《Claimed by the Gods》They Grow Up Fast Chapter 8
Okay! Finally! This chapter took quite awhile because I had to explain a lot of things! I even took out a few things because I remembered I wanted them for another chapter. So this is how the future chapters are going to go down. First off, I will be taking out all the "Thy,Thou,and Thine" I have put in my chapters and will not use them in future. I will go back to chapter six through seven and change those sentences and also fix the grammar errors. The second thing I will do is every five chapters I will do a side chapter. In those chapters I will explain more things about the plot of the story, add short stories of the characters, and even answer some questions from the you readers if I know I was not going to put it in the future chapters or just to please you fine folk. And the final thing is the Story Arcs in order! I know! Exciting! :D
Arc order:
New Life Arc(The two years in the library are part of this arc and not the school arc)
Magical School Arc
Kingdom Tournament Arc
Continent's Strongest Arc
Challenge of the Gods Arc
One True Champion Arc
And more to be thought of later.
Now for the Magical School Arc. I have an idea on how I am going to write it and I can't say how many chapters that is going to be but I can guarantee that this arc will be more then ten chapters. Maybe twenty chapters. As for the rest of the arcs after that, I can't say I have an idea on how I am going to write those. I am still coming with ideas but I think I will focus more on the Magical School Arc and maybe near the end of that Arc I will finally have an idea on how I want to handle the Kingdom Tournament Arc. Now the last thing I wanted to talk to you guys about is the news of chapter one through four being re-edited. I can accept and say I blundered those chapters. So I am going to take time to go back and rewrite every single chapter. The chapters will be longer this time and might even include things that you guys recommended to me and some things that I should have put in those first few chapters. So look forward to them after chapter ten is released.
As always, I looked forward to your comments, advice, and even questions! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter and thank you for reading!
To all future readers! This Chapter is very plot heavy and may contain very heavy paragraphs. You have been warned!
For two years straight. Lucca spent his entire time in the library of the Scions learning the magic they left behind as much as he could. The books and tablets not only described many types of magic, they also included methods of increasing Attack Power and also many fighting techniques that were lost generations ago. They also listed many recipes for medicine and so much blacksmith techniques. He read the books like he was digesting them like cookies. Even learned a few things outside the books from Yanicho. When Yanicho learned that Lucca didn't understand the principles of magic and the history many kingdoms plus not being able to write, he couldn't allow such a thing. So every day Lucca practiced writing and learned the history of all the kingdoms.
This is what Lucca's weekly schedule consisted of.
Day 1:
Wake up early morning (A.N: Around three in the morning. I decided to make it based off our time to make it easier for readers to understand.)
Book Study: Four hours
Breakfast: Ten minutes
Personal Studies: Three hours and Forty minutes
Lunch: Half an hour
Magical Practice: Five hours and Thirty minutes
Combat Exercise and Technique Practice: Five hours
Book Study: Six hours into day Two
Day 2:
Book Study: Four hours continuing on from Day 1
Small Break: Three hours
Breakfast: Ten minutes
Personal Studies: Three hours and Forty minutes
Lunch: Half an hour
Magical Practice: Five hours and Thirty minutes
Combat Exercise and Technique Practice: Five hours
Book Study: Six hours into day Three
Day 3:
Book Study: Four hours continuing on from Day 2
Small Break: Three hours
Breakfast: Ten minutes
Personal Studies: Three hours and Forty minutes
Lunch: Half an hour
Magical Practice: Five hours and Thirty minutes
Combat Exercise and Technique Practice: Five hours
Book Study: Six hours into day Four
Day 4:
Book Study: Four hours continuing on from Day 3
Small Break: Three hours
Breakfast: Ten minutes
Personal Studies: Three hours and Forty minutes
Lunch: Half an hour
Magical Practice: Five hours and Thirty minutes
Combat Exercise and Technique Practice: Five hours
Sleep: Four hours into day Five
Day 5:
Wake up early morning.(Two in the morning.)
Book Study: Four hours
Breakfast: One hour
Personal Studies: Four hours
Lunch: Half an hour
Magical Practice: Five hours and Thirty minutes
Combat Exercise and Technique Practice: Five Hours
Book Study: Six hours into day Six
Day 6:
Book Study: Four hours continuing on from Day 5
Small Break: Three hours
Breakfast: Ten minutes
Personal Studies: Three hours and Forty minutes
Lunch: Half an hour
Magical Practice: Five hours and Thirty minutes
Combat Exercise and Technique Practice: Five hours
Book Study: Six hours into day 7
Day 7:
Book Study: Four hours continuing on from Day 3
Small Break: Three hours
Breakfast: Ten minutes
Personal Studies: Three hours and Forty minutes
Lunch: Half an hour
Magical Practice: Five hours and Thirty minutes
Combat Exercise and Technique Practice: Five hours
Sleep: Five hours into day 1
At Book Study, Lucca spent most of his time reading the books and deciphering them as he learned the contents of the text. He only spent ten minutes every day on breakfast because his Hunger Resistance helped him not have the need to consume a lot of food. Though he had to eat a lot during Lunch for his Combat Exercise because the amount of energy had for the practice very low so the stress of the practice was consuming his energy rapidly but he got used to it. In Personal Studies, Lucca used that time to finally learn how to write which took him two weeks and learned all the history of the kingdoms in one month. The rest of the time he just used that time to learn other things that Yanicho knew that was different from magical principles. These things included Alchemy skills, Medicine recipes, and even many magical terms used in scholars research papers. These terms where different from what the Scions use. Of course he learned as much as Yanicho could teach him in two years. Magical Practice was the time that Lucca used to practice his magic and spells. During this time Yanicho taught the principles of magic to Lucca so he could learn magic with much ease. Though Yanicho only had to teach the principles for only three months. Of course Lucca took breaks to make up for his physical strain to go away. His Pain Resistance advanced all the way to Advance Level. With twelve months of feeling pain from physical strain, he didn't feel the pain no more. The doesn't mean he can't feel pain. If he where to gain a mortal wound or one of his limbs where removed then he would feel that pain. Of course that meant the Pain Resistance didn't cover mental pain. That was Emotional Resistance which is weird how Lucca never gained this Body Enhancement since he went through many emotional trauma from his mother leaving him to his adoptive mother dying and many other events that happened in his childhood of growing up in the forest of Deruma.
With the most of the time used involved with learning from the books and tablets, He attained different types of magic. Most the books where mostly a series of books that listed mostly spells but each series had one book that taught the user how to use the magic. With the blessing of the goddess of wisdom and the Intelligence Enhancement being Advanced level helped Lucca absorb the information he wanted three times quicker then a normal person can learn. It also helped him learn the magic from the text that even his master couldn't do. He also learned how to write and attained all knowledge of history of each kingdom in the continent.With Yanicho's help on the principles of magic, Lucca advanced quickly in harnessing his magic. He could even cast it without even chanting.
Apparently Yanicho could do the same. One day during Magical Practice, Lucca asked Yanicho how he was able to cast magic without chanting, Yanicho told Lucca that he had a secret method. Showing Lucca his pendant, the pendant was a strange orange crystal that had weird symbols on it. Circled around the middle of the crystal where bands of gold that pierced the surface of the crystal. Yanicho told Lucca he found this pendant when he first came to the library of the Scions. He also explained that the pendant allowed the wearer the ability to cast magic without chanting and even took less then half the power consumed in using magic. Giving Lucca a pendant of his own, Lucca process of learning the magic of the Scions increased even further. Though with his little time he had in the library, He managed to learn forty two different types of magic. More then half of them where at least Beginner level. But the last fifteen of them where intermediate and above. (A.N: I was going to list the magic he learned in this chapter but I though that wouldn't be very fun! So I decided to list a few as a teaser. And no, I'm not doing this because I haven't thought of any magic! :P (I lied XD I only came up with like sixteen but it counts!!))
Out of all forty two, Lucca had three favorite magic. The first one was Flying Magic. This magic allowed the user to soar in the air and even cast it down onto others. All though you could use Gravity Magic to make your self float, the only thing you can do is hover above the ground and make your body move like it was being pushed. With Flying Magic, It allowed the user to freely move around as it can increase the speed of the flight. Of course Lucca tested this with his Blessing Magic and made a way to increase the speed by five times. The second magic was Disaster Magic. This magic combined different types of elements. Those elements where Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water. The magic that was combined was Inferno Magic, Terra Magic, Storm Magic, and Ice Magic. Taking each of the elements and magic, the magic itself produced storms that where on the calamity level. Even though this spell was only in the Beginner Level it still had the power of a average Intermediate Level magic. Even the thought of power that it could produce at Advance Level made Lucca shiver.
The final magic that he favored was Necromancy Magic. This magic allowed the process of taking the souls of the dead and control them by possessing them through dead bodies or demons. With the help of understanding the soul from the Necromancy Magic, Lucca felt like he had in increase in his inner self. But Lucca didn't know that the protection that protected his soul increased by a hundred fold. In this world there wasn't many magic that damaged the soul but there was still a few. Necromancy Magic was one of those magics. If a person was wounded by a soul attacking spell, they will lose the power to use any magic and suffer a wound that may destroy the very person themselves. Though the person themselves won't die, they will remain like an empty shell with no feelings of emotion or desire. Of course a person can survive against a soul attack allowing their magic to come back. This happened more times than the person losing everything.
Aside from the magic, Lucca also managed to raise his Attack Power all the way to one hundred thousand. The training methods from the text were excellent but he couldn't fully bring out the full results to the training. Yanicho couldn't help him with the training because he never had an interest in that type of area. So Lucca had to learn by him self. With the help of his skills and the Magical Beast in the cavern, he managed to attain a high rank of power. Unlike Magic Power, Attack Power had it's own set of ranks which labeled how strong a person was.
The ranks are as follows.
Normal Rank: 100 Attack Power
Adventure Rank: 500 Attack Power
Knight Rank: 1000 Attack Power
General Rank: 10000 Attack Power
War General Rank: 100000 Attack Power
Ruler Rank: 500000 Attack Power
Not many people have reached the Ruler rank before and none have went passed the limit of the rank. Of course raising Attack Power was entirely different from increasing magical power. For every rank of power, Magic Power was two times ahead in terms of strength. Meaning if a Knight Ranked person tried to win against a person with a thousand Magical Power, they will lose. Of course the court mages with around one hundred thousand Magic Power could never beat a Ruler Rank person. It takes around fifty of them to even make the Ruler Rank person admit defeat much less kill them. Of course one of those fifty court mages with one hundred thousand Magic Power can easily win against a War General Rank. But that doesn't mean a War General Ranked person could not beat a person with one hundred thousand Magical Power. In terms of strength they where even more or less. Lucca even attained the Body Enhancement, Strength Enhancement from his constant training. This Enhancement increased the power of his Attack Power by two fold. It was Intermediate Level. Unfortunately Lucca couldn't raise his Magic Power. He didn't know why and asked Yanicho about it. But Yanicho didn't have an answer for his question and told him maybe he could find a way if he found a book or tablet in the library but Lucca had no luck. Yanicho however was very surprised that Lucca could learn the training methods from the text and increased his Attack Power. Even though Yanicho couldn't help Lucca with the training, Yanicho at least helped Lucca make his weapons by guiding him on the process of making magical weapons.
Lucca had three types of weapons. The first one was a long rod that was made with metal from Kroncles back. This metal was said to be one of the top three toughest metals in the world that can be found by normal means. Of course there are way stronger metals, it was second to none in terms of quality. With the tip of the rod opening like a huge casing, inside the casing was a mana crystal the size of a fist. Each parts of the crystal where different types of elements making the entire crystal infused with essences of all the elements. This rod increased the power behind Lucca spells by two fold. Of course it made up for magic consumption but that didn't matter to Lucca since he had Mana Absorption and Mana regeneration which where both at or above Intermediate Level plus the pendant made the amount of magic Lucca used not even faze him. Of course Lucca was careful not to use to much magic to burn him self out and allow him self to explode with magical energy. Interesting enough, he found that his Energy Magic can also increase how much Magical Power he can regenerate and all so harness elements before casting his magic. This increased his power behind his spells immensely but that proved the risk of his burning him self so he moderately had to summon spells. But Lucca could cast around fifteen different types of spells in succession depending on the spells themselves before he had to take a while till the next time he could cast. For example if it was low powered spells then he could cast them fifteen times in succession. But if it was a spell from a magic that consumed a lot of magical energy like Disaster Magic then Lucca could only use it once before needing to wait. Depending on how much Magic power a person has depends on how much magical energy they can use and what power of spell they can produce. Of course Lucca with such a high amount of Magic Power could even cast spells from the Disaster Magic more then thirty times. But there was the risk of burning out and exploding so he couldn't risk that. Lucca actually tested his limits during Magical Practice so he knew what his limit was. If Lucca kept practicing his magic then in the future he can increase his limit.
The second weapon was a two handed broadsword that weighed around one ton with it's massive size. This sword was made with a different metal from the rod called Dragonite.
Dragonite is a metal that is collected from the scales of a dragon which if melted down to liquid form can harden and transform into a metal. This metal was considered part of the top ten strongest metals that are hard to obtain due to dragons being so tough to kill. Questioning on how strong the scales where, Lucca asked how does one person kill a dragon. A dragon with such strong Physical Defense could not be damaged by physical attacks and also can't be damaged by magical attacks due to the dragon having a strong Magical Defense. Yanicho explained that dragons have certain openings on their body due to the soft parts of it body. These places can be attacked due to the scales not protecting those areas and the Magical Defense only covers the scales. Of course the eyes of the dragon was also a weak point. So the way adventures and people high in power usually dealt with a dragon was one group attacked the eyes with magic as the other group finds the weak points and attacked those areas. It all ways required a person to be in a group of people to take down a dragon. Though there was some chances in history where one single person took down a dragon with just their power but those people where all Ruler Ranked people. No mage can take down a dragon with out the help of a group. This has never be done in history. Dragons where ranked fifth in terms of power out of all Magical Beast. Of course there are things that a Ruler Ranked person can't take on by themselves. Anything ranked forth and above in terms of power among the Magical Beast was not something a Ruler Ranked person can kill by themselves but of course Yanicho explained to Lucca to not worry about meeting these Magical Beast due to the fact they never really appear. The chances of a Magical Beast of that caliber to be born are one to a million which made it very rare. Of course there have been times that these Magical Beast where brought into the world. To take down the forth ranked Magical Beast, an force of an entire kingdom was required to take it down. The amount of power needed to take down a Magical Beast the was ranked third was around three kingdoms combined. Lastly it took all the kingdoms in the continent to take down a Magical Beast who possess the power of a second ranked. The first ranked Magical Beast was a existence that not even the full power of all the kingdoms in the continent could handle. This Magical Beast was said to have the power to wipe out all the kingdoms and still have power to wipe them out again. Though the only times this type of Magical Beast appeared in this world was only during the Scion's time. It was said that it this Magical Beast might be the reason behind the disappearance of the Scion race. The number of times these Magical Beast ranked forth to third only appeared twice in the entire history of since the disappearance of the Scion race. A Magical Beast that appeared in the past with the power of a second rank only appeared in history was once and it nearly wiped out all the kingdoms but this was centuries ago. So Yanicho reassured him there was a low chance he was going to meet them. Even so, Yanicho warned him about dragons because the chances of him meeting one was much more then the chances of him meeting a Magical Beast forth rank or higher.
The sword was around three feet long as it had spikes poking out of the hilt of the broadsword with the color of the blade being pitch black. The sword was enchanted by Blessing Magic which allowed the sword to absorb magic and allow it take the magic to coat the surface of the blade. This allowed the blade to have much more power to it and also posses the skills of the spell that was absorbed by it to be used just by swinging it.
The final weapon was a long ranged weapon. It was an enchanted bow using the wood of the great mana tree of the west. Said to be the longest living tree in the world, this tree absorbed the mana not only from the land but a couple kingdoms in whole. It was treated as a sacred land mark. But parts of the tree where allowed to be taken and examined by a select few scholars. Yanicho was one of those scholars. The wood of the great mana tree absorbed the magic that is poured in it and pushes it out as energy. This allowed the arrows that where used on the bow to absorb the magical energy and be used as an attack. The bow was beautiful with the surface glowing with magical energy and the surface of the bow was decorated with ruins that allowed the user to not use to much magical energy when using the bow. The string was just a normal piece of string made from the wool of a Dodin. Dodin are small little sheep like creatures that have two large horns on their head. All Dodin are peaceful but when a they are aggravated they are a force to behold. This string was made through the process of Alchemy so it was enchanted with the strength to handle the power of the wood. Of course this was not a weapon that Lucca will use a lot. Even with the use of arrows, he could only carry so much.
Lucca had a device that Yanicho gave him which allowed him to store all his items and materials into one area. This device was call Spatial Storage. Yanicho made this item years ago in his youth. This Device used the space that was not in this dimension. It used the power of Space Magic which the device was in the shape of a bracelet. In the middle of the bracelet was a small energy crystal that had the Space Magic written on it. By saying the word "Spatial Open." a window will pop open in front of the user and show what was in the Spatial Storage space. By putting the item on the window, the window absorbs the item and leaves it in the Spatial Storage. Of course if the item or material is to large then user can say "Spatial Absorb". The amount of items that can be hold depends on what it is. Materials can be stored without a limit to how much that can be stored. Items where different. Due to Items being a much more different type of combination of matter itself, it took way more space. So Yanicho choose to set the limit on how much space that an item can have to around ninety nine of that item. Yanicho did this to be safe. Of course the device can only store materials and items. It couldn't store living organisms or elements.
Though Lucca didn't have much time to learn the magic from the library. He gained many skills and magic plus he improved his academics. He didn't have time to take care of his looks so his dark brown hair started to grow down to his waist and his face grew much more mature these past two years. His body which was skinny before was now firm with muscles including having biceps and abs. He grew taller and was now around six feet tall. Even his eyes changed to the color of blue with a hint of white all around the iris. If one where to say how Lucca looked, they would say he looked like a very beautiful man that many would die for to achieve those looks.
Now it was the day that the entrance and exit of the cavern reappeared. Lucca has gathered all his things and was eating a little breakfast.
"Lucca are you ready to go?"-Yanicho
"Yes Yanicho! I got everything prepared."-Lucca
"Good then. Come lad, the teleporter is ready."-Yanicho
They made their way to the magic formation and they stood on top of it. Looking back Lucca noticed that Little Yui wasn't coming along.
"Yui isn't coming with us?"-Lucca
"No. Magical Beast can't use the teleporter remember?"-Yanicho
"Ahh, you're right. Sorry Yui."-Lucca
Lucca bowed his head has his expression said he was sorry.
"It's okay. Yui is the best Magical Beast in the world so Yui will be fine."-Yui
Little Yui smiled at Lucca with a big smile which melted his heart.
"I promise that I will come back! And with snacks too!"-Lucca
"Really! Yui wants something sweet!"-Yui
"Then I will bring something sweet."-Lucca
Little Yui twirled in circles as he expressed his joy. Both Lucca and Yanicho smiled warmly at Yui. It was sad to leave such a heart warming creature.
"Okay Lad it's time to go."-Yanicho
"Bye Lucca. Bye Yanicho!"-Yui
They both said goodbye to Little Yui and Yanicho used the teleporter sending both him and Lucca to the academy. Yui stood there for awhile as if wishing the two of them would come back.
"Yanicho. Lucca. Yui loves you both. Yui hopes both of you will come back soon."-Yui
The small Little Yui cried softly as it stared at the magic formation. It was quiet that day in the library of the Scions. It's like everything inside the library was depressed over the fact that two important people where gone. Little Yui missed them the most as its tears fell down from its big sparkling eyes.
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