《NEET of God》Chapter 2- That's just overpowered


LoveBee: Hello everyone. I feel a little proud for reaching 150+ average views with only two chapters however since I’m reading some of the big guys now, I realize I’ve got a very…very very very long way to go.

This is a personal question: Do you have any recommendations? (since I’m new to RRL)



I don’t think I have had much luck with relationships in my life. I had one ‘best’ friend in elementary school who betrayed me and started talking bad about me behind my back. I learned later that she got close to me in the first place because my parents were famous (one a famous businessman and the other an actress).

Then there was that time in fifth grade when I joined a reading club to try and make friends with other club mates. Things were fine for the first month but they started going awry. I don’t know what I did to them but I know what they started doing to me.

At first they started ignoring my words, my ideas and later they even acted like I wasn’t there at all. My first reaction to this: I got angry and demanded an explanation. The result: things got worse. They wouldn’t just ignore me anymore, more like they started ignoring my existence, the whole school did except the teachers who were afraid of my father. The principal tried to intervene once but that didn’t really stop them.

Every day I would find my books teared apart and my seat covered sometimes in dirt, sometimes in paint. They had quite the wild imagination. Once they filled my desk with brain and eyeballs cupcakes that tasted terrible but since I was unfazed by this they tried putting real intestines in my bag… It was a good thing I liked horror movies at the time. Half of my classmates vomited and even some of the teachers, many others lost the color on their faces and a good number of them fainted. Only the biology teacher was calm enough in this whole mess and took care of things.

Even I couldn’t stand the smell of that thing though. I had to excuse myself from the classroom to clean my lungs. Where did they get that, really?

At around this time my thoughts and feelings had started to darken a little. However the thing I hated the most until then was the loneliness. It would be just some time later that I would start to hate them.

After their failure of a prank that backfired on them, things started to get aggressive. How did it become like that, I wonder? We were kids for heaven’s sake. That, however, was my ignorance.

People started beating me up. I learned that some of them were the brothers and sisters of my classmates. I would return home with bruises though they weren’t that bad but still hurt. I would lay in my bed unmoving and crying from time to time.

‘How come the grown ups were participating on this? Had their little siblings called them?’ I had a bad feeling that they were in this since the beginning.

Things continued like that for a while until my parents returned home from their jobs. They still didn’t know a thing and they probably learned it in the wrong way. I didn’t return home that day. I was sent to the hospital because I had broken a rib during my ‘fights’.

As soon as father learned of what had happened he got furious. He investigated the whole thing and when he got serious there was no hole in the world where one could try to hide from him.


I later learned the whole affair was a carefully planned attack. The children were influenced by certain adults and did what they did. It was an attack aimed to my father but had to pass through me first. Everything happened because of father’s many enemies.

As for father, when this news reached him, he got even angrier and no one could stop him when he was like that. The school closed a few days later and every child’s family that had hurt me in whatever way had to pay quite the heavy price.

The people that had initiated everything were found only a month later. They had hidden their tracks quite well but not well enough. Many of them were imprisoned about crimes they probably hadn’t even heard about. Some I heard had died in ‘accidents’. Some lost their very rights and were exiled (that still happens?) and forced to work as disposable soldiers in not so safe places. My father was really scary (and overpowered in a way).

And thus the incident was closed.

“How dare those rats hurt my daughter?” Father had said this when things calmed down. It was probably one of the reasons why I didn’t really hate him. Every fury I had, every piece of anger, he had taken it and had thrown it strongly towards those that I had started to hate. It was probably why I couldn’t hate him, however since those days my relationship with my parents became a little stiff if not to say bad.

They registered me in a new school that they personally handpicked in a way but I didn’t exactly attend it. I went when I felt like it and then few years later I stopped going at all. I guess that incident was quite a trauma for me as I started seeing the world differently, in darker shades. I felt weirdly tired of it.

I have never had any luck with relationships but now when I think about it I can’t even really consider it bad luck, it’s worse. I can’t even recall the faces and names of those that hurt me. They were the ones who made me like I’m today in a way however I wanted to discard them all and so I did. I thought it would end with that, I hoped it would end with that, my bad luck.

…No way…


As Reveka watched the demonic sword floating before her eyes, the possibility of her having gone crazy passed through her mind several times. However she was one the people that would prefer believing what’s in front of their eyes rather than believing to have gone mad.

She had this feeling that this encounter was bad news and her feelings had been right quite a few times. She looked up at the cursed direction once again as if trying to find an answer that should have been there but with no apparent answer she turned to the only thing that could probably explain what was happening to her.

“So Bride, you’re a sword of God?”

“I’m a demon sword. Bride of God is the name an eccentric old man gave me some time after my birth. Tis now my goal to reach.”


Seeing that she didn’t get a thing this crazy sword was talking about she decided to ask a more important question.

“Where are we?”

Reveka couldn’t see the sword’s eyes but she definitely could feel her stare.

“Stupid human, really a stupid human.”

She didn’t know how many times she had heard the same words from this talking sword however sword or no she pissing her off. And so she did what she had wanted to do since the beginning, she turned her back to that thing and started walking away. She walked confidently in an unknown direction though she probably should have thought about it first.


The sword watched Reveka leaving and panicked or so did her voice sounded.

“Where are you going?”


“How can you leave? We haven’t finished talking. Weren’t there things you wanted to know?”

“I’m going to find some other human to explain them to me.’’ She said this and realizing something stopped dead on her tracks.

Find some other human? And then what? She and X male or Y female talking together wasn’t exactly something so easily done. Maybe she had to think what to say first and sound as less suspicious and crazy as possible. Even before that she had to know where to go and to do that she had to know where she was. Was someone pulling a prank on her. Only her mother and father had enough money to pull off such a realistic scenario with trees all over and a talking sword however they weren’t that childish to do something like that.

Even if she accepted something like the possibility of being in another… world? She still didn’t want to ask that idiot sword for help.

“Please don’t leave me here.”

And that was shock number three. For the first time the childish voice sounded like a real child, scared of what was happening, like the children who got lost at the mall.

She turned around to see the sword. This time the sword was standing horizontally like it was trying to reach her however it hadn’t moved at all from her position. The same thing happened when it healed her. It reached for her hand however it didn’t really move from the spot where it had landed. Could it be that the sword couldn’t move on its own?

“Bride, you can’t move?”


Hearing this there was a little bit of an evil smile on Reveka’s face and she asked again while approaching Bride slowly.

“Where are we?”

“I’m not sure. ‘I’ think we should be somewhere in Degrife Kingdom.”


“Where is this Degrife Kingdom?”

Bride watched a bit surprised at her question but continued talking, her confident tone was returning little by little.

“Degrife Kingdom of the Mernuan Continent in the Middleworld.”

Reveka was completely losing color at every word the sword said.


“Yes. The middle one out of the three: Underworld, Middleworld, Highworld.”

Reveka was still trying to make the information enter her head let alone understand it but either way she signaled Bride to continue.

“Highworld is where the gods reside. In Middleworld lives everything else.”

“And the Underworld? The demons?”

“No. The demons live in the Middleworld. They have their own continent. In the Underworld reside the soulless.”

After those words there was a bit of silence.

“Let’s just say I understand it.” Reveka said after a while. “So this is a magical world…hahaha.”

Somehow the thought alone sounded ridiculous but here she was now, in the middle of a forest after being crushed by a dragon and talking with a sword. It wasn’t really a laughing matter but everyone needed a little bit of stress relief.


He threw me with such force that I made some sonic booms along the way. For a moment I thought I wouldn’t be stopping any time soon however after one last sonic explosion all my flight power was lost. It felt a little like something stopped me forcefully and I started falling.

As I fell I cursed myself for not being able to do anything. I thought it would be my end, and no one would come for me anymore. I watched my soon to be landing place and the place where I would spend my lonely life.

However there was someone there. ‘Beautiful’ was what I thought when I first dropped my perception on her. Long hair as black as a raven. Fair skin. Two big emerald green eyes that were watching me fall, a bit teary as light was reflected on them.

And then I ‘met’ her.

She seemed confused and asked weird questions. I think I did something M shouldn’t have done since she got angry and was about to leave. That wasn’t really my fault since I didn’t make my self and my personality but I didn’t want her to leave.

As I voiced this she stayed and started to ask me the same questions. I answered this time. When she heard my answers she was shocked and then suddenly started laughing. I couldn’t tell if this was a happy laugh though. After she calmed down a little I said this to her.

“This is a world full of magic and dangers that are unknown to you. How about ‘I’ lend you a hand? I become your sword so that you can use me to protect yourself and heal like before.”

It was a lie though. I couldn’t help her. I was a useless sword, a demonic sword that can’t be used by any demon. It was the reason they threw me away.

I was made by the greatest blacksmith in the three worlds however he made me so I couldn’t be used by someone I wasn’t compatible with thus none of the demons were able to use me. They had high expectations however those were turned into disgust as I couldn’t be used even as a normal weapon. My healing ability that was available to all was useless to creatures like them with high regenerative powers. I was like a trinket and today I was thrown away without the slightest regret.

“I can’t really use a sword. I haven’t used one before so…”

“It’s ok. ‘My’ healing powers still could be of use to you, right?”

I saw her consider my proposal but not for long. She accepted.

“But can I try to swing you once?” She asked this with quite visible nervous-ness.

“Of course,” I said thinking she probably wouldn’t realize I was useless.

Hearing my answer she put one hand to my hilt and started removing the sheath with the other though very very slowly. Seeing she was clearly nervous i asked her a question trying to distract her.

“Human, what’s your name?” I just realized I still didn’t know it.

“Reveka,” she said as she slowly put the sheath to the ground, caught the hilt with both hands and raised me above her head, readying herself for a slash.

As she slashed the air I noticed she didn’t really put that much power into it. It could be that she simply was weak but that wasn’t the problem there. What happened was the problem… No, it wasn’t really a problem.

A loud noise followed and then a deep cut appeared on the ground stretching from her to a good fifty meters away.

The girl stood stupefied and wide-eyed looking at the scene. I would be the same if I had eyes but that didn’t stop my shock. However because of my personality this is what I blurted out.

“Not bad. Though, usually, a whole mountain gets split in half.” What am I talking about?

She looked at me shocked and then said:

“That’s cheating. Who made you? No matter how you look at it, it’s overpowered.”

You’re telling me? What am I supposed to say then?

I was happy though, very happy, World knows how happy.

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