《HERO OF DEMONS (HOD)》Ch.8-"Thundering Down"



Sorry for being late... I'm really motivated! In spite of the lack of fans T-T, I will still write not for anybody, but for my own enjoyment. So I'll just take the story along and let some polls control the next direction, but the rest is up to my mood!

So I guess that was a short rant, but there's not really anything to complain about this week... And the haters gonna hate, but this story is going wherever the hell I want it to. Wait... bootngexe.up...dangareros999999....... *WHIRRRRRRRRR*

{SARCASM MODE} [ON]: Just a note to the haters out there... cough*only one person*cough*Ugoki*cough* you can go and fucking hate on your own. If you don't like it then don't read it. You don't have to go and waste ur time thinking of reallllly original stuff to criticize with: "Fuck off", "Fuck you" etc... whatever "original" insults you post here will only earn you a whole lot of rants. Well, I'm all vented, note: when u don't like to reade the rants... theres something that humanity invented for impatient people... it's called.... SKIPPING THE RANT

Whew~ Alllllright. Now I got the hater problem done with... Enjoy~.

-Present time-

Just a week after the national summoning, in a forest on a mountain overlooking the nearby human capital, there were some reports of something humanoid donning white-hair falling from the sky after a bright flash of light appeared at approximately around early morning.

But due to the guards patrol time-frame to be as early as that, only some people that woke up abnormally early witnessed it. And the people that did witness were too small, so it was regarded as lunatic ravings.


"Mmmm... (Yaawwwwwn)... what... where am I..."


I open my eyes slowly. Only to find another pair of eyes staring back. And these eyes didn't seem human. They were golden yellow, having a shiny luster that was almost energy like, instead of the shiny mineral kind of luster.


What I saw beyond that, caused me to take a double take.

I blinked, looked again, and instantly blushed. Why? Because those eyes belonged to a girl. She looked like a ten-year old, with waist length golden yellow hair, which covered one of her eyes.

Now, normally nothing would make me react to a girl, because the ones from before in my previous world all bullied me for Kevin. They had a dark maddened and ugly look in their eyes that couldn't be hidden no matter how much makeup they showered onto their faces.

But this girl, she was... not like an angel, but really cute... and her eyes. They weren't like any girls eyes that I had known. They were curious, but also kind-of dull. Like she didn't really have much emotion. Plus, she had an ahoge! How is that possible! She has an ahoge!

Authors note: (Basically a huge cow-lick of hair at the top of her hair)

Adding to her noticeable chest... Isn't this what Colby would call an oppai loli?!

Of course, none of this was enough to make me blush. Hmph, do you think the anti-social me would be made to blush so easily? It's the fact that... she wasn't wearing any clothes. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Um... hello... do you know where am I?"



She tilted her head slowly.

"I dunno..."


She quietly muttered. Hm, okay, location is unknown... I'm all alone with this girl... Wait! I'm not thinking of any bad things, don't worry. Even if she did manage to make me blush, She's only a kid, I'm no lolicon! But I'm a guy with a good heart!

I check my belts. Good, it seems that I didn't lose anything. I start spinning around my strings and focus on making something...

The girl just looks at me curiously while I spin. Wow... she's cute! ...




After, weaving for a while, I finish. It's a simple biggish... shirt thing? No wait... I alter my weaving pattern and make something... Tadah!

After about 30 minutes, I have made my first wearable thing! It's a robe! It pretty much fits the description of a Mages robe. Except that it's really simple.

I look over, the girl's eyes are sparkling, they're fixated on the simple robe I made... wow. Ah! I got a fun idea...

I toss it to her

"Here, you can have this"




"...Yeah, you should put some clothes on"


Her ahoge almost seems to stand up, if she could wag a tail, I think she would.

She immediately tries it on, and although a bit to big, I think it fits nicely. Seeing her eyes all shiny, I laugh a bit.

Then I take note of our surroundings. It's a really big forest clearing, and there doesn't really seem to be any trace of civilization...

"Where's your family?"


She pauses.

"Uuuu I don't know... I can't even remember if i had parents."


Hm, Okay... wait. What? I start to interrogate her. After that, I realize she's really timid and quiet... or more like, just quiet, no timidness, I finally get the gist of it after a while.

"So you just woke up around here and can't remember anything?"




Isn't this a little strange? This is a case of amnesia, right? Judging by the cruelty of this new world, she was probably traumatized by slavers killing her parents or some other cliche setting from my fantasy web-novels. Well, there could be a chance that she just hit her head and managed to survive in this place... I'll just pick her up and drop her off somewhere.

"Okay... can you remember your name?"


She seems to brighten up and recalls something.

"... En, It's Lucy"


"Alright, for now, come with me Lucy, I'm Kris! I'll take you over to your parents or maybe let a nearby town's orphanage take you in!"


She seems to like that idea, so I guess that settles my plan. Huh, since when did I become this nice? Oh. I'm not nice. It's just... the look in her eyes isn't just innocent, it also carries a resemblance of the loneliness that I carried before I met Colby... oh. Now that's a good idea!

"Lucy, wanna be friends?"


"E-en! Ehehehe"


Wow, She's really smiling there. Well, I guess if I just had amnesia and appeared in a dark forest, the person who appeared suddenly and decided to be your friend must be like a hero.


Huh? Isn't she a bit tooooo happy? It's like she's absolutely brimming with energy... w-what? Her cowlick is realllllly standing up... i-it's crackling?

All of a sudden, electric energy starts appearing on her cow-lick. I look at the sky after a huge cracking sound is heard.

I see it coming down on us... is a lightning bolt supposed to be that big? It's like, 4 times my hight and width! And don't tell me... Lucy made it appear?! ....ERHMAGHERDDDDDD!!!

"Tehehehe~ I made a friend!~"




That morning, people spit out their breakfasts after hearing a sound akin to a great northern Thunder Lion's roar, and then threw up whatever they had swallowed after hearing the terrifying sound that sounded like a banshee in an electric chair. (Same as modern electric chair, except powered by mana, or magic-stones)

The End! I really wanted to make someone who Kris won't be able to tsukkomi to, and something similar to a really stoic loli, so I came up with Lucy. Take a guess at what element affinity she is! XD

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