《Claimed by the Gods》Talent Not to Waste Chapter 3 [Re-edited]
Chapter 3
Okay! Before I talk about anything that was added to this chapter I have something to say to boy new and old readers.
Now don't be worried. This mature content won't appear 999,999 times out of 1,000,000 which means its never really going to appear a lot. It just short gags to laugh at due to the irony of the plot. Of course there is going to be some mature content that won't be gags and will be fully explained before the mature content.
Okay with that aside! Enjoy the remake of this chapter! I added things that the old users will familiarize themselves with plus things that the new readers can enjoy. Like always Comment,Give advice, and Ask questions. Thank you for reading~
Time flowed back again in the mortal world as the black card in Lucca's hand started to glow with a blue light. Slowly it started to shake before it finally stopped and got quiet.
"That was weird..."-Lucca
"That's the new future of the new ID cards. Instead of the imprint of skills, it now uses a new magic that sets up a small window to the person it's assigned too. Try saying 'Open ID'"-Vilatina
"Open ID."-Lucca
A blue tinted window appeared in front of his face making Lucca fall back on his chair in surprise. The nun ran towards Lucca to make sure he was okay. Seeing Lucca was fine, she giggled has Lucca rubbed his head in embarrassment. Taking the chair and siting down on it again, Lucca checked out his ID card.
Name: Lucca N. Villion
Age: Fifteen
Magic Power: 400000
Attack Power: 0
Elemental Aptitude: All Elements
Magic Skills:
Translation Magic: Advance
Blessing Magic: Intermediate
Space Magic: Intermediate
Summoning Magic:Advance
Healing Magic:Beginner
Terra Magic:Beginner
Ice Magic:Intermediate
Energy Magic:Advance
Destruction Magic:Intermediate
Body Enhancements:
Pain Resistance:Beginner
Poison Resistance:Intermediate
Sleep Resistance:Advance
Hunger Resistance:Intermediate
Cold Resistance: Advance
Heat Resistance:Advance
Mana Absorption:Beginner
Mana Regeneration:Intermediate
Intelegence Enhancement:Advance
The Goddess of Nature, Reinia
Blessing: Nature will treat this kind soul with kindness and as if part of it's family.
Skill: Natures Bounty
Nature will always be on the side of this mortal.
The Goddess of Arts, Faien
Blessing: Future achievements in art will make the history of the land change with thy mortals art.
Skill: Art of the Ages
Art will out shine others.
The Goddess of Magical Beast, Quino
Blessing: All Magical Beast will fall down to thy mortal and crown him King.
Skill: Beast King
All Magical Beast will obey this mortal but the mortal must first prove themselves to the beast.
The Goddess of War, Nepholia
Blessing: Thy mortal will never fall in battle but doesn't mean they can't lose.
Skill: Unwilling Warrior
This Warrior will never fall in battle no matter the circumstances.
The Goddess of Knowledge, Yveiana
Blessing: All Knowledge will flow into thy mortals mind if they are willing to learn.
Skill: Scholar by Heart
Knowledge will be easy to understand and memorized right away.
The Goddess of Love and Desire, Vilatina
Blessing: Thy Mortal will forever get love and desire from every turn.
Skill: Guidance of the Love Goddess
Love will always be coming down on this Mortal.
The Goddess of Death, Ulkina
Blessing: Thy Mortal will never die to any cause except battle or poison.
Skill: Undying Mortal
This mortal can not die except by battle or poison.
Reading it over and over again. Lucca didn't know what these things meant besides the fact he had magic. That part made him excited but he was confused by the body enhancements and skills part of his ID. The nun noticed that Lucca had finished reading his ID.
"You can show others your ID by saying 'Show ID'. Please be careful not to show others your ID with care. You can say 'ID Close' if you are done viewing it."-Vilatina
Lucca slowly gave last glance at his ID before he said 'ID Close' . The magic window shrank in size as it disappeared from sight.
"Seems like everything is in order? Then please keep your ID card on you at all times. That's the only way for the ID window to appear. Now please follow me."-Vilatina
Lucca put away the card and followed the nun. They went back down the stairs and to the front entrance of the church. Taking a bow, the nun returned back to her duties. Lucca took one last look before leaving the church.
"So you got your ID?"-Noel
Lucca waved the Black ID in front of Noel but Noel shouted at Lucca.
"You fool! Don't wave that around in public! Wait till we're back at the guild!"-Noel
"O-Oh! Sorry Master!"-Lucca
"I swear, young people these days. Come on!"-Noel
Noel turned around and walked back to the guild. Lucca followed suit. Once they got back to the guild, both Noel and Lucca were seated in the only sleeping quarters of the guild. It wasn't big but it was enough to hold a small couch with a small table, a twin sized bed, and a medium sized desk with a chair. Noel got a pot of tea ready and a few biscuits from the storage from next door. Mountains of books and papers scattered around the room.
"I rarely get visitors so sorry for the mess sonny."-Noel
Pouring a glass of tea for Lucca, He handed he cup to him before finally settling down.
"So. Show me your ID card then we can talk."-Noel
"Yes Master! Open ID!"-Lucca
The ID Screen popped open.
"Show ID!"-Lucca
The ID screen turned around and flashed white. Noel was surprised by the sudden appearance of the window.
"Ohohoh. So this is the new ID card. I heard a colleague of mine brag about this invention but now I see why."-Noel
"Your Colleague?"-Lucca
"Yes. Apparently the new ID cards where made with the fusion of Space Magic and a new magic called Barrier Magic."-Noel
"Barrier Magic?"-Lucca
"It's a magic that allows the users to put up magical shields. I say it's a new magic but it's one of the scions magic."-Noel
"What is the Scions Magic?"-Lucca
"The Scions where beings from our ancestors that excelled at everything. But one day they angered the gods, bringing down the end of their civilization. To these days there are small ruins and scripts left behind by the Scions. The Scions Magic is ancient magic."-Noel
"Yes it's amazing. But enough about the past, let me check your ID card and talk about the fu- WHAT IS THIS?!"-Noel
Noel shouted in surprise as he stared at Lucca's ID card. Lucca stared at his master in bewilderment.
"Whats wrong master?"-Lucca
"Pain... Advance.. Magic Aptitude.. All Elements... Magic power four hundred thousand?!"-Noel
"Whats the problem master?"-Lucca
Worried, Lucca stared at his master in fear. Noel eyes bulged while reading more of his ID card. Noel didn't even want to go down more to see the rest.
"My boy? Is there a problem? There is no problem!"-Noel
"Oh... then what is it master?"-Lucca
"Your Magic Power is four hundred thousand! Though your Attack Power is zero, your Magic Ability is to immense!"-Noel
"Is that a good thing...?"-Lucca
"Is that a good thing? Of course that is a good thing! It's amazing! And all so your Magical Aptitude is All Elements which means you can learn any magic! And your body enhancements! Oh my dear Yveiana!!!"-Noel
Lucca didn't understand his masters reaction but he smiled knowing that it was amazing.
"My boy! You're to amazing! Even I can't teach you anything that will be worth your time!"-Noel
"But Master! I want to learn from you! I want to join the scholars guild!"-Lucca
'' I can help you join the scholars guild but I can't teach you. No my boy! You need a better teacher!"-Noel
Noel got up from his chair and rushed towards his desk. He rummaged through many papers and books atop of the desk and also scavenged through the drawers.
"Ah huh!"-Noel
Taking a piece of paper, Noel got a blank parchment. Taking a pen and ink, He quickly wrote down on the blank parchment.
"What are you doing master?"-Lucca
"I am writing a letter my boy. An old friend of mine owes me a favor. So I am writing to him. Here fill this out."-Noel
Noel handed him a paper which seemed to be a contract of some kind. He threw a bottle of ink and pen to him too. Lucca stared at these items in bewilderment. He decided since his master had his back turned that he would pretend to sign it and put it to the side.
"What are you writing to him about?"-Lucca
"About letting you into the number one prestiges magical combat skilled school in the kingdom my boy! I can't teach you but the teachers there will make use of your skills and allow you to achieve your potential! By the way did you sign it?"-Noel
"Yes master I signed it. So what about my potential?"-Lucca
Noel turned around and gripped Lucca's shoulders.
"My boy you have immense potential! At that school, you will learn beyond what I can teach you. All the most influential Scholars come from that school my boy!"-Noel
Noel took the letter and closed it with wax. Taking the letter, Noel went to a magic formation on the ground and dropped the letter on top.
"By the sun of the gods, carry thy note to the end of the worlds. Teleportation Magic!"-Noel
The magic formation shine brightly as the letter disappeared in sight.
"Tomorrow my boy you will go to the academy of Zelphon!"-Noel
Noel stared at the boy with sparkling eyes. Noel knew this boy had a future. A future that he wanted to witness him self.
"Tomorrow Master?"-Lucca
"Yes my boy. I'm going to teleport you from here tomorrow to the academy. By then the letter should have gotten through. I also have a question for you boy."-Noel
Noel sat down in front of Lucca and gave him the stare.
"Yes Master?"-Lucca
"Where are you from my boy? Though I know you might be hiding this because it's important to you. I want to know before I send you to the Academy."-Noel
Lucca was stunned by this question. What could Lucca say to Noel. He couldn't exactly tell him where he came from.
"I...huh... Come from a village in the country..."-Lucca
"Mmm. Which one?"-Noel
"Oh you know...That one village..."-Lucca
"My boy are you lying to this old man?"-Noel
"No! Of course not Master!"-Lucca
"Then where did you come from boy?"-Noel
Lucca went silent has his mind blazed with thoughts. Could he trust his Master with where he came from? Was it safe? On the way to the town, Lucca was often told not to tell where he came from because it would not be safe. Grandpa Ten could not stress this enough on their trip through the forest. So Lucca bit his lip.
"Well there is two ways we can do this my boy. Either you tell me the truth or I lock your movements with magic and use a truth serum on you."-Noel
"Truth serum...?"-Lucca
"Yes, it's a medicine that heals the person with their emotional damage. Of course it also spills everything from a person for a period of time."-Noel
Lucca shivered.
"So you want to tell me?"-Noel
"Ugh... Guess I can't hide it from you Master..."-Lucca
So Lucca told Noel his story. From when he was a newborn abandon in the middle of the forest of Deruma to growing up with Mother B. He told Noel that he spent time with his family which he learned many things from.
"Learn? How did you learn?"-Noel
"Oh. Mother B had many books in her collection. She would always say things like 'You need to learn!' and 'My child is so smart!' So I was always pursed into learning."-Lucca
"Wait did you just say she talks...?"-Noel
"Yes? Is that not normal?"-Lucca
"Is Mother B a Magical Beast?"-Noel
"Yeah? She said she was a Grand Bear."-Lucca
"Huh I see... a Magical Beast talking... Wait... That's not normal!"-Noel
Noel shouted a Lucca which startled him.
"Magical Beast don't talk my boy!"-Noel
"But she did! And so did my family members!"-Lucca
Noel took his hand and pinched the top of his forehead thinking calmly.
"Okay say what you said was true. Do you know that it is not normal to talk to Magical Beast?"-Noel
"I think Mother B said that once..."-Lucca
"First of all Magical Beast don't have the intelligence to even speak human language in the first place. All so all Magical Beast only communicate by animal cries... or... You speak those cries right back with out noticing."-Noel
"What do you mean by that master?"-Lucca
"Lucca my boy, since you can speak to Magical Beast like it's normal. The chances of that being true are slim to none. But if they where, then that means you speak in animal tongue. That means you can speak to other Magical Beast in the world."-Noel
"I can speak to others...? Like I can do with my family members?"-Lucca
"Mmm yes my boy! Well knowing where you coming from, it resolves my suspicion."-Noel
Lucca was taken back by these words.
"You where suspecting me? How did you know I was never from a village or town?"-Lucca
"Because the way you talked my boy. You where to much reserved for an adventure and lack knowledge over simple common things. Also you didn't have an ID card and claimed to lose it. And finally, the fact that couldn't understand any major city or village I spoke once to you about in our past conversations. It lead me to believe that you come from somewhere that you where lying about."-Noel
"So I basically gave it away..."-Lucca
"Yes you did my boy!"-Noel
Noel laughed while Lucca rubbed the back of his head. Noel took the nearest cup and filled it again with tea.
"So do you have a place to stay my boy?"-Noel
"To stay?"-Lucca
"You have to wait till tomorrow for the teleport to the academy. You have to stay somewhere tonight. Unfortunately I have no room here in the Guild. All the spare rooms are piled in books."-Noel
"Well... The girl who guided me here told me she had a Inn. I think I remember where it is."-Lucca
"I see my boy. Do you have any money on you?"-Noel
"Yes I have a bit from what my family gave me."-Lucca
"Okay I see, then go there for the night. Make sure to to be safe. I suspect to see you here tomorrow early morning ready to go!"-Noel
"Yes master!"-Lucca
Taking one last bow, Lucca left Noel and was on his way to the Inn. Reaching the inn, Lucca heard laughter and voices from the Inn windows. Taking a peek slightly through the door he could see many people drinking and eating away. It looked like a peaceful place.
"Lucca? What are you doing there, come on in!"
Lucca couldn't react as a unknown force pulled his arm into the inn, dragging him along the way.
"Mom! We got a customer!"-Rise
The one who pulled Lucca's arm was Rise. She turned around and smiled at him.
"I knew you where going to come back. I had prepped a room just for you!"-Rise
"Oh? T..Thanks."-Lucca
Embarrassed, Lucca rubbed the back of his head as he stared down at the ground. Rise giggled has she dragged him to the counter.
"Well what do we have here? Did Rise bring a friend?"
"No Mom! Lucca will be staying here tonight!"-Rise
"Oh I see. Then now Lucca, how many nights are you staying?"
"J..Just tonight."-Lucca
"Okay then that will be four silver coins and a copper. Also having a meal added will be two copper coins on top. And if you want more items you have to pay for those separate."
Rise's mother winked at Lucca. She looked just like Rise but older. Of course she was way more beautiful too.Taking out the money, He gave her four silver coins and three coppers.
"Righty then. Here is your room key. And remember to keep your belongings in the OmniChest. Once you give the command word to it, it won't open to anyone but your command word. Also dinner is already being served, so once you are ready to eat then just come down here."
"Yes ma'am!"-Lucca
"Let me lead you to your room!"-Rise
Rise took Lucca's hand and ran up the inn's stairs.
"This is your room! Like I said, I saved it just for you so you better be glad!"-Rise
"Yes! Thank you so much Rise."-Rise
Rise puffed out her chest in pride as she opened the door to the room and pushed him in.
"I have to get back to work or mother will kill me! When you're ready come on down."-Rise
With that Rise left Lucca to his room. Lucca stared at the room. He went over to what seemed to be the OmniChest and put his belongings into it. Once he closed the lid, he said 'Close'. The OmniChest grew teeth and closed tight. Shocked by this, Lucca jumped back a few feet. Testing out the chest, it seems the chest won't open with out the command word. Remembering words of supper, Lucca made his way down the stairs and into the bar.
"Lucca! Come over and sit with me and Papa!"
"Lucca my boy! Good to see you, come come!"
Warning, this part of the chapter gets out of hand and the reader must be aware that they must be 18+ to read this part of the chapter. You have been warned.
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Lucca smiled and made his way to the bar. Rise and her dad were seated at the bar counter. Lucca joined the two from were they were sitting and Borick welcomed him.
"So Lucca I heard you joined the Scholars guild? Hows that going for you?"
"Good. Master is interesting with what he says."
Rise gave Lucca a dirty stare once she heard him call Noel 'Master'. Borick just laughed and patted Lucca on the back.
"So you want to become a magician huh? Even though I saw some talent in you to become a warrior."
"N-No it's not like I don't want to become a warrior! I just want to learn magic first."
"Well that's going to be hard Lucca my boy because once a person starts gaining either Attack Power or Magical Power, it's harder to raise the other one."
"So you mean I can't become a warrior...?"
Borick slapped Lucca on the back which bad him flinch while Borick laughed with vigor.
"I never said you couldn't become a warrior Lucca. I just meant the chances of you becoming a magician were better than you becoming a warrior."
"Oh I see..."
"But enough with the small talk let's eat! Honey get me and Lucca the house special and Rise can get anything she wants!"
"You got it dear!"
Cooking away from behind the bar, Rise's mother prepared the food of all three people and handed to them quickly.
"Rise's mother makes the best pork cutlet that you wouldn't believe! It's so savory that the meat melts in your mouth and it goes well with wine!"
Chomping down on a piece of the house special, Luccas face shined with pleasure as he enjoyed the taste of the pork cutlet. The meat melted off his tongue as the juices exploded in his mouth leaving an immense delicious flavor behind which lasted in his mouth.
"See I told you! But you haven't tried it wine!"
"Dad! You don't even know how old Lucca is!"
"Wine? What does my age have to do with wine?"
Lucca questioned these two people and these people gave Lucca a surprised shock.
"You mean to tell me you don't know what alcohol is kid?"
"No... Should I..?"
The father and daughter looked at each before the decided to give Lucca a lecture on alcohol.
Alcohol in the world of Xeyian was produced by aged fruit from a mana tree. Depending on old the mana tree, the more quality the wine is. How wine is made from this fruit of the mana true is that farmers take the fruit and store it in barrels till the day they are fully ripened. By taking the skins of the fruit off, they grind it down into a liquid. Then they take a branch of a mana tree and pour the sap into the liquid. Stirred up while other things are added to it. After finishing the stirring, they finally put it into a cold space either in the north by storage or use constant ice magic on it for a whole three years. Once the product was done, Wine is created. Depending on the fruit skin that was used during the making of wine was the flavor that it possessed.
"So do you understand Lucca?"
"So that is wine but what does it have to do with my age?"
"Only a certain age can a person be able to drink Lucca my boy. That's why asked me about knowing your age. So how old are you Lucca."
"mmm? Me? I am fifteen."
Borick got up and put his hands on both of Lucca's side. With one single thrust in the air, he tossed Lucca in the air.
Borick's yell shook the entire inn. Every one in the bar cheered as they joined around Borick as he caught Lucca and put him down. Lucca's heart was pounding.
"W-W-What was that for?!"
"Hahaha Sorry Lucca my boy. That just now was tradition. We have a tradition in this town were if a first time drinker shows up we throw them in the air and announce to the whole bar there is a first time drinker. Being able to drink means a first step towards adulthood!"
Every one in the bar cheered except Rina. Rina had her arm one the bar as it supported her head with her palm gently holding it right in the middle of her face. Lucca looked at Rina with curiosity.
"Rina what are you doing?"
"You shouldn't have said you could drink... Now we have to drink as much as them..."
"Why is that so bad? Isn't that a good thing, so we could all a good time."
"You don't understand Lucca! Once you drink to-"
Rise was interrupted by her farther who just shoved a wooden tankard into Lucca's hands. Borick to his tankard and gulped it all down in one sitting. After he was done, he slammed the tankard onto the bar counter and smirked at Lucca. Lucca who was watching Borick the whole time looked down the tankard. The liquid inside, it wasn't clear. It was colored red with hints of murkiness. The smell also smelled like fruit. Taking the tankard, Lucca did the exact same thing as Borick.
Lucca gulped down all the liquid but much slower then Borick and slammed the tankard onto the bar counter as well. He tapped his chest and burped. The entire bar cheered.
"Not bad for a first time drinker. How was the taste?"
"It was delicious! I never had a drink this delicious before!"
"Of course it's delicious! My wife made it."
Lucca turned to look at Rise's mother and she smiled back at him.
"So it was good?"
"It was so delicious! You made this?"
"Indeed I make it. It's homebrewed right behind the inn. I use my secret fruit for the recipe."
"Since you like it so much why not have all you drinks on the house?"
"On the house?"
"Means they will be all free Lucca. You don't have to pay."
"Of course. Since it's your first time drinking, think of it as a present for liking my wine so much."
"Thank you so much ma'am!"
Lucca bowed down to the Rise's mother and she laughed. The rest of the bar cheered when they heard the drinks were on the house.
"Not for you lot! Just for Lucca!"
The rest of the bar booed at Rise's mother. The party of the drinking was just starting.
Three hours later, one after another each person had fallen drunk to the wine. Rise fell drunk after the eighth drink and Rise's mother collapsed after the fourteenth tankard. The only people who were still going strong were Lucca and Borick. Each one of them emptied out forty two tankards and drunk up three kegs. Borick was starting to wobble as he seemed to be having the hiccups. Lucca on the other hand was just find. There was not hint of sway or sickness coming from him. To Lucca, he thought the people who collapsed just fell tired after having a good meal and now Borick was doing the same.
"Hic... You...Hic... Are a good drinker for ... Hic.. your first time Lucca. Did you drink before.. Hic...?"
"No this is my first time drinking Borick."
"Haha..Hic...Haahahaha.. I see! Hic...One more tankard Lucca.. Hic... Best man standing wins... Hic..."
"Okay Borick!"
Taking both of their tankards, Lucca leaned over the bar counter and filled the tankards from the kegs. After the thirtieth drink, Borick couldn't even pour his own drink so Lucca had to pour them. Leaning back to face Borick, Lucca hands Borick is tankard.
"Best...Hic..Man wins! Ready..Hic..Set...Hic...Goooo!"
Lucca took his tankard and gulped it all down in one siting this time way faster then he started and turned back to see Borick. But Borick didn't drink, Borick was knocked out on the floor as his drink was sitting on the bar counter.
"Ahh. He wanted to sleep. Well it would be a waste for the drink not to be drunk."
Taking the tankard that belonged to Borick, Lucca drank that down in mere seconds and slammed the tankard on the bar as he wiped his face.
"Phewaa that always feels good. But really, I wonder why every one choose to sleep here, they have their own rooms."
Wondering why the people in the bar slept where they were, Lucca made his way all the way up to his room.
Today was a long day but I had fun.
Lucca smiled and opened the door to his room. He closed it behind it and walked slowly to the bed before laying down on it. After while he fully fallen asleep. Though Lucca thought every one was sleeping due being tired. They didn't tell him that when you drink to much alcohol get affected by alcohol poisoning which made you drunk. Lucca was the only one in the room with Poison Resistance Intermediate Level so he was able to avoid getting drunk. Needless to say, Lucca was sleeping peaceful tonight.
- In Serial22 Chapters
The Pokemon Ranger
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