《Not Yet》A New Friend
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"Dragons/Demon/Spirits” Dragons or Demons Speaking.
‘Dragon/Demon/Spirits thought’ Dragons thinking.
"Jutsu/ Magic” is being used.
Not Yet
Chapter 21
A New Friend
It's been few weeks since Naruto returned to Fairy Tail after his one and half month long job requests.
He is enjoying himself by taking rest and then some. He checked upon Sirius after he met with the old man and ensured everything is alright.
His precious son seemed to have learned a thing or two from his match with Gray and Naruto was proud of it. He decided to train him more to make him more prepared.
After Sirius woke up from his day and half-sleep, fully recuperated, Naruto took him on a walk.
"I am saying this for the umpteenth time, that form puts so much pressure on your body. Don't push yourself like that, Siri." Said Naruto.
"But I want to be useful, Tou-san. You know well how useless I was when you fought all those monsters on our jobs."
"But you killed Aero, Siri. Isn't that good enough for you?" Asked Naruto surprised. He didn't know his son had this much drive to help him.
"Maybe. But I want to go on a job on my own and prove myself." Said Sirius, confessing his true desire for the first time.
"I want to prove to you that all your training wasn't wasted and to the world myself." Said Sirius with a serious look, but his cute face spoiled it.
"Ok, Siri. How about this, we will test you for some time after completing this training. You do the main part while I oversee you. Is that agreeable?" Asked Naruto.
"Yatta. Yatta. Dattebayo." Bounced Sirius with happiness. Naruto's adoption of this world's language has managed to minimise his verbal tic, while Sirius adopted it from his father.
Naruto rarely uses it these days as 'believe it' doesn't have the same ring as 'dattebayo' for him. Sirius doesn't care about that.
"Let's train." Said Sirius as they reached an empty area in the mountains around Magnolia.
"Tell me what you learned from your spar with Gray?" Asked Naruto.
"I'm sure I have abysmal water control as the ice guy managed to use it to his advantage and I think I relied too much upon my air combat instead of taijutsu and he managed to trick me as well." Confessed Sirius.
"Acknowledging your weakness is also a part of your training, Siri." Said Naruto with a smile and gave a menacing look to Sirius.
"Now, we'll work on your water control and Taijutsu. You're good at Kenjutsu and we'll try Genjutsu later." Said Naruto and Sirius nodded at that.
'I don't know if the old gramps sage has given you any Dōjutsu yet,' Naruto thought. He didn't investigate what Hagoromo had given to Sirius that deeply.
After all, Aldoron found out about the significance and power of Naruto's necklace when he dove deeper into the blonde's consciousness.
Naruto didn't do that to Sirius as he is a young child. He might do it in a few years though.
"First we'll work on your water style. I want you to improve your control on it. As you did with Wind and Lightning, we are going to do the second level water element control exercise, which is reversing a waterfall." said Naruto with an evil smile.
"Water Style: Waterfall Jutsu," said Naruto and created a large waterfall in the clearing. It is 10 meters tall and 5 meters wide.
"First, start with this and we'll increase it as time goes," Naruto said and Sirius mumbled something incoherent and went to the base of the waterfall to reverse it.
He used what his father regularly uses and made 4 Shadow Clones. 5 of them started to do the exercise.
Naruto sat on a tree and enjoyed it happily. 'Ah, the satisfaction of making your child work' he thought and relaxed there.
Meanwhile with Leo
It's been 10 days since he had decided to teach a strong lesson to his master. Leo can be seen sitting in the ruins outside the town, waiting for Karen to come.
He expected 2 possibilities. One, Karen cancelling her contract with him and Aries and returning their keys.
The other is Karen refusing to give up and come to him to ask or even demand him to be her spirit again. Leo was correct in his assumptions as he can see Karen walk towards him, stumbling, visibly drunk.
"Loke, loke. My dear Lion. Have you reached your limit yet? I promise I'll change for you alreadyyy," said Karen with a slur.
"Good. Then release me and Aries from our contracts," replied Leo calmly.
"What! Didn't I tell you I changed? Now go back and be like a good slave that you are!" yelled Karen in outrage. Leo didn't back down.
"As I said, I'll leave if you release me and Aries from our contracts," said Leo stubbornly.
"Do as you wish. I'll see how much longer you can hold without my magic," said Karen and walked off. Leo sat there thinking what he could do to change her mind but understood what he was doing was the best way.
Scene Break, With Naruto
It's been 2 weeks since Sirius started his training to improve his control of water. As he has a mix of magic and chakra, he managed to complete the exercise in 5 days with the help of his 4 shadow clones.
Naruto also taught him a few new jutsu on water style and then some advanced once in wind style to increase Sirius's repertoire of Jutsu.
They started their Taijutsu training after that and Sirius was learning his Grandfather's, Minato's Thunder God style as he felt more suitable to it while Naruto learnt his mother's style.
His katas and stance are perfect and he has been practising it for a week with his clones and making good progress. Naruto decided to take a few jobs as he is free and took some with his other guildmates while a clone watched Sirius.
He was going on small jobs with other members for a week and decided to test Sirius and came to the training area.
"Ok, Siri. Now for the test, I'll make a waterfall and you will stop the flow at the top." Said Naruto and with a nod, Naruto made a large waterfall.
Sirius flew up with his wings and applied all his mastery on Water Style on the waterfall. It was raging with a lot of pressure, but with effort, he managed to reverse the flow of the waterfall.
"Well done, my boy. You did it. You have finally mastered second level water manipulation." Said Naruto with a proud smile. Sirius felt accomplished and flew down and hugged his father in joy.
"Tou-chan, why don't you use your Earth and Water Dragon Slayer magic? Always using that flashy light magic?" Asked Sirius.
"Curious, aren't you? Father told me to not use them unless necessary." Said Naruto. Sirius was confused by this and Naruto continued.
"You know about Acnologia, right?" Sirius nodded at that.
"Tou-chan doesn't want his focus to shift on me as he fought the Black Dragon head-on. He told me to not reveal my Dragon heritage unless necessary and getting into Acnologia's visitors' list is bad.
I know the old man doesn't want to tell me. But I saw in him, he has a scar, remember? That's from a Dragon claw. I can sense the residue magic of Dragon Slayer magic in it.
I understood that he fought Acnologia just before he stopped me from killing that Gajeel? Guy in Alakitasia. Do you know how strong the old man is, right, Siri? He might be the only one to escape from Acnologia with life, Siri.
He is bad news and I thought of listening to Tou-chan's advice on this." Finished Naruto.
"How much time will you keep them a secret?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe until I feel I'm ready to reveal to all or any situation comes." Said Naruto in uncertainty.
"Don't you think it is cheating? I mean, cheating the whole Guild?"
"Cheating, huh. Yes, it might be. But if I reveal them, they will be in greater danger than they already are, Siri. Sometimes we must keep some secrets to protect others. That doesn't mean we are cheating them. It's the intention that matters." Said Naruto with a smile, ruffling Sirius's golden fur.
"Like the one about your homeworld?" Asked a curious Sirius.
"That's my past, Siri. I can't go back and change it. Even with all this power, I can't change a bit. I chose to accept the reality and move on. Maybe someday I'll share it." Said Naruto with a fond smile.
Sirius seems talkative today. Maybe his achievement is making him talk and learn more. He is a curious kid after all.
"Enough questions for today. Get ready, I had a few jobs for us. You are going to do them while I watch." Said Naruto and with an excited 'Hai' he flew into the air.
After some time
"What are the jobs we are doing, tou-chan?" Asked Sirius.
"Here," said Naruto and gave Sirius the job requests.
'Douse the Volcano' it says.
'Job Location: Active Volcano near Sicily Town.
Job Description: Sicily Town is known for its natural hot springs formed due to the volcano in the town. For the last few days, we saw fumes coming out of it.
The situation is so bad that all the town was covered in thick clouds which blocked the Sun for a few days now.
Requirement: Need Water and Wind mages to blow the clouds and douse the Volcano.
Reward: 150,000 jewels per mage.
Status: Taken by Team N.U, Fairy Tail'
"You want me to douse a volcano?" Asked Sirius with a shocked face.
"Yup. Come on, you can do it. Didn't you use your clones on Aero to kill him?"
"Ya. But this is a Volcano we are talking about!" Exclaimed Sirius.
"You can do it, Siri." Said Naruto with a pat on his shoulder. Sirius couldn't reply because of the trust his father put in him and was determined to do it. With renewed confidence, he read the second job.
'Reroute Water'
'A reservoir is constructed to store water and a water mage is required to en route the water for the time being and re-route it after the reservoir is done.
Reward: 200,000 Jewels. Work will take 15 days to complete and if completed faster, 50,000 jewels per day for the number of days before the schedule is done.
Status: Taken, Team N.U, Fairy Tail.'
"Both water-related jobs?" Asked Sirius in surprise.
"What did you think? I'll allow you to move forward without practically testing you?" Asked Naruto with a smirk.
"You are always like this." Pouted Sirius.
"Ok. If you do them, I'll give you an A-class job." Bargained Naruto.
"Really!" Asked Sirius, with his eyes lit up with stars.
"Yes. Here is the job request. I won't show you until you complete those 2." Said Naruto gesturing to the 2 jobs in Sirius's hands.
"Kay. Come on, let's go," said Naruto and flew into the air.
Scene Break,
1 day later, Sicily Town
Sirius was excited and was on wings the entire time, literally. As he reached Sicily town, he can see a large mushroom cloud above the town, blocking the Sun from them.
Naruto stopped him from making any reckless moves like blasting a strong gust of wind and followed protocol.
He met with the Mayor of the town and explained what they were going to do, or Sirius in this case, and prepared to protect the town if Sirius's attacks misfire.
"Ok, Siri. You have the approval to go." Said Naruto with a smirk, Sirius took to the air. He made the signature cross sign and 4 clones appeared beside him.
"You know what to do." He said and all of them dispersed in 4 directions and they all made pentagon shape around the cloud.
They all did the required hand signs as Sirius wants all the attacks to be as strong as possible and said their attacks at once.
"Wind Style: Severing Pressure Jutsu"
"Wind Style: Wind Torpedo"
"Wind Style: Low Air Pressure Jutsu"
"Wind Style: Wind Dragon Jutsu"
"Water Style: Geyser Creation Jutsu"
Said all 5 Sirius's in unison. As they formed a pentagon shape, with all 4 sides using their respective Wind Jutsu, it created massive pressure on the clouds.
All the currents moved them in the direction set by Sirius, which was towards the fuming volcano, he used his Water Jutsu on the clouds.
Clouds filled with water became black clouds and slowly, the rain started pouring on the raging Volcano. Sirius could have sworn he saw magma moving up.
He can see that though rain was pouring, it did nothing to stop the raging magma but to douse the top layer. He thought of a good plan.
'If I could make the water cut deep into the Volcano.' thought Sirius and the Jutsu he failed to use properly came to mind.
He communicated with all his clones and all of them prepared for the Jutsu.
"Water Style: Great Waterfall Jutsu," said all 5 Sirius's.
The amount of water released from all 5 of them can fill a reservoir. All the water from the great waterfall jutsu, which is the advanced version of waterfall jutsu, fell into the burning magma.
The water with the added force of gravity made a picturesque scene for all the spectators. As soon as the water hit the magma, a larger cloud, larger than what they already had come out in the form of steam from the volcano.
"Wind Style: Wind God's Maelstrom," came Naruto's voice. The wind Gods maelstrom swept away all steam that was coming from the volcano easily. This helped Sirius a lot.
And soon, the volcano stopped giving out any fumes or steam, signifying Sirius's and Naruto's success.
"YEA" cheered the crowd in joy. Happy that they have avoided a disaster.
"Yes. We did it. Tou-san, we did it." Celebrated Sirius, flying around in happiness. Naruto nodded and Sirius flew down and hugged Naruto.
"You did well, Siri." Said Naruto.
The Sicilians were so happy that they gave a 5-day free stay in the town in a luxury resort and Naruto and Sirius enjoyed the small holiday there.
Sirius relaxed happily as whipping all those Jutsu out of him was very taxing and since he is in his normal form, it taxed him more.
Sirius was forbidden to use his Battle mode by Naruto. His blonde father wanted to see how his body will change without that additional pressure.
Those 5 days gave him enough rest to fully recover and he started his next job in high spirits. They made their way to the worksite. l which took them a day and Naruto just observed as promised.
Sirius worked hard to complete the job, but it took him 2 weeks to complete the job, finishing 1 day before the deadline.
"Now Siri, as you have worked so well, here is your reward," said Naruto with a job request in hand. Sirius swiftly took it and started reading.
'Protect the Bridge!' It read.
Job Location: Oshibana Town
Job Description: A few gangs have been raiding Oshibana Town lately. Their main target is the construction site of Hayato Bridge, an important bridge that will connect the cities of Oshibana and Clover.
Three gangs have been identified so far: Kashi Gang, Shin Gang and Koji Gang. But the authorities suspect that they are working under the orders of another gang still unknown.
The construction of the bridge is delayed due to the attacks. Many have given up the job.
Please, defeat the gangs, save us and protect the construction of the bridge!
Note: Help in construction will be a bonus and 40,000 jewels per day will be given for each mage.
Reward: 400,000 Jewels
Status: Taken, Sirius, Fairy Tail.'
"I am going to do this?" Asked Sirius in excitement as only his name is stamped on the job instead of Team N.U. Naruto nodded.
"Yup. That's your reward for working so hard." Said Naruto and with the same excitement of a child, he ran to Oshibana town to deal with the thugs.
Naruto let Sirius do everything as he slipped being just been an observer. Sirius talked to the mayor, oh boy that was an awkward conversation and finalized everything.
They'll deal with the thugs first and then come and help construct the bridge. Every day of their help will be a bonus. Were the agreed terms.
Sirius hurried into the forests around Oshibana town. From what he was told, all the gangs had their bases somewhere in the forest. Naruto and Sirius started their search of the vast forests slowly.
As Naruto promised, he didn't use his sensory skills or Earth Dragon Slayer magic to find them. He chose to be a spectator.
It's been a month since Karen came and Leo proved his stubbornness by refusing to go to the Celestial Spirit world and stayed in the human world.
He didn't hear anything from her after that day and passed his days in contemplation and other things he could do when he heard someone come.
He looked up to see Karen walking towards him, her appearance nothing worse for wear. But there was something different in her at the same time.
"Leo, I beg you. Please leave. I swear, I'll take good care of Aries and never mistreat her again." begged Karen.
Leo saw this as one of Karen's tricks to persuade him to go back to his world.
"Sorry, Karen. As I said, I'll leave if you release our contracts," replied Leo strongly. Karen had enough of this.
"Why you!" Said Karen, enraged and started beating Leo. The spirit of Lion took it head-on, not even budging or stopping her.
Karen couldn't fight him any longer as he is physically stronger than her. She had enough of his stubbornness and attitude.
"You think I can't summon another spirit if you are here? I'll make you pay for this, Leo," said Karen with venom and left him in a foul mood.
Though they both know about her magic limitation, in a moment of desperation, Karen doesn't have any other choice but to take a job.
She is doing nothing for more than a month and all the money she saved up until now was evaporated and she tried one last time to talk with the friendly spirit she knew.
He somehow developed strong stubbornness and didn't even budge from his position when she beat him. She had enough of it.
'Once I summon another spirit, that rogue idiot will be locked her forever.' thought Karen happily as the celestial magic is the one which holds the celestial spirit to this world, once she summons one of her other spirits, as Leo is refusing to go back, he will be seen as a rebellious spirit and will be banished from the celestial spirit world forever.
That was her plan but she ran into an unexpected problem on her way there. Angel, a dark mage, found her.
The next match will be her last battle as Angel killed her and took her keys as a reward.
Leo sensed something wrong. His connection with his master is weakening and he felt happy that Karen had finally listened to him and released them. He went to the location where he could sense her.
Leo teleported to Karen's location. As a Spirit who has a contract with her, he can go there to help her immediately. What he saw terrified him.
Karen was on the ground, motionless and he can see blood on and around her. He approached her slowly and feared the worst and as he thought, she was lifeless.
"Leo, The Zodiac Lion," boomed a deep voice and Leo knew whose voice it was. It is the Celestial Spirit King.
He turned to face the man who rules the Celestial Spirit world and the ruler of all spirits that reside in it.
The Celestial Spirit King is a gigantic, humanoid being with an imposing, broad-shouldered figure. His most striking feature is probably his light, oversized moustache, long enough to diagonally reach his upper torso when he is still and almost extending past his shoulders, with massive and extremely scruffy ends, more facial hair is found in the form of some stubble located on his chin.
His red, pupil-less eyes are outlined by a deep shade, and he has a slight hint of wrinkles on his face. The Celestial Spirit King appears clad in a full set of plate armour which has a majestic look to it.
"Leo, the Zodiac Lion, I hereby banish you from the Celestial Spirit world," said the King in a booming tone. Leo knew better than to interrupt the King while he was talking and remained silent.
"Leo, you have broken one of the most ironclad rules of us, Spirits. You let your master die even though you have the power and capacity to save her." said the man with finality.
"You will hereby forsake your identity as a spirit of Lion and live in this world forever," said the King and vanished. Leo knew this was coming.
For a spirit of his status, it is very demeaning to his status and the Celestial Spirit King himself to let such things go unpunished. He felt his connection to his gate, which allowed him entry and exit into the Celestial Spirit world close and as he no longer find it in his mind.
He resigned to his fate and thought of his future plans when he heard someone enter his field of vision. Leo looked up to see a blonde teen and a...cat? With him. He took a defensive stance, believing them to be his enemies.
"Siri, he is the one. He is the guy who did that Web Valley job for us" said the teen to the cat.
"Oh. So he is the one. Then who is that creepy guy?" Asked Sirius.
"I don't know, let's ask him," said Naruto and moved towards Leo as he saw Leo fall into his defensive stance, Naruto raised his hands in surrender, indicating to Leo that he was not hostile.
"Yo. My name is Naruto Uzumaki. This is my friend, Sirius. We are from Fairy Tail." said Naruto in a cheerful tone. Leo relaxed after hearing that name. He knew of Fairy Tai, of course. Karen used to talk about them.
If he was correct, the guy in front of him was the youngest S-class mage and next to him was his partner, Sirius.
"You are Loke, right?" Asked Naruto. Leo was surprised that this teen knew his name.
"Yes. My name is Loke," said Loke in a sad tone.
"We heard what he said. It seems that you were banned from your home huh?" Said Naruto in an understanding tone. This surprised Leo again.
"Yes. I made a...mistake and got punished, rightfully so," he said in acceptance.
"Don't worry. I know how it feels." consoled Naruto. After all, he was sucked into this world nearly 4 years ago without any notice or indication.
"If I may, what are Celestial Spirits? I didn't hear about them until now" asked Naruto. This made Leo lookup. He couldn't understand why this guy wanted to ask him about his species and moreover, help him.
But as he was thinking of what to answer, his eyes met with Naruto's and saw an expression. An expression that told Leo so many untold stories about the blonde teen's losses.
His expression was not of pity but understanding. Leo decided to share his story with this guy and started with an explanation of the Celestial Spirit.
"Celestial Spirits are magical beings from our own separate space, the Celestial Spirit World. Some Mages, called Celestial Spirit Mages due to their specialization in Celestial Spirit Magic, can summon us by opening our Gates via the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys.
These Keys are separated into two classes: the more common Silver Keys and the extremely rare Gold Keys. The Good Keys are also called Zodiacs as we represent the Zodiac constellations in the sky.
I'm one such Zodiac, the Zodiac of Lion, Leo. Loke is what Karen, my former master called me. She is...dead by my mistake." said Leo, looking at the grave he made for Karen.
"I'm sorry for your loss. But we all tend to make mistakes. This time it costed a lot. But you can bounce back. How about I help you?" Asked Naruto with a smile.
Leo was confused by this. What does the guy mean by helping him?
"You see, I have a rune that allows me to summon animals long ago. So, I'm thinking of using it and helping you? How about it?" Asked Naruto with excitement.
From what Leo said, he is some kind of Spirit living in another realm who can be summoned here with this Gold Key.
When he was in the Shinobi world, Naruto made a summoning contract with the toads and can summon them with a few drops of blood and chakra. He is thinking of using it here.
"I don't think that is necessary. I can manage with my magic," said Leo in appreciation. Though he appreciated the teens' offer, he is not certain of its success.
"Do you use Light Magic?" Asked Naruto. That is what he felt. He and Sirius were furiously searching for the damn thugs, whom they didn't find yet.
Naruto sensed someone of Light Magic and came here to investigate and saw everything happen. He was surprised, to say the least.
"Yes. But I don't think I can use it any longer" said Leo.
"Do you know what magic you can use now?" Asked Naruto. As Leo rejected his offer to take Naruto's magic, he doesn't know what to do now. Naruto settled to calm him down for now and talk later.
"I don't" replied Leo. His situation is getting worse as time passes here.
"Ok. We are on a job currently and if you tag along, I think I'll share some rewards with you." Said, Sirius.
Naruto chose to stay silent as he talked enough in his son's first real job. Leo pondered for a minute.
He has nothing to do in this world as he was here on a vendetta. But now, all that was gone, he thought the best way he could survive and the offer was enticing. He took it.
"Ok. But please call me Loke. I don't want my real identity coming out." Said Loke. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. It seems both of them are in a similar situation.
With a nod, Sirius and Naruto with Loke continued their job of searching for the thugs in the forest.
And Cut
Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.
And with this, 3 abilities of Naruto's Mangekyou are selected. Only one ability remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.
Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Black Infinity 1289,
Ja Ne.
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