《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 2 ( Info Dump )


When Marshall woke up as a Dungeon Heart he couldnt think of anything before a blue screen that Marshall recognized from novels in his vision.

Hello Marshall Scott Law, I am a system admistrator who works for the God of Reincarnation. I will be in charge of getting you familiar with your new life in a new world. If you have any questions you can ask them now. Once everyday I will contact you to answer any other questions you might have. Please ask any questions you have.

" Then uuummmm why did I reincarnate? "

Everybody reincarnates, some as a human in the same world they lived in, others as an animal in different world and universe. It all depends on luck. You just got lucky to be reincarnated with your memories and in a decent world where you wont be enslaved.

" Then why am I a dungeon and what is a dungeon? "

A dungeon is a special type of creature with a body that can be one of various types of crystals. The dungeon crystal that acts as a body is refered to as a dungeon heart. A dungeon has a special type of system compared to most other creatured that allows it to claim land, bodies, and any other type of physical material as well as Mana which is a type of energy used by all beings in your new world. And dungeons can create idols which are bodies dungeon can create to go into the world outside of the dungeon. One dungeon can have a maximum of one idol in order to have a better one a dungeon would have to destroy the previous idol or make it a dungeon resident. Idols follow the basic system and not the dungeon system. I cant really go into detail so you will have to learn about your race later on. As for why you reincarnated as a dungeon like I said earlier its luck.

" Then can you explain Mana? "

Mana is an omnipresent energy that can be used by all beings. It can be used in formations, magic, crafting, and many other things. Mana can be used to increase life span and body strength. After reviewing your life in your previous world I can tell you that Mana is like it is described in web novels of your last life.

" Thanks. Then can you describe my new world to me? "

This world is called Trent. Its a world comprised of eight massive continents. Each continent has various races on it from humans to elves to dragons and many other mythical races. Each race has beings from mortal levels of power to power levels capable of destroying celestial bodies. Then there are Gods who could destroy the universe. But most of the Gods wont actually attack mortals unless they or their clans are attacked or provoked.

When he heard this Marshall started thinking about all of the of the novels hed ever read. It seems that novels got most things right when it came to the world of Trent, Mana, monsters, dungeons, Gods, and many other things.


Then is that all? If so I have to go since I am a very busy person.

" Can you explain your job to me? After that you can leave. "

' Sigh ' System Administrators are beings who manage the system which is what I am currently using to talk to you. The system is also how people can manage their growth as well as skills. Most beings use a general system that isnt really anything special. The common system allows beings to level up, gain skills, and level skills. Your system will allow you to manipulate the elements to create your dungeon body, it will store anything that can be used to advance your system, and you can use it to buy things from a system store that connects to all things. By the way to access your store all you have to do is think or stay status.

" Alright thanks for the help Mr. System Administrator. Have fun with your job. "

Its Ms. System Administrator and thanks. Have a nice day Marshall Law.

After that Marshall decided to try and check out his status.

Name - Marshall Scott Law

Race - Dungeon

Dungeon Heart - Diamond ( Customizable )

Idol stats - 0

Skill Points - 10

Dungeon Store

Skills - Element Manipulation - Room Creation - Skill Creation - Biological Manipulation - Omnipresent View -

Dungeon Inhabitants - 0

Dungeon Allies - 0

Element Manipulation - Allows someone to manipulate the elements including Earth, fire, water, air, lightning, and then at high levels light, dark, metal, lava, ice, at higher levels storms, natural disasters, and then at highest levels space, time, death, life, and many types of special elements. Room Creation - Allows the dungeon to create a room or hallway using preset parameters without having to watch over or perform manually. At low levels it takes longer to create rooms using Room Creation than doing manually; at high levels though Room Creation can create rooms instantly. Skill Creation - Allows a being to create skills for themself and others easier than other beings with out the Skill Creation Skill. Skill Creation also allows a being to level up skills easier. Biological Manipulation - Can manipulate the biology of living creatures. Omnipresent View - Can view everything inside of a dungeons claimed land. On top of the view it also gives the user the ability to view everything without there mind melting.

When Marshall finished examining his status he decided to get busy with creating his dungeon.

Marshall had read hundreds of web novels that feature a magical world that have dungeons and he has read dozens where the main character is a dungeon. This meant that Marshall had a pretty good idea of what he wants to do to protect himself. He had even came up with a general idea of what kind of room he would create for himself should he ever end up as a dungeon. Of course Marshall never expected that he would actually reincarnate let alone with his memories let alone as something magical and non-human.


The area surrounding Marshall was a small room surrounding his near transluscent diamond Dungeon Heart. His Dungeon Heart had an od appearence, it was diamond shaped but it had designs enlayed onto its body. The designs were a flame, wind, water, a rock, an eyeball, hands holding a heart, many symbols related to creation, and a cube with the symbols related to creation inside of it.

The room surrounding Marshall was a simple basic room made completely of dirt. When Marshall was observing he felt something that if he had to describe it to a human was like drinking hot sauced that had been nuked in a microwave. Marshall instinctively knew that that feeling was the first strand of Mana entering and going through his Dungeon Heart. He also felt that if he wanted he could send this strand of Mana to the land surrounding his body in order to claim ownership of it. And thats exactly what he did.

The Mana that exited his body was translucent but Marshall could feel where it was in the air. After exiting his body the Mana dispersed into the atmosphere like a fart. The Mana entered the land and only seconds after that Marshall got another screen in front of his eyes.

Would you like to claim ownership of the land that was invaded by your Mana?

Yes - No

Marshall naturally thought yes.

When he claimed the land Marshall knew he now manipulate the area he claimed. He could manipulate it to create rooms, tunnels, or even statues. He could do whatever he wanted as long as he had enough Mana.

After that Marshall waited for his Mana to be regained using the ambient Mana surrounding him. It only took mere seconds to gain the one strand.

After claiming the first room Marshall one year claiming and regenerating his Mana. The only reason he even knew how long was because of the system administrator who would answer any of his questions. He learned that each time he would regenerate his Mana he would gain a little more than he previously used. That was the reason he spent everyday of a year claiming land and then regenerating his Mana. Despite doing the same thing over and over and over for a year Marshall didnt go insane not because he had a powerful unbending will but becuase he as a dungeon was basically immortal as long as he was wasnt destroyed. Thanks to that his sense of time was extremely skewed compared to his time as a human.

By the end of the year Marshall had claimed 150 miles worth of land. He was very satisfied with his expanse of land. Marshall hadnt just claimed land though he had also made a series of tunnels that were about one mile by one mile in size. The maze was for him to play around with his dungeon abilities and skills. Marshall had created a story using pictures that he had engraved on the wall. The story was of a man reincarnated into a monkey dragon in a massive world ruled by Gods. By the end of the year Marshall had learned some new things about dungeons. Like the fact that in order to use the dungeon store you had to have a certain amount of Dungeon Points. Dungeon points are gained by beings invading dungeons. As long as anything that isnt recognized by dungeon as friendly is inside of the land is counted as invading.

Marshall had also used any bugs or critters that had wandered into his maze to practice Biological Manipulation. He had created three beings that could live a life that wasnt full of suffering and agony. Honestly Marshall felt truly sorry for the amount of living beings he had ruined trying to practice.

The three creatures he created were a lizard, a lady bug, and a beetle.

Marshall had always liked the thought of a massive beetle pet that had an extremely strong carapace and could over power anything. So thats the first thing he did. The beetle was six legged and stood an intimidating three feet tall. The body length of the beetle was five feet long and was a nice one meter wide. The beetle was given smooth muscles that could be worked out. That was what the beetle would spend its day doing. It would workout its bosy to provide most use to its master in future fights. The beetle also had a horn on its face that could be used to scoop and hammer.

The lizard was modified to be similar to crocidiles. Marshall gave the lizard a long elongated snout lined with hundreds of tiny razor like teeth. It was around one feet long with a two feet long tail. It stood at a solid two feet tall with mammal like legs optimized for running on flat land. Marshall gave the lizard a bludgeon on the end of its tail with spikes coming out of it. The lizard could also work out but only its legs and tail.

If the beetle was the damage dealer of the trio and the lizard was the speedy damage dealer then the lady bug was the defender. Though it could also attack. The lady bug was an extremely strong carapace, two pairs of stiff powerful wings capable of flight, and six legs with immense stamina.

All three of these creatures were Marshalls pride and joy and he would send thoughts into their heads on how to advance themselves in body and mind. When the three were first created they could barely follow instructions but as of the end of the year they could ace tests for middle schoolers. Which might not be extremely impressive but that was the result of Marshalls constant tinkering and manipulation of their minds.

When he finall claimed the last mile of land Marshall was finally determined to create and open his dungeon to the world.

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