《Not Yet》A New Member
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"Dragons/Demon/Spirits” Dragons or Demons Speaking.
‘Dragon/Demon/Spirits thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 22
A New Member
"Ok. But please call me Loke. I don't want my real identity coming out." Said Loke. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. It seems both of them are in a similar situation.
With a nod, Sirius with Naruto and Loke continued their job of searching for the thugs in the forest.
Naruto gave the job request to Loke to read for himself and after reading, Sirius started explaining.
"We have been searching for those thugs' bases for 2 days now. We haven't found anything yet." He said in a disappointed tone. Sirius was on the verge of asking Naruto to use his sensory skill when Loke answered.
"Wait. By thugs you mean, the members of gangs Kashin Koji?"
"Ya. But they are 3 different gangs. Kashi, Shin and Koji." Corrected Naruto. Loke didn't mind it and smiled widely.
"You see, I know where they are."
"Huh, where?" Asked Sirius, excited. He is going to continue the job without asking his father's help.
"You see, when I'm coming here, I saw a few delinquents moving across the west end of the forest. They have different weapons and are stinking like hell." Said Loke, covering his nose. Being a Lion Spirit, in addition to his sensitive hearing, he also had a good sense of smell.
"Thank gramps. Why are we waiting? let's move!" Exclaimed Sirius with an excited smile. He thanked his grandfather, Aldoron, the Wood Dragon God for the breakthrough.
'Finally. I'm on the verge of giving up.' Thought Sirius in joy.
"Earth Style: Light-Weight Rock Jutsu," said Naruto and touched Loke. Loke started to feel lighter and soon, he felt as gliding in the air.
"Hey, what did you do?" he asked in worry.
"Don't worry, it's a temporary technique that allows you to fly," said Naruto and Loke calmed down. He got accustomed to flying and they all flew in the direction he pointed at a moderate pace.
Flying was fun. Though he felt all funny at first, he enjoyed the experience thoroughly. He looked at the people who took him in.
'What a unique bunch. If this is how it feels to actually be in a guild, I guess I should join one.' Were his thoughts.
The scenery below was amazing. As they were flying at a moderate pace, he felt as if he could do anything. The experience was surreal and unique at the same time.
After some time of flying, they reached the area where Loke last saw the delinquents. The area was large with tents jutting around like mushrooms across the forest.
There are quite a few tents and Naruto estimated at least 200-300 men from their numbers. He turned to Sirius to see what he was thinking.
"Sneaking in and attacking would be the best approach I guess," said Sirius. Instead of jumping head-on, he decided to change the tactics. He wants to sneak in with the new guy and they will dispose of the loners and take care of the rest after dealing with them.
They can see guards watching over the forest from small towers. As they flew overhead, they were not detected yet. If they had come from the forest, Naruto does not doubt that they would have been detected by those guards easily.
"Ok, new guy, we are going to sneak in and dispose of them in small numbers. If they get any wind of us, gather back here, we'll regroup and charge head-on." Said Sirius in a low tone as to not make any unwanted sound that gives away their spot.
As all of them have sensitive hearing to some level, Naruto and Loke understood what Sirius was saying and nodded.
"You will stay here and make sure anyone doesn't escape," said Sirius to Naruto sternly. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that but nodded in agreement.
"Good, let's move," he said and he and Loke moved.
Naruto activated his Sharingan to see what was happening. His senses will always be active to sense any danger. He didn't tell Sirius that, as he wanted to be an observer.
He stood true to his word and stayed calm even though he knew where the thugs were the entire time. He wanted his son to mature and the way Sirius talked to him before leaving was a good sign. Though Naruto is going to make sure that he is not going to get a big head after this job's success.
'Loke is similar to me in more than one way I guess,' thought Naruto. He is observing the celestial spirit to see any emotions or signs that indicate his inner thoughts.
From all his observations, Naruto found the genuine guilt of the Lion spirit and his reflection over his actions. His determination to move forward after meeting them.
Safe to say, Loke impressed Naruto. It is not easy to move forward when all your world crashes down at a moments notice. As he personally experienced it, Naruto knew how that actually feels like.
Without the support and love of Aldoron and the continued support of Sirius after his father's death, Naruto knew his life would have been way harder than it was.
He decided to be that light to Loke like Aldoron was to him when he was first thrown into this world. With his thoughts clear, he focused on observing his 2 companions' actions.
With Sirius and Loke
Sirius and Loke entered the camp area and Sirius started performing hand signs at a fast pace which Loke didn't understand and looked dumbly.
"Chameleon Jutsu," said Sirius. His body started to shimmer and he disappeared from Loke's view as if vanished. Loke looked around in confusion. He felt someone touch him and turned in the direction he was touched and there was a message written there.
'I'll go inside the tents while you search outside,' read the message and Loke was confused about who wrote it, but as it specifically explains their search operation, he shrugged and went to search the outer parts of the tents.
It was also written not to kill anyone unless they are monsters or some other creatures other than humans. Loke knew that as he worked with Karen on the same rule.
After some time is searching outside, Loke got bored and started to walk in the direction where he saw a small fire as there were no one standing outside the tents.
He saw a few silhouettes walking around the fire and walked towards them, careful to not make any sound and sneaked in and heard their conversation.
"Man, this is boring. Why did our boss call here anyway?"
"That's what I was wondering. Why would I have to work with idiots like you!"
"Careful there, buddy. You can be killed here and no one will find out."
"Do you think I don't know that?"
"I overheard that the bridge company called mages. We were in hiding here to not get caught."
"What can a few mages do? We are in the hundreds!"
"That maybe. But I heard mages are powerful compared to a normal Rune Knight."
"Of course, they are. They can use magic, right?"
"Whatever, if one of them was to come here, I'll kick their ass with my baby." Said a guy, gesturing to a gun in his hand.
'Hmm, so they are smart enough to just here, huh. How interesting. It seems the right time to test what magic I can use.' He thought and decided to take the guns away first as they can make loud sounds that may disturb his partner's undercover mission.
He touched the ring Naruto gave him after he agreed to join their team as they didn't know what magic he could perform. Even though he rejected it, Naruto gave him a rundown of his current situation and he couldn't deny the blonde's offer after that.
From what Loke was told, it is called the Magic Ring which he wore on the index finger of his right hand. Naruto explained about its magic, which is called Ring Magic.
It is just a jewel with Lacrima in the middle to support the performance of magic. Loke wanted to try his Regulus magic but pushed that thought back as he doesn't know whether he can still use it or not.
"Ring Magic: Bind," he said, pointing the ring towards the guns of the thugs. Green magic circle came into light and all the guns the thugs had were pulled towards Loke with a small string made from the ring.
They were pulled towards him and he crushed all of them with his hands as he still use most of his physical strength.
"You were talking?" he asked the thug who talked about kicking the mages ass. He trembled in fear.
"I shouldn't take much time. So I'll make this quick," said Loke and started his 'work' to put the thugs unconscious. He was done with them in minutes.
"And you were talking about kicking a mage's ass. Well done, Loke," he said, patting himself for successful disposal of thugs without his real magic. With a smile, he made his way towards Naruto.
With Sirius
After using Meisaigakure no Jutsu (Chameleon Jutsu) and turning invisible, he wrote a message for the new guy and started his work.
He want to complete this job cleanly without any missteps and entered the tent slowly. Though he is invisible, any sound he makes can be heard normally. Keeping that in mind, he moved.
He entered a large tent with at least 50 thugs sleeping, and weapons lying on the side of the tent, he started performing hand signs.
"Neru Kiri Jutsu,(Sleeping Mist Justu)," said Sirius, releasing a white mist in the tent, as the mist spread across the tent, he held his breath to not get affected by it.
Neru Kiri Jutsu or Sleeping Mist Jutsu is Sirius's own creation. He created this to fight against a large number of enemies in cramped spaces like where they were in.
He created this when he was training with his grandfather Aldoron. He can still remember that day.
Flashback Begin
"Siri, father is calling you." Said Naruto as Sirius was trying his hard to complete the first stage of his water control.
"Wat? Why dos tat lizard cal me?" He asked in annoyance as whenever he goes near Aldoron, he feels so insignificant and kicks the lizart in annoyance, which the big caterpillar laughs off.
"Come on, Siri. Don't be like that. I think he wants to teach you something," said Naruto with a wink. Sirius was elated by that. Everything he knew was taught by his father, Naruto. The bic lizart always sleeps or laughs in his face when he tries to ask something.
He silently walked to the area where he can see a large bark protruding in the forest. He stood there silently, waiting for the lizart to notice and he did immediately.
"Ah, if it isn't the grumpy cub," said Aldoron in his deep voice.
"Wat is it, Gramps. Wat do u want me hre?" Asked Sirius, annoyed. Though he didn't like Aldoron, he respected the Dragon God for his power and his care and love for his father.
"Annoyed as normal I see. It's nothing, I just got a doubt and want you to clarify for me." Said Aldoron, his yellow eyes sparkling in interest. Sirius stayed silent and listened patiently.
"Naruto told me about your practice of fighting one on one. You are creating this 'Battle mode' for that, isn't it?"
"Yes. I want to be stroong, u now!"
"Well, what did you plan when you are fighting a group in a close area, like a cave, building. I don't think you want to obliterate the structure like Naruto does?" Asked Aldoron with a smile. His blonde son has the most destructive tendency Aldoron ever saw. But he also has the smarts to back it up and decide what's the best course of action as well.
Sirius thought about it. That was a sound question. He didn't think about it as he always fought in open areas and what his gramps said about his father is also true.
He would just obliterate the building and construct a new one as he can use both Wood and Earth Dragon Slayer Magics. What can he do? Were some of Sirius's thoughts. Aldoron took note of his thinking and spoke.
"That's why I want to teach you a Jutsu you may call." Said Aldoron. Sirius's interest sparked and he flew up to the snout of the Wood Dragon God, staring straight into his eyes, in excitement.
"I know you are excited, child. Let me tell you how it works," said Aldoron and started his explanation.
"I have seen so many places and magics in my long life, Siri. What I'm going to teach you is a combination of Water and Wind magic. I want to teach it to someone worthy and told Naruto about it.
He rejected my offer to learn, quoting his Light Slayer Magic has enough spells and asked me to teach you. Seeing that you have both Wind and Water magics, I couldn't deny it.
So listen carefully, chibi. The technique is a type of my sleeping pollen that I can make, which allows you to put the targets into sleep even if they inhale the smallest amounts. It is called the Sleeping Mist spell.
But the uniqueness of the spell lies in the mist itself. You can't clear it using any wind magic as the wind magic in the mist repels it. I think you understand, Chibi?" Aldoron asked and Sirius flew around in joy. He let the chibi remark go.
Though he doesn't know much about how his future is going to be, the spell was awesome. He can use it to escape and with his growing speed in air, he can cover large distances before his target wakes up.
If not for escape, he can use it to pull a master level prank on someone. Making the arrangements while they were sleeping. His eyes were sparkling with stars at the mere prospect of how to use it.
"Remember, it can be dispelled if a strong enough Wind spell is used." Said Aldoron, but he knew it was a lost cause as the chibi heard didn't it. With a sigh, he started training him in the spell.
Flashback End
Sirius ended up learning the spell in 2 weeks due to the help of his 2 Shadow Clones and mastered some other spells Aldoron taught him.
Naruto watched the spectacle in joy as his father and son step past their differences and enjoyed themselves. He too joined in the fun and they remained like that for a couple more years.
After putting all of them to sleep, Sirius felt someone sneak up on him and moved from the spot he was and that saved his life. Just after he moved, a reaper cut the area into pieces.
"Show yourself or else I promise you the worst pain to death," said the man with a red reaper in hand.
He looks much like the stereotypical thug boss, clad in black clothes and a mask that leaves only his black eyes and the upper portion of his nose exposed. He bears his gang symbol on his chest and has a reaper in hand.
The Reaper has a decorated red sickle and a barbed circle-shaped weight, connected with a chain. Sirius can see the weapons long and short attack range as the thug can manipulate it with the chain.
"How did you find this and how many else did you come here with?" Asked the man in annoyance. Sirius revealed himself with his sword in hand. He is not going to take chances here. He tried performing his Sleeping Jutsu on him, but the man in front of him laughed at his efforts.
"Don't bother using that sleeping spell. It won't work on me."
"I have an air filter in my mask which nullified your mist," he further added. Sirius thought about it. That is a plausible explanation of how he didn't fall asleep like others.
"Let me make this clear, surrender peacefully, or I'll make you," said Sirius with a stern face. He learned this from his father and it seems to work-.
"Hahahahaha. Good try, kid. With that childish face of yours, no one will be intimidated by it," he laughed, increasing Sirius's annoyance.
Even coming here, he asked his father for permission to use his battle mode and the damn blonde went so far as to keep a seal on it to stop his Battle Mode from activating.
'Stupid blonde and his seals' internally cursed Sirius.
"That's it. You are a dead man," said Sirius and with his sword in hand, launched towards the laughing fool. The man proved his battle experience by jumping back and throwing his reaper.
"I may be a thug, but I am well trained and an expert in using my reaper. Do you think you can come here and go without any repercussions?" He asked in a cold tone. His reaper filling with a red glow.
"My name is Crux and this is my reaper, the blood reaper." He said in a greater than thou tone and Sirius stared at the reaper.
His attitude annoyed him. He can't hold his anger and stared at the reaper the fool was flaunting about in rage.
His cerulean blues akin to his father changed. They changed into sickly purples with a black vertical slit in the middle. Everything changed for Sirius.
He can see everything more clearly. He can see the red glow around the reaper and its hunger for blood. He doesn't know how, but he can, just see it.
'Wha- what is this? How can I see this clearly? Is this how Tou-chan feels when he uses his Sharingan?' Thought Sirius.
He knew how the Sharingan can be awakened. When a user goes through a powerful emotional condition with regards to a person precious to them, their brain releases a special form of chakra that affects the optic nerves, transforming the eyes into Sharingan.
Naruto also explained this to Sirius when asked. Naruto himself didn't know how he got the Sharingan. He just awakened them out of the blue one day after coming here.
Naruto also mentioned about a possibility of Sirius having one of the Dōjutsu(eye techniques) but they didn't experiment on it till now as his father considered him too young.
Sirius's mind went through a plethora of thoughts in an instant and when he felt something coming towards him, his body moved and dodged the reaper that was coming in autopilot.
"You have some nerve not listening to me while I talk, brat," said the Crux and launched at Sirius again.
"You have some nerve attacking me when I was thinking about something important," Said Sirius, looking up for the first time after getting his new eyes. His purple eyes bore straight into Crux's dark once.
He was petrified in an instant by the amount of hatred and malice those eyes gave off. He froze in place, unable to move his body as his motor functions stopped working because of the fear.
"Wind Style: Gale Palm Justu," said Sirius and a large gust of wind swept him away from the tent and took the tent with him. All the members of the thug's gang were still sleeping, not knowing what was happening.
Sirius tied them with a thick rope so they couldn't escape even if they woke up and went to meet with his father.
With Loke
He was halfway through the forests when he felt someone falling. He jumped back and saw 2 people falling from the sky in the spot where he was.
"Ouch. Idot, why have you done this?" Asked the man below.
"Come on, Moran, I wanted to surprise attack him," said the one above.
"See, I'm injured now?" Grumbled Idot.
"Don't joke, Idot. I know your suit is special, you can take this much," said Moran.
They talked among themselves for some time as if Loke was not there and took sharp looking playthings from somewhere.
"How dare you attack our home like this and go as if nothing is wrong," said the smaller one named Idot.
"Ya, what do you think of us? Idiots and morons. Please, we are smarter than them. That's why we are in hiding," said Maron smugly. Loke was confused by their behaviour.
'Why are they acting like idiots and morons while proclaiming they were not? No matter, I must deal with them quickly and meet Naruto,' thought Loke.
This calls for the special move he was trying with his new magic in his mind. He doesn't know how well it will work, but he is going to try anyway.
"I don't have time to deal with you right now. See ya," said Loke and started spinning.
"Ring Magic: Twister," he said, touching the Magic Ring he's wearing on one hand with the other hand, summoning forth his green Magic Seal, which he was getting accustomed to.
This created large gusts of wind which started spinning around the area with great force and started taking trees, logs and everything that was around him.
Soon the force was so high, that the two buffoons in front of him started to get lifted from the ground and thrown away.
Luckily for them, another large gust of wind lifted another person and all of them collided and went unconscious because of the force of impact.
Naruto appeared in between the 3 of them and tied 3 of them with a strong rope. He smiled brightly at the 2 of them.
"Well done, guys. You beat the 3 leaders of Kashi, Shin and Koji gangs. Our work here is done. Tie all the goons with these ropes and we can leave," said Naruto and Sirius cheered at that.
From what Loke understood, it was Sirius's first job after joining Fairy Tail and that's why he is excited the whole way. Loke looked at Sirius and could have sworn he saw a purple glint in them instead of his cerulean blues.
He shrugged it off as some kind of delusion and started walking to Naruto, who was tying the 3 gang leaders.
"You used your ring well. That Twister was awesome," said the blonde.
"Thanks. But I should get used to it. As ut is different from my magic," said Loke and Naruto patted him.
"You can use your magic if you agree to my offer," he asked again.
"Nah. No thanks. I don't want to strain you. I'm fine like this." Said Loke and Naruto just nodded. He was hit by a shooting missile.
"I did it. I completed the first A-class job, Tou-chan," said Sirius, hitting Naruto like a missile and taking him off the ground with the impact alone.
"Oof." Said Naruto but recovered quickly.
"Yeah. You did it, Siri. This calls for a celebration," said Naruto and after reaching a nearby village, Naruto and Sirius started eating this weird dish called Ramen. Loke didn't understand anything until he tasted it.
"Wow. This was awesome. Give me some," asked Loke, for more. With a wide smile, Naruto and Sirius shared their Ramen love with Loke who became an instant fan of the food.
After that, they went to the project site and helped in the construction. The construction speed of the bridge increased and they got paid handsomely.
Out of the 400,000 jewels reward, Naruto was given 100,000 jewels while Sirius and Loke shared 150,000 jewels each. Loke didn't expect he would be given that much but thanked them for it.
After handing over the thugs, Naruto, Sirius and Loke worked for 5 days each for the construction of the project.
As they were mages, they were given most of the work while normal workers did minimal tasks and the work was done in 1 week in which they worked for 5 days.
They all were paid an additional 200,000 jewels each for the work they did as mentioned in the job request. With their pockets full of jewels, after a grand party for completing the project, they took their leave.
"That was fun," said Sirius.
"Yes. I guess it is also a resounding success," said Naruto.
"I didn't expect to get this much money for one job," said Loke in awe. Not that he didn't see money, but this much for an A-class job is unrealistic for him.
"That's what happens when you are in our guild," said Sirius.
"Welcome to the gang, buddy," said Sirius with an outstretched hand. Loke looked up to see the welcoming hand and couldn't express his happiness.
"You are a good guy and have talent. Moreover, a knack for destruction, a must and should train for Fairy Tail. I assure you, Fairy Tail is the best place for you" said Naruto, leaning on the wall.
"Thank you," said Loke, taking the outstretched hand of Sirius.
"You are welcome, my friend," said Sirius and with that, a new member was added to Team Naruto under the watchful eyes of Sirius.
"Now let's change your attire," said Naruto and they went to the nearest cloth store to get what Loke wanted.
Instead of his gentleman black suit, Loke changed his attire completely, in an attempt to blend in with the crowd.
He wore an orange shirt and beige pants with a green coat on it with fur lining along the edges. He wore a different type of sunglasses, covering his hazel eyes.
He embraced his predicament and chose to be a human till he run out of his life force or was called back to Celestial Spirit world again.
After he got appreciative looks from Naruto and Sirius for choosing Orange, they made their way to Fairy Tail.
After a few days
Fairy Tail Guildhall, Magnolia
After thoroughly enjoying Sirius's success at every stop, they made their way to Fairy Tail. Naruto banged the door open, getting the full attention of the Guild.
"Yo," he yelled, making a few fall from their seats. He dodged a nasty white bullet who was hungry to kill him.
"Naruto, how did your job go?" A member asked.
"Hey, that's my job," came a voice and all turned to see Sirius floating with someone.
"Ya, Ya. Your job. How did it go?" Asked Gray, trying to remove his cold coat?
"Wow, who is that handsome with Naruto?"
"Do you think he is a new member?"
"He is hot!" Were some of the whispers Loke heard while Naruto led their way.
"Well, guess what, we got a new friend," said Sirius with a toothy smile.
"Gramps, this is Loke. My new friend," said Naruto, introducing Loke to Makarov.
"Loke, huh. Nice to meet you, young man," said Makarov, his cheeks flushed because of all the booze he took.
Loke didn't know what to say until Sirius pushed him to the front, making him stand in front of Makarov.
"Thank you, Master. I want to join Fairy Tail," he said in a low tone.
"You want to join Fairy Tail?" Asked Makarov and at Loke's nod, he stood up and looked straight into his eyes, his eyes losing their drunk colour.
"Why?" He asked in a stern tone. Loke didn't know what to say.
"Um, I like how Naruto and Sirius do their job and Naruto told me I'm perfect for the Guild?" He half asked, half said.
"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Loke. Tell me, where do you want your Guild Mark and in which colour?" Asked Makarov with a wide smile. If Naruto is bringing a new member, he is not going to reject.
The young man also seems to have good magic and Makarov saw the lost look in his eyes which made Makarov take him in.
"Green and on my back, sir," said Loke pulling up his shirt. He got so many cheers and wolf whistles at that.
"Green on your back, down," said Makarov.
"My dear children, welcome our new member, Loke," said Makarov loudly and hell broke loose.
"This means party," yelled one.
"Party," yelled all.
"Hey, where is that blonde bastard," yelled a certain Pinkett but was smashed by a stool.
"You bastards, Fire Dragon-," said Natsu and another Guild brawl began.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.
Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
- In Serial31 Chapters
Skill Overdose
Set in a modern world, Liam Keene, a person who had witnessed his parents killed, changed the way of living his life entirety when he decided to take revenge on the people who murdered his parents while also discovering another dark part of society as he tries to realize where his 'system' came from. _______ ___ __ _ Longer Synopsis: Witnessing his parents being killed in front of him, Liam unknowingly changed the way he thought about the world, while still having the thought of making the killers pay for what they had done to completely messed up his life. But time still passes as well as the emotions and beliefs that one had felt before... Unless something happened that made them want to remember that tragic moment. Exactly 5 years later after that day, Liam suddenly saw a window floating in front of him. A system. The one thing he thought that could change his life. Oddly enough, several minutes after that, his friend came to him with men from a dangerous organization on his trail. And later, he learned that this organization was the same one that ordered people to kill his parents. "Starting today until the day you die. We will be chasing you and we will try to kill you with our own hands whatever it takes." Just like the man said to him, since that day, as he kept walking forwards, he would just go deeper and deeper into the filth and danger of the world his living in. His once-peaceful life became a chaotic mess that he would have to fix with nothing but his blood and sweat. And the system. _______ ___ __ _ C-Come join the autho-... L-Liam to his journey to make the story... uh... his life good... or uh... better? _______ ___ __ _ (Note: Chapters are currently in an editing process. Expect that some parts of the story written in the unedited chapters have variation from what the author originally imagined.) Disclaimer: I do not own the cover art of this novel and I'll take it down as soon as the original creator says so.
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8 204 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Downward Spiral
Blood? My wrist was covered in it. It wasn't dried up or reeked of the combination of that black gunk from all those other freaks. It was fresh and warm too. Where was it coming from? I checked my body. My t-shirt was splattered in everyone else's blood but my own. Turning over my hand, my eyes lowered to where Ray was holding onto me. I gasped and released him, covering my mouth to stop from screaming. "Holy shit dude! What happened to your-?!" Tears were forming in his eyes but he looked down and hid his hand from me. "Please d-don't worry about it. Let's just go find a real hospital already." He said while shaking. "I...I don't want to think about it right now O-okay? It's no big deal..It's just...it's a finger..." My mind went blank. I pulled him into a tight hug. I wanted to do nothing much but to cry right now. I got him into this mess. This was all my fault. If only we would have just stayed at home that night. I didn't have to go to that stupid concert... After watching fans rip each other apart during one of her concerts, Sasha Brown's main goal was to keep her brother safe from whatever the hell broke loose in Jackson, Tennessee. Expecting the police to take care of it, she soon realize it wasn't blowing over anytime soon, especially with the growing number of rabid monsters running around, the living dead, and crazy psycho cults forming. One night brought an unfamiliar deadly world for both Sasha and her brother Raymond, and both are willing to fight it out to survive it.
8 391 - In Serial16 Chapters
Percy Jackson X Reader
Luke has been annoying you since last year and made you blow up your last school. You are good with your hands and have become good at fighting with weapons. You meet a boy with sea green eyes and dark hair. A maze, a titan, and a scary blonde girl with grey eyes; what could go wrong?Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or most characters and most of the storyline.
8 99