《Not Yet》The New Captian
Sorry for not updating, guys. Was I'll last week and couldn't update. Here you go. Triple update to make up for it.
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"Dragons/Demon/Spirits" Dragons or Demons Speaking.
'Dragon/Demon/Spirits thought' Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic"
Not Yet
Chapter 23
The New Captian
As the Guild brawl began, Loke was searching for Naruto or Sirius for help. Everything was calm and joyful one moment, and the next, someone shouted party and hell broke loose.
He reflexively dodged an ice lance and a flaming fist while steadily making his way towards a relaxing Sirius, who was sitting at the bar table.
"Hey, what's going on?"
"Hey, newbie. It's kinda tradition in Fairy Tail. When a new member joins, we party by fighting each other," said Sirius, gesturing around the chaos in the Guild.
"Where is Naruto?" He asked, looking for the blonde.
"Oh, he is going to be a dead man soon," said Sirius in a satisfied tone.
"What! Why?" Cried Loke in surprise.
"He escaped his death by coming on a job with us, but now his time ran out," said Sirius with a toothy smile. He remembered how Naruto hastily completed his training and hurried out of Magnolia on their job.
Loke understood he is not getting any more information on the topic and started to get accustomed to the chaotic bunch.
What would be a better way than to fight? So he joined the guild brawl and was accepted with punches and magic attacks.
With Naruto
Naruto made a hasty retreat towards the clearing he visited before training Sirius. As it is going to be his haven now.
'Crap. I didn't expect her to be this angry," thought Naruto as he sprinted towards the clearing.
As he reached there, much to his dismay, his death was already waiting there in the form of a white-haired She-Devil He froze, seeing her.
"Ah, Naruto. I have been waiting for you. What took you so long?" Asked Mira in a sweet tone.
"Hey, Mira. I just introduced a new member. Sorry for being late," he replied awkwardly, his instincts were screaming at him to run for his life.
"Oh, a new member. I thought you are training me for S-class trials when we sparred," she said in the same sweet tone.
"Aren't you training me for the upcoming S-class trials?" She asked again, but this time it was a bit forceful.
"Um, yes, I guess." Replied Naruto, submitting to her.
"Good. Now let's do some practice. You are going to dodge everything I throw at you without using magic," she said in a cheerful tone and changed into her She-Devil form.
"Take Over: Satan Soul," said Mira and changed into her iconic one-piece dress.
"How about we start with a small dark ball?" Asked Mira with an evil smirk. Naruto resigned himself and prepared himself.
"Dark Orb," said Mira and shot a black orb towards a still Naruto. As it neared him, he tilted his head and it passed him without touching.
"Isn't it easy? Let's try a few more," said Mira and started throwing 3 Dark orbs at once each targeting a different part of Naruto's body. He dodged them with skilled ease.
Soon the number increased and Mira kept doubling each time he dodged and it reached a dozen dark orbs at once and 2 dozen the next time.
Naruto observed how potent they were while dodging them. They felt stronger and powerful from his comparison to last time and now.
"You know, there are other ways to show me you became strong," said Naruto, while dodging the 50 ball barrage she sent at him.
"Maybe, there were. But we like it this way, do we not?" She asked.
"Yes, my mistake. I'm sorry. I didn't know that a small orb leads to such destruction. You became stronger as a result, right?" Asked Naruto in an apologetic tone.
"Stronger? You blonde moron. Do you know how weak I felt when I woke up 3 days later? It took me 2 weeks to completely recover," she yelled, increasing the speed of the attacks.
"I'm sorry-" Naruto was saying but cut himself off as he got a better idea than apologising. Remembering his father one last time, he executed his plan.
"Evil Shower," called Mira, fed up with his dodging. She formed a sphere in her hand and threw it into the air. It indiscriminately blasted Dark orbs over a wide range, destroying the area Naruto was in.
Naruto made his way to the angry Devil and kissed her. Kissed her like how she kissed him a few months back on the Tenrou Island.
Mira was surprised by his sudden kiss and gave in to the sensation and they continued kissing for a few minutes, improving this time from the chaste one last time.
After getting a good hang of it and feeling Mira's anger subside, Naruto slowly separated from Mira. She suddenly felt the warmth disappear and pouted.
"You look cute like this," said Naruto as he moved a foot from her, giving her a full view of his fox-like grinning face.
"Idiot, why do you have to do that?" Scolded Mira, beating Naruto with her hands. Not seriously.
"I thought of proving my sincerity to you. And followed in your footsteps," he said cheekily.
"So, how did it feel?" He asked curiously.
"Why? Are you practising with someone?" Mira asked with raised eyebrows.
"Ya. Loke introduced me to her," replied Naruto jokingly.
"As if he could change you," said Mira. Though she doesn't know about this Loke. Naruto sighed in relief. He thought she was still angry.
"So, when do we go on the S-class training job?" Asked Mira in joy. Naruto observed how her tomboyish and antagonizing personality disappeared, instead, in front of him sat an excited teenage girl.
He internally smiled. He didn't know what this change means, but it is refreshing to see and talk to a Mira who doesn't start to criticise and challenge anyone who dares to talk back to her.
"I have to train Loke a bit. Say, a month. Why don't you practise with your improved strength and get accustomed to it while I train him?"
"Hmm, ok. I'll do it. But remember, blondie, I must beat Erza next time we spar. Or Else…" said Mira with a sweet smile, leaving the threat hanging in the air.
"Hehe. I'll try my best," said Naruto, gulping in fear. Not that she could do anything to him, but it scared him to be on her bad side.
After Some Time
Naruto was on his way to a Rune Knight camp near Bosco, a border country with Fiore. He was just briefed about the situation by the Magic Council.
Flashback Begin
After answering an emergency call to come to the Magic Council headquarters immediately, Naruto used his Kamui to appear as he had already been there.
Makarov was disappointed that they would call him so soon after his return from his missions. Naruto managed to assure the Guild master and made a Wood Clone which he explained as a thought projection and before vanishing to Era.
"Ok, gramps, before they cook something up, I'll be going. I promise to make our guild proud." Said Naruto and vanished from his office. He reminisced about the day he approved Naruto to be one of the Council's hunters and went to drink some booze to forget it.
But one point was clear. He can't leave the Council as it is. They are becoming too nosy in guild matters for his liking. He is going to find a way to deal with it soon.
In the Council Chambers
"Hunter Naruto, we have an important job for you," said Seam, the chairman. At Naruto's nod, he continued.
"We got a tip that some guilds are going dark and attacking the Rune Knights and creating chaos. We want you to go there.
We need at least 3 weeks to mobilise enough troops to deal with the rouge guilds. Your job is to make sure that no Rune Knight is harmed. Will you accept this job?" Asked Seam, looking at Naruto sternly. Naruto thought about it.
'3 weeks, huh? I think I need that much to teach Loke some magic other than Ring magic and I promised Mira to take on an S-class job as well. Nothing to lose if I accept I guess' thought Naruto.
"Yes. I accept." Said Naruto in a plain tone.
"Excellent, move to Bosco camp immediately and take charge there," said Seam in joy.
"We also ask you to deal with anyone who dares to attack the camp area," said Org from his seat. Naruto raised an eyebrow at the neutrality of the man. But agreed nonetheless.
Flashback End
Naruto was flying towards Bosco and contacted Sirius through the connection they share.
'Siri, are you there?'
'Papa. Where are you? Why is your clone here?' Asked Sirius worried? Over time, Sirius was able to distinguish between the original Naruto and his clones.
'I was summoned by the Council for a job and was on my way to Bosco border-'
'What? Why didn't you take me,' yelled Sirius through the link.
'Calm down, Siri. They emphasised on coming alone and I thought of training you instead of taking you on this boring job,' said Naruto in a faux hurt tone. Sirius sighed at his father's dramatics.
'Wait, Tou-chan, how did Mira 'talk' to you?' He asked curiously. Naruto can imagine Sirius's smile.
'Hah. We 'played' dodge and I managed to calm her down after some time. But she roped me into promising to take her on an S-class job,' said Naruto with a sigh.
Though the kiss felt good, the experience before that is not memorable, to say the least.
'Ooh. Can I come?' Asked Sirius in hope.
'I have a better plan than that, Siri,' said Naruto and now Sirius can imagine the smirk on his father's face. Naruto paused to build up suspense.
"Spit it out,' yelled Sirius and with a foxy grin, Naruto explained.
'Why don't you and Loke go on jobs together? I'm going to teach him Chain magic, at least this world's variation and you learn more just in the scrolls my clone will give you and go on missions together.
Your teamwork is good when you fought with those gangs last time and I want you to learn how to work with others. So, how about it?' Asked Naruto.
Sirius started thinking. In the outside world, he is still sitting at the bar table behind the shield Naruto's clone made and Loke truly joined Fairy Tail by joining in the Brawl.
He thought about all the pros and cons and felt what his tou-chan suggested was a sound idea and decided.
'Ok. I'll go. But I want to go on an S-class job with you as well,' bargained Sirius.
'Of course, Siri. I'll take you on one after this,' said Naruto and with one last goodbye, cut off the connection.
After talking with Sirius, he continued his journey and soon reached the camp area of the Rune Knights identified by Magic Council flags in the vicinity.
Naruto landed a few meters outside of the camp area and walked towards the guards who are guarding the entrance. After seeing him, they stopped him.
"Halt. Identify yourself and your purpose coming here," asked one of them in a stern tone. Naruto remembered Kotetsu and Izumo after seeing them. They are known as Eternal Gate guards of Konoha because of their regular posting at the entrance gate of Konoha.
Naruto gave the guard who asked him the letter given by the Council, appointing him in charge of the camp for the time being.
"Apologies, Captain. We didn't think you would be early, Sir," replied the one who questioned Naruto.
"Apology accepted. Can you gather all the squad leaders here, I want to know what the situation is," said Naruto in a plain tone.
As he is on an official Council mission, he decided to act like that as he doesn't want to spoil the name of Fairy Tail in the eyes of the Council.
Naruto understood this is a test mission to measure his level of seriousness and behaviour as a whole. They want to get a good picture of him as he is the first person to accept the role of Hunter for the Council from Fairy Tail.
So, by gaining the respect of the soldiers in the camp, he is going to show the Council how serious Fairy Tail mages take their jobs.
After a few minutes, all 5 squad leaders were summoned to the Captain's tent in the central area of the camp. The room has all basic necessities and Naruto liked it.
"Greetings, gentlemen. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, Hunter sent by the Magic Council. I will be the acting Captain for the time being. I want to know the situation here. Please introduce yourselves," said Naruto plainly.
"Lorenzo, Captain,"
"Antonio, Sir,"
"Leonardo, Sir,"
"Marco, Sir"
"Polo, Sir," introduced each of them with a salute. Naruto was told there were 5000 soldiers here and these 5 were squad leaders of them, each squad having 1000 men under their command.
"Captain, Bosco is currently facing tough times. We have been informed that a major political figure has been murdered and the country lost its stability." Said Lorenzo.
"All the light Guilds are accusing each other but the culprit remains unknown. Meanwhile, some Dark Guilds are taking this as an opportunity to strike at the weakened defences." Continued Antonio.
"The Rune Knights in the country are trying to get the situation under control, but things are becoming complicated as time passes, Captain," added Carlo.
"This camp was recently attacked by a mob of 50 men, who were neutralized and taken into custody, Sir," elaborated Marco.
"We think the attacks will increase, Sir. As we have supplies which they want to get their hands on, Sir," concluded Polo.
"Hmm. So it's that bad? What are the additional forces for? Is the Council thinking of taking control of the country by force?" Asked Naruto in a stern tone.
"We don't know, Sir. We suspect we will take control to maintain peace," said Lorenzo, the spokesperson of the bunch.
"Well, I hope there won't be any such attacks on the camp and everything goes smoothly," said Naruto with a smile.
"We hope, Sir," said all 5 of them.
"Are there any injured from the last attack?"
"A few, Sir. But all of them are sent to the next camp where there are better medical facilities," said Marco.
"Thanks for your time, gentlemen. You can go on with your duties," said Naruto and dispersed them. With another salute, they all dispersed from his tent.
'What a sticky situation. How could a nation fall into chaos by a murder of a political figure? Are all these planned or just coincidences?' Thought Naruto.
He thought about the 5 squad leaders he talked to. They were different from each other both outside and inside.
They have a small magic container that would be on the level of D-C class incapacity. It seems in addition to the equipment the Council gave them, they can also use magic as well.
He quickly adopted and fell into his duties as the captain of camp.
Scene Break
With Clone Naruto
As Naruto explained about his sudden job, Sirius took a bruised Loke to find a home for him to live in.
"Had your fun?" Asked Sirius in a smug tone after they left Fairy Tail Guildhall.
"Ouch. It hurt a lot, but it was fun," said Loke with a smile.
"I can't understand how you enjoy that. I always get bored of it. Maybe I should try sometime,"
"Ya. You should. By the way, where are we going?"
"We are going to search for a house for you,"
"After that, I'm going to teach you Chain magic." Chimed in Clone Naruto.
"Huh? Chain magic? Why?" Asked a confused Loke.
"Come on, we both saw how your Ring magic was useless among all the magics used in the brawl. Don't you think you need other magic to protect yourself other than the Ring I gave you?" Asked Naruto and continued.
"It is more important now as you can't use your Regulus Magic," concluded Naruto.
"If you put it that way, I guess you are right," agreed Loke. Though he was bruised, his magic healed him before it became worse. So other than some tear marks and dirt on his dress, there is nothing that shows a sign of a fight on Loke.
"How are you coping? I know leaving your home doesn't feel good," said Naruto. Loke looked up to see the same understanding expression in those cerulean orbs.
"Well, I guess. I can't say I'm fine. But I can manage," said Loke neutrally.
'Oh, it seems joining the Guild cheered him up,' thought Naruto while Sirius also had similar thoughts.
"Let's make this quick," said Naruto and they went on a hunting spree and found a house in the locality of Naruto but a few blocks away.
Loke's is a penthouse on the 3rd floor with a bathroom, kitchen and lounge area. He also had the entire terrace for himself and it came at 50,000 Jewels as well.
They took it and bought a new bed and other necessaries for Loke and after getting him settled, Naruto with Sirius and Loke made their way to the East forest around Magnolia.
"Ok, Sirius, here are some Jutsu you can learn," said Naruto and threw some scrolls. The first technique made his mouth watery.
'Chidori' read the title. He knew this Jutsu. It was the jutsu his father fought just before he was sucked into this world.
'Type: Ninjutsu.
Rank: A.
Description: Chidori is a Ninjutsu technique developed by my sensei, Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows him to cut through anyone. Later, Sasuke also learned it from Kakashi during their training. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Though I don't think it won't be used here, I want you to learn it to protect yourself.
You should focus your lightning chakra to your hand, dominant is preferable. By altering the shape of the chakra, similar to an electrical discharge, you can decide the power and range of the attack.
After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, use your speed and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm.
From my experience and from what I saw in both Kakashi and Sasuke, you need Sharingan to use Chidori as the brightness it creates causes tunnel vision for you and makes you miss your foe.
Sharingan will allow the user to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name.
So, all the best with the Jutsu, Siri. I put a lot of effort to recreate this from my memory and hope you find a good use for it.
Read Sirius and with joy, he looked at the Clone, who was teaching Loke how to make chains. He nodded in gratitude and clone Naruto smiled at him in reply.
With joy about learning a cool and flashy jutsu, Sirius read all other scrolls, but none gave him the joy he felt from the first one.
With Loke
Naruto separated him and Sirius and gave some scrolls? To Sirius, who started reading like they held the secrets of the world and jumped in joy after that.
Meanwhile, the blonde explained to him how magic works.
"Ok, Leo," at this, Loke raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, dude. If I don't call you that, you'll forget your own name," said the blonde with a straight face. Loke's only reply was a black face.
"Ok. I'll call you Loke as well, Leo. Let's get started. So Chain Magic is a magic attribute that allows you to create and manipulate chains at will.
These chains are good for binding, and the ends of the chains can be equipped with weapons, such as knives and weights, enhancing the chain's attack power. Like this," said the Clone and made an adamantine chain with a sharp tip like a kunai.
"To use it, the theory is in this book. Read it and learn it. I don't want you to solely rely on Ring magic," said Naruto, throwing a grey book at him. Loke caught it and started reading it.
It was interesting magic. He never thought he would use any magic other than his Regulus magic and as he read, he observed the numerous possibilities of using chains in his combat.
Time Skip: 10 Days
With Original Naruto
It's been going well with the original for the last 10 days and he heard the news that all the troops were successfully mobilized and were on their way here. Expected to arrive on schedule.
But as everything has an expiry date, Naruto's good days were also over, as he sensed a large build-up of magic a few kilometres away from his camp.
"Captain, someone is attacking us," rushed a soldier in hurry.
Naruto sensed that that's why he is on his way to the outer wall of the camp.
"Activate the protective barrier and call troops back," was his first order when he saw the incoming masses and the Rune Knights trying their best to stop them from approaching further by pointing their staffs at the enemy in warning.
"Halt, you are entering into a Rune Knight camp, governed by the Magic Council. Unauthorized are not allowed in and are punishable," said a guard, pointing his staff at the incoming enemy.
"Heh. Rune Knight camp, Magic Council and punishment. Don't you think that's why we came in thousands? How are you going to punish all of us?" Mocked fair-skinned man?
He has short black hair that has bangs hanging over his eyebrows, brown eyes with a traditional outfit. He wore a bowler hat, brown square-rimmed glasses, and black gloves.
Naruto was beside the guard and took him in before a magic attack hit him. The barrier was deployed in time and stopped the attack from coming in.
"Why is there a kid here? Are you allowing kids to play here?" Asked another one. Funnily, he himself looks like a boy in his early teens.
He has blue eyes and long silver hair, stylized with bangs that sometimes cover his eyes. He wore a long coat, shorts, and a striped shirt in grey and blue.
"Captain, they are Dan Russo and Joseph Shilp, sir. Leaders of the rebel side in Bosco," said Lorenzo, coming to his side after the guard Naruto saved thanked him and left.
'What are they planning?' Thought Naruto.
"Ok. Prepare to maintain the barrier and assemble all Rune Knights. Prepare for anything. Contact the headquarters about this and ask them what to do. Neutralize or scatter them," ordered Naruto and with a nod, Lorenzo went to inform others.
Naruto walked up to the wall which separated the men from Rune Knight camp to look at the enemy.
"Listen, Dan and Joseph. I'm giving you one chance to retreat. I assure you we won't attack you and this can be settled peacefully." Said Naruto amplifying his voice.
"Retreat? Why do you think we will retreat after planning this for months?" Asked Dan.
"And why should I listen to a kid?" Added Joseph.
"Um, Dan. It's not been a month since the murder," added a member on his side and Dan glared at him and he kept his mouth shut after that.
"We will use force if you don't surrender peacefully," said Dan and as if to prove his point, he used his magic.
"Lava Magic: Lava Ball Barrage," said Dan and spewed large balls of Lava at the wall of the camp. To his surprise, it stood unaffected and they all saw a blue barrier flicker in front of them. Seeing the wall stand disappointed some of the rebels and Dan took note of this.
"We all didn't know there was a barrier to stop our attacks. But now we know. Attack, men, we can do this," he cheered analysed another attack to cheer them.
"Lava Magic: Lava Wave," said Dan and released a large wave of lava again. As if to add salt on an injury, Joseph added his magic as well.
"Terrain Effect: Lava Zone," he said and the area around Naruto changed. The ground broke around the camp area to a pool of lava, oozing with liquid magma.
All the rebels stopped their chatter as the area around the camp wall became a pool of lava.
"Whoever you are, kid. Surrender and join our side. If not, I'll make the whole camp area a lava pit and kill you all," threatened Joseph with a smile.
Naruto was reaching his limit here. He can't retaliate as he didn't get any orders from the Council though they told him to deal with them if they dare attack on the camp, he just needs confirmation.
Lorenzo ran towards his and whispered something which made the blonde smile brightly.
"Good. Very good. You can all relax while I play with my friends here," ordered Naruto and with a salute, Lorenzo and other squad leaders dispersed to assemble Rune Knights into a smaller camp area around which Naruto made a barrier to protect them.
Only Lorenzo, Leonardo and Antonio remained near Naruto to take orders as Marco and Polo took charge of all Rune Knights and keep them calm.
"Ok, guys. How about we play a game?" Asked Naruto, his captain coat was ruffling in wind.
"A game? What type of game? Are you retarded, boy?" Asked Dan.
"Maybe he is retarded. If not, why will they allow him in a Rune Knight camp?" replied Joseph in mockery.
"Nice joke. But here are the rules. If you manage to keep your eyes open for a minute, I'll allow you in and take whatever you want peacefully,"
"What if we failed?" Asked Dan.
"Then you will return to Bosco and you and Joseph surrender to us,"
"As if you can make us," said Joseph.
"Do you agree?"
"Of course. But a small change. If we win, all your soldiers will also join my side," said Dan with a greedy smile. Naruto's smile widened at that.
"If that's the case, you can also defeat me after you keep your eyes open to add my soldiers," said Naruto.
"Only you?" Asked Dan.
"Yes, only me. I promise none of them will interfere. You can choose whether to fight solo or as a group," clarified Naruto. Though he felt something fishy here, like he was missing an important bit, Dan agreed to the terms anyway.
"Alright. We agree with your terms. Let's get started. Joe, take back your terrain effect," ordered Dan and Joseph stopped his Terrain effect and they prepared for Naruto's attack.
"First I'll attack and you all need to open your eyes," said Naruto and they all nodded in agreement. Though using his Sharingan came to his mind, Naruto had a better idea to deal with them.
"Solar Flare," said Naruto and the light from the sun, shone even brighter, blinding most of them for some time. Because of Naruto's signal, all the Rune Knight squad leaders closed their eyes.
All the rebel forces were in disarray because of the bright flash of light and the black spots it had created in their vision.
"Calm down, everyone. We are fine. Just, relax," said Joseph. Naruto observed he was wearing glasses.
'So he is smart enough to wear glasses at the last moment to avoid the brightness. Good thinking,' thought Naruto.
"As you can clearly see, we can withstand your attack. Now how about I end this?" Asked a cocky Joseph. Thinking that was Naruto's best attack from his previous words. Naruto smiled brightly at the rebel leader. Poor guy didn't realize Naruto's trap and fell for it.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.
Tell me what you think in your comments or PM's.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
- In Serial86 Chapters
Tom's baby-momma died, and now her past is coming back to bite him. He's broke, The cops are out to get him, the babysitter is pure evil, and he's got a limited time to dig himself out before her world collides with his own.
8 174 - In Serial32 Chapters
Zao Ning. The Reincarnated Cultivating Dragon.
Dragons are known as the top exisistences in any story you read, and I can atest to this! Being a dragon myself I can easily tell you how awesome I am! ... ... ... Or I could have, if I hadn't been murdered by my own kind and eaten by my own children! *clears throat* Anyways, now it seems I have been turned into a lowly human, but fear not as I, Zaragnathor will once again rule the wo-... I mean I, Zao Ning will once again be at the top of the realms! *********************************************** Author's note: I do not own the cover, the original can be found here! https://www.the-arcade.ie/2016/03/allies-to-humanity-in-the-fight-against-dragons/ One final thing! Barely any of these chapters are edited. I barely have enough time to write so I never edit chapters. Sorry for the bad grammar! Hope you enjoy the story!
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The Dungeon of Aeru
Fred is an Earth Spirit of the Mountain, charged with building an underground domain to host all manner of marvelous creatures. That is, if his soul can handle it.
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Transformers Reborn
A robot otaku is hit by a truck on his way to school. After waking up in a strange place, he chooses to become his favorite thing. (Inspiration from Transformers Revisited) (I don't know much of the Transformers lore, so forgive me.) (There will be some changes)
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Louis' Depressed Girl
I'm alone. The world hates me.... I cry, scream, lay emotionless. I was saved.. By one guy... But he betrayed me, and once again I was alone.... Till one member of a special boyband helped me.
8 177 - In Serial27 Chapters
Part II
𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢...𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢...𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎, 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎, 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎
8 190