《Claimed by the Gods》The Library of the Ancestors Chapter 7
Finally! I got to explain magic a little more. More about magic will be explained in the later chapters. Please enjoy this really long chapter! Like always please comment and give advice. Thank you for reading and now for me to rest~
Lucca the Dino 1:10 Am 12/8/2015
Ugh I hate this feeling!
Lucca was in mid teleportation at the moment. The white surroundings and the painful ringing was not a pleasant experience for Lucca. He closed his eyes like last time and waited. Finally the ringing finally ceased to exist. Opening his eyes, Lucca was greeted with darkness. He got up slowly.
"Why is a human here? Oy take it slowly. The effects of the teleporter will wear off."
An unknown voice was nearby. Siting down. Lucca closed his eyes for awhile till finally opening them. His sight slowly came back as he took in his surrounds. He could see mass amounts of water and many books.
Books? There's books?
Books lined the walls of what looks like to be a cavern. There was many portions of land here and there with tables and chairs. Light came down from many openings in the ceiling of the cave. He got up and looked around more. The island he was on was part of a stone path way.
"Where am I...? Can I get out?"-Lucca
"Mmm I wonder that too."
Pondering, Lucca slowly turned to the voice that was nearby. Floating in mid air was a small creature the size of a book. It had small fluttering wings that seemed to glow white as its body had two little ears. Its small face had big eyes that seem to sparkle. Its body was in a shape of an heart and seemed to puff outwards. Lucca studied it has the little creature looked around.
"Yeah I was wondering that too...."-Lucca
After taking a few moments, everything kicked in response and Lucca jumped back in surprise.
"What are you!"-Lucca
"That's rude! It's not you. It's YUI!"-Yui
The small little creature shouted back at Lucca. Lucca was stunned at the sudden appearance of the little creature.
"A...Are you a Magical Beast?"-Lucca
"Of course Yui is! Yui is the best magical beast in the world!"-Yui
Little Yui puffed it's chest out in pride as Lucca tilted his head slightly.
"Okay then where is this...?"-Lucca
"Yui don't know. Yui been here since birth."-Yui
"Then do you know a way out of here...?"-Lucca
"No Yui doesn't know a way out. AH! Maybe Yanicho can help us!"-Yui
"Yanicho? Who's that?"-Lucca
"He's Yui's friend. Come, Yui will lead the way."-Yui
Leaving sparkling dust behind, Little Yui flew down the stone path way. With no other options, Lucca followed the small little creature. More bookshelves lined the walls of the huge cavern. Many times he would seeing a floating pieces of land in mid air as water fell down from the ceiling of the cavern. Other times he saw other types of magical beast that slowly moves in harmony around the cavern. The places seemed awfully peaceful to Lucca.
"He should be here... Oh there he is! Yanicho!"-Yui
Little Yui increased it's speed as he got closer to what seem like a hill in the middle of the cavern comprised of books and what looked like stone tablets. Pillars and Pillars of books where stacked every where. In the middle of the hill sat one man on a floating chair. Next to the man was a floating desk which had a small teacup with what seemed like a teapot. The man him self looked very young. His emerald green hair shined in the light as small parts of silver ornaments decorated his hair. His face looked calm as he stared down at the pages of the book. One could say that this man was as beautiful as a woman but other could say he was handsome. His body wasn't to lanky so he was think but his fingers where very long. He was quietly reading a book as he sipped on tea. Putting down his teacup, he noticed Little Yui call his name. Making a soft smile he got up from his chair to greet his little friend. But there was something behind his friend that made his face stiffen.
"Yui. Who is that behind you?"
"Oh this? This is..."-Yui
Little Yui turned around and faced Lucca. Yui tilted his head in puzzlement.
"Who are you?"-Yui
The man placed his hand on his face as he sighed. Walking down from the hill of books, he stood right next to Little Yui.
"I will ask again. Who are you?"
The main pointed at Lucca. Lucca thought for a moment to whether to tell this man his name or just stay silent but he didn't feel any harm from him. Besides he was trapped here anyways so there was no use in making enemies.
"Hi. My name is Lucca M. Bear."-Lucca
It has been nine hours since the disappearance of Lucca. At first Felia thought he would be back at the Headmaster's office so she made her way back to the office but Lucca wasn't to be found. Sighing she spent the next four hours exploring the academy. She asked many of the staff and students if they seen him.
"He like this tall. He had a face that looked weak? Dark brown hair?"-Felia
"No Professor Felia. I haven't seen such a person."
"I see, sorry for troubling you. If you see him, inform me please."-Felia
"Of course professor."
To Felia's luck Lucca was nowhere to be found. So she gave up. Sooner or later a staff or student will inform Felia if Lucca was found. But the hours passed and it was all ready late in the night. Felia was starting to worry.
I need to inform the Headmaster... No what would the Headmaster say if he knew that I lost the boy!
Pulling at her hair, she stamped about frustrating on what to do. After half an hour of this, she finally choose to inform the Headmaster. She made her way to the Headmaster's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in."
With a response that came from behind the door, Felia opened the door slowly before entering.
"Ahh Felia. Did you finish showing Lucca that academy like I told you too? That was a long time ago so you must have given him a grand tour and took care of him."-Headmaster
"Well you see si-"-Felia
"And I was just going to bring out the new tea set that I got imported from the kingdom of Xonren. Also got some tea from the local academy garden. Best in the country I do say my self."-Headmaster
"Sir. I lost-"-Felia
"Also I was going to ask Miara to bake some cookies for the tea. Do you know if she is free at this hour?"-Headmaster
"Sir I lost the boy!"-Felia
Dropping the teacup in his hand making it shatter, the Headmaster stared at Felia with series eyes.
"Wait. What happened...?"-Headmaster
"I lost the boy sir. I was showing him the school and I turned around to see that he was gone."-Felia
"So you lost him and he is no where to be found... How long as he been lost?"-Headmaster
"N..Nine hours sir..."-Felia
"Nine hours.. Nine hours?!"-Headmaster
The Headmaster shouted as Felia jumped at the shout.
"Felia! Get all the staff and students to search the academy and the areas around it. I want every single room, courtyard, bathroom, closet, forest, cave, tree, bush, rock, even the underside of the beds of every single person in this academy searched! Am I clear!?"-Headmaster
"SIR YES SIR!!!"-Felia
Straightening her posture, Felia saluted before rushing out the room to hand out the orders to the rest of the staff and students. The Headmaster returned to his chair trying to calm down. If he lost this boy, he would lose the most important student he gotten in awhile.
"Not only does he has amazing magical talent he was a member of the Villion family. Though I doubt the Villion family knows he exist, the doesn't mean his importance is not top priority!"-Headmaster
The Headmaster leaned back in his chair with a worried expression.
Please Lucca my boy. Please be found.
Currently sitting on a floating chair above a mountain of books was Lucca. In front of him sat the young looking man and Little Yui floating in mid air. The man was giving Lucca a deep stare. Lucca could only try to avoid the stare. The man took the teacup he was sipping from earlier and filled it with tea from the teapot while still keeping an eye on Lucca.
What skill..
Lucca laughed nervously in his mind as he waited for a response from the man.
"So. Tell me Lucca."
The man rained down question on Lucca as he struggled to respond. The questions where like 'Why are you here?' and 'Why did you get here?'. Finally after awhile, the man said one last question.
"How did you come here?"
"I came from a teleporter. I was blasted into a room landed on a magic formation then I was teleported here."-Lucca
"Is this true Yui?"
"Yes Yanicho. Yui saw this two leg appear from the teleporter."-Yui
"I see."
The man gave Lucca a deep stare once again. Lucca smiled and laughed nervously. After awhile, the mans face formed into a smile.
"Sorry sorry. I usually don't get visitors so I got to make sure your no one dangerous. Since I can see you're not lying I will trust you for now."
Lucca sighed in relief.
"But if you where lying..."
The mans face turned ugly as his eyebrows bend down and his mouth slightly curled.
"Then that means I just have to kill you."
The man raised his hand and pointed at Lucca. The surroundings started to shake as Lucca felt like he was being pushed down. His body started to feel heavy. He tried to get up but he couldn't as he felt his chest compressed to his legs.
"Yanicho! Stop being a meanie! Lucca is a good boy!"-Yui
Little Yui was hitting the man on the shoulder softly but it didn't seem to be affected by the mans magic. Lucca stared at Yui with disbelief. The man raised his hand again and the pressure disappeared. Panting for breath, Lucca raised his body and leaned against the chair.
"Hahah sorry Yui."
"Yui swear! Yanicho is just a big meanie!"-Yui
Little Yui puffed his cheeks. The man just laughed as Lucca finally got his breath back and was able to move again.
"What was that... Was that magic...?"-Lucca
The man stopped staring at Lucca and smiled at him.
"Yes that was gravity magic. The spell was Spatial Pressure. I'm guessing you're a magician?"
"Yes I am. That was an amazing spell though it hurt..."-Lucca
The man laughed and smiled more.
"What are these books here?"-Lucca
"These books are just a collection of mine. They can't be read by normal every day mortals so I translate them. I only translated four books so far."
"Four books?!"-Lucca
"Yes these books hold knowledge to lost magic. Be able read it is different from being able to learn from it. I still haven't touched it."
"Huh. So it's possible to translate but not learn."-Lucca
"Precisely. I spent many years in this cavern but never once learned the magic from these books. Translating them was hard enough."
Lucca picked up a book and opened it up. He stared down at the book.
"Hey. Is this one of the books you translated? It says here 'If thou read thy book, thou shall receive the findings of Elipso.' Who's Elipso?"-Lucca
The man stared at Lucca with a face full of disbelief. Lucca removed his gaze from the pages and looked back to the man.
"Wait... What did you say?"
"I said Elipso. Who is that? Is he someone who researched magic because it said his findings."-Lucca
"Did you just read that book...?"
"Yes? Isn't this one you translated?"-Lucca
"No... I haven't even picked up that book... All the books I translated is on that table..."
The man pointed at the table that had the teacup and teapot.
The man got up quickly has he grabbed random books from the pile. He flashed the pages of these books in front of Lucca's face.
"Read this passage!"
"'Thou should know thy magic is made to make thou-'"-Lucca
"This one!"
"'Fold and conquer in front of thy power-'"-Lucca
"'Read this one!!!"
Book after book, the man continued to push books in front of Lucca's face till he finally stopped. The man placed the books back on the pile and laughed. Lucca stared at the man with concern.
"Yes! I found the one!!!"
Getting up the man laughed towards the ceiling of the cavern has he raised his hands.
The man took Lucca's hands has he looked confused.
"Show me your ID card now!"
"Now Lad now!"
"I said now!"
The main gave a mean face as Lucca started to feel is body get heavier. Not hesitating, he took out his ID and showed the man. The man scanned the ID and his grin became huge. He laughed again as if he was going insane.
"Four hundred thousand magic power? And Elemental Aptitude of all elements? What's this? Translation magic Advance level?!"
Plus the blessing of the goddess of knowledge, Yvieana. This boy was the person the man was searching for. The one person who will learn the Scions magic and be the number one magic user in the continent. Nay maybe even the world!
"My boy! Come with me!"
The man took his hand and rushed down the stone path way with Little Yui following behind.
"W-Wait! What's your name?"-Lucca
"My name? You can call me Yachino like Yui. Quick lad, stop wasting precious time!"-Yashino
Yanicho rushed with Lucca till the finally reached the magical formation that he came from. Yanicho raised his hand an a path of ice appeared across the water. Walking on the path, the ended up at a island that was close to the wall. This island had a little alter and not a table and chair. With books in a pile surrounding the alter, a single black tablet laid on top of the alter. Yanicho walked to the alter and faced Lucca. Little Yui flew to a the book pile and laid down on top.
"Lucca! With my help, I will teach you the magics of these books! You will learn them all!"-Yashino
Yanicho spread his hands and smiled at Lucca but Lucca drew back a little. The man stared at Lucca.
"What is it lad?"-Yanicho
"I have to get out of here Yanicho Sir. If I don't get back from where I came from, I will be in trouble..."-Lucca
"Well lad that is going to be hard."-Yanicho
"Why is that?"-Lucca
"The only exit to this cavern appears once every two years. Same with the entrance. Once either one is used, it takes two years for the exit and entrance to reappear"-Yanicho
"So you mean..."-Lucca
"Yeah lad, you are stuck here."-Yanicho
Lucca bent his knees as he fallen to the ground.
So does that mean I will never return...?
"Let me ask my lad, where did you come from?" -Yanicho
Lucca looked up at Yanicho.
"I came from Zelphon Academy."-Lucca
"Zelphon Academy huh?"-Yanicho
"You know the Academy Yanicho Sir?"
"Indeed. I know of the Academy of Zelphon. How about this lad. Stay here with me for two years and let me help you learn this magic. When two years come by then I will personal go with you as you go back to the academy. How does that sound?"-Yanicho
"Really? Do you promise?"-Lucca
"I promise. In fact."-Yanicho
Yanicho got on his knees and raised his hand in the air has he place his hand on Lucca's shoulders.
"I swear to the all the gods that I, Yashino, promise and if I shall break that promise then shall they rain down their wraith upon me."-Yanicho
Lucca stared at Yanicho as Yanicho smiled back. Lucca didn't know what to do. But if what Yanicho said was true then... It wouldn't be bad if he followed him. Maybe he can learn something that he would never learn at the academy.
"So will you stay with me and learn?"-Yanicho
Yanicho stood up and took Lucca's hand. He lifted him up and gave him a book.
"So do you know the basics of magic?"-Yanicho
"The basics of magic? Like the elements and what type of magic that go under them?"-Lucca
Lucca started to explain to Yanicho the types of magic he knew. He told him the elements and what type of magic there where. He also told him that he understood that levels mean the power of the magic.
"Well that's the most basic stuff. There are many types of magic. Let me explain."-Yanicho
So Yanicho explained.
With the making of magic, there a three things a mage needs before creating it.
The first thing was choosing and harnessing a elemental magic. A human soul can draw out a element and bring it to their mind. With this the user harnesses the element and control the output and purity of it. The second thing was either using a existing magic spell or using an magical item. The first part is more common to use while the magical item is very rare. By taking the spell, the user can take the essence of the spell and input the element to make the knew magic form. Depending on the level of the magic, the easier it is for the user to control the element and the spell at the same time.
"So the more a person practice a magic, the more chances of success will increase because that person is efficient at the magic?"-Lucca
"Yes that is certainly true. But there is one more thing that is needed that is the most important part lad."-Yanicho
"One more thing?"-Lucca
"The last thing that a person needs to make a magic is Imagination."-Yanicho
Tilting his head, Lucca stared at Yanicho. Yanicho laughed and raised his hand. In his hand, the area around his palm started to form small parts of earth.
"If a user started to make magic, he needed to be able to imagine the magic forming."-Yanicho
The earth started to twirl in Yanicho's palm till it finally compacted and became a rock.
"It's like how I did in my palm. It's the best I can demonstrate it."-Yanicho
Lucca eyes sparkled as he stared at Yanicho.
"Though keep in mind. If a person manages to make a new magic, it doesn't mean that person has full control over it. The magic the person make is not new, it's just discovered. So that means they have to discover spells that go under that magic. The gods grants the magic to the mortal and the mortal can teach the magic to those who aptitude is under the element."-Yanicho
"So does that mean I can learn the magic that other people have made?"-Lucca
"Certainly you can! With your magical aptitude, you can learn any magic. How strong it is however is up to you. But you won't be learning those magic for now."-Yanicho
"Then what am I learning? Didn't you say that you wanted me to learn the magic from those books?"-Lucca
"You will be learning magic from these books and tablets! Do you know what these books and tablets are? These where written by the Scions! The most intelligent race in this world that where our ancestors though it is still unknown why they disappeared. I am going to let you read these books and help you learn the magic from them that our ancestors left behind in this world! Are you ready to learn lad?"-Yanicho
Lucca took a book and raised it to the ceiling. His eyes where shining with expectation as he smiled. Learning magic from a race that not only Yanicho praised but even is master and the people of the scholars guild worshiped, of course Lucca was excited! He wanted to learn all the magic that these books and tablets had to offer.
And with that, Lucca was fated to stay in this cavern and learn the magic of the Scions with Yanicho.
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