaneously, the wolves came in leaping to gnaw the surrounded duo.
With ten wolves ready to bite off the succulent meat of an elf maiden it was then hamper by the sudden swift movement of one dagger.
‘Slice of LiuBei’
One wolf down to the ground, dead with no life whatsoever, with her prize skill slice of LiuBei it immediately cut one wolf down leaving nine left for her to kill. The other nine managed to get a bite to Rinoa but due to her high quality armor her HP only managed to go down a little bit.
with all of them still in close range, she then swing her dagger. Swiftly brandishing her dagger, one by one the wolves drop to the ground. With her unique made dagger and also her high defense armor, she exterminate her side of the pack with eased. With high agility and high attack speeds her flurry of attack left the wolves unable to fend for themselves.
Even with all that her health still drops 30%, she then drink a health potion to restore her health back to full while looking for her level 3 friend in hoping that he survived the onslaught. But then her eyes widened, even the half drink health potion was drop to the ground. The scene in front of her was surreal.
In front of her, Roki dodge the wolves simultaneous attack and at the same time deliver his attack to the wolves. But what was happening was truly mesmerizing, Roki dodge all the wolves attack almost perfectly even dodging it from behind a blind spot for a normal human. Each time he evade, a sword slash the body of a wolf.
With his old iron sword, a hit from it was barely damaging to the wolf but still cause damage. Not a lot but at least the health bar drop a bit. Compare to using Sword Strike it was like heaven and earth but it did not matter to him as the most important thing was the adrenaline rush, the rush of having his heart feeling alive.
What makes Rinoa astonish was the face Roki making during his fight. He was smiling, not the usual smiling but the excited smiling face that she has long forgotten. For a while she looks at him with wide eyes frozen on the spot.
Until after a few moment she then came back to reality, seeing how Roki was still surrounded by all the wolves even with dodging all the attacks, Rinoa step in and charge on with her dagger. Two were already dead due to Roki constant normal attack and after Rinoa enter the fray the number of the wolves quickly dwindles.
There it was Roki and Rinoa stood side by side with their back toward each other. At the front were their opponent with 3 more wolves left. Before they could continue to kill off the leftover a deafening howl came again. As if they have forgotten that an Alpha wolf was still targeting them.
Seeing how his brethren being cut down his patience run down. With his four legs he then ran toward the duo with lightning speed. Upon reaching his brethren, he face the duo and snarl at them.
With him up close Rinoa unconsciously step back and Roki on the other hand start to hum his favorite song of him during this dire situation. By the way its ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ hehe.
The alpha close in on both of them with his mouth opening wide ready to snap their body into two. Still thinking Roki wasn’t able to fend for himself, Rinoa push him away letting herself to endure the might of an Alpha’s bite.
She was bitten while still able to guard with her dagger still in between the mouth of the large wolf, her full health bar completely depleted in half.
“shit, he’s strong”
While still holding on to her life in between the razor sharp teeth of the Alpha, she holds on and endure with her health slowly depleting after having a half of it wipe away just like that.
“what should I do? I didn’t go for a class change up yet and all I have is slice of LiuBei”
She was stuck she didn’t know what to do, beside death only one thing came up on her mind, Roki! She glance around the proximity hoping to find her one and only hope but there was none he was gone. The one she most trusted has left her, she was abandon. She could not believe it, out of all people Roki?
Gritting her teeth, she endure the force of the bite. Her eyes were showing deep fiery determination, as someone who love playing games, this wasn’t something that could hinder her goal of attaining power. Still mad at Roki, she slowly whisper to her ownself;
‘when im back you’re gonna get a beating Kichi’
‘you call me?’
A voice she was familiar with someone who she has thought of leaving her by herself. Her face quickly brighten with a smile. How naïve a teenage girl was, just a moment ago she was angry and in the second she turns happy and that what puberty was;
‘hey I thought you can handle him’
‘come on and help me already!!!’
‘coming right up’
With the Alpha unable to released its bites against Rinoa, Roki furiously continue to strike his iron sword to the head of the Alpha hoping to deal some damage. But as expected even after multitude of slash, the Alpha doesn’t budge at all.
As Rinoa health trickling down, Roki thought of an idea pointing his sword to the head of the Alpha, he motion into a piercing movement aiming at its eye. as the tip of the sword approaches the bright red eye deeply watch the movement of Roki and seconds before it reaches his eye, it released Rinoa from the gap of death and back away with a leap from its four mighty paw.
Rinoa was safe and after being released she immediately drank two to three health potion recovering her lost health points. After gulping down she hurriedly ask where he has been with an angry tone;
‘where have you been I almost die there!’
‘calm down we are still not safe yet’
‘heh! Just so you know, tonight dinner im gonna take your share of tamagoyaki’
‘yeah su… wait what? No way!’
Seeing how the both of them quarrelling between each other, the Alpha start to get irritated and lunge toward them once again and this time he unravel its hidden claw of its forepaw to the one who let his prey get away, and that was none other than Roki.
Just a light few steps and that’s all it takes for the Alpha to reach Roki and then he released his claw, blue light was infused with his claw. Unleashing a skill, Roki with ease dodge it while ducking under. He flawlessly avoid the claw but his fluttering shirt was touch by the trails of blue luminescence that came from its claw.
Immediately, his plain brown tunic disintegrated into fine data particles leaving him shirtless hinting that his tunic durability drop to zero. Noticing his own half nude body, his face slowly changes to reveal a smile. A smile common to his virtual life.
As he dodges, Roki take the opportunity and slash its underbelly with an upward slash. It minimally decreased Alpha health; even one percent was hard to mow down as the difference in level was apparent.
At the same time Rinoa moves in activating her skill;
‘Slice of LiuBei!’
Her dagger connected, three combo strikes managed to land on his body. Depleting about 5% of the Alpha health it was a much bigger difference compared to Roki’s. In front of Rinoa’s eye was the Alpha and a status window detailing about the Alpha.
Monster Status WindowNameAlpha WolfGradeBossLevel18CategoryBeastHealth7500/7500Mana300/300Weapon Attack500Weapon defense150Magic Attack120Magic Defense50Resistant to???Weak to???Immune to???Drops???Description:A leader among the wolves. Pride of being the Alpha its three time bigger than the normal wolf and at such much more stronger. With lightning speed as it weapon along with its sharp fangs and claws it not a monster to be trifle with. Regard as the boss monster in the Nightingale Forest. Legend says if one kill an Alpha it will be bestow with an undeniable reward.
Rinoa frustrated she could not identify his weakness if her identity skill were a bit higher in level she could have unravel the additional data regarding the Alpha. With nothing else to rely on she pressed on delivering another combo of Slice of LiuBei.
Another 5% drop leaving it with only 90% in health. Angrily the Alpha lash out toward Rinoa changing his target, once again his bite narrowly missed Rinoa. Rinoa luckily avoid the bite while parrying it with her dagger. Though it was only coincidence, it still kept her alive.
The Alpha then released a flurry of attacks consisting of bites and claw attack. she undoubtly endure the onslaught while at few interval drank her health potion. The high attack damage of the Alpha was too hard for someone to endure, even with good equipment Rinoa managed to kept a majority of her health from depleting too fast.
If someone who has lower grade armour than her a single bite could bring death. Roki on the other hand managed to sneak a few attack but doesn’t produce any result, seeing how Rinoa was in danger he felt that he should help her but if he released the skill Sword Strike with one blow the Alpha will be long gone.
For one thing he is a person who doesn’t like to show off let alone showing off in front of his childhood friend. Even the purpose of playing the game was to indulge the wishes of Rinoa.
He then remembered something the eye attack; piercing through the eyes let the Alpha be more aware of its surrounding letting off the agro toward Rinoa. With précised movement he moves in and once again repeat the same motion that caused the Alpha to flee. Roki wait for the chance to pierce while readying himself in the stance he was most comfortable with for piercing.
Then it happen, Rinoa once again stuck between its fangs and at that moment Roki moves in and initiate the movement to pierce through its eye. Dashing on from a distanced, he closed the gap and aim for the eye. The Alpha discovered the incoming tip of the sword and jump back like the first attempt but Roki anticipating his movement move along with him taking a step further and managed to pierce its eye.
A quarter of his sword was lodged into its left eye. 10% percent of its health drop immediately with blood still seeping out from its left eye. with its sight cut in half, its field of vision was reduced. His forepaw scratch around his eye attempting to removed while being motionless at the moment.
Rinoa saw the chance and execute her skill, three combos flew and land on its body. another 5% percent drop. The Alpha take a step back and growl to Rinoa while lashing out his claw imbued with blue glow. She block it and the attack knock her back 5 meter away, reducing a quarter of her HP even when she was able to block it. the iron sword that was lodged in its eye was removed forcefully with a blue glow claw damaging even his ownself.
‘shit this is hard’
Complain the elf maiden, the shirtless young man hastily retort;
‘don’t complain didn’t you said you’re gonna defeat it’
‘yeah yeah come on back me up it still have 75% left’
‘alrighty let the weak level 3 back you up’
‘hey! Its not my fault you are still level 3 heh!’
While dashing again toward the Alpha both of their mouth were still too busy quarrelling with each other. Like a married couple bickering that what people would say if they saw them.
Coming in closed, Roki ran further and took the right side of the Alpha.
‘I distract it from the right side of its eye you blast it body on the blinded side’
‘for one thing you have a good plan’
While he ran without a weapon he dash straight to the wolf and took the chance to grab his sword that was laying on the ground. He then take hold of it and grip the iron sword he slash it down intending to attack the wolf upfront, while on the other hand Rinoa move through his blindside and prepare her dagger. Seeing only Roki, the Alpha retaliate by using its claw. Roki avoid the incoming claw attack one by one not wanting to be hit by the death bound attack.
with him taking the Alpha attention, Rinoa on the blindside try to find the perfect chance to land her skill. then she saw her chance, as the Alpha try to bites and claw Roki, Rinoa perfected her skill and land the attack.
Another 5% percent drop, startled by the sudden attack the Alpha change its direction trying to find the caused of his injury, with swift movement he then spotted Rinoa but during the same time it change directions Roki move and try to ambush with another eye piercing attack.
His step was silent and swift leaving the Alpha too late to able to detect him. As the edge of his sword inches away from penetrating its other eye, its reflex quickly managed to bite off the blade of the sword leaving the Alpha and Roki on a tug of war, a fight between strength.
‘what are you doing Roki! Let go of the sword’
‘haha let see’
Staring between each other, the Alpha tug in hard making Roki’s body flew into the air but he didn’t let go. Rather going against it he follow through, the force of the Alpha threw him like he was paper. Roki endure and stay strong while still holding on to the hilt of the sword. The Alpha was getting irritated the feeble and weak human was able to hold on and he then violent shook as fast and as hard as he can.
He holds on, for holding heavy forces the user need to have a large amount of stamina and for Roki it was perfect. The 2 weeks that he undergoes the task made him able to further enlarge his stamina bar leaving him with large amount of stamina for a lower level.
She desperately was worried about Roki current situation. But seeing how he was enduring, Rinoa strengthen her heart and launch herself toward the duo.
‘don’t worry Roki I will end this’
She attack and she attack, skill after skill her damage kept landing on the body of the wolf. The Alpha ignore the damage done to his body and ragingly try to kill the little human who was still holding on against his strength.
This scene goes on until the Alpha health drop to 15%. The critical limit of the Alpha health. The scene wasn’t always motionless the Alpha would run and move in lightning speed trying to shook Roki off. Even Rinoa has some problems following the agile Alpha.
As his HP drop to 15% his body was cover with red patches hinting the blood from Rinoa attacks. The Alpha stop moving and face to face to Roki staring him in the eyes. Roki who only just moment ago flying through the air was catching his breath while still manages to stare this opponent. For him it was fun, if he lost his grip or maneuver through the air wrongly it would have spelled him the word death.
The Alpha eyes were burning with angered, the opponent he sees right now was only Roki even with his little HP he was too prideful to let go the title of being an Alpha. Then something unexplainable happen, the Alpha howl into the moon, with surging red aura seeping out from his body covering every inches of his body. as the red glow engulf the wolf, the Alpha apperances become much fiercer and strong.
Its his last skill, a skill that only activate when reaching the critical limit of his HP. While this was occurring someone or some group appear from the top of the rocky hill unnoticed by those who are in battle.
Five silhouettes can be seen and one of them voice out in a girlish manner;
‘nii-chan isn’t that the Alpha we have been searching for,lets go and beat it’
Then a gentle male voice reply to the girlish voice;
‘no my dear sister, someone else is battling the Alpha wolf it would be rude if we interfere their battle’
‘but nii-chan didn’t you promised to make me a moonlight mantle, its in front of our eyes right now’
‘wait for a moment, it seems their battle is approaching near to an end, we better wait’
The 5 man group watches closely as the battle between the Alpha wolf and the Double R duo, Roki and Rinoa fight it off.
As the red aura cladded Alpha wolf ready itself, it then makes the first move, it lunges toward Roki and released his claw that currently glow in deep crimson red. He swipe the empty air in front of Roki, with Rinoa experience with a lot of games and Roki experience for the last two week for some monster being corner you should expect the unexpected, both of them know it was a skill.
A red horizontal air slash form as the follow through of his swipes with speed rivaling or even faster than the Alpha itself. The air slash approaches Roki and he stood his ground. Rinoa yell at the side asking him to flee. But he stay there until the air slash came near him, he jump above it at the perfect timing avoiding any damage but then he saw it, another one coming in that was perfectly aim for the mid-air Roki. while at the back of it the Alpha was rushing to him. A splendid tactic, for some level 18 boss it posed quite a bit of a challenge.
Or rather facing an enemy that was lower than his level in large gap rile the boss wolf much more than facing a group of more powerful users. Caught in mid-air Roki could not do anything, his HP was undesirably low while his defense must probably be zero since even the low defense tunic was torn into shreds.
He could only watch his impending doom come while he smirk the rush that he was waiting was coming to him. On the side Rinoa was running as fast as she can trying to reach him but it was too far and too late.
Even the 5 man group who watches the spectacle that was occurring could not help but said;
‘a pity for that guy, I guess its our turn then nii-chan’
‘yes I think so….’
The male voice stop, a sudden stop that caused his group to wonder what happen he was shocked, shocked of seeing the things in front of him;
Even Rinoa was shocked by the scene in front of her;
Roki was gone, vanish in mid-air, the red air slash went through it like there was nothing there.
Even the Alpha wolf was confused by the sudden disappearance, he looks around and try to sense him by using his smell and vision. But he could not detect him, the Alpha scowl showing how angered he was when his prey get away from his grasp.
With no one left to vent the anger, he changed his target to lone elf maiden, Rinoa. The incoming red cladded white wolf rush toward her, Rinoa braced herself for the clash and prepared her dagger. She must make do with what she has to deplete the last 15% of its health.
The 5 man team watch from above waiting for their chance to come waiting for the death of the elf. Only one man was skeptical about the whole situation, others were already talking about what great loot they would get but only him was thinking,
“where did that short man went to”
Then both opposition clash, guarding with her lone dagger, the might of the Alpha was too much and he push it her until they collide with a tree. Her hand was trembling to endure the force of Alpha’s bite. The Alpha was restless, his killing urge was at the maximum. With the fangs inches away from the nape of Rinoa, her death was approaching.
But then a ray of light shine upon her as once again HIS voice resound.
‘sorry I just found my sword, I lost it while evading the slash haha’
It was Roki, his voice can be heard but not an inch of his body can be seen. Then the unexpected happen, a sword was lodged in the other eye socket that pierce a hole through its skull. It happen just in an instant, none could tell what had happen just now as the gouge Alpha was turning limp and fall to the ground.
Everyone was surprised except the culprit of the incidence and that is Roki;
‘ah I level up to level 4 haha’
‘Roki but how…’
Then the 5 man group suddenly appeared from the foot of the rocky hill, both of their eyes watch as the group approaches them. Then a lone man step forward from the group, he was human and based on the clothing he was wearing his job must probably be a magician.
The danger was still there; both Roki and Rinoa stare at them with keen eyes. Player kill and loot stealing was a norm in online gaming but there was no news it was happening in this game but still the first could have happen to them. They sense trouble is coming. Then the lone man spoke;
‘hello I am Ian level 20 magician, I know this is a bit sudden but can you please help us?’
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A crumbling autumn leaf
DROPED That systems comes out of nowhere, he's fine with that, it will be hard, but he can bring everyone... What do you mean we don't get to go to the tutorial? Well fuck. How did everyone else die anyway? They just needed to stay silent and not touch webs! Magic isn't even that hard, they could have survived this if they had just listened! Now his family is gone and Aki has nothing but time and the system notifications to figure out what actually happened to the rest of the world, perhaps even finding another reason to live after he finishes destroying the dungeon he spawned at from inside out. ***** This novel bases heavily on novels like Defiance of the fall, The new world and The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound. I would like to think that's it though, so please point out any sort of copying. As someone has pointed out though, i warn now that the main character is bisexual, so please, don't waste your time if that bothers you.
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8 171