《Claimed by the Gods》Talent? Maybe Need Some Skills Chapter 4[Re-edited]
Here is chapter four! Like I promise, I would explain Lucca's ID stats but choose to leave out the blessing part. That will be covered in another chapter. In chapter five, the basics of magic and the understandings of magic will be covered. As always, please comment and give advice~
Getting up before the sun even laid it's hand on the land, Lucca slowly rose from his slumber as he got ready to go to the Scholars Guild. Taking his things from the OmiChest, Lucca rushed out of his room and down the stairs to the bar. Every person that was at the party was still sleeping in the bar. Lucca just shrugged and went to Rise's mother. Take her hand, Lucca placed the room key in it and left the key there. Taking one last look around the place, Lucca bowed before he left.
He ran all the way to the Scholars Guild. Knocking on the door once he arrived there, Noel flung open to greet Lucca.
"You're ready my boy?"-Noel
Noel pulled him inside. Noel already had the teleporter set and ready. All he needed was for Lucca to stand on the circle.
"Lucca go stand on the formation."-Noel
Obeying, Lucca stood on top of the magic formation. Noel handed the boy two items. One was a white letter envelop while the other was a crystal medallion.
"When you get there, show the guards this letter. If they start questioning, show them this medallion."-Noel
"Why do so much for me?"-Lucca
"What do you mean boy?"-Noel
"I mean. The ID to the recommendation to the school and now this. Why are you trying so hard for me?"-Lucca
"Because I have in interest in you boy. Don't fail my interest."-Noel
Lucca understand now. He smiled at his master and bowed.
"Yes Master!"-Lucca
Lucca bowed and Noel raised his hand.
"By the sun of the gods, carry Lucca to the ends of the worlds. Teleportation Magic!"-Noel
The magic formation started to glow as Lucca's body soon disappeared. The last thing before Lucca was fully gone was his smile. Noel sat down in his chair and sighed.
"That boy... I said vague things but he still understood me..."-Noel
Noel smiled.
"Show me my boy. Show me the future you bring. Before this old man has to waste away."-Noel
Lucca felt his surroundings go white has the sight of the guild room vanish from his vision. This feeling felt like the rush you get from jumping off a high place. All he can hear was a constant ringing sound. Closing his eyes, Lucca endured it all. Finally after a few moments passed, the ringing sound ceased to exist. Lucca slowly opened is eyes but in front of him was nothing but blackness. Confused by this Lucca tried to move. He walked forward a few steps till he finally hit a wall.
"Oy! Who let a person teleport!"
A voice shouted off in a distance. Lucca tried his best to follow that voice but hit another hard wall making a thud.
"Hey kid you okay? Hold on we will get you help."
"I swear! Who lets a small kid like this teleport!"
The voices started to get more wild has they felt like they where close to Lucca. Lucca confused finally couldn't stand the pressure of his head. He took one step before knocking out on spot.
"Who is this person?"
There was two guards in the room that Lucca collapsed in. Professor Felia was making her way to the portal to send a letter. She came upon a sight of two guards holding a knocked out person.
"What happened to this person?"-Felia
"Ma'am! This person just game out of the magic formation!"
"He came out of the magic formation??"-Felia
In shock, Felia stared down at the person. There was hint of sweat and drain of color in the face. Using magic, she lifted Lucca in the air as if carrying him.
"I will take this person to the medical ward."-Felia
'But ma'am... we don't know if he is dangerous..."
"I am taking this boy to the medical ward."-Felia
Felia's face darkened as she stared down the guard. Both of the guards shivered in fear.
"Yes ma'am!"
"Good. Now take this letter of mine to be teleported to the place on the front."-Felia
"Yes ma'am!"
Grinning, Felia gave the letter to the guards and left them with Lucca. She slowly headed towards the medical ward.
Lucca couldn't feel anything. He knew he was dreaming but he couldn't tell what was happening. A soft voice spoke into his ear.
"One day. I shall claim you."
He couldn't understand these words.
Claim him? Claim what?
Then another voice whispered in his other ear.
"You mortal sown the seeds."
Mortal? Seeds?
"Change history. Because that is what you do."
Lucca heard another voice.
History... That's what I do?
Lucca tried to understand those words
"My king. You the ruler."
This is the forth voice? What are they saying!
Lucca was confused. Then finally all the voices said the same thing.
""You're blessed. You're my husband.""
At those words, Lucca's eyes flashed open. Bright light invaded his eyes has he stared at the ceiling of an unknown room.
"Where am I...?"-Lucca
"Oh look. The little rabbit is awake."
"Little... Rabbit?"-Lucca
Lucca turned to his side from where he was laying and looked for the source of the voice. There popped a face off a little girl. Surprised, Lucca let out a yelp and swayed backwards. This made him fall of the bed.
"That's rude to do to a lady."
The little girl puffed her cheeks and pouted. Lucca stared that the little girl with uncertainty.
"You shouldn't stare at a lady like that!"
This little girl was very cutesy in a manner of speaking. With her light blue hair put into pigtails, her small body was covered in one big robe that went down to her ankles. The sleeves where to long for her and her hat was covering her entire head. Her face shaped like a dolls. She chanted a few words and used magic to lift up Lucca to his feet.
"Come on now, we don't have all day. The headmaster is waiting for us."
"Hurry up!"
The girl shouted. Lucca didn't take a second to lag behind and followed the little girl. They walked passed corridor to corridor till finally coming upon two massive oak doors. Each of the doors where designed with a certain pattern. The little girl opened the door with ease and ushered Lucca in side.
"Wait for the headmaster, he will be out shortly."
With the the little girl closed the door shut behind him, leaving Lucca alone. Lucca sighed. He honestly didn't know what was happening. He looked around the room. There was books and scrolls all over the floor. Paintings of many things layered the walls. Book self after book self fill with books every where. Only on simple wooden desk stood in the middle of the room with papers and letters scattered about.
"This place reminds me of masters place..."-Lucca
Lucca continued to examine the room till he eyes finally fallen upon a small stone. It was the size of his finger but it laid on top of the desk. Intrigued, Lucca walked to the desk and picked up the small stone. It was shining faintly with a small light.
"Oh? It seems a little rabbit came in."
Lucca turned around in surprise. There stood a man in his middle ages. His beard was not immense like his masters but it was grand to be called a man. The man stood around six feet tall as his hair was blonde. He was tough burly looking man. The fellow had a softly look to his eyes has he spread a smile to Lucca.
"Interested in that stone?"
Forgetting that he was holding the stone, Lucca put the stone back down on the desk quickly.
"I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch it!"-Lucca
"It's okay child. No need to fret."
The man walked towards Lucca and the desk. He picked up the stone and given it back to him.
"This stone was used to communicate with the gods. Though that was a rumor. Some to this day will pay much money for it though. In the end it was just a useless stone. You can keep it."
"But sir! If it's so im-"-Lucca
Suddenly the door to the room flew open with a bang as the little girl barged in.
"Sorry. The Headmaster can't be found. No one has seen- Headmaster!?"
"Oh Felia. Nice for you to drop by."-Headmaster
"Headmaster! You where here the whole time??"-Felia
"I just got here my self Felia. And I take it this is the boy that came in through the portal?"-Headmaster
"Yes sir. He came in this morning."-Felia
"Splendid! Then I will take care of him now."-Headmaster
"As you wish sir."-Felia
Felia bowed before she left. Lucca was dumb folded as he stared at the Headmaster.
"Come my child sit. We have much to discuss"-Headmaster
The Headmaster pointed to the chair that was placed in front of the desk.
"Yes sir!"-Felia
Lucca sat down obediently. The Headmaster took his seat at his desk and fumbled through some papers.
"So Lucca. Do you know who I am?"-Headmaster
"The Headmaster?"-Lucca
"Do you know what a Headmaster is?"-Headmaster
"Someone who runs a school or runs a clan?"-Lucca
"Correct and not correct. Though I do run this school, I don't own it. So I merely just a housekeeper"-Headmaster
"A housekeeper?"-Lucca
"Yes I am running this school till one day the owner comes back for it."-Headmaster
"I see."-Lucca
"Sorry I didn't mean to test your knowledge. I was informed by Noel that you came from the forest of Deruma. It seems your intelligence doesn't seem to be affected."-Headmaster
The Headmaster laughed as he finally took out a piece of paper.
"So I was told by Noel that I should read your ID card. Usually to enter this academy, you have to go through a trail. But since Noel asked for a favor, I will personally admit you to the academy. I just need you to do a few things."-Headmaster
"And what would those few things be?"-Lucca
"I need you to record your ID card for future documents and a signature for your entry to this academy."-Headmaster
"I see sir."-Lucca
Taking out a blank parchment, the Headmaster grabbed a stone talisman from his drawer and placed it on the top of the parchment.
"Put your ID card on the black parchment."-Headmaster
Lucca did so. The headmaster placed his hand on the ID card and the other on the opposite side of the talisman.
"Yve and Ori. Guide the words of thy soul to the pages of truth."-Headmaster
The talisman shined in a glowing light. Words started to appear on the blank parchment. When it was finished. The Headmaster gave back Lucca's ID card and examined the parchment.
"Well it is just like Noel said. Magic Power is four hundred thousand. Though it's pretty weird to have zero attack power."-Headmaster
"How is it weird?"-Lucca
"Well most humans have at least fifty attack power. Enough to survive. Anything more then that is just talent and hard work. For Magic Power, most humans have an average of hundred points."-Headmaster
"So why is mine so high?"-Lucca
"I don't know but in ranges of Magic Power, four hundred thousand out scales them all. Magic power has ranks that when a person reaches a certain number attains. The first rank is for normal every day mages that use magic for every day things. That is around hundred Magic Power. At five hundred Magic Power, that person would be considered a magic adventure. Going on, at one thousand Magic power the person attains the rank of magic professor. Finally the final rank that can be achieved to knowledge is at fifty thousand Magic Power. Those that attain that rank are employed by kings of kingdoms and serve as a court mage. Your power out scales theirs by eight times..."-Head master
Lucca was shocked by this. Doesn't that mean he was achieved a rank that no one has attained before.
"Though we don't know your talent in magic. Learning magic and keeping it going would be easy for you since you have so much Magical Power. Keeping it under control might be a different issue."-Headmaster
'Keeping it under control..?"-Lucca
"If you use to much magic you will explode with magical energy and die."-Headmaster
Lucca gulped hard when he heard this. If he used to much magical energy he would die. He had to be careful about this.
"But you will never run out of magic power. With your Mana Regeneration and Mana Absorption being so high, there should really be no problems with you running out. But that doesn't mean you can just use magic with our reserve. Like I said before, you might explode with magical energy if you do not control it."-Headmaster
"What do you mean by it being high?"-Lucca
"Well both of those enhancements are either at or past the intermediate level."-Headmaster
"Intermediate level?"-Lucca
The Headmaster started to explain skills and it's levels. When each time a person trains and endures certain agreements for skills, they will attain them. All skills start at beginner level. But there are some cases where some skills can be blessed by the gods.
The levels start from beginner, intermediate, and advance. Each level defines how hard it is to attain.
Each time a skill attains a new level, that skill's ability and power will increase. Once a skill reaches advance level, that skill has reached it's max potential and brings out it's full power.
"Most people don't reach advance level until they are in their later years of life or about to die. Mostly masters will have this type of skill level."-Headmaster
"I see..."-Lucca
Lucca understood but he was dumbfolded. He was so amazing up till now. Lucca always thought he was weak and couldn't do anything. But with magic, maybe he could be something. Something that could make him proud. The Headmaster examined the ID some more and put it away from view. Though the blessing part of the ID was shown on the parchment, he didn't want to reveal this to Lucca. He didn't feel like it was necessary to bring up. But still he was surprised that such a boy can be blessed by many gods. The Headmaster now understood why the boy was so amazing.
"Well with this ID, I think your are more than qualified to attend Zelphon Academy!"-Headmaster
Smiling the head master took out one last sheet of paper and placed it in front of Lucca.
"This paper is a contract of you becoming a student here at Zelphon. Signing this means you are part of the academy itself and abide by the rules."-Headmaster
The headmaster handed a pen and ink to Lucca.
"Sign at the bottom and we are good to go."-Headmaster
Lucca stared at the pen but he did not move. He started to slowly sweat has he looked away.
"Whats the matter my son? Don't want to sign?"-Headmaster
"It's not that I don't want to sign sir. It's just..."-Lucca
"Just what?"-Headmaster
"I...I can't.."-Lucca
"You can't what?"-Headmaster
"I can't write."-Lucca
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