《Chronicles of Zach》Chapter 7- Just a day


When I came to I had no idea how long I was out for. All I knew was that I was different. In front of my eyes was a ton of notification boxes. The first one just said that I had successfully bonded with my Bloodline. The rest were as follows.

You have obtained the Super Rare Chaotic Neutral Demonic Bloodline. Simplified name is the Ascended Demon Bloodline. This is the bloodline of the only demon that escaped his shackles of evil to become a completely neutral party. With this Bloodline come some really good perks. First will be the EXP to level up will be dramatically easier. Second is that you have gained some racial traits of the demon. These are Black feathered wings and enhanced senses. You will also only get 6 Skill points for each level now.m Current Ratio of Bloodline to Original Species Bloodline(OSB for short) 3/100

Due to your Bloodline change the EXP needed for leveling up has changed. The EXP Needed will now be your level multiplied by 10,000.

Congrats! You have leveled up! Level up x 134.

804 Skill points available. Assign Skill points to get Skill and level bonuses.

Oh shit. I’m cheat character still! I shall make this universe bow before me! I need to level out my stats so I can keep the pattern I want.




Dual Blade Warrior




Human/Ascended Demon King






14,282/203.4 min


14,282/203.4 min

















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack





860 gold, 12 silver, 50 copper


Fluffy- White liger(Evolve path enabled)

Soul bound items

Boat of the never ending branch

Equipped Items

Britches of the birches-Defense + 50, Type- light armor

Leafy tank- Defense + 40, Type- light armor

Solid Shoes- Defense + 10, Type- light armor

Butterfly Bastard Swords- Attack + 200, Type- Dual Swords

Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 2 40/100

Gaia’s Blessing

Blades-Level 1 0/100


Armor-Level 1 20/100

Survivor Dude

Unarmed Combat-Level 10 MAX

Dual Wield-Level 1 0/100

Titan Grip-Level 1 0/100

Skinning- level 8 34/100

Cooking- level 8 34/100

Crafting- level 5 55/100

Holy shit balls. I feel like I can kill anything. There’s more windows for hitting the milestones for STR, VIT and DEX but they are all calculated already. However I have milestones that I have to read before they get added in. I also have two notifications about hitting level fifty and one hundred. I guess I will get another at two hundred.

You have passed 50 in VIT and DEX. Stamina and HP are doubled as well as the recovery rate.

You have passed 100 in VIT and DEX. Stamina and HP are doubled as well as the recovery rate.

You have passed 100 in STR. Attack is doubled.

You have passed level 50. Your class has been upgraded to Dual Blade Meister.

You have passed level 100. You now have the option of specializing your class even further. Three choices are available to you.

Dual Blade Magician-Due to your Dex, Str, INT and WIS you can wield two weapons And use Magic! More information on this class if chosen. Category-Super Rare.

Dual Blade Barbarian-Due to your Dex and Str you can wield two weapons and attack in a whirlwind of rage! More information on this class if chosen. Category-Rare.

Dual Blade Master-Due to your Level and dedication to this class you may master being a dual Blade Warrior! More information on this class if chosen. Category-Uncommon.


I’m going with the magic one. Seriously? Is it really an option? I have always wanted a fiery blade of death!

You have chosen Dual Blade Magician! You have gained the skills Immolation and Elemental Imbuement! Mana Has been unlocked! Mana total and Mana Regen is calculated the same as Stamina except total Mana is decided by INT and Mana Regen is determined by WIS.

Due to your multiple Milestones and class advancements in such a short period of time all your skills have increased by 5 levels(Except those at Max level)! Remember to get a teacher if you have reached MAX level on a skill.




Dual Blade Magician




Human/Ascended Demon King






57,128/813.6 min


57,128/813.6 min


57,128/813.6 min















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack





860 gold, 12 silver, 50 copper


Fluffy- White liger(Evolve path enabled)

Soul bound items

Boat of the never ending branch

Equipped Items

Britches of the birches-Defense + 50, Type- light armor

Leafy tank- Defense + 40, Type- light armor

Solid Shoes- Defense + 10, Type- light armor

Butterfly Bastard Swords- Attack + 500, Type- Dual Swords

Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 7 40/100

Gaia’s Blessing

Blades-Level 6 0/100


Armor-Level 6 20/100

Survivor Dude

Unarmed Combat-Level 10 MAX

Dual Wield-Level 6 0/100

Titan Grip-Level 6 0/100

Skinning- Level 10 MAX

Cooking- Level 10 MAX

Crafting- Level 10 MAX

Immolation- Level 6 0/100

Elemental Imbuement- Level 6 0/100

So if i was like this at the beginning of the dungeon I would have walked through everything like it was nothing right? This is kind of dumb actually. Oh well as long as I can live! I wonder if the gods could explain the reason I’m so OP?

Ask and you shall receive! Listen you are OP for the moment in this area but believe us when we say that Level 1000 is low when it comes to the universe. Also due to your equal Stats and Human nature you learn at an unprecedented rate. No other being learns skills as fast as humans but many have had enough time to level that playing field.(Gaia)

Oh yea all of your skills are taught to you without a master, except Identify, So they will max out at Level 10.

I close the Status page and decide it’s time to go downstairs. I have no idea how long that took so it could be the next day for all I know. As I get up to get off the large bed I feel an enormous weight holding me down.

I start to panic and all of the sudden large black things start jerking my body around! This makes me panic even more which makes the black things move even harder! What’s worse is that they feel like they’re attached to me.

I am an idiot! Those are my wings! Ok deep breath I need to calm down. In my struggle I had fallen off of the bed and I was now on my stomach on the floor.

Slowly I stop panicking and my wings settle down as well. I look over my shoulder and see these dark raven like wings that glisten in the light. I know it’s daytime out because the sun is hitting my wings just right to make them look surreal.

I slowly get to my knees and try to stand up. I place one foot under me then the other. As I stand the weight from my wings causes me to lose my balance a little and I start to fall backwards. Catching myself before I could fall I lean forward slightly and manage to rectify the situation.


Slowly I head to the door to go down the stairs and get some food. The stairs were the hardest part to deal with, as I had to lean forward to counterbalance my glorious wings, but I couldn’t lean too far forward or I would tumble downwards. Fluffy decided to follow me instead of trying to jump up and have me carry him.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I came out into the main dining area which was also a bar. As you would expect, it was a lively area and very noisy. People were drinking and laughing as they enjoyed the food and beer. I noticed that all the people were very human like but they all had some things that set them apart. Some had scales and some had fur but the one thing i noticed was that they all were very happy. I could only wonder what their lives would be like once I cleared this dungeon.

I decide to stretch my wings a little since I was in an open area. They slowly unfurled and stretched out to cover up the entire area. My wingspan was at least twenty feet wide. All the commotion in the inn stopped as everyone stared at my magnificent wings. I might be a little vain. Maybe.

Cas, the inn owner, came over with a hungry look in her eyes. She took a good look at my wings then me. “You can put those away now. I’m sure all the girls here are enthralled enough by your good looks, we don’t need anymore reason to try and jump you.”

I laughed deeply before replying. “As much as I would like that I would like a good beer and good food first. Why are you being so forward? Sorry to be blunt but I am not used to being talked to like this. Feels good but I am curious.”

“Well we don’t have much to chose from here. No one dies since we are a part of this dungeon so it’s the same people everyday. Not saying the people aren’t decent looking but a little variety is nice. Also you are honestly a very handsome man and having both attributes makes one feel like they need to catch the opportunity when it’s there.” She sheepishly replied.

“Can’t fault you for that. Now about that beer?”

“Ah I’ll get a barmaid for that. But you need to tell me about yourself while we wait. I must say it’s odd to see someone jump over a hundred levels and grow wings in a day. What do you say to treating this old lady to dinner and a story?” Back to blunt Cas.

“Don’t mind if I do pretty lady.” She giggled furiously as we walked over to a table.

I sat at a bench since my wings wouldn’t let me be comfortable in a chair. Cas leaned back in a chair directly across from me and Fluffy jumped up into her lap. She ooed and awed over him for awhile till a barmaid brought out our food and drinks, she even brought some food for Fluffy.

I was served a huge piece of fis with what looked like potatoes and onions on the side. That seemed to be the meal of the day since everyone who was eating was eating the same thing. Fluffy was super excited about the food and sug in like the animal he was.

“So tell me Zach. Tell me all about yourself.” She asked while leaning forward on her elbows.

I figured that I might as well tell her the truth since I literally sprouted wings since she last saw me. My story wasn’t long but once i got to the part about me going down the slide she stopped me to make sure that I wasn’t lying. Once I finally convinced her that I really had only beat the first floor she wasn’t sure what to think. She just sat back with a dumbfounded look on her face.

When I told her about my level cap and getting a Bloodline she almost flipped out. I swear she was about to freak. “You have a Bloodline!”

“Yea it was kinda the only way to keep advancing.” I said casually.

“But Bloodlines are extremely expensive! The one you have must have cost millions!” She shouted.

I was getting a little nervous now. “Um I did the random Bloodline. So it really only cost me a hundred gold.”

“You did what? Are you stupid? You could have gotten the Bloodline of a maggot! Literally a maggot! What were you thinking?” She sighed.

“Hey it worked out. Besides now all of my stats are pretty decent and I got some badass wings out of it.” I shrugged. I wasn’t going to tell her my luck stat but I could tell her the rest.

“Oh really and what is your highest stat? Probably at seventy right?” She scoffed.

“Nope you are way too low. There all the same actually. I like to be balanced.” I replied smugly.

“You are dumb. How can that possibly be good? Not like you can wield two blades and sling spells!” She was getting irritated now. Oh boy this is gonna be fun.

“Actually my class is Dual Blade Magician so I can and all my stats besides luck is at one hundred and seventy six.” I said happily.

She sat silent for a solid five minutes before she replied. “You are a cheat! That is the only explanation for you! I mean seriously! Hot as hell, strong as fuck and able to get even stronger! What will you not be able to do? I suppose you don’t have a skill below level five right?”

“You’re right they are all six or above.” Can we get passed this already?

“Fuck you ya cheat.” She said.

I could tell that she wasn’t really angry at me since it’s not my fault. I mean come on now, I didn’t choose my race. I also didn’t put any points into luck but I will never tell anyone that.

“How about we just relax ok?” I try to placate her.

“Hmmm how about you treat me to a dance?” She says this as she puts her finger to her mouth with a light grin on her face.

Why do I feel like she is going be important in my life in some way? I swear that if I fall in love and she gets killed in some terrible way that I will begin to destroy everything in my path.

In case you couldn’t tell… I don’t do well with loss of someone I love. Am I possessive? I don’t think so.

Cas took my hand and we left the Dragon Swallow. I was a little confused because a band was just starting to set up inside. “Why aren’t we gonna dance in the bar area?”

“Oh I know of a better band in another area that is on the more elegant side. There is a door fee though, but it’s your treat so I don’t care. I also don’t want to hear any damned songs about drinking and screwing a random bar maid.” She huffed as she said the last part.

I don’t reply with anything other than a nod of my head. It was starting to get a little cold now. The sun was starting to set and i felt like being pretty smooth.

Naturally I extend a wing out, I had been fanning my wings out to get a feel for them, to wrap it around Cas and draw her in. She has a smile on her face as my amazing wing draws her in close. The wing does the trick and keeps her warm, which also keeps me warm since she is now snuggled up to me.

“You know that the species with wings will do this to show that they claim the one under their wing?” She says shyly.

I had no fucking idea. I just wanted to be cute! What do I do? You know what? Fuck it! Might as well go with it. “I had no idea but that’s fine with me.” Yea that was smooth.

“I bet you think you’re so smooth huh?” She scoffed.

No! How did she see right through me? She has to have a psychic skill!

“No I do not have a psychic skill but it was very smooth so don’t worry.” She laughed at me. The sound was actually very nice. It wasn’t as cheesy as bells ringing or anything like that but it did soothe the soul.

Wait a minute! She just said that she doesn’t have a psychic skill! So she does have one, I must be careful.

I study her a little more carefully and notice that her ears are tapered at the end to an elegant point. I also noticed that her skin, which seemed smooth and extremely fair at first, was actually covered in tiny scales!

“If you don’t mind me asking but what are you? Other than a gorgeous woman of course.” I asked.

“Well that was blunt.”

“I’m sorry!”

“No no no. It’s ok! Just not used to it I guess. Honestly I am about ten percent Draconian. Is that ok? I know many people fear Draconians.” She said with a note of sadness and fear in her voice.

“Ok? Of course it is ok! You’re hot as hell with a great rack and perfect ass. Now I know that sounds bad but you also have one of the best personalities I’ve ever had the fortune of meeting. You’re easy to talk to and helpful in every way. I could not have asked for a better person to meet in my life at this moment.” I replied honestly because honesty is always the best option.

“Well aren’t you just a sweet talker. Keep it up stud and you might get something at the end of the night.” She winked at me and we continued walking.

Feeling really good with myself I didn’t even realise that we had reached the place she wanted to go. When she abruptly stopped I looked up and saw that it was called the Dancing Phoenix. A doorman greeted us and I paid the fee of five gold. We danced the night away and I must say that I had a blast.

I found that my high DEX allowed me to compensate any mistakes I had while we were dancing so I never stepped on her toes. I think she was impressed as well. At the end of the night her face was flushed from excitement and a smile was on her face that went from ear to ear. If I could have that scene painted I would call it ‘Pure Joy’.

We went back to the inn to finish off the night with a cold beer. The Dancing Phoenix had some good wine but I found out that we both liked a cold beer more than a warm wine. I must say that this woman is practically perfect.

After our beers, we each had at least ten, we headed back up to my room. We were both drunk as hell and she was most definitely feeling frisky but I am a man of morals, most of the time. So being a man of morals I stop her advances and just wrap her up in my arms and wings. We lay down in bed and go to sleep.

All in all it was a great day and i thank the Gods that the change happened.

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