《Claimed by the Gods》A Step Towards Thy Future Chapter 1 [Re-edited]
Hello readers! To those readers who have read the first chapter, the structure of the chapter is still the same. The chapter is written differently so it didn't feel rushed. Some parts of the story do feel rushed but it still good enough to reread it. To all the new readers, aren't you lucky for getting the better chapter! Like always Comment, Give advice, and ask questions!~ Thank you for reading and enjoy the first chapter of Claimed by the Gods!
The glow of an angel can be seen yards from the Villion manor. Three angels floated in mid air as they cast their stare down at one single mortal. This mortal was the mother of the child that the angels refused to accept.
"Why... Why won't you accept my son?!"
The mother screamed in desperation at the angels but the angels did not flinch or feel moved by those very words.
"Is my son not pure enough?! Why won't you take my son!!"
The mother screamed more but the glow of the angels slowly disappeared and so did the angels themselves leaving the mother crying on the cold hard soil. Off in the distance from the mother was a single basket. Inside the basket was the child of the mother. Unknown to what was happening, this very child was rejected by the angels.
Casting a gaze at the child, the goddess of death loomed over the child and smiled at him.
"Soon... You will be mine to claim. The one I shall claim as my husband."
Touching the child's fore*head, the goddess left her mark. From that day on the child was claimed by the goddess of death.
Fifteen years later
It has been around fifteen years since the day that Lucca was abandon by his mother. As a infant, his mother left him in the middle of the Deruma Forest. It was in the middle of the night with the cold harsh rain pouring down. The infant's cries echoed through the forest as he was noticed by a Magical Beast. A Grand Bear to be exact. The Grand Bear took the infant back to her Den. The bear's name was Mother B and she name the infant Lucca. Mother B raised Lucca with love and care for fifteen years.
Now Lucca was the age of fifteen. He grew to the height of five foot six inches. His dark brown hair reached the bottom of his neck as it slightly curled at the ends. His eyes were the color of green with hints of blue in them. If you were to say how he looked in terms of looks, you would say he looked like a cute boy. His face was slightly baby face but it was mostly mature. The rest of his body wasn't lanky instead it was skinny. This is what Lucca came to look like after all those years.
Lucca was currently reading a book under the great mana tree as his siblings chased each other nearby playing tag. At first his siblings wanted to listen to Lucca read his book out loud but they soon got bored rather quickly and decided to play instead. Lucca wasn't even reading the book to begin with. He had little interest in the book in his hands. He just couldn't put it down because he would never hear the end of it if Mother B she found out.
"Lucca! Lucca! Come play with us!"
"No I have to finish this book or Mother B will get "-Lucca
"But books are boring! I can never understand them..."
"Yeah yeah! So stop reading and play with us!"
"What Jeyja said!"
The small animals exclaimed as they pulled on his clothes. Lucca just sighed and gave in. Putting down his book slowly and looking around the surroundings carefully. He leaned in and whispered softly.
"Okay fine, a small break wouldn't be so bad."-Luccca
Lucca chuckled and the small animals cheered. Out of nowhere, a roar came from the bushes. Lucca knew what this roar belonged to and that made his hair stand on end. It was Mother B.
"Hey! Children! Why are you bothering Lucca when he is studing!!"-Mother B
Mother B came from behind the bushes and stared down the small animals. The small animals panicked at Mother B appearing and ran away in a chaotic manner.
"I swear. If it wasn't for the fact of those children being newborns then they would be working right now."-Mother B
Mother B snorted and walked slowly to Lucca.
"And why haven't you finished the book yet? You been on that book for a couple days now!"-Mother B
Mother B roared at Lucca as Lucca hastily scrambled to get back to reading. Mother B then proceeded to scold Lucca for a full hour before giving up because she noticed her child wasn't listening. Mother B sighed and laid down next the Lucca to keep an eye on him. Mother B for a Magical Beast was very intelligent. Her Species in this world are be able to fight grade C adventures. Though the world has grand bears down as a savage Magical Beast, most Grand Bears are intelligent beings. In fact the reason why so many Grand Bears live to this day is due to their intelligence. From a young age, Mother B taught everything she knew to Lucca but here was a problem that was slowly creeping on Mother B. She just sat there as she stared at the leaves moving slowly by the wind.
"Mother B?"-Lucca
"...mmh?"-Mother B
"Are you feeling okay? You are just staring into space?"-Lucca
"Oh don't worry child. Mother is fine. Just thinking on when to let you go to the town."- Mother B
Lucca flinched at these words. The town. This place was where Lucca's people gathered and lived. Of course he knew this but it didn't mean he wanted to go there. The forest was a home to him for many years and he could hardly part from Mother B and the rest of his family here. Though his mother keeps bring it up, Lucca always finds a way to avoid the topic. So Lucca took his book and shoved it in front of her face as he pointed at a random word.
"Oh Mother B, what does this word mean?"-Lucca
"Mmm? Of this one? This is a word used to defi- Oy. Lucca, you're not trying to distract me right now are you?"-Mother B
"Oh... Whatever do you mean Mother B?"-Lucca
A small drop of sweat fell from Lucca's head as he tries to look away from Mother B but Mother B stares deeply at Lucca.
"Lucca. I know you hate it when I bring up the town but the town is where you a supposed to be in the future. You can't live in the forest anymore."-Mother B
"But why can't I! I grew up here and my family is here plus you're here Mother B!"-Lucca
"My child, the forest is not where you belong. Please listen to mother."-Mother B
"No! I will not go to any town! I will stay with Mother B and everyone!"-Lucca
Lucca exclaimed as he got up and ran away from Mother B. Mother B watched her child leave and sighed deeply with her eyes getting softer. Sooner or later Mother B won't be able to protect Lucca and that thought frightened Mother B. At least if he found good people in the town then maybe her child could be safe. She could only hope that he child will change his mind.
Lucca with his head pounding kept running in the same direction till he reached the river. Exhausted from running, Lucca bends his head down into the river to cool off.
"Mother... I never want to leave you... or the others..."-Lucca
Lucca slowly grumbles as he washed his face in the river. After he was done, he sat crossed legged by the rivers side and just watched the river go by. Memories flooded his mind of the times he went to this exact river with Mother B. He smiled softly when one particular memory came up. This memory was when he was eight years old. Riding the back of Mother B, Lucca was barely awake. It was a usual routine for Mother B to take Lucca to the river and drop him into it so he could wake up. One
day when she took him to the river she never knew that Lucca was in fact awake and not asleep. When Mother B was getting ready to throw Lucca in the river, Lucca got off Mother B in mid turn and pushed her into the river. Lucca could not stop laughing as Mother B yelled at Lucca but then Mother B joined in the laughter. Lucca loved that moment because it was the first time seeing his mother laugh for so long.
As he lost himself in his thoughts, Lucca didn't move from the exact spot for a couple hours. Now the sun was going down and the light around the river was slowly going away. Lucca was suddenly shaken back into reality when he heard a big roar coming from the south. Startled, Lucca turned around and stared back into the forest. That roar sounded like Mother B. But it wasn't her usual roar... It was a cry of pain! Lucca rushed into the forest to the source of the sound in haste till he came upon a sight. In the middle of the clearing was Mother B but she was surrounded by other humans. Mother B was currently limping on her left front paw and was breathing heavily.
By the looks of the ground, Mother B managed to take out four humans but three still stood strong as they prepared their weapons with caution. Mother B roared as she brought a swing down with her left paw towards the human on the left but the human dodged and the one on the right tried to stab at Mother B with his spear. But Mother B saw this and charged at the one in the middle, avoiding the spear and ramming into the human with the daggers. Getting hit by Mother B, the human got flung towards a tree that was nearby and was knocked out. The human with the spear cursed and yelled while charging a mother B with his spear. The other human yelled at the man to stop his attack but was to late has Mother B dodged the spear and chomped down on the mans arm. Taking her jaw, she twirled the man in small circles before slamming him down on the ground, breaking his bones completely. Watching this scene unfold, the last human screamed as she dropped her sword and ran the opposite direction.
Lucca confirmed all of the human where gone when he finally ran to aid Mother B. It was a rule that Mother B placed on Lucca just in case she got into a fight.
"Mother B!"- Lucca
"Oh my child... Thank god you're safe..."
Breathing heavily, Mother B stared at her child with eyes filled with joy. She was grateful for her childs safety. But she knew that she wouldn't last much longer.
"Lucca... Mother doesn't have much time left..."-Mother B
"No mother... You can't go!"- Lucca
"I have no choice my child..."-Mother B
Mother B winced in pain as Lucca started to shed tears. Looking at this Mother B's eyes filled with sorrow.
"Don't cry my child... You still have your family... They will always be there for you... But promise me one thing..."- Mother B
"W.. What is it mother..?"- Lucca
"Go to the town... and live my child... please..."-Mother B
"But mother..."-Lucca
"Plea...Please my ch..."-Mother B
Mother B couldn't say the last of her words as the last of her breath escaped from her. Her eyes became pale in light and she was moving no more. At that moment Lucca cried. He clung to his mothers lifeless corpse and cried deeply into her fur. Lucca shouted in pain as He cursed at the skies. His mind was racing with thoughts. He hated those humans. He hated all the humans. Humans are evil. He chanted this nonstop in his mind as his family members surrounded him. They huddled around him as the whole family cried for the lost of Mother B. Night soon fell as fast as the next day came.
At this point Lucca's mind wasn't filled with his hatred towards other humans. He just sat there remembering all the moments he had with his mother. That's when his mothers words appeared in his mind. What Mother B wanted wasn't for Lucca to stay in the forest but to live in town. He was confused why she kept saying go to the town but now... Now he knew why she wanted him to go. He would be safer in the town than here in the forest. So he decided to head towards the town but that doesn't mean he trusted humans.
"Mother... I will go to the village... And I will live my life..." -Lucca
Wiping his face, Lucca with the help of his family buried Mother B. Making a small grave for her, Lucca made one final goodbye and parted from his mother for the very first time. He went to the direction of the town with the guidance of his family members.
Lucca's family members followed him and they traveled for three days. His mind was raging with thoughts of revenge on the humans that killed Mother B. On the second night of the trip to the town, the family stopped by a small cave on the side of a river. It was a small peaceful place to stop. Lucca was keeping watch at the foot of the cave for the rest of the family members as he felt tired from all that walking. He wanted to get to the town soon because he wanted to get revenge as quickly as he could. Lucca broke sticks with his bare hands till suddenly he heard a small foot step approach. He turned around and found a member of his family coming near him. It was Grandpa Ten. Grandpa Ten was the elder of the family and lead it. He choose to follow Lucca to make sure he was safe. Grandpa Ten was a Magical Beast called Tenured. They apparently lived for many years and seemed to be full of wisdom. To humans, Tenured where just small rats that would never die unless you shot it with an arrow. But they where very deadly fast. Grandpa Ten settle down next to Lucca and put his feet in the river.
"So much walking. Phwooaah. That feels great."-Grandpa Ten
"Not going to sleep Grandpa Ten?"-Lucca
"No my child, I am here to talk to you about a few things."-Grandpa Ten
Grandpa Ten started to tell Lucca some certain things. He didn't want Lucca spreading the information of where Lucca came from or how he got to the city. He wanted to keep Lucca safe. Lucca understood this and agreed to Grandpa Ten.
"Also child. I hope you didn't forget what your mother always told you."-Grandpa Ten
"Told me?"-Lucca
"Remember when you asked you mother if you should treat humans like we do?"-Grandpa Ten
"Yes Grandpa. I remember remember what she saying over and over again."-Lucca
"Then do you remember what she said?"-Granda Ten
"That I should never judged a person till I know..."-Lucca
Lucca stopped himself from talking and let the words he was about to sink in his mind.
Why did mother say try to trust the humans... Humans are the ones who killed her! They are evil!
Lucca's face warped with rage as he stared down at the river.
"My child, you need to remember that your other didn't want you to hate humans. She wanted you to get along with them for your own future. Promise me and promise your other that you will never hate humans. Get to know them and understand them first. You are our kind boy and we never want you to stop being that kind boy."-Grandpa Ten
Grandpa Ten tugged on Lucca's shirt so he turned his to look at Grandpa Ten. Grandpa Ten was currently crying. Not because of the pain of Mother B dying. Not because the fact that Lucca was leaving the family. It was because Lucca was changing. Lucca saw his grandpa cry and his face shattered. He grasped his grandpa and started to cry too.
So it wasn't the fact that the humans was the race that killed my mother or because my mother was taken by humans. The reason why I started to hate humans was because I hate the humans that killed mother. What mother was telling me was not to hate the humans but try to understand them better. So I can trust them.
Lucca finally realized what his mother and grandpa were trying to tell him all this time. If Lucca felt safe around another human then he could trust them. Wiping his tears, Lucca looked up at the stares.
"Don't worry grandpa. I will keep my promise with you and mother."
"Good boy."
The rest of that night, the two of them slept side by side till it was time to move on.
It took Lucca and his family three days till they finally found the exit to the forest. The view of the town came into place and so did the mountains. Lucca reached the town after three days of walking. His family members watched his back as he stared at the town.
"Oh Grandpa Ten"- Lucca
"So you are sure you want to leave the forest"-Grandpa Ten
"Yes Grandpa Ten. I will do as my mother wished for me."- Lucca
"Mmm okay then take this."-Grandpa Ten
Taking a little rucksack from another family member, Grandpa Ten threw the small sack to Lucca. Lucca puzzled by this sack looked in the bag. He found a couple copper colored coins and a few silver ones but the rest of the bag was a huge amount of gold ones.
"Take this. You need money to live in that town."-Granpda Ten
"But Grandpa Ten! I can't take this!"-Lucca
"Don't worry about it. Besides us magical beast can't even use the money so it's only better if you kept it. Besides knowing that you had money makes the rest of the family feel at peace."-Grandpa Ten
"Then thank you!"-Lucca
Lucca bowed to his family and they returned with laughter. The smallest of the family members pushed their way to the front.
"Lucca do you really have to go..."
"Yeah it won't be fun with out you..."
"If you leave then all the good looking boys will be gone..."
"OY! What do you mean by that!?"
All the children started to argue as Lucca just chuckled. He rubbed the heads of each one of them and turned his back.
"I will visit one day. But for now I must live like my mother told me to!"-Lucca
Without looking back and continuing to walk. His family members with tears in their eyes wished him farewell. But Lucca also had tears in his eyes has he walked away.
What a lovely family.
Finally reaching the gate to the City, Lucca noticed a line forming in front of the gate. Inspecting the line, it appeared it be a line to enter the city. Lucca remembered his talking about one these and quickly join it. As time passed, the line slowly diminished till finally Lucca was next to go in the city.
"ID Please"-Guard
"Yes ID. To enter the city you need an ID?"- Guard
The guard was starting to get annoyed with Lucca as Lucca started to panic.
"I don't have an ID..."
"Don't have an ID... Must of lost it then."-Guard
The guard sighed and called one of his subordinates to bring on over an item. This item was a small crystal ball the was covered by a small piece of cloth.
"Touch this stone. If the stone flashes white then you are innocent and allowed in the city. But if the stone turns red... Then you will sent to our office for questioning."-Guard
Slowly placing his hand on the stone, the stone started to glow white. The guard gives back the crystal to his subordinate and returns back to Lucca.
"Okay we before we can let you in we need two last things. Since you don't have an ID then you have to tell us your name and you have to pay a price of three coppers."
"My name is Lucca and why do I have to pay the price?"
"Because if you had an ID you wouldn't need to pay the price but since you lost it, you have to pay the toll instead which is used for slaves."
"Oh okay then here."
Lucca handed over three copper coins and the guard smiled.
"Pleasure doing business with you. But if you cause trouble in my city, you will be hearing from me you hear?"
"Sir yes sir!"
"Good. Then you are allowed to enter."-Guard
With that Lucca entered the city for the very first time.
The wide view of the city spread in front of Lucca and it took his breath away. It made him stand still in awe as he stared. Unknowing that he stopped, people around him started to give him weird stares.
"Hey you!"
"Huh?"- Lucca
"Why are you just standing there?"
Lucca turned around to the source of the voice to find that it belonged to girl. She looked like she was five feet tall and red hair sprawled down her shoulders. Her face was kinda cute as it had a small birth mark just under her left eye. This was the first time Lucca has ever seen a girl. She was pretty so Lucca couldn't stop staring at her. Lucca couldn't keep his eyes from looking at certain areas too.
"What is it? It's like you never seen a girl before."
"Ah..No..I mean yes I have seen a girl before!"-Lucca
"You're weird... Anyways, new to the town?"
"Yeah. My first day to be honest."-Lucca
"Well there is not much to do here except the local dungeon and the guilds. You missed the festival from last week."
" Yeah guilds. There's the Adventures Guild, Warriors Guild, Mage Guild, Merchants Guild, and then there is the Scholar guild. But no one really goes to the Scholar guild."
Pondering on what to do, Lucca decided looking at these guilds might be a good thing for him to do.
"Then I should check out one of these guilds"-Lucca
"Want me to lead you around? I can take a break from my work."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah no problem. HEY MOM! Going to take a break!"
The girl shouted in side the building she was standing in front of it. After getting a shout back she took off her apron and walked towards me.
"Okay I can go. Oh by the way, I'm Rise. Rise Everhart."-Rise
This girl didn't seem to bad. He didn't feel any harm coming from her so he smiled.
"I'm Lucca."-Lucca
"You don't have a last name?"-Rise
Rise gave Lucca a weird look. Lucca then pondered for a few seconds then finally came up with a last name.
"Lucca M. Bear"-Lucca
"Bear huh? Weird name but my last name isn't better."-Rise
Rise started to laugh as she took Luca's hand.
"Let's go!"-Rise
Leading the away, Rise ran while holding Lucca's hand. Lucca new to this sensation started to feel red in the face. Of course Rise never noticed. The buildings of the city flew past as they went down the main street in the city. There was stalls and people chattering about. Lucca took it all in as he stared in awe. After a while of running, Rise stopped in front of a building that seemed to be huge.
"Here's the Adventures Guild. People who go here take up request from the town or the guild. They are more like a season travels guild."-Rise
Lucca stared at the big building with the giant sign on it. In and out a wave of people rushed as if in a hurry. Lucca was not pleased by this sight and didn't want to enter.
"You want to go in?"-Rise
"No... I think I rather not enter that place."-Lucca
"Okay then lets go to the Warriors Guild."-Rise
Rise got excited when she said that and took his hand again while running. After a few minutes of running they finally enter a more calm street with guards standing guard in front of one building. This building was pure white and stood four stories from the ground. From behind the building you can hear the shouts and hacking of swords.
"This is the Warriors Guild! If you want to become a man then you join the Warriors Guild. All the guards are part of the Warriors Guild and a major part of the Adventures Guild's members are part of the Warriors guild."-Rise
Rise said this with her eyes sparkling.
"What do you do in the Warriors Guild? Do you swing around sword and stuff?"-Lucca
"You mainly train your body to be that of a warrior while you also have a strict discipline. Of all so you must be able to fight to protect your self and the ones you cherish."
A voice came behind the two. Turning around, Rise face went into full smile has she rushed towards the figure.
"Hello Pumpkin. What are you doing here?"
"Taking Lucca around the town. He's new so I thought to show him the guilds."-Rise
"Ahh I see."
Rise's dad examined Lucca carefully then gave a grin. Lucca awkwardly smiled at the man.
"I think you will do grand in the Warriors Guild."
"Does it involve fighting?"-Lucca
"Well you got to be able to protect you self and your loved ones right?"
"Then I got to decline for now..."-Lucca
It's not like Lucca didn't want to learn. He just didn't feel like learning it right now.
"Okay. Then if you ever want to join then come to me and I will give a good word to my guild leader."
"Thank you."-Lucca
Lucca bowed while Rise's dad chuckled.
"No need to be so reserved. Oh and the names Borick. Borick Everhart."-Borick
"Lucca M. Bear is my name sir Borick."-Lucca
"Borick is fine my boy. Now you keep my little girl safe while she is out and about with you. And Rise pumpkin, please come home before dark."-Borick
"But dad! I am not a baby!"-Rise
Rise pouted at her father as he chuckled more while ruffling her hair. Taking Lucca's hand, Rise ran away from her father.
"Come on Lucca, let's go!"-Rise
"Make sure to be home early Pumpkin! And keep her safe Lucca!"-Borick
Borick shouted at them as they left. Rise face was filled with embarrassment. Lucca awkwardly laughed till Rise finally noticed she was going the wrong way. Continuing on from the point that Rise knew that was the right way, the two of them ended in front of the Scholars Guild. Of course Rise didn't look to happy about showing this particular guild.
"This is the Scholars guild... Rarely anyone joins this guild so there is only one member. Some crazy old man that keeps going on about the gods. Saying the gods are making us their play things."-Rise
Rise face distorted by those words and she sighed.
"Crazy old man doesn't know we respect the gods here. That's why most people stay away from him."-Rise
"I see."-Lucca
Lucca stared at the building with its simple wooden door and small garden in front of it. For some some reason he was pulled to this guild. Something about it was calling him to the guild. Walking to the front door, he put his hand on the door's handle and slightly opened the door. The soft air pushed past his face, leaving the scent of old books.
"Lucca. Are you sure you want to go in there?"-Rise
"I don't know... But I feel like giving it a look."-Lucce
"Then I won't go in with you. I can't stand that guy."-Rise
Rise pouted. Lucca didn't even give it a second thought. He quickly entered the building while quickly saying be right back leaving Rise dumb folded. This is part of Lucca's life is were magic started to influence his life.
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