《Dungeon of Ideas》Chapter 1 - Back Story


My name is Marshal Scott Law and I got lucky in life by having a rich grandfather who ran a tech company. When my grandfather died I was given 100,000,000 dollars, my sister was given the buisness, my brother was given land, and my parents werent given anything. My sister let the company reach new heights to the extent of even getting goverment contracts, my brother started a massive property investment buisness and became one of the richest men in america, and well I was the under achiveing brother who invested every now and then to fund anything I wanted.

I mainly lived out my days as a simple fisher, wood worker, and teacher I kept 10,000,000 dollars to myself and used the rest to fund a charity of my making. The charity itself was to help children who grew up in poor conditions to enter school, from elementary to college. After college some of the students would enter my brother or sisters company, some would join or start a different buisness, and many would pursue a carrer through different means. Some started writing, some became archeologists, many others went to third world countries to help there.

I would personally host a college course to teach the students how to invest along with even giving them personal experience with investments. I would also sit in on the Pop Culture Writing which was a class that specifically taught how to write web novels, along with common web novel genres.

Many of the students in that class went on to become authors who would make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. I would read all the novels of my students even if I didnt like it, though that wasnt a common occurence.

One day while reading one of my favorite stories by one of my students I thought I had heard some footsteps across from me on the other side of my lake. When I got up I pulled out the handgun I always carry on my person. Before I could actually get into the proper stance to fire my weapon I was shot multiple times with rubber bullets. Despite hurting like hell it wasnt lethal. Such agony made me trip which allowed multiple men to rush me and force feed me a type of drug which knocked me out in minutes.


When I woke up I was in a shed somewhere dry and hot. There was only one man guarding me, he was clearly a trained soldier he was also armed and armoured.

" Why are you doing this? "

The man didnt even look at me and instead just kept staring off into space. I knew of these types of situations and knew begging wouldnt get me anything other then disdain. And well despite being an under achieving lazy boy I wouldnt bow to a bunch of pussies who have to gang up and drug me.

I stayed inside of that room for seven days straight, I would be fed twice a day, the soldiers would switch shifts six times a day, and I would be allowed to contact my family once a day. This was to let my family know that I was safe so that they could deliver money. Though the soldiers werent going to get anywhere since my family would never give up money to save me. This was because I was always the favorite of my grandfather, I was also the smartest, it didnt help that I was also a social outcast to anybody except my father. It wasnt that I didnt love my family its just that by the time I was old enough for free thought my sister was in private school always away from home, my brother was also like my sister and was never home, my parents would always be away on vacation spending money. The only family members who I spent time with before I was twelve were my grandfather and grandmother who passed away when I was eight.

By the time I was twelve I realized my parents were useless people who would rather spend money then spend time with their own flesh and blood. While my siblings were just to sneaky and despite loving me they always wanted benefits.

When I moved out I hadnt seen my parents for a year while my brother and sister hadnt spent time with me for three months. By time of my kidnapping my family was practically strangers with each other.

This lead to me seeing the futility of waiting hoping for a change of heart from my family. After three days I decided to escape on my own, the worst that could happen is my death, which was inevitable anyway.


Point of View Change

On a dark night inside of a cold dry desert a shed was completely dark with the only thing lighting the shine of the moon. Marshall was pretending to be asleep by leaning his head back and keeping and even and light breath. Despite his peaceful appearence Marshall was moving his bodies slowly getting his hand free from his handcuffs. The only reason he could actually do so is because of his delicate feminine hands and some previous slight of hand practice.

He finally got his hand free from the first set of handcuffs, the second he shimmied down to his wrists. He had a much easier time getting the second pair of cuffs off since the second pair fit his upper arms and not his lower.

He got the second pair off just in time for the shifts to change. The fellow that left simply gave Marshall a quick glance to make sure he was still asleep before walking out. When the second soldier came in he sat down and started to stare off into space like all the soldiers always do. Before long the fellow started nodding off, this was the reason Marshall waited for that day to escape was because he was waiting for that fellows shift.

When the soldier finally went to sleep after about an hour Marshall lightly stood up before he picked up the chair and walked towards the sleeping soldier. When he reached the soldier Marshall took some fabric that he used to loosely rope around the soldiers neck. When he was finally prepared Marshall pulled both ends of the rope with all his while slamming his knee into the soldiers back.

The soldier couldnt make any sound before he eventually died, the last action in his life was watching Marshall with sad desperate eyes.

Marshall seemed to see the mans life, his parents, his childhood, first love, last love, children. Many say that you see your life flash before your eyes when you die. They didnt mention that the person doing the killing would see it all aswell.

When Marshall finally got past the initial sadness of his first kill he grabbed the dead soldiers gun and used it to break the chair he was chained to. When he got free Marshall opened the door and started to sneak away, the only problem was that he was in a desert. Marshall had never watched a travel documentary let alone actually travel. He couldnt find his way around a park let alone a desert.

With no other options Marshall just started walking in the same direction as the footprints on the ground. Marshall just hoped that the soldiers wouldnt have dogs, and wouldnt be able to tell his footprints apart from the soldiers.

Marshall walked for days, hiding in ditches and ruts, feeding on the rare plants found in the desert, and occasionally laughing when the frustrated soldiers walk right past him. Marshall could barely hold on anymore, his body and mind were tired, he couldnt believe he had actually lived for nearly one week hiding from soldiers and dangerous animals.

On the eighth of his escpae Marshall was finally caught.

" Hahaha what are you going to do to me bastard? Take me back to a shed? Fuck you ya pussy, why dont you kill me you wont get any money anyway. I bet your to afraid to pull that trigger. "

Marshall was antagonizing the soldier to try and get him to pull the trigger. Marshall just wanted to end it, his body couldnt put up with the struggle despite Marshall having the will. When the soldier was about to pull the trigger Marshall jumped in front of the barrel to make sure he died when he was shot.

The bullet went right through his lungs giving Marshall a slow painful death, but it was still a release in the end.

When Marshall became cognigzant he was a soul floating in an endless expanse of darkness and swirling bright lights. Marshall tried to think of what was going on but he lacked the knowledge to come up with a solid idea. Marshall couldnt do anything, so, he didnt. He just floated along letting the endless expanse refine and strengthen his soul, of course Marshall didnt know that. After countless years of waiting there was finally a change for Solomon. His soul started to move along towards one of the infinite bright swirling lights. When he finally reached the light Marshall fell asleep only to wake up as a non human being. . . . . . Marshall became a . . . . . Dungeon Heart( Surprise ( Imagine the most deadpan voice you can) ).

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