《Chronicles of Zach》Chapter 11-Royal pain


First step, make laws for the kingdom. Second step, secure resources. Third step, rule the world. Ok maybe not the third but it is a priority.

“Everyone! First thank you for making me king, even though it was up to the random number gods, I am still very grateful for this opportunity.” A couple people mumbled but they were mostly silent. Damn tough crowd. “Ok so the first order of business is to set the laws of the land.”

“Law one. No one shall kill, steal or rape. The punishments for said crimes will be determined by a council that you will vote upon. I will say that rape, if it truly is rape, will be punishable by death.” I paused for a moment to let that sink in.

One woman in the back raised her hand.

“Yes?” I asked her.

“What do you mean by if it ‘really is’ rape?” She asked.

“Ok well here on Earth, before the change, some women would claim a man raped her when they really didn’t and that caused a lot of problems for men. The easiest way to find out was to perform and inspection on the woman and would be able to see scar tissue and other things that would show that the man did or did not rape her.” Everyone nods in understanding.

“The next is that everyone shall have a job. Period. No one may slack off in this empire. If you can’t get a job in the smithy or anywhere else then you will join our military. Now i know that many will have an issue with this but I would rather you have food in your belly than living on the streets.” Many people perked up at this. Mainly a group of seven individuals that looked like they were homeless in the first place.

“Third is that children will always be first on the priority list. Whether it is for being healed or getting food, they shall always be taken care of. They are our future after all. Included into that is also mandatory training and schooling for all persons under the age of sixteen. They shall be trained in all forms of combat and be taught math, history and good decision making. We will be an empire of knowledge and might!” Everyone was excited with this law. Some were even clapping.

“The last law is the taxation law. The empire will get a five percent tax on all things and that is the maximum amount. We have to have funding after all.” Everyone went into an uproar at this. However they were not mad instead they were excited.

“My king is so generous!” Some cried.

It’s good to be the king.

Congrats! You have made laws for your kingdom and they were good laws. For showing care for your people to such an extent you have gained 500 fame! You are starting on the path to being a kind and noble king. Keep it up!

Nice. I look at my stats and see the fame but I also notice that my age is still at 27. Why? I spent over a year in that dungeon. I turn to Cas and ask her why that ws.

“If you are entering a dungeon you don’t actually age. It is a special plane so the laws work differently there. Why do you think we are all alive? We had all been in that dungeon for over two thousand years. Now the children at that time did grow into adulthood but they stopped aging after eighteen. That’s why you see no children here.”


Ah that makes sense.

‘You could have asked me you know. I coulda told you that.’

I’m sorry. I had honestly not even thought about asking you.

‘Well try to remember more. It’s lonely here.’

I will. Ok now to the gathering of stone and resources. “Ok everyone! Next is securing resources. First off do we have any farmers here?” About twenty people raised their hands. “Good. I want you to chose a plot of land that is at least twenty acres long by twenty acres wide. That will be your farm area.” The group quickly gathered and left to find a decent spot. “Now for the fishers, hunters and those that raise livestock.” I didn’t even have to ask them to identify themselves. Forty people raised their hands as soon as I mentioned them. “You all need to find a spot to hunt, fish and raise your livestock. I would suggest getting with the farmers so you can have a patch of land in the fields that will fertilize the ground so the crops can grow better. Try to divide the land up into five even spaces where one plot will have nothing in it but natural growth, three plots with food and whatnot and the las will be for the animals. Hunters, the forest is yours. Fishermen the lake is yours.”

They left quickly to get started. “Now for the last of us is to build the castle and city around it. We will all start off with digging until we hit rock. If you have a skill that can sense marble or any other specific types of rock then you shall find the best spot first.” One man darted off. Kinda sad that we only have one person that can find what we need but that doesn’t matter right now.

Ok while he is looking at that I need to look at my land development screen.

Kingdom- Unclaimed.

Do you wish to claim?

I thought yes and another screen popped up.

You have claimed a kingdom! You are on your way to become an Empire! Please select the amount of land you would like to purchase.

Note: Due to this being unclaimed land you may buy as much land as you want for only 500 Gold rather than the normal Silver for 2 acres.

Please enter the amount of acres you would like. X x X

Hm I should probably Go big for 500 Gold. I put 1,400 x 1,400 But then said fuck it 14,000 x 14,000! Sure that is a large amount but who wants a tiny empire?

You have purchased 196,000,000 square acres. 500 Gold has been deducted.

The standard rates now apply to all further land purchases.

Due to your kingdom being the first on this world a discount has been placed on hiring workers and livestock. You may also buy seeds for your farms and plan out where you want everything to be built. Would you like to purchase more items?

Yes I would!

A group of farmers, fishermen and shepherds have already started work on areas for their trade. Would you like to designate these areas for their trade?

I confirm the areas but I expand the area to 100 x 100 acres so I won’t have a shortage of food. There was also an option to till the ground but I decided to let the farmers do that. I do buy a couple thousand seeds of various fruits and veggies that cost me a whopping hundred Gold.

The next thing I did was buy some live stock. Oddly there were no sheep, pigs, chicken or cows to chose from. Instead the screen showed this.


Fuzzy Mookin- This animal is the standard livestock that all kingdoms need. With lots of fur and plenty of meat. Not only will the Fuzzy Mookin sustain your kingdom for generations to come but it also provides milk! Each Mookin normally costs 4 silver a piece. For today though you may pay 14 gold for as many as you want.l Pease chose the genders you want as well.

Fluffy Squawk- Don’t be fooled by the name and for God’s sake do not call them fluffy. This fat avian livestock is very temperamental and will always attack any that call if fluffy. It sheds its plumage once a day in the morning and regrows it throughout the rest of the day. Tasty and full of fat this bird is great for roasting. This fowl will also lay 2 eggs a day that are naturally preserved if not fertilized. Each Squawk normally costs 2 silver a piece. For today though you may pay 14 gold for as many as you want.l Pease chose the genders you want as well.

I get a thousand of each and make sure I have five males of each so I don’t have to worry too much about an over population. I have to admit though that those would be ten lucky guys. Another screen allowed me to make a fenced area for the livestock. I set up two areas for the livestock in the same area and also set the rules to have a rotation one the Mookin and crops. I also bought fences and put it around everything to make sure no predators would come around and eat the livestock.

Another nice thing was that everyone in my kingdom was notified of all rules that I set so the farmers knew what I wanted. With that set up I closed the windows and looked off into the distance where the farmers were setting up. Now I know that people will not want to smell the shit from the animals but I also wanted to set up the castle in an area where we could have a short trip for the farmers and shepherds bring in the food.

Maybe I should close it off and have it an area that is within the Kingdom walls but still far away. I’ll get to that later though. Need to decide where to build the castle then start on walls. Damn! So much shit to do.

In the corner of my eye I see the guy that had ran off to survey the area come back.

“Find anything?” I ask him as he runs up to me.

“Yea! There is a fuck ton of marble by the forest to the north of here. If we get a good team we can make a huge excavation area the would produce enough marble to make the city in the dungeon look like a tiny cottage.” He excitedly replied.

Good now we need to go to work. I gather everyone and we quickly head over to the area. Lucky for me, because I totally forgot, someone had made shovels to dig with. We all got to work and started moving the dirt to get to the marble underneath it. The day was just about done and I needed to hurry up and place that corner stone.

Thankfully we had just uncovered some marble so I had the same guy cut a foot by foot square to use as the cornerstone. With stone in hand I ran as fast as I could. While I had been digging I decided to place it about a half a mile away from the farms so I could encompass the farms in the walls. It would provide much better security for the animals and produce.

I check my time remaining on the quest to see that I have three seconds left. I kick the dirt away and place the block down with one second remaining.

You have completed the quest! By being crowned King you now have a responsibility to your people. Designate an area for your castle and build your kingdom.

Requirements: Lay down the corner stone of your kingdom and secure resources.

Time Limit: 1 Day.

Rewards: 2,000,000 Exp and Kings crown.

Due to being the first Kingdom to actually have been started you have received a bonus reward of 3,000,000 Exp! All items that can be purchased are now 25% cheaper.

Fuck! That was close.

You have leveled up x 2!

I assign my stat points ad see that not much has changed. My kings crown doesn’t even show up on the page. Not a big deal really since it has no ststs, it’s just a decoration. Here’s what it looks like.




Dual Blade Magician




Human/Ascended Demon King


166/ Designation E




57,208/822.4 min


57,208/822.4 min


57,208/822.4 min















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack


Base Defence/ Useable Defence



232 gold, 12 silver, 50 copper



I look around and see that others are walking towards me. Martha has a funny look on her face when she sees how close we are to the farms.

“Why did you place it so close to all of ‘that’?” She spits out.

“Well I want to have a large wall that will surround the farms as well to prevent bandits r anything else. I figure that this is the best option to do that. Sure the smell wont be that great but all our resources are protected.” I reply.

“Huh quite wise for one so young. I guess you will be a decent king.” She shrugs and then walks away. This woman is a firecracker.

The sun hadn’t quite set yet so i have everyone help me dig out the area the castle would be so the ground would be level. Thankfully our strength was high enough that after we cleared it out we were able to stomp the area flat so that it was nice and packed down.

With that we headed to our shacks for the night. The farmers had set up their rotation system and also thanked me profusely for setting the castle up so close and buying the seeds for them to use. I found out that they had also started planting but were waiting to get more workers to plant even larger.

The shepherds also thanked me for buying fences. They did however remind me to buy food for the animals since the crops were nowhere near ready to be harvested. I took a mental note and headed off to bed for the night.

The next day I woke up to shouts of anger. I quickly roused myself awake and headed out to see what the commotion was about. Directly in front of my shack was the phoenix.

Atop the phoenix was a beautiful woman with a very angry glare pointed directly at me. Now incase you have never had this situation happen to you then let me tell you that it is unnerving to say the least. I could also tell that she wasn’t human at all.

“Uhm hello. How may I help you?” I asked. Might as well try to be polite.

“You buy up all our land and ask how you can help me? You dare! You insignificant human you deserve to die for this!” She shouted with spittle flying from her mouth.

“Listen this was unclaimed land so it is completely fair. If you had the money then you should have bought it yourself!” I shout back. I’m not good at politics and social relations. I could also feel the demon side of me coming out as I got angry.

“I am princess Azula of the fire forest nymphs and you will not talk to me this way mongrel!” This bitch had balls. Although she really is hot. Must be the fire. Huh? No? Bad pun I get it.

“Listen I am king here and while your appearance may be pleasing your attitude surely isn’t. Now I don’t know what you want but if you could get your daddy the king to come and talk to me then we might be able to work something out!” I am really done with this broad.

She looked at me with pure shock in her face before the phoenix lept up and blazed a trail to the forest to the south. The beast flew faster than I could possibly run and in five minutes it was coming back but this time two people were on it. It landed in front of me again and I could see that it was Azula and some older man.

King Gohda Level-F

Fire Forest Nymph



Wow that was disappointing. I thought he would be tougher than that.

Gohda hopped down off of the bird and walks up to me. I got the feeling of great calm and an aura that demanded respect coming off of him.

“Great king Zach. I apologize for coming unannounced but when we were notified that we were living on an unknown kingdom all of the sudden, Well, I must say that I was quite shocked.” He said humbly.

“It is no problem King Gohda. I am just trying to make a peaceful life for my friends and I. Now what can I do for you? I must say that you are much better than that princess over there.” I reply with respect. What can I say, I’m a sucker for nice people.

He chuckles a little. “Yea she has more fire than forest in her veins. Well I’ll just get down to it.” He said.

“Please do.” I replied. Did I mention that I don’t do social relations well? I’m more of a get to the point person.

“We have only been here for a little while and my clan made me king. Now I must say that you and your people far outstrip mine when it comes to levels and strength. So sadly I would request that we join up. You have only been here for a couple days so you don’t know of the monsters that roam this world. Some in the forest are stronger than those you have with you.” He said.

Well that is news. I can’t put him out. As I was about to answer he started talking again. “I would also like to say that we will not want any special treatment. We just want to live. This is the only option I can think of. If you could please help us.”

“I will help you. However you must swear to follow my rules and treat everyone here as if they were one of your own. Do you agree to those terms?” I asked.

“Yes! You won’t be disappointed my king! We have much to offer as well. Even though we only number four thousand I am sure you will benefit from us.” He said with tears rolling down his face.

Azula was looking on with confusion in her eyes and a dumbfounded expression on her face. That made me happy inside.

A new notification popped up.

You have aided a distraught king by making him a part of your kingdom. 4,000 new residents have been added to your kingdom! Keep it up!

New quest! Build homes for your people.

Requirements. Have a home for all families and persons in your kingdom.

Rewards. Exp

Great another quest. Well at least it doesn’t have a time limit.

Sighing to myself I turn back to Gohda. “Bring your people here. I trust you have been notified of my laws so I won’t explain them. We need to get to work as fast as possible.”

“Yes my king!” He replied. He and Azula hopped on the phoenix and went back to their home.

I have way too much on my plate now. With that fiasco over with I eat a quick breakfast and gather my people to start another day of digging and mining marble.

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