《Chronicles of Zach》Chapter 12- Building and extra stuff.


The day was mostly spent digging more dirt up so we could get at the marble easier. We now had a small pit formed that was roughly ten feet down and twenty feet wide. We incorporated a ramp so it would be easier to haul the marble out. We had yet to start cutting the marble though.

My plan was to unearth the marble a little more then hire some workers from the system depending on what the nymphs could do. Speaking of the nymphs I wonder when they will show up. Shaking my head I went back to digging. We made little progress before one of my hunters came running up to the quarry.

“My king! My king!” He huffed out with exhaustion.

“Catch your breath. Good now what is it?” I asked.

He straightened himself up. “We found a dungeon in the forest.”

I perked up at this. It was the perfect way to earn money after all. “Where? Can you show me?”

Seeing my eagerness he nodded and turned back the way he had come. I leaped out of the pit and we took off at a full sprint into the forest on the west side next to the lake. On the way he described the dungeon.

The dungeon was young but decently leveled. The creatures that they had found on the first level was at D with an average attack of C and average defence of C. the only problem was that it was a spider dungeon. I get shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

I don’t do spiders! Yes I am arachnophobic. I have a rule of three feet, if it’s within three feet of me it must die. To top it off these weren’t ordinary spiders!

They were the size of small cars and could spit their acid at you. They needed to be taken care of. Imagine some poor child stumbling into this dungeon. Fuck that idea! I need to clear it and fast. On the bright side I might gaine a couple levels and earn some cash!

New Quest! You have discovered a nest of creepy crawlies. Clear it or the consequences could be dire.

Requirements. Kill the dungeon master.

Rewards. Exp and Money.

Well thats nice.

We make it to the dungeon right as the sun starts to go down. It was located in the middle of the forest underneath a large Oak tree. It resembled a den for some animal if that animal was the size of tractor.

The hunter stopped and turned to me as I was about to enter the dungeon. “My king. I think it is unwise to enter on your own. I would suggest taking some guards with you.”

“What guards? We hardly have any people as is and the nymphs have yet to come and live with us. No. It is better that I do this myself. I am definitely strong enough to solo this dungeon. Besides it needs to be done now or we could have some serious problems on our hands.” I reply. The look on my face said don’t question me and i guess he got the message since he said nothing as I kept walking.

I headed into the dungeon with my swords out anticipating something to jump out at me at any moment. What I wasn’t prepared for was that the first level was just a large chamber with spiderwebs everywhere. It seemed like I would have to fight the colony in order to survive.

I crept closer to the spider webs making sure not to make a sound so I could observe what I was up against. Thankfully this dungeon had glowing moss on the ceiling so I could see like it was an overcast day. I could make out a tunnel off to my right that looked like it was partially covered to look like a solid wall.


I make my way over to the tunnel and see a lone spider guarding the inside. Its screen pops up.

Arachna Drone Level-D

Giant Spider



I get ready to attack and see that its health was at 11,500. Thankfully my attack would do 6,000 damage to it without a crit so two hits at most. I tense up and explode towards the spider as fast as I could.

It was over before the spider could recognize that I was there. I landed a crit so I did 12,000 damage to it. I looted the body and it faded away on a cloud of ash.

You have killed an Arachna Drone! Exp gained 12,000.

Items looted 1 Spider fang, 12 silver.

Not bad but not great either. I am going to need to kill a lot of them to level up.

I continue down the tunnel and come to what can only be described as a web city. Spiders were crawling over everything. I activate my Burning Body so that I wouldn’t have to worry as much about the spiders dog piling me to death. What I didn’t anticipate was the webs catching fire as soon as I got near them.

Soon the whole web city was aflame and you could hear their screams as they burnt alive. I felt a chill crawl up my spine as the screamed. As much as I hate spiders I would never want to burn them alive like that. It was just inhumane.

After a couple minutes all the spiders were dead, cooked through and curled up. I looted the bodies and noticed a notice in front of me.

You have killed an Arachna Drone x 133! Exp gained 1,596,000.

Items looted 122 Spider fangs, 15 Gold and 96 Silver.

You have leveled up!

I Distribute my stat points real quick and head on to the next level. Sadly on the way to the next level I couldn’t find any signs of hidden loot. The next level was assessed by a set of stairs that went down about two hundred feet.

The next level was similar to the first in that it was one large chamber as well with webs everywhere. The difference this time was that there were multiple web cities instead of one large one, they were more like web villages. This time I could see a bunch of different spiders crawling all over the place rather than just inside the webs.

They were all the same type as well.

Arachna Knight Level-C

Giant Spider



Shit they were significantly stronger as well. I would only do a max of ten thousand damage to them. I prepare to attack and see that the health of them was at seventeen thousand and four hundred. Oh and did I mention that there was at least two hundred of them? No? Well there was and it scared the shit outa me.

I turn of Body burning and instead Imbue the element of fire into my blades. This added an extra forty nine hundred fire damage but it didn’t double on a crit attack. I tense up and rush forward, becoming a streak of fire as I laid into the first spider I saw.

With a double slice at the same time I trisected the spider causing all the other spiders to stop and stare at me. With a loud hiss they rushed at me all at once. I sliced at the webbing nearest to me causing it to go up in flame. This led to a chain reaction in which the fire traveled a long thin threads the caught the rest of the web villages on fire. I heard a few screams coming from the burning webs but I still had over two hundred spiders coming at me.


I Ducked as the closest spider reached me and turned myself into a spinning inferno of death. Spider parts rained down like a sick storm of spider fluids and carapace parts. Slash after slash and stab after stab made my way through the Arachna Knights slow and messy. I cleaved through to the centre of the cavern with flaming webs falling down like rain.

Honestly it was exhilarating! I had never felt so alive at that moment. A smile was plastered on my face from beginning to end. After five minutes of constant fighting the last spider fell and so did I. My stamina was completely depleted.

This was a first for me so I sat there and waited for my stamina to refill. While I waited I looted the bodies and then looked at the notification that I had pushed to the side while I fought.

You have killed an Arachna Knight x 267! Exp gained 3,471,000.

Items looted 202 Spider legs, 32 Gold and 4 Silver.

You have leveled up x 2!

I assigned my stat points and waited. I had about an hour and nine minutes before my stamina was full. When It had finally filled up I went looking for hidden loot around the area. Sadly I found none.

I headed to the stairs to the next level and after a couple minutes I came into another chamber. This one had four large spiders instead of the colonies like up above. I looked at the notice of them once it popped up.

Arachna Noble Level-C+

Giant Spider



Shit I would take a thousand damage and they would take three thousand. This battle would suck. I ready for a fight and their health bar pops up. It’s odd that the health bar only pops up once I am about to engage it in a fight. Makes sense though since if it didn’t I would constantly be seeing health bars over everyone.

They had a health of twenty five thousand. So at least three hits for each if I could land one. They also looked a little different. More like the small jumping spiders that Earth used to have. My suspicions were soon proven correct.

When I attacked the spiders all jumped out of the way and my attack hit nothing. These things were super fast. As I turned to attack again I was hit in the back. A thousand health was stripped from me and I was knocked flat on my face.

Sensing danger I rolled away and was scratched on the face by the leg of another spider. It was better than what would have happened though. I jumped to my feet with blood dripping down my face and back. The spider that had scratched me was looking down wondering where I had went.

I seized this opportunity by doing a quick double slash and double jab which finished the spider off before it could realize that it was dead. My stamina was now down by a third. The other three spiders gave me no mercy as the attacked.

Like a blur they flashed towards me. Instinctively I thrust both swords out impaling two spiders in the face. The third one bowled me over and we tumble across the cavern. My swords were sticky with spider goo. I looked over to the two I had impaled in the face and saw that they were both dead. I guess a headshot always kills.

The last spider and I faced off like one of the old western movies. The spider initiated the fight this time. It turned into a blur but this time I side stepped and turned back after it passed me. I leaped up and sunk my blades into the top of its body. Once the blades were in I dragged them down and bisected the back half of its body. Entrails splattered the floor as it lay dieing.

I got a pop up for the kills after I looted the bodies.

You have killed an Arachna Noble x 4! Exp gained 80,000.

Items looted 2 Spider carapaces, 4 Gold.

Damn I had hoped for more Exp. Can’t always level up though. My stamina was half full so I waited for about a half an hour before I went down the stairs to the next level.

The fourth level was like the third but had only two spiders in it. I looked them up and saw that this would be even harder than the last.

Arachna King Level-B

Giant Spider



Shit they will do three thousand while I only have my Elemental damage. I get ready and see a huge health of forty thousand. So I need at least nine hits to kill them. Their defense makes sense now that I think about it. The were pretty much giant tarantulas.

I dash in and was surprised to notice that they were slow as hell. They were pretty much the tanks of the arachnid race. I slashed as fast as I could and got in five hits before I had to jump back as the other one came up on me. I did however manage to slice two legs off of the one I was attacking. Making it fall to one side a little, hampering its movement even more.

I focused on the other spider and managed to cut off two of its legs then slicing the head off as if fell over trying to turn towards me. An insta kill.

The last one had fear is in its eyes at seeing the beheading of its comrade. I gave it no quarter as I leaped towards it and started hacking like a madman. I probably struck it a hundred times. Once it finally sunk into my head that it was dead I took a deep breath and looted the bodies.

I looked at the notification and nodded my head in appreciation as I assigned the stat points from my rewards.

You have killed an Arachna King x 2! Exp gained 4,080,000.

Items looted 2 King Spider sacks, 50 Gold.

You have leveled up x2!

I like the new stats for sure. But my power hasn’t really increased a lot. I pick myself up after I fully regenerated everything and head down to the last floor.

On the last floor was the biggest looking spider I have ever seen. It was the queen and she looked ugly as fuck. She was the spitting image of a giant black widow except she was all silver with an orange hourglass. She looked at me and started talking!

“You have done well humanssss.” She hissed.

“Um… thanks?” Why was she complimenting me? I’m here to kill her. I looked at her info real quick.

Arachna Queen Level-A

Giant Spider




“You have come to your doom you know. I can’t let you essscape after all the deathsss you have causssed.” I figured she would say that.

I ready for the fight and see she has a whopping eighty thousand health! “Come on you bitch! We will see who meets death today!” With that I sprint forward and hack at her leg. My fire imbuement had never been turned off so forty nine hundred health was gone just like that.

She hissed in pain and slapped me with one of her legs. Five thousand health was gone just like that. I was dealing just over five percent damage to her while she was just under ten percent on me! I know I needed to change my tactics but I couldn’t. I just wanted to fight.

I sprint back and started hacking away. Every three hits and she would knock me back. Once I had her down to below ten percent health I heard a loud popping coming from all around me. I looked towards the noise and saw the worst thing I could ever imagine!

Baby spiders were hatching from eggs all around the room! They swarmed towards me as fast as their little legs could carry them. I activated Burning Blood and felt my mana start to drop. I was now using more mana than I could recover.

I waded through the baby spiders like a great exterminator god! My blades cut them in half while my body heat burnt the others to a crisp. I killed about two thousand of the bastards before I was once again face to face with the queen. She hissed again and I rushed to attack.

This time I aimed at her face while she opened her jaws, fangs glistening with poison. She bit me as I thrusted into her ugly ass face. We both fell in a heap. I groggily looked up to the ceiling and noticed the pop ups from the fight.

You have killed an Arachna Queen! Exp gained 7,140,000.

You have killed an Arachna Spawn x 2,455! Exp gained 98,200.

You have leveled up x4!

I also had another pop up but this one wasn’t good at all.

You have been poisoned. Poison deals 70 damage a sec. Find a cure fast!

I got up and looted all the spiders before I left. I got nothing but money from the babies and a nice looking eye from the queen.

Items looted 1 Queen Spider eye, 250 Gold.

A white light enveloped me as I was transported out of the dungeon. Another pop up notified me of the quest but I ignored it for now. The hunter was staring at me with fear in his eyes.

“My king you have been poisoned! Hold on I have the cure skill. I can cure your poison ailment.” He rushed over and laid his hands on me. “Cure!” He shouted.

I felt a warmth wash over my body. In a few seconds I was cured. Thank the Gods! I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to find anyone to help me. “Why do you know Cure?” I asked him.

He gave me a questioning look. Like it was obvious knowledge. “Well I am a hunter sir. You never know when you might need the skill.” Well I’ll give it to him. That was pretty obvious.

“Alright! From here on out you are in charge of the hunters. I also want you to make sure that everyone in the kingdom learns this Cure skill. Me included!” I state.

“Of course my king. That is very wise of you. I also would like to thank you for the promotion. I swear that I will not let you down.” He bowed to me. You know he’s pretty good at kissing ass.

Now that I don’t have to worry about poisoning I look at the quest popup.

You have completed the quest! You have discovered a nest of creepy crawlies and cleared it with extreme prejudice!

For taking on the dungeon solo and making sure that you did not endanger any of your people you have earned a bonus!

Requirements. Kill the dungeon master.

Rewards. 14,000,000 Exp and 1,000 Gold.

Sweet! Oh more popups!

You have leveled up x9!

I distribute my stat points and pull up my status page to get a good look at everything. Sadly I hadn’t increased my skills at all so I didn’t look at those. What I see though is really nice. I also alter it to always show carrying capacity and speed.




Dual Blade Magician




Human/Ascended Demon King


184/ Designation D




57,588/889.4 min


57,588/889.4 min


57,588/889.4 min















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack


Base Defence/ Useable Defence



608 gold, 24 silver, 50 copper



Carrying Capacity

1,960 pounds

Max Speed

95 MPH

We head back and see everyone hard at work. The marble was mostly uncovered to where we wanted it and it was huge. The tip that we had uncovered at least was huge. Around four hundred feet wide and at least seven hundred feet high.

I walked up to the edge of the quarry and saw a bunch of nymphs working as well. They were melting the ground around the marble into lava and letting it cool so we would have a sturdy place to walk and haul large chunks of marble. I was kinda jealous at their mastery over flame.

When they people saw me they stopped working and I heard the voice of the guy that found the marble shouting up at me. “We are ready to start my king! How large of blocks would you like for the walls and foundation?” I really need to try and remember his name.

“I think square one foot by one foot blocks would be best for now. We also need to think of a way to make it strong enough to withstand all kinds of attacks and not break. That will be for after we have the foundation though, so for now just do the blocks. I will need a floor material as well. I’m thinking some type of wood that will withstand traffic. I also want to use marble slabs for the roads rather than gravel or dirt. Those will be one inch thick with a three foot length and two foot width.” I shout back.

“Sounds good to me my king.” He turns back, gathers some people and starts cutting the marble.

One of the nymphs comes up to me. As they got closer I see that it is Azula. “What do you want Azula?” I ask.

“My king I am not Azula. I am her twin sister Delmira. Um I might have a solution for your floor issues if you want.” She asked shyly.

Can this girl be any more different than her sister? I like her much more than Azula. “Ok Delmira. What did you have in mind?”

“Oh! Uhm yes. You see we raise a very special type of tree at our home and it um… is very good for flooring or anything else. It is called Fire Oak and very special to us. I can talk with my father for you. If you want that is.” She said while wringing her hands.

Oh just way too adorable! Ok keep it cool Zach. “Absolutely! That would be wonderful. Tell ya what I am going to put you in charge of the flooring for the castle and all homes. Just get whatever you think is best.”

“Oh thank you my king! I will go right now!” She sprinted off before I could say anything to her. Sadly as she was leaving her sister was on her way towards me.

“What can I do for you Azula?” I ask with bitterness in my voice.

“Watch yourself with my sister. If you step out of line you’ll be sorry.” She huffs and then walks away, not letting me reply at all.

Such a bitch.

I head back to the area that we are going to build the castle and start modifying the shape that I want. We had cleared and packed a square that was roughly a thousand feet by a thousand feet. Now this was good as a start but it sure wasn’t what I wanted in the long run. This square was going to be the main area that we would have balls and celebrations in.

I dig the edges out of another room and make this one face the north. I do the same for east and west. I want the entrance to be from the south. The spots that I dug out were roughly three hundred feet by three hundred feet I then add some smaller rooms around the sides to make it somewhat circular. Once I’m done with that I dig the outline of towers around the castle. I wanted five in total that were evenly spaced apart. In the end I made the whole castle circular where the main entrance looked like it sunk into the castle area. With the towers evenly spaced apart I pretty much had a pentagram of a building with one tower facing true north.

I chuckled a little as I looked at all the lines. As I stood there looking at the packed dirt lines the marble slabs had finally started to be delivered. I walked over to the workers and told them my plans. We laid out all the marble blocks and finished about a third of the lines but we did finish the main hall area.

All in all today was a productive day. With the sun setting I looked for Cas so we could go home and get some much needed rest. I found her lounging by the lake resting her head on Fluffy as he chomped down on one of the Fluffy Squawks. I go over and lay beside her as we enjoy the sunset over the lake. Once the sun was down we went home and had a simple dinner before bed.

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