《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 9


Since he had decided on having a Minotaur as his base race Law quickly got to work. He first went into overdrive expanding his land in the general direction that the Minotaur traveled. It was only after invading another thirty miles that Law found the tribe of Minotaurs. The tribe was situated in the ruins of an old city, there was a labyrinth which Law that was pretty neat. Once he found the tribe he then started to focus on one of the human cities. The reason is because he remembered peeping on a pretty female poison master there. Once he found her shop he started reading through all of her books looking for the recipe of a poison good enough to knock out the Minotaurs. After a few minutes of searching, Law found a cheap to make yet still powerful air-born poison.

He then sent out his test orc to find all of the ingredients required to make the poison. Law knew that since it would take the orc a few days to find plenty of the needed ingredients, so Law decided to spread his consciousness to watch all of the different poison master and alchemists throughout his territory.

The method to make poisons and potions and what not was that one would infuse the ingredients with Mana. Then they would separate the various aspects of the medicine. Once all of the aspects were gathered the person would have to combine all of the aspects into poisons or medicines. After that came taking the combines aspects one would have to make the poison or medicine into whatever form they wanted, liquid, powder, gas, etc.

Once the orc gathered the ingredients and came back Law planted the seeds in a room he made especially for planting plants. He already had plenty of flowers, shrubs, and even trees growing. The room was filled with absurd amounts of Mana since Law kept his Mana batteries in the floor of the room. This lead to the plants in the room to never stop growing and growing extremely fast. All of the plants took a lot of Mana to grow, but in return they pumped out more Mana than they took. This led to the batteries constantly getting more and more filled. After a year Law noticed Mana stones growing in the room which he learned were physical concentrations of Mana. What all of this meant is that Law had basically perpetual Mana.

Thanks to the quickened growth of plants in the room the poison plants fully grew in the quick quick time of one month. During that month Law not only taught his test orc how to make poison and potions he also invaded the two other races and a multitude of cities. In the end Marshall had over one thousand miles of coverage when all of his territory was added together.

Then proceeded a week long montage of making the test orc make poison. to knock out the tribes of all the races. During the week the orc kept poisoning himself which lead to him being knocked out, getting diarrhea, crying for multiple hours, and a single instance of him lactating.

Though it only happened for a day, Law kept thinking about how the orc seemed to act more girly. Which made Law slightly uncomfortable, but test orc was his friend and if he wanted to become a woman Law would accept him.

Eventually though after many blood, sweat, and tears ( none at Marshall's expense ) enough of the poison was complete to subdue all three of the tribes. Since the Battle Bug Trio was still at the Minotaur tribe Law decided to first attack the Minotaurs.


Law sent his test orc along with the poison to where the Battle Bug Trio had been keeping watch on the Minotaurs. Marshall created a pump that looked similar to and acted like a flame thrower. The pump was a long tube with two holes on either end. He also had one hole on the near to the end closest to the hole that pointed at the body. The first hole on the front end had a nozzle that would make the poison power disperse easier. The end on the back had a pump made of a hemp cloth. Then the smallest hole that was near the pump held a bag that held the poison. Law also added some pretty designs to the tube using something similar to sap.

Test orc set off on his own like a soldier going out to battle. He was decked out with the poison pump. And a will of fire. He also looked to have slightly rounded breasts.

When he got there Test orc went in like a bad ass and started pumping poison all over the village. He looked like a bonafide bad ass. Just imagine a tall, beefy, grey skinned hulk holding what looked like a flame thrower that was spreading out a toxic purple powder. If a Minotaur ran at him he would concentrate his fire on him. If a Minotaur ran away he would chase after while spreading his poison around. Like this, Test orc took down an entire village of giant humanoid beasts a few of which could rival D and even C level mercenaries.

After that the Battle Bug Trio went in and forcefully made all of the Minotaurs residents of the dungeon.

After that Test orc went with the bugs to the other tribes to subdue them in the same way. It worked pretty well too.

After about a week all three of the tribes were in there own areas of the dungeon. The Minotaurs were given a room directly in the middle of the labyrinth. The room was like a massive gladiator arena were the Minotaurs would frequently battle each other.

The Satyr were given a room that was filled with a forest. The forest was similar to Law's plant room, but it had nowhere near as much Mana. The Satyr would play around in a cave system that Law had built for them. The system led to a ritualistic room filled with totems of demons and devils. Law didn't know why they did what they did, but it didn't seem to do anything bad to the dungeon so he left.

The giants were given a home in a plain that was near the entrance of the dungeon. The reason being that the giants couldn't actually live inside of the dungeon until Law got better at formations and other things. The giants were sort of like a guardian tribe of the dungeon.

Since he had the tribes under his control Law ordered them to give him one of their most talented residents. Satyr seemed more than happy, they even seemed to know that Law planned to kill it which excited them. The Minotaur refused unless Law had someone beat their tribe chief. Even though he didn't have to Law knew that it would be better to have the tribes complete allegiance. So he sent his Boss monster to challenge the tribe chief. Boss easily won thanks to his mastery of weapons. Though the battle would definitely been hard to estimate if the tribe chief knew how to more effectively use the Armament Magic. The giants were similar to the Minotaurs and demanded a battle before they gave away one of their own. Same to the Minotaur Boss beat the giant's tribe chief, but he had a much harder time. Most giants are at least twenty feet tall with many of the strongest warriors reaching as tall as forty to fifty feet tall. The tribe chief was one of the ones that was fifty feet tall. The chief also clearly worked out and was more muscle than fat which is usually the case with giants. Eventually though Boss was able to trip the chief and started repeatedly smashing his temple which eventually knocked him out.


Once he had the three talents Law started to extensively study the creatures. He discovered some of the secrets to the raw power available to the Minotaur despite their smallish size compared to many larger creatures like giants. Minotaurs are known to have matched giants in the past.

He also discovered how giants are capable of supporting the massive size despite their human appearance. The key was in their bones and their hearts which were able to make the giants have unimaginable growth and talent.

While studying the Satyr talent discovered some hidden Dna that Marshall was positive belonged to the ancient devil.

Since he found such amazing secrets and discoveries Marshall spent a year studying the three talents before he thought he discovered everything he could. So he first killed the Satyr and the Minotaur before using their bodies together with the living giants to make what he was gonna use as his base race. He first condensed the muscles and the bones of the giant using what he learned from the Minotaur. Yep, Law discovered Minotaur bodies had a natural way to condense it's muscles which allowed a small size and increased strength. Using what he learned from the Minotaur body Law learned not only the way to condense muscle but also bone. Thanks to that Law made the previously fourty feet tall giant only ten feet tall. After that Law used what he had learned about inborn magics which were related to bloodlines to seamlessly combine the Minotaur Armament Magic and the Satyr's fire and darkness magic. From what he could tell his combination would be able to let him use fire or darkness magic with his Armament. After he did all he could to perfect his creation's body Law finally killed it on the altar that came with his Idol blueprint. He then spent a few hundred thousand Dp to get the DNA of some powerful creatures. Dragons, Cerberus, Yale, and a few others.

After he added all his specifications on how he wanted his Idol body to be. Once he did that he watched the magic happen.

The altar first lit up in a nearly translucent fire with a white tint being the only reason Law could see it. The fire engulfed the entire body of the giant. The first melted down the body along with the blood that Law bought from the system store. All of the melted down blood coagulated together and started to bubble and boil. At that point the fire started to change to look like a cauldron along with its lid. Inside of the cauldron was the human head sized ball of blood. The fire that made up the cauldron was still whitish translucent, but it had gained a reddish tent. Under the cauldron was a purple fire that seemed to be much much hotter than the translucent fire.

While the blood was boiled and purified Mana started to be absorbed quickly towards the altar which the cauldron flowed over. At that moment Law used his own Mana to pick up the altar and took it to his plant room that was filled with absurd amounts of Mana. Marshall figured that the more Mana the better his Idol would be.

Events continued inside of the plant room with crazy amounts of Mana being absorbed to the altar while the blood ball got smaller and a lighter shade of red. That was the impurities of the blood being disposed of. Most of the impurities of the blood came from the blood that Law provided and not from the blood he bought.

Eventually after twenty minutes the blood stopped boiling and being purified. At that point all the Mana that had been absorb by the altar surrounded the ball of blood and started to form the body that Law had decided on.

It took four hours for the body to be created which Marshall thought was kind of insane, but he ended up thinking nothing of it. Instead Law started to admire his body.

Marshall's body was a whopping 12 feet tall. It's skin was a light brown skin which was completely different from Marshall's skin color from his previous life. He had goat/ bull legs that were covered in short shaggy hair that didn't show any skin. It's feet were human like feet that were covered in a bone like substance that acted almost like an armour. The Idol's body from the waist up was similar to the body of a hardcore training body builder. Meaning it's gut was fat but still had abs somehow while it arms were wide and bigger than the chest of some fully grown men. The Idol's head and face looked like an average humans face except for two differences. One being the third eye directly in the middle of the Idol's forehead. And then it had long curly goat horns that came out of the forehead on either side of the third eye. The horns first went straight up and then followed the curve of the Idol's head before turning left and right respectively. Once the horns left to either side of the head they started to curl directly upwards in a spiral. The Idol's hair was a dark brown hair than when down to the middle of it's back in a dreadlocks kind of braid. It's eyes were the same color as it hair with dark brown pupils while it's third eye was completely black except for two golden pupils.

One must note that the Idol's horns can be grown at will to grow out and attack an enemy. The talent of the body was also absurd in regards to not only physical ability but also magical. It also had a massive human shaped phallus.

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