《Claimed by the Gods》First Day Chapter 9
Okay Chapter Nine! Yay! Okay now before you guys rant about Lucca not showing his ID to the Headmaster, the reason because it won't be shown in Chapter Nine but it will be explained in Chapter Ten so don't worry you will get your long waited enjoyment from the shock that others receive from the op MC.
So only one thing that needs to be said about this chapter. One thing that needs to be mentioned is a written part of the chapter. There is a part of the chapter that I find long and boring myself so I put the text 'Long Text* before the part starts. If you see this then skip it if you want to. It just giving a general look at Lucca's adventure through the academy and description of the dorms plus the dorm room.
Now with that out of the way I got only one news for you in this chapter. So Chapter Ten is coming up and that is the side chapter. After thinking for a while and writing this chapter. I have decided to release Chapter Eleven with Chapter Ten. So for now on, after every side chapter that comes out an additional main chapter will be released. So you have an option to skip the side chapter if you want. Okay like usual please comment, give advice, and ask questions! You better do it now in this chapter because Chapter Ten will be written in Twelve Hours. Thank you for reading~
It has been two whole years since the disappearance of Lucca. The Headmaster finally gave up searching for Lucca and was mourning over the loss of such a magnificent student. They spent four whole months trying to find Lucca by making not only the staff of the academy look but even the students of each year. But even with four thousand people looking for one student at the same time, they couldn't find them plus the students and the staff couldn't be much help because classes where not allowed to be canceled. So after four months of no success whatsoever, the Headmaster finally decided to get the kingdoms law enforcement and army involved. With their help, the search can spread out to areas that students and staff couldn't go to due to it being dangerous. But after six months of this, even the army gave up.
The Headmaster was at his wits end. The Headmaster even spoke to the other students that were part of the Villion clan asking them if they knew where Lucca disappeared because he came from their clan. But each one of them said that they didn't know Lucca. They also said with deep disgusted faces that Lucca was not a member of the Villion clan and that many families in the kingdom always tries to copy the clan name to make it seem like their family is part of the clan. The Headmaster knew of this. In fact he knew many families that are of born outside major clans try to use the major clans name so they can enter the clans but the Headmaster already viewed Lucca's ID and a ID can't lie. A ID was an device that showed the true identity of a person so Lucca couldn't change his name on it but the students didn't care and let it go in one ear and out the other while requesting to go back to class.
The Headmaster gave up after everything was done. Now it's been two years and there is still no signs of him anywhere. The Headmaster was stressing so much that he even started to drink again.
"Ahhh... Lucca where are you..."-Headmaster
The room that Lucca stumbled in and got teleported from started to glow white as the magical formation shined. There Lucca and Yanicho slowly appeared upon the formation. Both of them stood there a few minutes with their eyes closed till finally they opened and looked around slowly.
"Phew... I really can't used to that..."-Lucca
"Teleporting magic is amazing but for humans, it's like being trapped in a never ending standstill."-Yanicho
"I can agree to that!"-Lucca
"Okay enough with the small talk. You remember why we came here?"-Yanicho
"Yes. I need to get to the Headmaster's office. I have to inform the Headmaster I returned."-Lucca
"Then you lead the way."-Yanicho
"Sir yes sir!"-Lucca
Leading the way, Lucca headed out the room with Yanicho and towards the Headmaster's office. It was in the middle of the day so classes where still going on. Students that were heading towards their classes where shocked by the appearance of two people coming out a room that is part of the forbidden room list. The stares and whispers increased all the way till Lucca and Yanicho reached the Headmaster's Office. Both of them finally reached the door to the office. Knocking on the door softly, a low depressed voice commanded them to come in. Lucca and Yanicho quickly entered the door and closed it behind them shut.
"Who were those people?"
"I don't know but they came out of one of the forbidden rooms. Now they entered the the Headmaster's office."
"Eh?! So they're important people?"
"It seems so, why would they come from a room that was forbidden if they weren't?"
The gossip of the students started to spread like wild fire as it consumed the entire school but of course like every rumor, it changes into something different. Teen gossip was truly frightening.
"Come in..."-Headmaster
The Headmaster sighed as he told the person who knocked on the door to enter. Deep in his mind he hoped that it was Lucca coming back but he knew he was wrong which made him sigh even more. When the door opened the footsteps entered the room. The Headmaster just stared at his papers in his desk as he drank from his cup of wine.
"Yes. What is it? If it's a report of any kinda then just leave it on my desk. If it's something that needs to be spoken verbally then please talk away, I promise that I am listening."-Headmaster
The Headmaster didn't even bother even looking at the person who entered the room. The person who entered cleared his throat.
"Well now. Why isn't it Lucias. Still keeping my school in check? Yes?"
"Your school? Who are you to- Master Yanicho!? You're back?!"-Lucias
Lucias picked up his head to scold the person who claimed to own the school but stopped himself as he saw the face of the schools original owner. His face went into full shock as his eyes bulged in disbelief.
"M-M-Master Y-Yanicho! Please excuse this servants rude remarks!"-Lucias
Getting up, Lucias went around his desk to the front and bowed down to Yanicho all the way down to his knees till his head made contact with the floor. He said 'Please forgive me for my actions!' over and over again. Yanicho bent down and patted Lucias on the shoulder.
"Stand Lucias. It's fine. Please face me."-Yanicho
"Yes master!"-Lucias
Getting up faster then a bolt of lighting, Lucias stood stiff in front of Yanicho. Yanicho laughed and told him not be so formal. Lucias after finally half an hour of stating over and over again that isn't how a proper servant acted, he finally gave in when Yanichi ordered it.
"So master, may I ask where you been for forty years?"-Lucias
"I was doing my personal studies of course. I got absorbed in doing them so I am sorry for leaving you in charge of my academy for so long."-Yanicho
"Don't think any of it master! Your studies are much more important!"-Lucias
"Hahaha then I will continue them. But this time I will continue them here."-Yanicho
"S-S-So does that mean you're coming back to the academy?"-Lucias
"Indeed. It's been awhile so I might be little rusty but please take care of me Lucias."-Yanicho
"Yes maser! It's an honor to serve under you again master and personal pleasure of mine!"-Lucias
"Hahaha. I look forward to working with you again. Now Lucias, I believe you met my disciple before? It seems he was enrolled into this school two years ago."-Yanicho
"Disciple? Master has a disciple? If I met a disciple of master I am pretty sure I would have known they were master's disciple."-Lucias
"Mmm... Then let me introduce him. Lucca, why don't you introduce your self to Lucias here."-Yanicho
"Yes Yanicho."-Lucca
Huh... That voice sounds familiar... Even though it sounds a bit mature for its pitch it really sounds like a voice I heard before. And isn't Lucca the name of th... OH MY SWEET VILATINA!
Lucca from behind Yanicho and showed him self. Lucias jaw dropped as his eyes bulged even more then when his master appeared.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Lucca M. Bear. My teacher is Sir Yanicho here. Even though he may be a push over sometimes and says rude things, please excuse him."-Lucca
"Oy Lucca, what is with the 'Sir' and the other rude remarks? You want to find your self trapped in a hole for four months?"-Yanicho
"Certainly not Yanicho! I don't remember what I said so can you tell me what happened?"-Lucca
"Witty brat. Humpf, you're lucky I like you."-Yanicho
"That's why I cherish my relationship with you Yanicho."-Lucca
Watching the exchange between Lucca and Yanicho, Lucias changed his view from Yanicho to Lucca and back again a dozen times till he finally had the everything figured out in his head.
"S-S-So Lucca was with master this whole time since he disappeared...?"-Lucias
"More or less yes."-Yanicho
"A-A-And he became your disciple...?"-Lucias
"Yes! How many times do we have to tell you Lucias?"-Yanicho
"How did this happen! Please Explain Master?!"-Lucias
So Lucca and Yanicho told how it all began to Lucias. Lucca who got lost in the academy was accidently teleported to where Yanicho was. Finding Lucca, they both had a small exchange till they finally came to an agreement. Since the teleporter didn't work for two years, Lucca was to stay with Yanicho and learn from him. They left out the part of Lucca learning the Scion's magic, his increase in Attack Power, the weapons he made, and the fact that Lucca could use magic without chanting anything. They did however tell the parts of him learning how to write and the history of the kingdoms plus the magic principle lessons.
"So that's what happened. Well it's great that you're both back."-Lucias
"You sound less surprised after hearing that story Lucias. You easily believe what we said?"-Yanicho
"Well I can't say I'm not surprised at all. And if it's coming from Master and a student like Lucca then the unbelievable makes sense. But what are you gong to do? Are you going to let Lucca join the first years? With what he learned from you, he doesn't need to attend this school."-Lucias
"No, Lucca will attend this school. It needs to go under his record that he graduated from this school for future use. Since his knowledge out ranks those of the first years then he will be placed in with the six years. If he joined two years before the graduation ceremony and graduated after then it would look much more believable. If anyone looked up his record, they will just think he was some young prodigy who just happens to be four years behind in age from his classmates."-Yanicho
"Ah I see. Then that means you are going to accept him into the school? The school year is only half way done so it wouldn't be a problem if he joined as a transfer student."-Lucias
"Yes I couldn't say it better my self."-Yanicho
Long Text*
So Lucca, Lucias, and Yanicho got all of Lucca's paperwork done and Lucca signed a new contract because he could write this time unlike the last time. With that they go everything in order as Lucias was ordered by Yanicho to lead Lucca around the school and show him his dorm. He was instructed that since Lucca was his pupil that he deserved the first class dorms which are held by the rich. Showing him the entire school, Lucca made a mental map in his head as he saw the sight of the many classes and different students. He even was shown the club rooms and practice areas plus the student facilities which included a library.
Lucca fell in love with the library at first sight because the library was so large that you couldn't see the end of the bookshelves. He wanted to stay so bad in fact he ran straight away and started to pick books off the shelves at a fast pace but Lucias dragged him away by the scruff of his collar. After showing Lucca the final student facility, Lucias showed Lucca the way to the dorms.
The path to the dorms was a long red bricked path with flowers growing around the path on each side. The path was connected by two courtyards with gardens full of many plants. There seemed to be a rest area in these courtyards for a person to relax. It was a place that Lucca wanted to relax in. Only a couple yards from those courtyards where the student dorms. The student dorms were the half the size of the academy. Lucca's eyes popped out when he saw this.
Lucca was currently stunned. In front of him was a gigantic room. In the middle of the room was two three seater sofas with a living room table in the middle. From the left side of the room, a majestic bed lined against the wall with a couple nightstands that where half the size of the bed and dressers beside each of those nightstands. To the left of the bed was a walk in closet that was at least one forth as big as the room itself. The Kitchen was on the right of the room and so was the bathroom. They both where the same size as the walk in closet. And to the left of the bed was the entrance to the outside balcony that was at least two fourths the size of the room that lined against the wall and spread outwards. The balcony was lined with plants all around the outside with two sets of tables and outside chairs plus two benches. To Lucca this room was amazing looking.
Now it wasn't on the same scale as the library of Scions but if it was compared to other places he had been, this room topped them. Sitting down on the sofa, Lucca sighed in amazement and praise to his teacher for giving him an amazing room. After settling down, Lucca noticed he was to tired. So he decided to fall asleep on top of his new bed. The instant he fell on top of the bed, he knocked out. Lucca just slept on the bed with a smile on his face.
The next day came as Lucca got up quickly and changed his clothes. Taking his uniform from the Spatial Storage, he quickly washed up and went straight to the balcony. Casting Flying Magic and a Speed Enhancement spell, Lucca rocketed through the air at a fast speed. The sight of the school came to Lucca in a matter of seconds as he made sure to land him self down on one of the schools balconies. He quickly made way to his school adviser to get his classes arranged. Once he got there, he was quickly pulled aside as his classes flew into his hands. Apparently Yanicho selected his classes from beforehand so Lucca had no problems with them.
His Classes:
Advance Terraolgy IV
Advance PyroAquanics IV
History of Space Magic and Findings X
Advance Beastology and Summoning IV
Storm and Destruction Magic Study X
Advance Magical and Combat Skills X
Advance Beastology and Summoning IV was the first class Lucca had in the morning. After that was Advance Terraolgy, PyroAquanic, and History of Space Magic and Findings. The afternoon classes were Storm and Destruction Magic Study X and Advance Magical and Combat Skills. Lucca guessed that the number next to the class was a way to show what part of the year the class was under. Memorizing his list in a matter of seconds, he went straight to his first class.
Lucca opened the door of his first class and was greeted with the roar of a giant Magical Beast. It shook the glass windows as his clothes fluttered like a wind was trying to pull them away. He stared at the beast that was next to a man that looked like he could not win in a fight if he tried to. His glasses where large with his untidy hair falling on top of them. He had a lab coat to wear including a striped suit right underneath it. This man must have been the professor Lucca thought. The beast next to him happened to be a Galioth. It was a red Magical Beast that stood on two feet with hands that where the size of chairs and huge tusk around its mouth. It was around fifteen feet tall as it loomed over the man as snot fell from the Galioth's snout and landed right on his back but the man didn't notice.
"That is what a Galioth's cry sounds like. It shatters the will of any other Magical Beast, Animal, or Demon that is weaker than them. This allows the Galioth to snatch down their pray with their giant hands and crush their skulls."
Lucca took a look at the students on the opposite end of the classroom. The reactions of the students was half and half. One half was either bored or just took notes like it was a normal class. The other half was terrified out of their skin. Some were hiding under their books while others just sat still as if petrified. The Professor stopped his lecture and turned to Lucca as to seem to notice him before he started to give his lecture.
"Ah you must be the transfer student the Headmaster told me so about. You're name is Lucca right?"
"Ah. Yes."-Lucca
Hearing Lucca's name made the entire class start to murmur amongst each other. The man coughed loudly to quiet down the students.
"Okay then you need to come with me. We have a few things to get done this morning. The rest of the class will do self study. The Galioth will go around the class room so please study it."
Now the half that was bored or taking the class like normal seemed to panic while the other half that was scared before seemed confused by the reactions of the first half. The Professor just walked passed Lucca as he told him to close the door and follow him which he did. Screams could be heard from that door as Lucca walked away. Leading Lucca three hallways down and into the first room on the right, Lucca found him self in the summoning room.
"This ro-"
"This room is used to summon Magical Beast so people with Summoning magic can summon them later."-Lucca
"Ohohoh. You know your stuff. Then do you know the process of the summoning?"
"Great then, we can just get started without delay."
The Professor made the finishing touches to the magic formation in the middle of the room. Candles circled around the formation as a small offering of animal meat was placed in the middle of the formation. Lucca walked in front of the magic formation while the Professor stood ten feet away from him. Lucca started to chant. All though he could just cast the magic because of his pendant, Yanicho forbid him from using it in the school unless told so. So he had to settle for chanting.
"From the world filled with nature. Magical Beast that rule the land. Come now and be summoned! Summoning Magic!"-Lucca
A giant flash of light engulfed the room as the blinding light felt like it could burn the soul of a mere mortal he they continued to stare at it. After a few seconds of the light shining from the magic formation, both the Professor and Lucca stopped covering their eyes. In front of them was Little Yui.
"Lucca? Lucca!!!"-Yui
Screaming, Little Yui flew towards Lucca as it hugged Lucca's face. Little Yui was crying as it clung.
"Lucca! Lucca!! Yui missed you! Yui was sad you two left! Waaaaaaaaah!!!"-Yui
The Magical Beast that Lucca managed to summon was Little Yui. Now Little Yui was crying nonstop while Lucca gave a confused expression on whats happening as he tried to comfort Yui the best way he can.
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