《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 11


By the time he awoke, he looked at the surprisingly obedient class. Each of them was studiously studying something or another as Andrew stretch his limbs. He cast a quick recovery spell to work his aching muscles back into motion before he claimed a desk in the back.

When the teacher, Ms. Greyson, as the chalkboard indicated, looked his way, he could not help but noticed the childish grin on her face. Suddenly his desk was torn asunder and he was launched backward.

"Had enough?" Spoke Ms. Greyson with an impish smile. "Your body ought to be rather sore by now."

Andrew nodded and cracked his neck. "Yeah, it is. What are we learning? Uh... this is basic trigonometry, is it not?"

'Math of all things,' groaned Andrew inwardly. 'It's easy, but what's the point in this world?'

"Oh, you seem famil-" He was launched back into the wall and the other students quivered violently. The two slowly matched eyes and began as if nothing happened. "You seem familiar with it. Might I ask for an example to demonstrate?"

Andrew sighed and formed a relatively complex equation. The numbers were not so important, but with a generalized equation, he created a created a few more as he combined them all and simplified it.

"It means nothing, but that is a run down of simplification."

Ms. Greyson looked at him warmly for a moment and Andrew smiled.

'Awe, look at her! She isn't so bad-'

Then he was launched back towards the back of the classroom. Due to the increased momentum, his breath was knocked out of him and he crumpled over for a few moments under the eyes of everyone in the class.

"Ah, damn it all," groaned Andrew. "Recovery, recovery, recovery, recovery," murmured Andrew.


His gray cloak glistened with water as he tried to heal his back. However, the process was slow going.

"Ah, thanks for the desk again," spoke Andrew as he hastily sat atop it.

"Surprising. Voiceless, rapid, and fluid. Half decent mana pool. Too bad you can't use wind."

Andrew waved good-naturedly, "I prefer not to do that sort of thing anyways. I do feel lost that I can't fly, but I'll find a way."

"Grow wings?" Laughed Ms. Greyson before sending a glance towards the students.

Her dimples grew large and eyes bright. In that moment four students were launched to the back of the class without warning. Andrew, of course, was one of them.

Using the shattered stone under his feet, Andrew began using a small amount of it to create a floating disc. However, he did need to heat the air underneath it to finally exact reasonable flight.

"Very good. It is a temporary measure usually displayed to prevent falling down nigh-bottomless chasms."

She continued speaking even as Kate was launched backward. This time she landed directly atop Andrew who did not even have time to cry aloud.

"Both were guilty," spoke the young woman indifferently. "Class, I do believe you were supposed to be working."

The injured students hastily used whatever measures they could to return to their desks. All of them were surprisingly durable as their stone braces, healing spells, or even wind lifted them back to their feet before shuffling back.

Kate, however, looked at around in a daze. Andrew's back was thoroughly sore so he sent a doppleganger to his newly reformed seat as he slouched.

"You okay?" Spoke Andrew through gritted teeth. "Damn, why'd you have to sit in the front?"

"Uhm, ah, well, sorry," mumbled Kate with a scarlet face. "I will, ah- damn, that hurts."

Andrew sighed and sent for his doppelganger. Using it as a conduit, he performed a few recovery spells before calling out, "Ms Greyson, I'm going to sleep right now. Too many recovery spells."

"Leave the doppelganger," laughed the woman. "Use it as a test."

Andrew nodded and felt the warm embrace of darkness overtake him.

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