《Chronicles of Zach》Chapter 6- City stuff


As I walk through that cringe worthy arch I’m bombarded by the sweet sound of civilization. I stop for a moment to take it all in, the people, the animals and all of them stopping and staring at me. Wait what?

“Huh?” Came out of my mouth before I could stop it.

“YAY!!!” They all started cheering at the same time. I was utterly and completely lost.

“Why are you all so happy?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“You are the one to finish this dungeon of course! You managed to get to the ninth level so of course you will finish it!” Some random child shouted.

By the gods! I am not some sort of savior!

“Listen my friend how about we just go into the city and you can do what you want first ok? Afterwards you can come meet me at the castle.” This came from a fairly fat man that had arms that most bodybuilders would dream of. Completely threw me off I tell ya.

“Ok.... well can i get your name sir?” I respond. I didn’t feel like using identify at the moment because i feel like some people might be able to tell that I’m using a skill on them. Call it a hunch.

“Ah well you can just call me the mayor. Other than Asmodeus I am in charge here.” He sheepishly replied.

“Till your wife shows up!” Some random guy shouted.

The mayor got really embarrassed and quickly turned around and ran away. Haha probably to his wife if that random person was right!

‘Ha probably!’

Oh you are funny Bee. Hey I just realized that all the signs are in english! You know why?

‘Oh that? Um I honestly have no idea. That really doesn’t make any sense to me because I know that there are thousands of languages out there. Wait weren’t the branch demons speaking english too?’

Yup. It don’t make no sense to me. Alright I’m gonna go find a store to sell my bags first.

‘Ok I’m gonna take a nap if that’s alright with you.’

You nap? I mean it’s whatever. Have good dreams Bee!

With that she was gone. I honestly feel like we are bonding a little now. I have a large bag on my back that was filled full with the extra bags I made. The good thing is that I started off making decent bags, not good but decent. So I had about 4 decent bags and 3 good quality bags as well.

They were fairly large too. I would say they could hold an entire cart full of groceries, or buggie if you’re from the south. I’m hoping I can get a decent price for them.

I stop one of the people that were around me real quick, they had all started to leave. “Hey could you tell me where a store would be that I can sell my things?”

She was a pretty decent looking woman with long black hair and light feminine features. She was shorter than me, but I’m probably 7 feet tall now, and slim but not skinny.

“Yea if you head down this road and just go to the centre of the city you should be fine. Then ya go by the Dragon Swallow. It’s a pretty good bar, of course it’s my bar so I might be a little biased.” She said.

“I might just do that. Dragon Swallow right? Ok. I’ll see ya later.” I start to head towards the centre of the city but turn back to her for a second. “I’m Zach by the way. It was a pleasure meeting you.”


“I’m Cas and the pleasure was all mine.”

With that I turned and left. Since the road was paved the trip into the city was boring as hell. Nothing happened and I was kinda hoping something would. The houses and buildings around me were pretty plain looking color wise but they were magnificently crafted.

All of them were at least 2 stories tall and had a lot of miniscule designs to make the house unique. I would go into detail about them but every house is slightly different and I’m too lazy to describe that much. I will say that I would like a house like this, maybe a portable one like my boat. That would be amazing.

The houses abruptly ended about 900 feet from the exact center of the city and I could see a circle up ahead. In the very centre of the circle was a good sized fountain with, what seemed to be, liquid silver flowing and shooting out of it. Quite the enchanting site. Around the fountain, about 200 feet away was a ring of shops, only one type of shop each.

There was a blacksmith, fletcher, tailor and a general goods. Oh there was an apothecary as well but it was attached to the general goods. I beelined it to the general goods store.

A little bell went off when I walked in. “Hello and welcome to my shop. What can I do for ya?” The store owner was at the counter and greeted me as I walked in. He was a decent looking guy but he was a bit on the heavier side.

“Yea I was wondering if you would want to buy some bags.”

“Depends on the quality.” He replied.

“Well I got four decent and 3 good quality bags that I made.”

“Oh ya made em did ya?” His eyebrows rose as I put them on the counter. He picked one up and noticed that I had put two adjustable straps on it so it was easier to wear. A slight whistle escaped his lips as soon as he saw how much it could hold.

“These are pretty good.” He said. Then he put one on to see how it felt. “No I take it back. These are damned good! Where’d you get the idea to put two straps on it?”

“Oh we call it a backpack where I’m from. It’s pretty useful but that’s not important! So what ya wanna give me for all of em?” I needed money.

He pondered for a moment. “Well the quality drops the price a little and it’s not super durable… but i can give ya two gold for the bags at most.”

“Done!” I was ok with that price.

“That easy? You’re not going to haggle?”

“Well I have never haggled before so I didn’t know I could.” I sheepishly replied.

He sighed. “Seriously? Ok heres what I’ll do. I’ll give you two gold for the bags but you need to try and haggle me for the recipe for the bags.”

“Um I made it up. I don’t have a recipe but I could probably write one down. Is that good?”

“Perfect! Now let’s do this. I’ll start off with twenty gold.”

“A thousand.”

“What no that’s not how you haggle! You go slightly higher.”

“Oh i get that but i got to thinking. You want this recipe and I have it in my head. Sooooo you can’t get it unless I write it down. Then you also probably have the crafting skill that is higher than mine so you will make better quality bags that will be worth a lot more than mine. In the end you make a shit load while I make practically nothing.”


My logic was spot on and all he could do was hang his head in defeat. “Fine. Here’s a thousand and two gold.”

Sweet now I can buy some cool stuff. “Ok let me see what ya got. I am in need of some things.”

“You just gotta think of buy while you are in my shop.”

Ok that’s simple. I think shop and some windows pop up.

Welcome to the General goods store! We have many things to buy so please pick a category.



Crafting/Cooking items



Bloodlines. I want Bloodlines.

Bloodlines- Please choose the bloodline list or random bloodline. Note Random bloodline is cheap but unpredictable.

Random- Cost 100 Gold

Specific- Cost 200- 1,000,000 Gold

Well I did that token for my weapons so I guess I’ll go with random.

You have bought Random Bloodline

You have changed from a Human to Human Demon hybrid.

I go to the pets page next because why not right?

Pets- Please choose the pet list or random pet. Note Random pet is cheap but unpredictable.

Random- Cost 40 Gold

Specific- Cost 100- 10,000,000 Gold

Fuck it random again and after this I’ll look at the status page, I can feel a major difference.

You have bought Random Pet

You have acquired a white liger cub. Cub has been imprinted onto you. Take good care of it.

Oh. My. God!!!! A liger cub! It’s so damn cute. I’m gonna love you and hold you and call you fluffy for you will be my fluffy. My fluffy wuffy.

Ok I need to focus now. I pull up my status page to look at everything.




Dual Blade Warrior




Human/Demon King






800/18.8 min


800/18.8 min

















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack





862 gold, 12 silver, 50 copper


Fluffy- White liger(Evolve path enabled)

Soul bound items

Boat of the never ending branch

Equipped Items

Britches of the birches-Defense + 50, Type- light armor

Leafy tank- Defense + 40, Type- light armor

Solid Shoes- Defense + 10, Type- light armor

Butterfly Bastard Swords- Attack + 200, Type- Dual Swords

Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 2 40/100

Gaia’s Blessing

Blades-Level 1 0/100


Armor-Level 1 20/100

Survivor Dude

Unarmed Combat-Level 10 MAX

Dual Wield-Level 1 0/100

Titan Grip-Level 1 0/100

Skinning- level 8 34/100

Cooking- level 8 34/100

Crafting- level 5 55/100

Note- Demonic bloodline is not fully active yet. You have the choice between a chaotic evil demon bloodline or chaotic neutral demon bloodline. Both bloodlines are the bloodlines of kings but have a different specific type.

Chaotic Evil Bloodline- You will become a thing of pure evil and people will naturally know that you are not to be trusted in any way. Bonus in deception and trying to do Evil deeds.

Chaotic Neutral Bloodline- You are neither good nor evil so this bloodline will not affect your interactions with others. You get no bonus to any deeds but you do get all the benefits of having a bloodline.

I’m not an evil person by nature so that is out the window right off the bat. If I’m going to be completely honest well then I must say that I’ve always leaned towards a chaotic neutral type of mentality. I just don’t see the point of being good or evil. I mean what’s good for some is evil for others, kinda why Earth got into this situation in the first place right?

You have chosen the Chaotic Neutral Bloodline! This will hurt and the system will update your body and level system once you are in a safe area.

Well thats nice. Fluffy curled up at my feet and fell asleep. He’s sooo cute! I pick that little ball of fuzzy wuzzy up and get ready to leave.

“You headed out friend?” The store owner asked.

“Sure am. I need to go to an inn now and take a rest. It’s been a long day you know.” I don’t want to let him know about the bloodline. I have a feeling I’d be treated a lot differently. Not sure why but it’s like a little voice in the back of my head.

“You want a good inn? I would suggest the Dragon Swallow that is along the same road that goes to the docks. Should be easy to spot.”

“How easy? That’s the way I came up but i didn’t spot it at all.” I was confused. I coulda sworn I didn’t see anything like that.

“Eh it’s halfway between here and the docks. Now go, you look exhausted.” He said.

“See ya! Oh and thanks a lot for the help.”

He just waved me off. I head out with Fluffy and of course I was ambushed by women, children and men so that they could see Fluffy. Now I don’t want to say that I’m possesive or anything like that but I definitely held Fluffy tight and ran as fast as I could down the road to the Dragon Swallow, much to the dismay of the people.

I made it to the Dragon Swallow in less than a minute and I must say that I am oblivious to my surroundings. The inn/bar was huge, 4 stories tall with a large wooden dragon that was swallowing a large barrel of ale. I have no idea how I was able to not see this.

I walk in and see the woman I was talking to not even a half an hour ago. I notice that she is staring at me as well. Her eyes light up a little as I walk to the counter she is at.

“Hey! Thanks for helping me out earlier. I was wondering if I could get a room? I need a rest and Fluffy here needs a place to nap as well.” I held up Fluffy to prove my point.

“Oh my Gods! He’s sooo cute! Yes yes here it’s two gold a night and you get a bath as well as dinner. Here’s the key. Now go. Go! I want to play with that little guy later.” She was practically jumping as she pushed me up the stairs.

I just laughed as she showed me up to the top floor. Only one room was on the top floor which surprised me a little. I guess I’m in the penthouse! I walk in and she goes back down the stairs to take care of her business.

The room is large with a huge bed in the middle that could fit 5 people easily and had only one adjacent room that held the bathroom. The bathroom came fully furnished with a mirror, toilet and huge bathtub that could fit 3 people, maybe 4.

I decide to just take a quick nap before I start the Bloodline thing. The moment i lay down a screen pops up.

Starting Bloodline change.

Starting in 5...





Bloodline being added.

Immense pain wracks my body causing me to scream and pass out.

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