《Chronicles of Zach》Chapter 5- So moist


I agreed to the group loot of course. Much easier than going through each and every one.

Good choice! Please wait while the random loot generator works.

I decide to go through all my other notifications as well.

You have defeated your opponents in the special arena! Total opponents defeated 17. Total EXP 115,600,000. EXP has been stored.

You killed the Boss of this level! EXP gained 10,000,000 from boss fight! EXP has been stored.

For clearing the first level you have been awarded the title Branch Slayer! Branch slayer gives a bonus to damage done against all things made out of wood.

What a bullshit title! Are the gods mocking me?

Congratulations! You have figured out that we are mocking you! +20 to INT!


Unarmed combat has leveled up x 3! Max level reached! You must find a teacher to get to a more advanced level, but beware! A master can teach you a different form of unarmed combat that will change the skill completely.

Yea no I’m not going to do that. Dual Blade Warrior all the way!

You know everyone always said I was too stubborn in the navy. I don’t see it. I pull up my status page and skills as I await the loot.




Dual Blade Warrior










800/18.8 min


800/18.8 min

















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack




Equipped Items

Britches of the birches-Defense + 50, Type- light armor

Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 1 25/100

Gaia’s Blessing

Blades-Level 1 0/100


Armor-Level 1 20/100

Survivor Dude

Unarmed Combat-Level 10 MAX

Dual Wield-Level 1 0/100

Titan Grip-Level 1 0/100

Skinning- level 8 34/100

Cooking- level 8 34/100

My attack is pretty nice but I’m not sure how it’s gonna work when i get some blades but oh well.

The random loot has been decided! Total items: 3

Leafy tank. Required level 30

Item type- Light armor shirt

Buffs- +40 Defense

Quality- Rare

Solid shoes. Required level 30

Item type- Light armor shoes

Buffs- +10 Defense

Quality- Rare

Boat of the never ending branch

Item type- Legendary boat

Indestructible and form changing. Soul bound to owner.

Quality- Legendary

Woa that boat looks amazing. Honestly I can’t wait to use it. I feel at home on the waters and having a legendary boat is like giving a kid his own candy store.

I quickly put on the shoes and shirt, really it’s just a tank top, and head to the exit. The exit was steep and dark. Stairs wound down in a spiral that went so far that I had no light to see with, i just had to take each step as carefully as i could.

The stairs seemed to go on forever. I had started counting them at one point but gave up after 3,000 steps. These steps were about a foot high so I know that I went 3,000 feet down.


I hear something click as I’m walking and all of the sudden the stairs start to move. The steps angle themselves downward and in less than a second after I had heard that click i was sliding downwards at an extremely fast pace.

“AAHHHHHHHH” All I could do was scream as i hurtled towards the next floor of the Dungeon.

I have probably been sliding for 3 hours now. First it was scary, then kinda fun, now I’m just bored as hell. I can’t tell you how far down I’ve gone but it sure as hell was a long way.


As I’m contemplating the meaning of life, what else am I gonna do, the walls seem to be glowing and I can hear a faint splashing sound. It’s almost like I hear waves crashing against rocks. That can’t be possible though because I’m in a dungeon and you don’t get and ocean in a dungeon.

My surrounding gets brighter and brighter as the sound gets louder and louder. Yup I definitely hear the sound of water breaking over rocks. This place is just crazy.

‘I know right?’ My helper randomly comes back.

Huh nice to see ya. What you been up to?

‘No time for that right now. Get your boat ready. I have a feeling you are gonna need it.’

I had put the boat in my pocket for safe keeping, yea sounds crazy but it shape shifts so I had it turn into a small boat that could fit in my pocket. By now the whole staircase was bright from the light of the second floor yet I wasn’t out yet. The air was damp from whatever was out there.

I was no longer in a downward spiral but instead a steep straight shot. I could now see the end and it was emptying out into water, how much is a mystery. I had built up so much speed that when I exited the staircase, well slide now, that I shot out and skimmed over the water and tumbled around like a spinning top.

The boat in my had started to vibrate uncontrollably and slipped out of my hand. I reached to grab it but it had expanded and morphed into a ball that surrounded me. Encased in the wooden boat sat there waiting for something to happen.

‘You know that you have to will the boat to change right?’

Nope I had no idea.

‘Well that’s what ya gotta do.’

I think about the boat/ball to become one of those decent sized yachts with like 3 levels and an easy way to stear. Complete with bedroom, bathroom and working everything.

Now obviously that’s not quite what I got. It took on the shape but it had no extras. No bed or motor but it did have two wheels on the side like those old river boats.

As it morphed from my wants and needs it placed me into a comfy wooden chair that lifted me up in front of the steering wheel. The top deck was where you steered from and it was completely open, so I willed for it to have a little canopy to cover me from the sun that was glaring down on me.

Once that formed I looked around and all I could see was water. Bird flew overhead so I at least knew that land was somewhere out there. After all birds need to nest somewhere.

I watched as a large one, way bigger than me, dive down and grab a fish that was the same size as the Beors I had fought. It flew back up and headed in a western fashion. I assume that it was going to land so I turned the wheel and willed the boat forward. Might have willed it a little too hard because I was flying through the water.

I kinda wanted to slow down but i was still slower than the bird so I kept up the pace. I’m not sure how fast I’m going so I can’t accurately tell a distance but it was fast. With nothing to do while I followed the bird I felt like now was a good time to talk to my helper.


Hey can i ask ya some questions?

‘Sure. what’s up?’

So I remember from my RPG games that I played had some sort of inventory you could use and store your items. Is there anything like that?

‘Yes but you don’t just get an inventory. You have to earn it. It’s actually better to get bags and store your random stuff in it before you get an inventory. The bags end up taking less room, since inventories run on a slot system and each item takes up one slot. Pretty much allows you to cheat the system.’

That makes sense. So you’re saying I need to build up my crafting and make some good bags?

‘Yup. You can also sell those bags to earn some cash. As you have noticed you only unlock things like defence and certain types of attack or attributes if you pick them up. Wait now that I think about it you never got a starter package did you?’

Nope. Probably had to go through the indoctrination huh?

‘Yea you should have. Ugh! This makes things difficult. Hold on and I’ll contact someone.’

Oh thanks! I’ll work on crafting.

I went to my bag that I had brought with me and pulled out all my leathers. I sat back down into my chair and idly began to make bags while I waited. I was beginning to get a lot better and unlocked the crafting skill. My crafting even went up a couple levels before my helper came back.

‘Here you go. Gaia and Zeus decided to help you out on this one.’

You have acquired the beginners bag. Use it wisely.

Beginners bag.

1,250 copper coins

Random weapon token x 1

Huh I got some money now. That’s nice. I should use the token too, never know what I might get and it could be really useful.

The coins magically disappear from my hands but the token stays there.

Hey where the hell did my coins go?

‘Oh those are the only ones that actually go into a special inventory. It’s just a safe way to keep your money so that it can’t be stolen. Convenient right?’

Yea almost too much so. Ok so how do I use the token? Oh and I leveled up twice for my crafting.

‘Good! That means we will get more money!’

Woah. We? Who’s this we you’re talking about.

‘Oh um nothing. Nothing at all.’

Suspicious… anyways I take the coin and flip it.

You have decided to use the weapon token.

Congrats! You have gotten the butterfly bastard swords!

Two bastard swords that were identical to each other appeared in my hands. They were pretty heavy but my titan grip let me hold onto them easily enough. I identified them which got me a level up in identify.

Butterfly Bastard Swords. Required level 30

Item type- Dual Swords

Attack- +100 Attack for each sword

Quality- Rare

I equip them and look at my Dual Wield skill to see how it would affect my stats as well as Blades.

Dual Wield- Allows for the use of a weapon in both hands. Attack is determined by the base damage of the weapons multiplied by the base attack of the user. Level of skill will double the attack for each level. Current multiplier 2

Blades- Increases the attack of a bladed weapon by 50 for each level.

I pull up my stats after everything is equipped to see the change.




Dual Blade Warrior










800/18.8 min


800/18.8 min

















Unused Stat Points


Base Attack/Useable Attack





0 gold, 12 silver, 50 copper

Equipped Items

Britches of the birches-Defense + 50, Type- light armor

Leafy tank- Defense + 40, Type- light armor

Solid Shoes- Defense + 10, Type- light armor

Butterfly Bastard Swords- Attack + 200, Type- Dual Swords

Active Skills

Passive skills

Identify-Level 1 25/100

Gaia’s Blessing

Blades-Level 1 0/100


Armor-Level 1 20/100

Survivor Dude

Unarmed Combat-Level 10 MAX

Dual Wield-Level 1 0/100

Titan Grip-Level 1 0/100

Skinning- level 8 34/100

Cooking- level 8 34/100

Crafting- level 3 25/100

Wow I’m starting to look nice, it’s kinda sad that my attack went down but that’s to be expected of course. Not much left to do but use all my leathers up in making bags.

‘You are looking pretty good there. We might make something out of you yet.’

Ha ha very funny. You know what I’m gonna call you Bee from now on.

‘I can live with that. Tell me why you decided on Bee though.’

Cuz you bug me! Hahahahahaha!

‘Dick. Just keep crafting ya jerk.’

Hey it was funny!

‘Maybe a little….’

I just chuckle to myself as I continue my crafting. I ran out after making 3 more bags and rose my crafting up to level 5. Honestly now that I think about it I should really praise the random number generator god or luck god or whatever there is out there that gave me the 99 luck. Seriously has helped me alot with fights and weapons.

I look up to the horizon to see that the bird is gone but I can faintly see land on the horizon. “Land Ho!” I shout. Always wanted a reason to legitimately do that.

The land started to grow larger and larger on the horizon and soon, and by soon I mean a day of sailing, I could tell that it was a fairly large island. Probably the same size as the main island in hawaii. I also started to come across small fishing vessels.

“Hey there!” I shout to one of the fishing vessels.

“Ahoy! What can I do for ya?” The captain of the small boat asked.

“Well I’m kinda curious to know what I’m gonna find on the island.”

“Oh that’s just the city of the ninth floor! You should be able to find anything you want to in there.” He replied.

Wait… ninth? “Ninth? Like one more floor to the boss area?”

“Yup you must be pretty good to get here.” He sighed.

“Oh yea… yea I’m ok I guess. I’m gonna head in now. Um… Good luck!”

With that I waived by and headed to the docks as fast as I could. The docks were about 30 min in and I made it in about 10. I was scared shitless to think that I was on the ninth level now.

When I pull up I just will the boat to be small again which attracts a lot of attention to me. Everyone is staring and the docmaster starts running in my direction.

“Sir! What is that magnificent vessel you have?” The dockmaster asks once he reaches me.

“Um it’s a boat.” I wasn’t prepared to tell the man it was a legendary object quite yet.

“Well of course it is. Of course it is. Tell me good man… would you want to sell it to me?” He asks.

“Nope I’m gonna keep it, but I tell ya what, if i find another then I’ll sell it to ya.”

He just nods his head and walks away. I assume I don’t need to pay a docking fee since, well, the boat is in my pocket. I head up the docks to what I can tell is a decent city. Not large with skyscrapers or anything but it was large. I could see a castle in the distance and there were victorian style homes all cramped together. The streets were all paved and magically driven carts ferried people around.

The entrance into the city had an archway over it that read “Welcome to the moist kingdom! May your stay never be dry.”

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