《A Trillion Trillion Years》Chapter 3: “A Wicked Wind This Way Blows”


I would say that the best thing about Abby is how calm she is. Even as someone looking at her from far away I can see that she has a very forgiving and calm attitude toward life. Shes like a monk. But instead of having a bald head she is very beautiful, funny, and would make a great mother.

Because of Leslie I’ve gotten a chance to spend more time thinking about Abby. I can see why I’ve fallen in love with her again.

For example, after the makeup artists left the room Leslie proceeded to give me the cold shoulder. When I asked her if she needed anything she just ignored me. The only time she spoke to me afterwards was when she wanted to stop the car for the bathroom, or when another person was around. I mean how fake can you be? Abby would never act like that.

Because Leslie wasn’t popular enough the management company had to do her makeup in-house. Its a very smart move. ‘Hey you, hire our actress and you don’t even have to do her makeup!’ I’m sure anybody who liked money would hire her over another actress.

I glimpsed at the rear-view mirror to see Leslie quietly looking at her phone. She looked up. Blank, she looked absolutely blank. If Abby wasn’t keeping me strong I would have quit already. I don’t even know where she gets the confidence to act like this to her personal assistant, much less a person she didn’t know a couple days ago.

If I where to guess I would say she had a horrible mother and father. They beat her multiple times everyday. You can tell from her beauty that she hasn’t had any hardship in her life though. So it must have been a hard contrast between her parents and her friends. One of them treating her horribly, another treating her like a god. She must have believed too much in her friends. What I would do to see her crying.

I feel like she's the type to ugly cry when she goes home alone. That's how people who treat others like this react when nobody is around them anymore. All their hatred turns to themselves in disgust. I would pay hundreds just to watch that.

“Hey.” She said

“Uhh, yea?” I replied.

“I just want to let you know that we have had a rough patch these couple days and I’m sorry.” Hm? “I know I can be a little bit explosive with my anger, and the last assistant…she took it pretty rough. Luckily she got pregnant and all, but, you know, I still feel bad about that. I have been thinking that maybe this wasn’t a good way to start everything.”

“Its fine, I did mess up your coffee two times and acted completely disrespectful.”

“No. I’m sorry. Its just been tough lately with all the roles and the producers and the directors harassing me everyday with this or that thing. I hope that we can both get past this. I want good feelings between us.”

“Me too. I want us to be good friends.” So I can use you as a ladder to get to Abby. Maybe if we are good friends, and Abby decides to get into acting, I can get an in with her.


“Good. Lets start again from now on.” She put on a smile. “Hey, I’m Leslie.”

“Hey. I’m Jake.”

Well maybe I was wrong about her.

“Don’t look away from the road!”

I turned my head back to the road. “Sorry about that.”

A second passed by. “You should stop apologizing too. It makes me feel bad,”

“Okay, sor-“ I stopped myself.

So I guess she wasn’t beat by her parents.

We arrived to the show in silence. Even good will doesn’t make her want to talk. In a way it was better. I had more time to think of ways to get together with Abby.

The waiting room for Leslie was small enough for 3 people. 2 of them being us and the other 2 being the director and production assistant that stood near the doorway. They spoke for some time about what they wanted and how she should think before the scene; I mainly zoned out during that.

“So it looks like you got a new assistant?” He said looking at me.

I snapped out of it and made my best first impressions pose. “Ah, yes. My name is Jake. I’m a temp with Leslie.”

“Good to meet you Jake. Don’t let this lady fool you shes a real sweat heart.”

She giggled. “Stop it mark, do you want him to think I’m soft?!”

He gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about her. She’ll treat you well.”

They went out of the room and back to the hallway. I couldn’t believe that guy would lie to my face like that. This lady was horrible.

She looked at me. “You hear that? I’m not always a mean person. You just caught me on several bad days.”

“I doubt it. You seem like a real cunt.” Did I say that out loud?

“Excuse me?!”

“I said ‘I don’t doubt it. You seem like a real cat.’ As in you seem like a sort of grumpy person who is actually a real sweetheart, like that guy said.” Phew.

“…okay…" She stared at me for a second. I tried to look normal. Even I couldn’t believe what I just said, so she must have had an even harder time believing it. “Whatever. Just know that I’m not a mean person. I do care about others. Even my assistant is precious to me.”

She looked at her phone and stood up. “Come on its time to start.”

The drama was a rather complicated affair. It had about a couple dozen actors and had been going on for a solid 40 episodes before Leslie was brought in as the villain for the next arc.

She was playing a woman that was abandoned by the main females mother at birth (but that's a secret that won’t be revealed until later on). And, In an act of revenge for all the pain and suffering that she had to go through living in an orphanage, she was brewing a plan to steal the main characters love interest, job, and life. She even dressed like her. In my opinion she was the cliche evil woman put into the middle of a long series to justify having more airtime.

The director mentioned making her more relatable later on if the audience reaction to her was good. Making her into a reformed evil lady where the female lead, with her goodness and love, will change her into a valuable ally later on. I don’t know. It was kinda far-fetched.


Right now they were filming the scene where Leslies character (Margret) hits on Adam (played by Hyung Lee). The scene was placed in a small cafe. Really it was a cut out of a cafe where the camera was able to film just the right angle. They even had people walking on the other side to make it look real. I was impressed at how little money they put into the set.

Margret sat on one side of the table looking at Adam seductively. Adam was looking at her a little anxious.

Margret moved her hand to his. “Well…hasn’t it been a long time.”

“Yes..” He said, a look of guilt on his face.

“So, have you decided on what we talked about?”

“I don’t know…..”

“Oh come on~. How much longer do I have to wait, do you think I’ll wait here forever.” She gave a small laugh. “Maybe I will. For you.”

He looked at her worried. “I can’t. I have someone else…I can’t.”

“We all have someone else.” She started caressing his hand. “But how many times do you get a woman like me asking you to ..well you know?” It was important that any acts of a sexual nature be painted in as vague terms as possible. Something about being censored otherwise and losing ratings. I wasn’t really paying attention. “You must be pretty popular. Even I have a limit. I can’t be waiting for you all day.”

He bit his lip. “…okay. Lets do it.”

“And CUT!” yelled the director. “Good, good I liked it! I could really feel the tension between you two! Good job Leslie, good job Hyung. Leslie we might need you later on, if everything goes to plan, but for right now just stay in the waiting room and we’ll call you. Now you Hyung…” he took Hyung back to his spot and started talking with him. I couldn’t really hear what they were saying but it sounded really important to the plot of the TV series.

“Come on.” Leslie grabbed my shirts edge. “Lets go back to the waiting room. If we are lucky we can film two scenes today.”


We started back to the room. Cramped as usual. I could smell her sweat from here. It was a little disgusting, but actors tended to sweat a lot under the bright lights.

She looked at me. “So, what did you think? I remember the first time I read the scene, but this time...it didn’t feel good.”

“It was good. I could really feel you trying to seduce him. Although him also being attractive might have helped.”

“Ha. Hyung? If you spent time with him you might not find him as attractive. All he does is talk about movies and sports. No. That was pure acting.” She looked at me. Her eyes turned warm while her lips turned into a smile. “See. You just have to let…the eyes…and your voice…do the talking.”

I gulped. “I see, y-yes. Very attractive.”

“Don’t get weird on me.” She turned it off and looked down to her phone. “It’s just acting.”

If she could be this good…could Abby also be this good at acting. Maybe she was just as mean. “Do you think anybody could be that good?”

She gave me a passing glance. “Why are you asking? Do you think I’m just an average actress? This is a talent, a skill, not any Jane can start acting as well as I can.”

“That's good to hear, I agree. You do have a talent for acting.” Abby would never be able to hide how mean she is.

I could see a small smile on her lips. “Exactly. That's why my company believes in me.”

She spent the day looking at her phone. I tried to peak. But really it seemed like she was playing a game the entire time, or reading, or texting. There wasn’t much else to do. I would’ve had my phone out too, if only I had a smart-phone.

Sadly my situation (i.e. my lack of wealth) called for a flip-phone that was as useful to pass time as staring at a rock. So I had to satisfy myself with the only thing that would pass time. Abby. If I thought about her ten times a day, I had thought of her too little.

“Do you believe in true love?” I asked out loud.

Leslie didn’t look up from her phone. “I don’t.”

“But I mean its always possible.”

“What, are you in love with me or something?” She gave a small snort. “Isn’t that a bit too quick for someone you just met? I mean, I am beautiful, but you should pace yourself.”

“Never mind. I wasn't thinking about you.”

“Good. You look like the creepy stalker type. Like if you fell in love with me you would be going through my underwear looking for panties to sniff.”

“I would never.” Although I have established multiple plans for this if I ever got the chance. It would involve multiple decoy panties and a hidden pocket in my pants.

“I’m just teasing. You don’t look like a pervert stalker who would fall in love with a woman at a glance.”

Ouch. “I’m not.”

“Good, it looks like my company hired the right assistant for me. I hate the clingy types the worst. It seems like you don’t like me anyway.”

“Its not that I don’t like you, I just don’t love you.”

“Like, love, its the same thing.” She put down her phone and looked at me. “I don’t need you to love me or like me, I just need you to be my assistant. And true love? Does it matter. You should grow up out of that. True love is for kids and lonely people, like you. Speaking of you. Would it be too bothersome for my assistant to get me some Tilma branded water? I wouldn’t want you to go out only to forget.”

“I would be more then happy to get that for you.” I wrote it down on my flip-phone. “And look! I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget!”

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