《Claimed by the Gods》Blessing of New Goddess Chapter 2[Re-edited]
Okay Chapter Two! This one was fun to rewrite to be honest. For those readers who have read this chapter before well now you're going to enjoy it a little more. For new readers , I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did. Like always Comment, Give advice, and Ask questions~ I hope you enjoy reading the chapter and thank you for reading~!
The sun crept through the window as the rays shined down on the many bookshelves. Hints of candle wax stained the air as the dust crept all over the tables The books for the shelves layered the floor like giant pile of mess. Walking forward, Lucca took a deep breath in. This area reminded him of home. The den that his mother kept with all her books. This place brought peace to Lucca. He closed his eyes as he remembered that times he shared with his mother as she read books to him as a child. He smiled as a small tear seeped out of his right eye.
Out of nowhere, a loud bang came from behind Lucca. Turning around in shock, Lucca found a pile of books that fell from an knocked over bookshelf. Lucca stared at the pile as it started to groan. Lucca walked towards the pile and lifted up a book from the pile only to reveal the face of an very old man. His face was covered entirely by a white beard as his eye brows were thick with white air. There was barely any hair on the top of his head but the sides resisted the side effects of old age. This old man was stuck under a pile of books.
"So Sonny... Can you do an old man a favor and pull him out?"
Lucca smiling awkwardly while he picked books off the pile till he was able to pull the old man out of the pile. The old man was actually quite small so that could be the reason why the pressure from the pile of books made him unable to move. Getting up and dusting him self off, he turned around and got a good look at Lucca.
"I have to thank you Sonny, If you didn't help this old man then I would have died because I couldn't move. So what are you doing here sonny?"
"Ahh I just came here to check the guild."-Lucca
Lucca just stared at the little old man. But the little old man just smiled back at Lucca as he started to pick up the books.
"I don't get many visitors. Every one in this god forsaken town thinks I am crazy."
Lucca continued to stare but came back to his senses so he started to helping by picking up the books too
"Thanks sonny. This old man can't work like he used too."
After some time passed, all the books where picked up and the self was back in its place. Finally done, the little old man took the nearest chair and sat down. He all so beckoned Lucca to seat down on the chair next to him. Doing so, Lucca sat down and continued to stare at the little old man.
"So. Why is it you came here sonny? Is there something this old can do for you?"
"Oh. I just wanted to see the Scholars guild."-Lucca
"Oh you wanted to see the Scholars guild huh? Well let this old man tell you about this guild then."
The little old man explained the purpose of the guild and the many wonders and achievements that it brings to this world. He explained that every scholar was made to change the world down to a historical level. He even explained his achievements and this made Lucca's eyes shine.
"Ohohoh so you see the power of the Scholars Guild!"
"Yes yes! It's so wonderful."-Lucca
"Yes indeed the Scholars guild is amazing guild that only a select few can join. In fact the only members in the Scholars guild are members of the court for certain kingdoms. Well excluding me of course."
"Wow! Now I want to join!"-Lucca
"And most people rar- wait. Did you say you want to join?"
"Yes! Master please guide me in the way of the Scholar!"-Lucca
Lucca stared at the little old man with eyes of expectation. The little old man was taken back by Lucca's actions but laughed with vigor.
"Okay my dear boy! Then let this old man see your ID card so we can get started on your entry!"
"Oh... ID Card?"-Lucca
"You don't have an ID Card?"
The little old man was again taken back. Lucca quickly made an excuse.
"I lost it long ago."-Lucca
"Mmm... Then just means we will need to get you a new one."
"A new one?"-Lucca
"Yes the church can reissue a new ID. Of course after the second time, it will start to cost money. How many times have you lost your ID?"
"Just once."-Lucca
"Then you won't have a problem getting the next one free from the church. You know where the church is right?"
"I just came to this town today."-Lucca
"Okay. Then let this old man guide you to the church."
"Ok- Ah!"-Lucca
Lucca remembered Rise was still waiting outside the guild for him. Running outside the guild, Rise was standing next to the door with her arms crossed while pouting.
"Lucca! You made me wait!"-Rise
"Sorry Rise...But I think I will join the Scholars Guild."-Lucca
"Scholars Guild huh... Then I guess you won't need me to guide you anywhere right?"-Rise
"Yes thank you for everything!"-Lucca
Lucca bowed and Rise giggled.
"Don't worry! Just make sure you spend money at my families inn!"-Rise
"Inn? Okay!"-Lucca
"Also Lucca"-Rise
Rise leaned in and whispered in a small voice. She made sure that no one can hear her voice.
"Be careful of that old man okay? If anything happens, you tell me and I will get my dad to arrest that old man."-Rise
"Ah... Okay Rise. Thank you."-Lucca
"Remember to come by the inn you hear!"-Rise
Waving, Rise ran back to the guild why Lucca waved goodbye to her. It felt like he made his first friend which made him happy inside.
"Ohohoh. It must be nice to be young."
Commented the old man. Lucca jumped at his voice.
"What is that supposed to mean master?"-Lucca
" Oh nothing my boy~"
The old man whistled and slowly took his bag.
"Okay my boy lets go!"
"Yes Master!"-Lucca
"Ahh! Silly old me! I never told you my name."
The old man stopped moving and turned around to face Lucca.
"My name is Noel V. Talon. Founder of teleporting arts and the master of Space Magic!"-Noel
"Wow! Space magic!"-Lucca
"Yes Space magic."-Noel
"Whats Space Magic...?"-Lucca
Noel almost slipped while he walked when he heard this.
"Never heard of Space Magic? Have you heard of any other magic?"-Noel
Lucca shok his head. Noel was surprised by this but he calmed down. Noel started to explain the different types of magic to Lucca.
Starting from the most basic forms of elemental magic there are:
Each of these elemental magics branch off in different magic branches.
Under the Fire Elemental:
Inferno Magic
Energy Magic
Under Water Elemental:
Ice Magic
Defense Magic
Under Earth Elemental:
Terra Magic
Gravity Magic
Under Wind Elemental:
Storm Magic
Destruction Magic
Under Light Elemental:
Healing Magic
Blessing Magic
Under Dark Elemental:
Space Magic
Summoning Magic
"Every living being in this world has a affinity with at least one element in this world."-Noel
"But Master, if you knew magic then why are you not part of the Mages Guild?"-Lucca
"Because the Mages Guild is not made to find and study different types of magic but to train mages to harness their power and learn new spells for combat."-Noel
"So a Scholar studies magic?"-Lucca
"Yes! And we find new magic too!"-Noel
"Wow amazing!"-Lucca
Noel proudly smirked as he finally lead Lucca to the church. Noel stopped five feet from the entrance as Lucca continued to proceed towards the doors.
"Okay go in there and ask the nun to for a new ID."-Noel
"You're not coming with me master?"-Lucca
"A ID should only be done with the person themselves or with their family. And besides, this towns church is not very fond of my presence. I can not go with you. But Master will wait out here for you."-Noel
"Okay Master then I will be right back!"-Lucca
Lucca bowed to Noel and entered the building. Noel stroked his beard softly as he chuckled.
"What an interesting child."-Noel
As Lucca entered the building, Lucca looked around the building for a nun but there was nothing but benches and colored windows. This would be the first time he has been to a church. The colors of the windows pictured the many gods of this realm. In awe, Lucca stared at the windows till someone softly called his name. But of course he didn't notice.
"Um.. Sir...Sir...Sir!"
Screamed the nun that was staring at him. Lucca jumped at the sudden shout and looked around till his eyes fallen upon a small nun. This nun was different from other people he met. She had blonde curly hair with emerald blue eyes. Her face was so beautiful, just like a doll but her clothes where also weird to Lucca. But of course the one thing that popped out to Lucca was her body. He could see valleys that conquered the earth. If Rise was a melon, then this nun was a watermelon. He couldn't keep his eyes off.
"Um.. Sir... May I ask why you're here sir...?"
"Mmh? Oh yes!"-Lucca
Lucca straightened his back and stopped staring at the magnificent watermelons.
"I-I'm here for a new ID"-Lucca
"Ah. Then is this your first time losing your ID?"
"Yes. It's my first time losing my ID."-Lucca
"Okay sir please come this way."
The nun lead Lucca to the back of the church and to a stairway. Up the stairway, the came down a corridor. Leading Lucca further, the nun stopped on the third door to the right. Taking him in, she instructed him to sit down while she got the necessary equipment. After waiting a few moments, the nun came back with a small statue and a black card.
"This is the Goddess of Light, Helion."
Placing the statue in front of Lucca, she showed him the black card.
"This card is your ID. Since the start of this year, the ID card has got an upgrade. Lucky you."
The nun smiled at Lucca and Lucca just rubbed the back of his head.
"Take your hand and place it on the statue. Once you do that, pray to the gods. I will then place the card in your other hand. Your ID will be created once you are done praying."
Doing as the nun told him, Lucca placed his hand on the statue and closed his eyes to pray. His mother told him many humans did this thing could praying to the gods. Though he never done it before in his life. His mother made sure for him to practice the parts just in case he had to go into the world of humans. A flash of light appeared around Lucca as the nun placed the card in his other hand. Time was stopped in the mortal world. Stopping time, the gods started to talk.
"Hey my beautiful ladies, I managed to find an interesting human while I was down in the mortal worlds church"
A beautiful woman who's body was the exact same properties of the nun was siting down on a comfy couch. The only difference was the fact her beauty was hundred times more beautiful which no mere mortal could resist. He hair was the color of roses as her lips and eyes were like passion red.
"Oh what did find now Tina? Something interesting?"
Another goddess that was wearing a long silver robe was seated to the left of the red hair woman. Her face wasn't as beautiful as the red haired woman but her looks could still the very souls of mortals. She was dress refined with her black hair in a bun and her glasses firmly against her face. She had her legs crossed while she sat which revealed little parts of her lower body.
"This mortal wasn't compelled by my looks. Even though he showed a slight interest in my mortal form, he just treated me like a nun. It's been a long time since a mere mortal man treated me like that so I thought it would be interesting if we gave a look into this mortals soul. Maybe it could be something exciting!"
"So that's why you called me over."
"Oh Yve don't be such a downer. You know I love you and I also know you love to research mortal souls."
"Well they do fascinate me."
"Then help me read this human soul!"
"What happened? What happened? Did I miss the party?"
Finally the last woman to appear was a blonde hair woman with eyes that shined golden. Her words didn't appear on her face because it looked like it was stuck in a maniac type grin. All around her clothes which where shredded was blood. Even though with the grin and the blood, she was still a beauty to behold as if a insane artist painted his lover's beauty.
"Nephy you are always so late."
"Sorry, there was a war in the some remote place in the mortals world that was full of chaos. I couldn't keep my self away from it."
"God you and your wars are always unladylike."
The red headed woman shuddered in disgust while the woman called Nephy just shrugged.
"So what did I miss? Did I miss anything?"
"Tina was just telling us how she found an interesting mortal and wanted to show us."
"An interesting mortal? Who is it Tina?"
"Change your clothes and wash your face of the grin before you get close to me?! Ugh it's unladylike !!"
Pushing the blonde woman with a force that could seen away from the red haired woman, the blonde woman pouted and then changed her clothes.
These three woman currently sitting down on these three couches were goddess. The red hair woman was the goddesses of Love and Desire, Vilatina. The one on the left of her was the goddesses of Knowledge, Yveiana. And finally, the blonde woman with the blood covered clothes who is now wearing a small tracksuit that barely could cover her body was the goddesses of War, Nepholia.
These three goddesses always got to together whenever they got bored or if they found something interesting. Right now what interested the gods was Lucca.
"Did you change Nephy?"-Vilatina
"Yes! Now can we please talk about this mortal you found?"-Nepholia
"Okay fine."-Vilatina
So Vilatina explained her story to Nepholia. She told her how she fond this mortal that wasn't effected by her charm and treated her normal. She wanted to know what as inside this mortals soul.
"I get the jest of it. So you want Yveiana to read his soul."-Nepholia
"Exactly. Yveiana darling?"-Vilatina
"I already was reading it when you explained everything to Nephy."-Yveiana
"Oh? You work fast Yve. So? What inside the mortals soul?"-Vilatina
"Well... I think I can see one... two. three..... four... marks...."-Yveiana
"Wait did you just say four marks?!"-Nepholia
Nepholia jumped from her chair as Vilatina gasped in surprise to Yvieana's words.
"Why does a mortal of fours marks? At most, the amount a mortal that has ever received more than one blessing from a god only amounted to two!"-Nepholia
"Do you think that I will tell a lie Nephy?"-Yveiana
"Of course not Yve but still why would so many gods give their mark to just one puny mortal?"-Nepholia
Vilatina pondered soflty as Nepholia ranted by putting a one her small thin fingers upon mouth. With an expression going 'Ah' she turned to Yveiana.
"Yveiana you can't read who marked the soul of the mortal right?"-Vilatina
"Well yes, the marks are like stamps while the soul of a mortal is the stamp of book for the gods to place their mark on."-Yveiana
"Then can you read to us who marked this mortal?"-Vilatina
"Sure give me a second... Okay.. It looks like the goddess of Nature, Reina gave her mark to this mortal. Oh also the goddesses of Art, Faien."-Yveiana
"Who else Yve?"-Vilatina
"Hold hold on! These last two are confusing to read... Mmm... The third one is the goddess of Magical Beast, Quino"-Yvieana
"Ugh. That woman as no class!"-Vilatina
"Who care Tina! Yve! Who is the last one."-Nepholia
Yvieana stared at Lucca with a deep stare as her face started to distort into anger. She was starting to get angry she couldn't finger out what the last mark was.
"Wow I never seen Yve struggle so much."-Nepholia
"Nephy shush your mouth please! Trying to concentrate... The last mark is.... The goddesses of Death...Ulkina...?"-Yvieana
""Ulkina?!""-Nepholia & Vilatina
Now this time Vilatina got out of her chair as both of the two goddesses shouted in surprise at Yve.
"But Ulkina never puts her mark on anything living! The only times she puts her mark is when a mortal is about to die or is dead!"-Nepholia
"Calm down Nephy, you're not show class for a woman. Yve, can you tell us when this mortal received the markings?"-Vilatina
"Oh that's easy."-Yvieana
Taking another look, Yvieana took a couple minutes then smiled.
"Quino placed her mark on this mortal a year after he was born. Reina gave the mark around six years old while Faien gave her mark to the mortal when he was eight years old. Ulkina's is the hardest because I haven't seen her mark in a long time. It seems he was give the mark... Wait...? The day he was born?!"-Yvieana
""The day he was born?!"" Nepholia & Vilatina
"Hold on I want to take a look at his soul rank..."-Yvieana
The two of the goddesses waited for Yveiana to finish with their anticipation over the roof. Yveiana's face went from full smile to mid shock then to a puzzled face then back to a mid shock face then finally the her face went into full shock.
"W-W-What is it Yve?"
"Yeah Yve...? What do you see?"
But Yvieana just trembled.
"Come on Yve what is it!"-Nepholia
""L?""-Nepholia & Vilatina
"L-Lengedary... Rank..." -Yveiana
Both Vilatina and Nepholia took their seats as they were paralyzed by the information.
"Tina, what were you doing with this mortal before you came to us?"-Yvieana
"....mmmh? Oh,what I was doing with the mortal? I was giving him his ID card."-Vilatina
"Mmm I see. Then I have a proposal for you two."-Yveiana
Both Vilatina and Nepholia lifted their heads to stare back at Yveiana.
"Whats the proposal Yve?"-Vilatina
"Well since so many goddesses all ready placed their mark on this mortal, why don't we?"-Yveiana
"Are you saying bless this mortal?"-Nepholia
"Indeed Nephy. If we mark this mortal we might see something interesting happen. Also I want to see how this mortal fairs with our blessing."-Yvieana
"Well Yve that does sound interesting. Alright then I am in!"-Vilatina
"Sure if this mortal shows me grand battles then I will bless him."-Nepholia
"Nephy so unladylike!"-Vilatina
While Vilatina gave a digusted look to Nepholia and Nepholia shouted angrily at Vilatina. The two goddesses were still in on the deal. So with the three goddess placing their marks on Lucca, Lucca not only had four marks from goddesses but now had three more making it seven.
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