《A Forgotten Soul》Chapter 13: Downside to Immortality
The Lord screeched in pain as he fell back. He opened his bloodshot eyes, and coughed up some blood. He lifted one of his hands to his chest and grasped the area where his heart should have been he yelled, “Son of a bitch destroyed my heart!”
When the lord activated [Blood Domination] he created a sort of bridged that allowed his soul to more easily affect Satou’s Soul by invading the space that borders it. This space is naturally disconnected from the physical world, and even if one were to suffer a fatal wound as soon as they exited the space they would be perfectly fine. For example the three holes from the spears on his knee and chest had disappeared, as well as the entry wound on his back. But mysteriously the damage to his heart that the shadow inflicted remained.
Royce’s complexion paled as he further examined his wounds. A destroyed heart was nothing to a demon, as long as one reached a certain level someone could survive even if their entire body was destroyed. But as Royce examined his injuries he noticed one thing, his soul was damaged. There wasn’t an extensive amount of damage done, but after just recently damaging his soul in the process of using the forbidden spell, his life was in peril.
He hurriedly made a red bottle appear, and quickly drank its contents. And In just a few seconds his complexion vastly improved ,and his heart began regenerate quickly. It took only ten seconds before his heart fully formed. Afterwards he made several translucent orbs appear and held them close to his abdomen, where they were slowly being absorbed. After a few seconds his breathing returned to normal, and his eyes no longer bloodshot. His soul began to mend itself with the help of red liquid and the orbs.
Having recovered to a certain extent he managed to calm down regain his previous composure. When he turned to look at Satou awakening, one would be able to find a small hint of fear in his eyes.
Satou’s eyes slowly regained their previous light, and it could be seen that he was about to awaken. When he awoke, Satou was in a stupor, and felt a minor headache. A bit confused he looked around before asking the lord, “Um… so what are we going to do?”
The Lord put on his poker face as he faced Satou. On his face was an entirely clam expression, his eyes no longer showed the slightest trace of fear. The lord thought to himself, “What is this? He’s acting like nothing happened. Is it possible that there really are two consciouses inside of him? Hmmm, as long as he doesn’t know what happened there may still be some hope.”
The Lord immediately created an entirely new plan and answered, “Don’t worry we’re done here. For now you can go rest.”
He clapped his hands, and almost instantly the door to the office opened revealing another beautiful maid
He ordered,“Take him to a vacant room on the third floor, one of the guest rooms will work”
She obediently bowed and said, “Very well milord. Sir please follow me.”
The Lord turned to Satou and said, “If you need anything there should be a bell in the room just ring it and a maid will come to assist you. Rest for a bit, and try to stay in the room.”
Satou turned to look at the lord one more time before following the maid. He was a bit confused and his gut told him something was wrong here. He thought, “Something doesn’t feel right. It feels like a lot of time’s passed, but I can’t recall anything after I drank whatever that red thing was. And I got another awful headache too."
Satou gasped, and came to an entirely wrong conclusion,"Don’t tell me that red thing he fed me was a drug! Oh god I hope I don’t become an addict! Oh shit, I hope I didn’t say something unnecessary when I was high!”
The lord watched as Satou and the maid walked down the hallway, and as soon as he couldn’t see them anymore he went back into his office. He sat down on his chair leaning back so that his chair was tilted standing on only two of it’s legs, with one foot on his desk allowing him to maintain his balance, the lord closed his eyes and said, “[Group Telepathy]”
Instantly a number of voices rang inside of his head,
Three familiar voices rang in his head. They were the butler Tristan, the Asura Garius, and the Lich Nevil
Another voice rang,
“Oh Darling done already?”
His wife's voice echoed in his head as well
The lord replied, “Not exactly, for now Tristan how far are you from the City of Dios.”
“I’m only an hour away”
The lord replied “Good, we’re gonna need that bastards help. As soon as you get back contact me, I’m going to need everyone to gather and help me with something. Honey how are your Mystic Eyes?”
“They could be better, why?”
The lord answered, “We’re going to need them. You still have your eye drops though, right?”
Elaine was startled, “Is it that serious!?”
The Lord paused, he answered, “Unfortunately yes. Nevil we’re going to require your assistance as well.”
“Very well my lord.”
After receiving Nevil’s answer the Lord released his spell. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He muttered to himself, “We won’t need a plan C right?”
Satou followed the maid to a large, extravagant room fitted with all sorts of luxurious decorations and furniture. A little to his right was a beautiful couch, and table with a grand fireplace right beside it. In front of him there was an extravagantly large desk at the end of the room by the window, an extraordinarily large bed, and even a large wine rack. The room also had two doors one to the right a bit behind the couch and the left beside the desk.
Satou looked at it all wide-eyed and thought to himself, “Aren’t I being treated like a V.I.P?”
The maid turned to Satou and said, “I will be taking my leave.”
She bowed and then immediately left leaving Satou in the room alone. Satou looked around the room a bit, admiring just how expensive everything seemed to be. He looked over at the door to the right and decided to go check things out. He walked over and when he opened it he was greeted by a batch of steam. He waved his hand dispersing it and walked in to find a large bathroom, with a steaming tub of hot water taking up over half the space.
Satou muttered, “This doesn't feel right...”
He found it quite odd that he’s suddenly being given this V.I.P treatment. Maybe only an hour or so ago his life was being threatened by a skeleton, only a little bit later people looked at him as if he were a monster, and then the Lord of the castle fed him what he presumed to be drugs. It made Satou think there must be something going on.
But like a majority of the important things he should remember, Satou left that thought in a corner of his mind. Instead he decided to check what’s past the other door. He walked over to the other door and opened it not knowing what to expect really. But he sure as hell didn’t expect this.
Past the door was a twenty by twenty square foot stone room with nothing inside of it. The room had no windows, no decorations, and seemingly no purpose. It was just an empty room lit by a single floating ball of light.
He wondered,“What exactly is the room for?”
Satou walked inside and looked around, but he couldn’t find anything. But Satou noticed one thing. When he entered the room after a little bit his body felt invigorated, and he had a sort of boost of energy. And the longer he stayed in the room he began to be filled with a very refreshing feeling throughout his entire body.
Satou walked out of the room refreshed. He closed the door behind him, and laid on the couch, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace beside it. He closed his eyes, sorting his thoughts,
“So this is a whole other world huh…. This all feels so surreal, I really wouldn’t mind if this were just a dream. Who cares about being god, who cares about a fantasy life honestly I just wanted to live a normal life and… And do what? What exactly did I want to do for all these years? I wonder for how long have I said my dream was to get rich and live the good life, but what would that entail? Gambling, drinking, having sex, playing games….. Did I really have a dream in the first place? Wasn’t I just making excuses like I always do? But I have to change, I can’t just live in the moment forever, especially not when the moment never ends.”
Satou sighed, immortality has it’s ups and downs just like everything else it seems. He thought,“Surviving won’t be an issue, food probably doesn’t matter too much either. Damn, what hell am I supposed to do with my life? Why the hell did all those old fellows in stories want to be immortal so badly, am I just suppose laze around all day for eternity? Whatever, shit I got a massive fucking headache.”
Satou grumble walked over to the bed and tried to sleep. But his headache didn’t get any better, on the contrary things got far worse for him.
(1st Person POV)
God damn it! This fucking headaches just getting worse .I can feel my head pulsing and my body feels like it's on fire. My muscles ache and for some reason I feel sore all over. Fuck my entire body’s screeching in pain!
“Shit, I need to do something!”
I said to myself. I tried getting up, but as I did my legs cramped
I cursed repeatedly. I tried to straighten my legs out in an attempt to stop the pain. Normally by doing this it would sort of snap and that would basically fix the problem. But I just couldn’t bear the pain, and unfortunately by doing so I increased the overall pain in my legs. Shit... It looks like I won’t be getting up for a bit.
I gritted my teeth and looked all over the room as fast as I could to find wherever the hell that bell is. I looked over at the desk and saw it. I used my shoulders and arms to shimmy my way across to the right side of the bed. With my legs out of the picture I could only use the upper part of my body to slowly approach the edge.
It took some time, but I finally got to the corner of the bed after. A sharp pain hit my spine, and my shoulders felt incredibly tense. I cursed internally, it seems moving in general is going to be a problem. The more I moved and the more time passed the more the pain increased. Every part of my body has just been screaming IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS IT HURTS non-stop now.
I looked over at the desk, and floor as I was attempting to position myself when i fall, and I couldn’t help but curse. My vision was quickly beginning to blur, this was bad. I moved my arms to position and found something even puzzling. My arm was bleeding, and there was clearly blood on the tips of my fingers. I twisted my body and I sat upright as I stared at my bloodied hands as best I could with my worsening vision. My fingers seemed to have dug into my skin.
Now I’m saying “seemed to” because I never felt them dig into my skin, nor do I feel the pain that should accompany it. Contrary to the current situation I don’t feel any pain at all, I took a hand and began pinching the flesh as hard as I could but I didn’t feel anything other than the pressure applied to my skin. I clapped my hands with as much force I could, but I hardly heard anything. I began to sniff the air, my skin, anything I could but I could smell anything.
I frowned and repeatedly cursed. I don’t know what the hell’s going on. I don’t know why the hell I feel so much pain right now, or why my senses are so impaired, but even if I’m immortal this is a problem. I hurriedly tilted myself and then rolled off the bed in away that the top of my body landed before the bottom.
But when I landed I found that my body was heavily shaken by the impact. I can feel my bones shaking, and my muscles began aching. An even sharper pain struck my spine, and my legs tensed even more as they landed.
“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!”
I cursed, and tried to move closer to the desk only to be answered by an acute pain in my shoulder causing me to scream in pain.
I took a number of heavy breaths, as I looked at the not so distant bell. If only I could get over there, if only….
I tried again to be greeted by the same pain again. I shifted myself and tried the other shoulder, but I still had no success. After trying every possible method I could think of, after trying so hard to endure the pain I came to the conclusion and said,
“Shit….I-I can’t move…..”
All I could do now is huddle up into a ball and wait for the pain to go away. Endure until someone comes, endure until someone saves me. I said to myself over and over
“I must endure….”
Because that was the only thing left I could do. Endure in a world deprived of sound, taste, touch, sight, smells, and only pain. I'm trapped in a world of an endless amount of pain with only thoughts as company. I don’t even get to have a coconut called Steve, well I could but I probably wouldn’t be able touch, eat, or see him. I said to myself,
“This is hell…”
Oh how I make myself laugh. Good one me! This is hell, this is the literal place called Hell. Ahahaha.
To think I’d be cracking bad jokes now of all the other times I probably could’ve done it I’m doing it now. I’m doing it while enduring pain equivalent to have your skin ripped off your flesh, your body slowly boiled in lava emphasis only slowly, having your bones and muscles crushed, while enjoying the burning sensation of having hot fumes destroy your lungs and throat all simultaneously. Quite descriptive, I know. Honestly aren’t I supposed to be in shock or something like that? How the hell am I thinking this clearly? I wonder if it’s cause I’m not human anymore, or is it cause I’m immortal?
With the amount of suffering I’m experiencing right now you’d think it would drive someone insane right? Well you're wrong! Do you think I’m insane! I’m outsane! If I were insane I’d probably be thinking about killing myself right about now.
Speaking of killing myself I remember in the movies when the spies got caught they would bite their tongue and bleed to death, you know that really sounds tempting doesn’t it? What you too, no way!
I began cracking up thinking about it, the down sides of immortality.
“To think the immortal me would be jealous of the people who fucking killing themselves for god’s sake, oh the irony…”
And the fucked up jokes don’t stop! AHAHAHAHA, who the fuck am I even talking too…..
I stopped laughing and began to seriously think for a bit. I stared up at the blurry ceiling and with a grim face asked,
“Just how long has it been?”
But that no longer matter and I began laughing hysterically,
“Aahaha ,I suppose that’s another downside to immortality. Time doesn’t fucking matter! Has it been a short time? It doesn’t matter! Has it been a long time I don’t know, but guess what? That don’t matter either!”
I laughed and laughed, as I thought up some more and more stupid jokes, and the cons of immortality. Thee pain has yet to subside, the amount of time this has been going on is unknown. But either way it feels like it’s been an eternity. And the more I thought about it the more depressed I got, and I said aloud
“Come on God help a fellow God out!”
When will the pain end? Never! When will all of this end? Never! Who cares if I’m immortal? Who cares if I’m a basically a god? I'd rather be mortal and have someone can kill me right now!
I began to cry, and then I began to curse out at God, at Fate, or whatever else I could. Man I'm an emotional wreck...
If someone could help me end it, if someone could stop the pain. I would do anything for them. And as if answer to my prayers a voice rang out inside my head.
——Would you really?
What! Another voice? AHAHAHA I really have gone insane haven’t I. Or have I been insane this whole time? Ah Fuck it. YES, I WOULD! LET IT END RIGHT NOW!
——Hehehe, you can end it yourself you know...
The voice was oddly familiar, it reminded me of someone but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Suddenly I began to hear a number of footsteps a bit outside my room. I could hear them clearly, more so than ever before.
——It’s simple, you should know all you need to do is…
The door to my room opened, and despite the pain I began to move. My vision was blurred, but my hearing was clear and I could smell something incredible. I can’t tell what it is, who it is, but I know where it is. And i know I need it. I jumped at the whatever was in front of me, as I listened to my body. It’s seems like I already knew the answer. There was no one speaking into my head like before, so it naturally didn’t need to finish speaking. That oh so familiar voice is me! And my bodies telling me the only way to free myself from this pain that plagues me so, is too use every fiber of my being to go over there and...
I edited yeah, I'm still not sure about this one but tell me if there are any new errors.
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