《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 8


It took around a month, but Marshall and Systa finally stopped the annoying and constant flirting. They instead cooled themselves off a little and went back to acting basically the same. Law also started to claim more land focusing mostly on cities, that's so he can get as many DP as possible. This lead to him claiming ten more cities of various races as well as a few hundred more miles of land.Thanks to the ten extra cities being filled with mercenaries Marshall started to make Bank. He was making a few thousand points per day, between three to for thousand at least. This meant that he would be able to get the 50,000 DP required for his Dungeon Idol in no time.

So he happily waited two weeks for the required.

Dungeon Store -

Books -

Weapons -

Materials -

Miscellaneous - Dungeon Idol Blueprint - 50,000 Dp

When Marshall spent the fifty thousand Dp on the Idol blueprint he felt a gut wrenching pain despite having no gut, somehow the loss of money can make any type of poor being feel pain. But it was worth it since he would be able to leave the dungeon and train his own body. He truly missed many things that come with having a body, one of which is food another sleep and the most missed is of course sexual relief.

Once he bought the blue prints he was told how to build the Idol.

[ In order for a dungeon to build its' own Idol it must first find a base race of its' choosing. The base race will dictate the talent and potential of the Idol, a goblin would be a bad choice while a dragon would be a good choice. The base race will also dictate which form the body takes be it humanoid, insect, beast, etc. So choose wisely. Once the dungeon has decided its' base race it should then gather the DNA of various races. Once it has done that the dungeon should make all the specifications for the Idols' body and write it on the Idol blueprint. The blueprint will then create an Idol body according to the dungeons specifications. The Dungeon will then be given the option to take over the Idol's body. Once the dungeon has taken over the body they will still have their dungeon skills, but they will have the base system unless their base race has it's own unique system. Good luck Dungeon. ]


Since he knew the instruction Solomon very quickly got to planning out his Idol body. He knew that since he was a young and fairly weak dungeon he wouldn't be able to choose a dragon as his base race, but in reality he wanted to choose a humanoid race for his first Idol body. He wanted a humanoid body since he would adapt to it quicker than say a crab's body. That's why Law bought a cheap bestiary that gave basic knowledge of most known races.

Law instantly went to the humanoid section of the bestiary, the section was a list of all the different bi-pedal races obviously. Some of the races listed were Orc's, Human's, elves, Dryads, Giants and hundreds more. Along with a name and description of the various races the book also described some prominent clans, strong ancestors, average talent of the race, preferred weapon of the race and other such things. For the elves it listed that they liked to have their communities in large forests, but it isn't uncommon for their to be cities of elves out side of forests. It also talked about an ancestor of elves who once soloed a God tier dungeon.

Law hadn't heard about dungeon tiers before so he decided to ask his baby, Sys.

" Hey Sys, what are dungeon tiers. "

Sys didn't get to Law right away since she was very busy now that she was being recommended to become a manager for the God of Reincarnation. After a few minutes though she did send Marshall a really quick message.

Dungeon Tiers are titles given to dungeons that give an about estimate on their strength level. The tiers are Farmer, Guard, Knight, Mercenary, Saint, Demi, and God. Each title corresponds to the level of power required to beat the dungeon. Farmer means a farmer could beat the dungeon. Guard means a guard could beat the dungeon. Knight means that the average knight could beat the dungeon. Average knights are at the level of a D to C rank mercenary. Mercenary means that average C+ rank mercenaries can beat the dungeon. Saint means that an average Saint could beat the dungeon. Saints are A level mercenaries that are masters in a specific aspect of battle or craft. So Sword Saint, Formation Saint, Forest Saint, etc. Demi means Demi-Gods can beat the dungeon. Demi-Gods are generally the children ro personal students of Gods and they are usually at the level of Saints but it's not rare for them to be much much stronger. Gods means that only Gods can beat the dungeon. God level is the only level that had a set minimum requirement to get the title. There are plenty of instances of Saint level beings that only have the title of mercenary. There too has been instances of Demi-Gods who couldn't beat a common knight. There has never been a weak God or someone who had the level of a God without actually having the title. In order to have the God title one must have an understanding of an aspect of the universe. Sword God, Magic God, Dragon God. There have been instances of extremely powerful beings who despite not having an understanding of the universe they were still considered God level. God level just means a being is ridiculously powerful.


Despite learning the general levels power Law still couldn't judge the level of his dungeon very well. He knew that he could beat three C level mercernaries, but that was thanks to a trick, he didn't know if the monsters in his dungeon would be able to hold off three C level mercernaries or not. While he was thinking about that Law was still reading through the bestiary.

" Thanks babe. "

Eventually after widdling down the list extensively going off of talent, availability, and a multitude of other factors Law finally got three races he couldn't decided between. The first on the list was Giants which lived on a plain withing Law's territory. The clan that was in his territory was a great source of Dp providing him a few hundred per day they were also an amazing race that Law really admired. Satyr was the second race on the list. They weren't inside of his territory but Law had heard while peeping on some of the mercenaries that a clan of them lived inside of a forest bordering his territory. The reason Satyr was on the list is because they were a very talented race with flame and darkness magic, the reason they were so talented is because they were closely related to an ancient demon from hell. The demon was once the ruler of hell and he created the Satyr race while mating with one oh his many wives. The last race on the list was Minotaur. Law's Battle Bug Trio had found one and reported it to Law who told them to follow it to see if it would lead them to a tribe or something. As they were following Law would update his territory to always follow them so the the bugs wouldn't leave his territory.

All three of the races were talented and perfect options for Law to make his base race. They were also races that Law would definitely get for his dungeon. After a solid half hour of thinking Law finally caved and decided to ask his girlfriend since his decision was just as important to her as it was to him.

" Babe, what do you think I should pick as the base race for my dungeon Idol? I have whittled the choices down to Giants, Satyr, and Minotaur. The Giants would be good since I love the aspect of their great physical strength. The Satyr have great magical talent and they pretty decent physical prowess. And then Minotaur are a reasonable size while having immense physical strength, they also have their inborn magic.

Sys didn't take anytime at all to respond. And her screen seemed brighter than usual.


If Law already had his body he would have scrunched his eyes brows, sadly he couldn't though.

" Why? "

They have amazing physical talent which can eventually rival giants with enough training. Then they have their inborn race magic, Armament Magic. Armament Magic will let you personally create magic and armour using magic that can resist magic very well. Plus you'll be part bull. 😁

Law was surprised at his girlfriends thought out yet shameless reply.

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