《A Forgotten Soul》Chapter 14: Forcing an Evolution
A few minutes before the upcoming incident, the lord was sitting on his chair alongside his wife, and Garius. Someone knocked on the door, and the lord replied,
“Come in.”
The door opened revealing Tristan, Nevil, and a man covered in a black robe. The man took of his hood revealing the face of a young man with long black hair, and red eyes. With a smile on his face the young man said,
“It’s been a millennia Royce.”
The Lord looked at the young man with a grim expression, he replied,
“Yes, it has... I wish it were longer…”
They young man smirked, “You aren’t going to even pretend you like me? Come on now, don’t you need my services?”
The Lord irritated, clicked his tongue, “Of course, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to step foot anywhere near here!”
The Lord sighed, the young man's very presence irritated him to no end, but he had no other choice in the matter. No matter how much he hated him he still had his uses, and the Lord was willing to endure for the sake of the Clan. The Lord got off his seat ignoring whatever else the young man was trying to say, and walked out of the room ordering everyone, “Follow me.”
The Lord lead everyone to the guest room where Satou was staying, and said, “Tristan at all time maintain a protective barrier around Nevil and Elaine, mental, physical, spiritual, just use everything.”
Tristan immediately replied, “Yes, my lord.”
“Nevil assist Elaine to the best of your abilities with your Wicked Eyes, and any amplifying magics you’re capable of. Don’t attempt to turn him into a puppet.”
Nevil replied a bit hesitantly, “Very well….”
The Lord smiled wearily, he knew Nevil was hesitant when it came to his Wicked Eyes but he still followed his orders. He continued, ‘Elaine if your Mystic Eyes don’t work you can try to something else, but don’t attempt to directly invade his soul If it comes to it repeated mental suggestions will suffice.”
Elaine looked over at Royce, wondering what had him worried so much.
“As for everyone else observe and proceed with the caution. Our main priority may be establishing control over the child, but we must do so while inflicting as little damage as possible to the child.”
Everyone replied in unison, ““Yes Sir!””
The group managed to reached the doors to the guest room after a short period of time, but they stopped for a little bit. Elaine made a dropper appear out of thin air, it contained a glowing blue solution. After dropping a single drop into each eye, her eyes turned from a blood red to a light blue to an amethyst before turning back to a blood red.
Nevil on the other hand took out his cane, and his body began to rapidly change. He body grew taller, whilst his skull morphed forming four new eye sockets. Nevil’s clothes were also somehow able to adjust themselves to match his stature.
Tristan clasped his hands together and several different rays of light began to shot towards Nevil and Elaine. A number of thin films of varying colors began to surround them. Slowly these films shrank and covered both of their bodies like a sort of coating.
Garius turned to the Royce and said, “You’re such a worrywart,”
He walked up and open the door. Garius was shocked to find Satou running towards him at an incredible speed. He ran haphazardly and looked as if he would trip and fall at any moment. Garius noticed Satou’s red skin peeling in a number of places as well as a number of scratches on his arms and legs.
Satou had quickly crossed more than half the distance between him and Garius and jumped at him screaming,
Normally Garius would have been able to easily deal with Satou’s assault, but unfortunately Garius was distracted by both by Satou’s appearance and actions. He was careless, he assumed just because Satou was of the Lesser Demon level nothing would happen, causing his reaction time to be slowed by a fraction of a second.
Satou was flung to the other side of the room hitting the wall with a large bang. The impact formed a number of cracks and had shattered the window.
Garius quickly came to a realization of what happened, and cursed out, “Shit!”
Garius had reflexively punched Satou, and with his level of strength even a punch like this one held within it a devastating amount of force. If it weren’t for some quick thinking, Satou would have ended up as a large pile of blood and flesh smacked up against the wall. Luckily In the moment just before his fist collided with Satou’s body, Garius pulled back, slowing his fist as much as possible weakening the blow.
But in the end Garius was unable to eliminate all the force left in his strike, and the remaining force in his punch was enough to send Satou flying with enough speed to crack the reinforced walls of the guest room. This amount of force is definitely fatal to Lesser Demon like Satou.
Garius was in a state of panic, he knew just how valuable Satou’s body was. Even if it was just a corpse, he would still be priceless. But Lesser Demons bodies contain so little energy that after death they quickly dissipate into smoke. He was about to run over to check up on Satou’s condition, but unexpectedly Satou stood up. Immediately afterwards he dashed at the group again screaming,
Garius was shocked, but this time Garius calmed himself no longer daring to show the slightest carelessness. Satou once more jumped at Garius like a beast, but this time he carefully received the attack. He grabbed one of Satou’s arms quickly twisting it arm behind Satou’s back as he pinned him down onto the floor. Satou, then began to violently scream and struggle to regain his freedom.
As Garius was holding him down his calm expression turned shocked,
“How in the world!?”
The Lord walked over and asked, “What’s wrong Garius?”
“Roy, what the hell did you do to this kid?”
The Lord questioned him, “What do you mean? I didn’t do anything in particular, well nothing that would cause this. I think….”
“I’m pretty sure he wasn’t like this before! I mean he shrugged of one of my punches like it was nothing. Even if I held back, you see the crack on the wall don’t you.? That’s not something a Lesser Demon could take and walk away just like that.”
A loud cracking noise filled the room along side Satou’s screams. Garius and Royce’s faces paled as they turned to look at him.
“Garius his arm!”
Garius panicked, “It’s not my fault!”
Garius hurriedly released a red light from his hand, and as the light touched Satou’s body he turned wide-eyed.
“This is….he’s ignoring his injuries. It’s like he doesn’t feel the pain… No wonder. He came at me so quickly before. That speed wasn't something a Lesser Demon should normally have. His leg is heavily injured, his muscles are torn, and his bones fractured. He ignored his body's limits and the strain that it's causing is literally tearing him apart. He put too much force into the arm I’m holding that it broke….it’s like he’s-”
“Gone Berserk”
The man in the black robe walked over and added, Garius looked at him and nodded,
The Lord said,“This is troubling, Elaine, Nevil hurry up. Establish control, and see if you can calm him down at the very least.”
Garius turned Satou’s head in the group direction, and Nevil and Elaine walked over. Elaine knelled down and stared into Satou’s Eyes. Her eyes began to shine brightly, shifting from Red to Blue, to Amethyst repeatedly. Behind her Nevil’s six red eyes shined from within his sockets as they stared at Satou’s head.
Time passed like this, but it had absolutely no effect on Satou. He just kept on struggling and screaming the entire time. Elaine’s breathing grew ragged, and her body was already covered in sweat. Nevil’s eyes no longer had their previous shine, he was had grown fatigued. It seems even their combined effort was futile.
Elaine stood up and complained, “What’s with this brat! Mystic Eyes, Ruby Eyes, Sapphire Eyes, Amethyst Eyes, Wicked Eyes. Nothing works! Even suggestive methods don’t do shit! Not even tapping into his primal instincts, or showing him countless illusions does anything. He just, just does screams!”
Elaine hurriedly left the room, while Nevil returned to his previous form. He walked towards the couch slowly and sat there exhausted.
The Lord frowned, he asked, “Could it be because he’s gone berserk?”
“No,” Nevil shook his head, “Even raging beasts are controlled by their most primal of instincts. Even if the madam were up against a Berserker suggestive methods, using their lust, or using illusions would still have some effect. If it weren’t so the Succubus Clan would have been annihilated long ago..”
The lord sighed, “Then do we have anyway to calm him down? At least”
Everyone was silent, it seemed like no one had any idea on how to calm him down. The Lord turned to the young man in the black robe, he asked, “Azule do you have an idea?”
Azule replied, “For now, none. Why don’t you tell me first why you're so fixated on this kid. And what you did to him as well. Why are you willing to go so far, even taking out Drops of Sapphire, and even forcing Nevil to use his Wicked Eyes.”
The Lord paused for a bit, but with no other choice he said,” [Telepathy],”
Using his mind he told Azule, “This child is from today’s batch of imps. He’s a monster born with a near 100% chance of passing through the Great Seals that hinder even Emperors. I was planning on taking his body for myself, and crossing the border to become an Emperor myself. But things didn’t quite work out…. “
“Oh, a 100%...” The Lord got his attention and a light could be seen in his eyes. “What did you use to try and possess him,exactly?”
The lord hesitantly answered, “I-I used an imperfect copy of the Tepes clans [Blood Domination]. I had him ingest a vial of my blood and activated the spell. Everything was working as intended until I reached his Spiritual Body. No matter what I did I couldn’t break through the 2nd Layer. And I stumble upon something hidden inside his soul.”
The lord recalled everything that happened, how the shadow destroyed his heart, how it damage his soul, and how he just sent him over to the guest room two hours ago.
Azule stopped to think, he looked over at Satou. From his eyes several, small translucent circles appeared turning and enlarging in front of his eyes every now and again. He said out loud, “This is really too unnatural. It’s just a guess, but from what I can tell he won’t be stopping anytime soon, give a year or two I suppose.”
The Lord exclaimed,“What!? What the hell do you mean!”
Azule replied, “Unlike a Berserker his state isn’t caused by Wrath, or a drug. Right, now he’s going through an Evolution or rather a Variant Evolution
The Lord turned wide-eyed, “How’s that possible, variant evolutions shouldn’t occur at this level. His body should even be able to undergo a normal evolution as it is!”
Azule replied, “You’re right, it shouldn’t. But have you ever heard of a forced evolution? It’s rare but, even though one isn’t going from one Demonic Stage to another it’s possible to evolve. It’s quite difficult and there have only been a few thousand times it’s happened. Basically he’s going through a forced variant evolution.”
Azule looked over at the floor and noticed a small book. He walked over and picked it up and said, “Come over here”
The Lord walked over and looked at it and said, “This is…”
The small book was Satou’s grimoire, on the first page where his rank, his race, his potential, and etc should have been were just a large number of question marks.
“Believe me now? Right now he’s met the conditions to undergo an evolution, but if it were as simple as that he would’ve turned into a Bloody already. So it must be a variant evolution. Variant evolutions take time, and forced evolutions take time, so combining them takes even longer. And since it's only been kick started, with how things are progressing it’s going to take months if not years for the process to finish.”
The Lord frowned, “That’s not good, is there a way to speed it up?”
Azule sighed, “I don’t know, but there might be one thing that could help.”
Azule walked over to Satou, and he made a cut on one of his fingers dripping it in front of Satou’s face. Satou jolted forward opening his mouth he quickly drank the falling blood. The cut on Azule’s finger healed rapidly and it no longer bled.
Satou’s skin began to peel a bit more, and Azule said, “He’s like a hungry beast, he attacked us to try and get blood to help with the evolutionary process.”
Royce had a sudden realization. This force evolution was caused by him. His imperfect [Blood Domination] was the trigger. Depending on a Demon's race a cap is setting limit how strong they can later become. The only way to overcome this was limit was an Evolution. But ones race also limits what one can evolve to, and how many times they can evolve. For example Vampires started of as Blood Imps whose limit is a Lesser Demon. They evolve to the Lower Demon the Bloody, and finally reach the Mid-Demon level and either become Blood Devils or Vampires. The Blood Devils are limited to the High-Demon level while vampires are capable of reaching the Archdemon level. However from that point on no matter what both Devils and Vampire can no longer evolve. No matter how hard they try, if they can’t undergo a Variant Evolution they won’t proceed to the next level, the Noble Demon level.
Garius and Hied are both prime examples of variants. Garius is a Blood Asura giving him potential to surpass the High-Demon level. While Hied is a Variant Greater Skeleton Mage so he was able to surpass the Mid-Demon level and reach the High-Demon level. But without another variant evolution Hied will be forever stuck at his current level.
As for how one goes through a variation there are numerous ways to go about it. You can naturally have a variant evolution with some luck. While the other is to drinking to blood of an already existing Variant. The Noble Vampire Race for example is a variant race, through reproduction has created a number of Noble Vampires. However ingesting it is one thing, they must infuse it into their Soul to truly experience a variation. This however is no easy feat, but if the variant whose blood you drank assist you it becomes far easier.
This fact is used throughout the Demon Realm to create numerous clans and gather minions. By offering ones service and loyalty to a powerful Variant there is the possibility of being granted their blood, and revive their help in fusing it into their soul so they too may one day become a variant. .
So when Royce used [Blood Domination]he fused his blood into Satou’s Soul to allow him to invade. But after he failed, the blood didn’t just disappear it instead prompted an evolution a variant evolution.
The Lord sighed his actions seemed to have cost him far more than he could have dreamed of. His lifespan has been cut short, his soul has been damaged, and now one of the most valuable members in the clan has gone berserk. He asked, “So will it be fine as long as I give him so more blood?”
Azule replied, “Not exactly, we just need to feed him blood, but I don’t suggest feeding him your blood, we don’t know if that would kill him. I'm a bit worried on how much energy he can take. After all Blood has traces of life energy, demonic energy, and mana. Just get one of your Vampire Maids to give him as much blood as he can stomach. ”
The Lord sighed, he ordered, “Nevil you can go back and rest.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Tristan teleport us to the basement, and go fetch a maid.”
Tristan bowed, and Satou, Azule, Garius, and Royce were teleported to the basement. Garius got off of Satou, and quickly left the cell. He said,
“Well, I’ll be going”
He made his way outside of the room.Satou stood up jumped at the group from behind the steel bars, he reached out of the cell with his one good arm constantly screaming.
Tristan suddenly appeared alongside a maid. Azule looked at her and said, “Go in there and allow him to do whatever he wishes with you.”
The maid bowed, she replied, “Yes sir.”
Tristan held her shoulder and she was suddenly teleported into the confines of the cell. Satou stopped reaching outside, and switched his attention from the group to the maid. He jumped at her pushing her down, he took a bit of the side of her neck and as blood flowed he quickly began drinking.
The maid was shocked at the speed he was drinking her blood, and began panicking. If it weren’t for the Lord she would have already pushed Satou away and ran. Instead she was forced to lay there and endure this as long as she could.
Satou continued drinking the maids blood like this, for a minute, for an hour, and finally after an entire day of drinking the maid dry she died. Satou’s skin had peeled a bit more, his arm revealed a pale skin, but the rest of his body was still red. Other than that his body had grown rapidly, he had grown a few inches taller than before and he seems to have healed his injuries. But it seems that even after sucking the maid dry it wasn’t enough. He jumped at the group once more reaching his arms out.
The Lord frowned, and ordered, “Tristan go fetch a higher level maid.”
Tristan teleported out to fetch a maid, while the Lord waited as he stared at the corpse of the maid that was slowly turning into smoke. He felt some regret in losing a Vampire Maid. Each one of these Maids could be considered one of the elite, and even a low ranking maid like the one from earlier was a Mid-Demon.
Tristan appeared again with a black haired maid. The maid bowed greeting the lord,
“Good morning, my lord. You are in need of my services?”
Azule answered for him, “You see him, let him drink your blood for as long as possible. Now go.”
The maid immediately quickly entered the cell on her on and sat down. She said, “Child it’s time to eat.”
She opened up her arms, and Satou jumped at her biting her neck, and drinking her blood rapidly from the side of her neck.
A six more days passed, so in total a week had gone by since the summoning. Satou had been drinking blood for an entire week straight. And finally on the seventh day he stopped.
Satou was a head taller than before, his skin had turned from a blood red to a pale white. He now had a head of black hair with slight traces of white.
He was comfortably sleeping in the lap of the beautiful black haired vampire maid. The lord looked over at Azule and said, “I suppose it’s finished.”
“Yeah, so what should we call him? ”
The Lord opened Satou’s Grimoire and read it aloud, “Rank 3, Lesser Demon. Race: Variant Noble Vampire, New Moon Noble. Nameless. Sinless. Soul Complete. Potential: Undeterminable. Anti-Seal Rate: 100%”
Azule laughed, “Ah this is gonna be fun.”
I don't have much to say, I need to go edit the last chapter. There have been a few changes made for example the two women from before were supposed to be here but that was changed. I need to do something about that in the last chapter. Go check it out when I finish changing it.
Anyway we have an Evolution already, but he's gonna stay like this for a while. As for his new abilities you'll see them soon. Tell me if there are any mistakes.
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