《Magnus of Theta》Chapter 10


Andrew and Leya concentrated wholeheartedly on their jobs as the school term approached. Leya's focus was to use the time to stockpile money so she could reasonably accommodate expenses that might be incurred.

However, Andrew's was different. He wanted to firstly make an exorbitant amount of money through jewelry. In addition to that, he created a line of militarized, single-edged cleavers that could hack through flesh and bone. The hilt was curved outwards normally to remind the direction of the blow. With dent-like ribbing, he tested it out on a few pig carcasses with his minuscule degree of strength.

And it worked. Slightly. The effects were far and above what he wanted when a grown man took hold of it, but the line of weapons were held off until full-scale manufacturing could be down. Though his four prototypes sold for nearly thirty gold alone.

'Not enough when you take into account the creator's right,' moaned Andrew inwardly. 'At least I made some more with the jewelry sting. Commission is far better after all.'

Throughout the month and a half of settling in, he saved one hundred and fifty gold, with the expectations of another fifty coming his way. However, his work tapered off as he began to focus more heavily on training and preparation for school.

Icy shadows danced around one child as fire radiated off the other black misted boy. Of the two figures, two iron daggers floated above each. Andrew performed a mock battle with himself as he constantly pushed his limits.

The last week alone brought rise to an ever-growing desire to increase his battle strength. So much so that he even began consulting his contacts for various spells he could begin to practice.

Derek, or Dirge alternately, was a repository for Darkness spells so Andrew frequently went over to practice new spells. However, the spells were still just a cluster of low-tiered ones. While ineffective alone, they served to further his more destructive skills.

A few even bordered on curse spells. While the effect could be over-loaded with mana raging through the target's body, it was still a deadly condition if used properly. Congeal, Pain, and, his favorite, Silence, were three that he mastered rapidly.

Congeal and Pain essentially cut down their reaction times and abilities by slowing blood flow and creating sudden bursts of pain. However, silence cut off their voice.

Without it, even for a second, it allowed the mage to lose control of his magic if he predominately focused on spoken-word magic. Which, as it turned out, most did if nothing else than for familiarity to the incantation.

It would be completely useless against his sister, but with those three words, he could send most others into absolute disarray. There were other forms of using the darkness, but only a solidifying technique was all that notable.

There were several more advanced techniques that Dirge was capable of teaching him. However, each required more mana and even more gold to offer as payment. With enough of each, he could learn up to standard mage's repertoire if only being given the book itself.

"You ready?"

"Yeah," mumbled Andrew as he dressed in his finest gray robe. "Have you eaten already?"

"Of course. I know you play around at night, but at least wake up on time," sighed Leya. "First day after all."

Andrew unsealed and pulled back a stone in the wall before pulling out two small purses. One carried a few gold, the other fifty. There were a few more with pre-sorted amounts inside, but he just returned the stone and sealed it back into the wall.


"Mother!" Spoke Andrew as he ran down the stairs. "Is there any boar meat from last night?"

"Yes, honey," laughed Rae as she caressed her bulging belly slightly. "Just fried?"

"Perfect," with a toothy grin, he rushed to his seat. "Oh, present for prepping for the baby."

A heavy purse settled down on the table and the ring of metal echoed a short distance away.

"Illegal?" Spoke Rae before she even looked inside.

"Frowned upon, I guess," laughed Andrew innocently. Seeing her sharpened gaze, he laughed even harder. "I mean, you'd normally expect a child to not pay taxes?"

Rae snorted and opened the purse. Wide wide-eyes she softly glared at him, "definitely illegal."

"Mother, can I eat now?" Softly chuckled Andrew. "Actually, it is completely legal, I assure you. Definitely frowned upon though. Not illegal."

"Yeah, yeah," laughed Rae dryly. "At least I can have a few years spent in luxury before they cast me away in chains."

Andrew picked up an iron fork on the table and grinned. "I am the master of iron. Chains will never stop me!"

The iron fork turned into a delicate flower accompanied by three large and well-defined leaves. There were subtle notches and engravings in the iron that seemed to be slowly reforming into a pristine surface. With a few veins, natural lines, and stoma, the flower soon floated towards his mother.

"So that's why. Another magic trick," laughed Rae warmly. "At least it is pretty. Tulip?"

"Yes. Well, close as I can make one from memory. Wouldn't suggest you place it in your hair either."

"Just a tad bit too heavy. Nevertheless, where is your sister?"

"Praying? Hell if I know," shrugged Andrew. "Oh, Leya, hurry up."

Andrew sent out a doppelganger to stand just in front of the door as he heard her rapid steps. Instead of crashing headlong into the crossed-armed, shadowy figure, she gracefully moved to the side and acted as if nothing was there. Andrew recalled the shadow under his mother's reproachful stare.

Leya carried two purses as well. One was fastened tightly to her waist and the other fell on the table with a loud ring. Andrew quirked his brow slightly and inwardly started to analyse the amount of gold there from the volume.

"Oh, same as me. Dearest sister, you aren't doing anything... frowned upon are you?"

Leya sent a glare towards Andrew and snorted inelegantly. "I'm not like you. Anyways, we have half an hour before we half to leave. I trust you have anything?"

"Yes, yes, Princess," rolling his eyes dramatically, he turned to a newly arriving plate and called out, "thanks! Huh, where's... oh, right."

Andrew used part of his knife to form a rough fork and began to devour his breakfast. It was just sausage, pan-fried boar, and some greens. However, it was always delicious for one reason or another.

"So, are you two excited for school? You've been awfully busy these past few weeks. What are two up to?" Commented Rae as she leaned against the counter.

"Practicing, promoting, and the like," said Leya with a small grin. "Mrs. Stenson says she wants to see you again when you have time!"

Rae laughed and nodded happily. "Of course, I'll find time today or tomorrow to drop off a small gift. How's an iron flower?"

Andrew rolled his eyes and added, "she'd be be fine with it, but you're not getting your fork back then!"


Leya furrowed her brows, "isn't that bad? I mean, well, it isn't common to be able to shape steel, but still."

"Probably only bad if you start to use other people's names. If you are just crafting normally I don't see it being an issue," spoke Rae thoughtfully with a small shrug.

"The iron tulip," spoke Leya dryly. "What a mighty name for your mercenary group."

"Now your just jumping to conclusions," laughed Andrew. "Iron tulip isn't bad. Actually, it's kind of perfect. Who wouldn't spread the fact that someone was completely destroyed by a man calling himself and his group after a flower?"

"I've created a monster," shuddered Leya dramatically. "An-nee-ways, time to go. Mom, will be okay with the dishes?"

"I'm not that far along. Not that dainty either."

Seeing their mother stick her tongue out at them caused them to feel somewhat complicated emotions. However, it soon passed and each of them grabbed their things before heading out the door.

Locking the front gate, Andrew and Leya sped off towards the Western district to reach the school.

Several of them were present in each corner of the city. However, only the one in the west catered to commoners and also taught magic. Most of the curriculum was generalized, but the element of learning magic was still heavily present in grading and subjects.

In the North of the city, there was a noble only school, but it failed to live up to the degree of competition that the one in the West offered.

"We are definitely the youngest," spoke Leya absentmindedly.

"Yeah, definitely," he affirmed, looking at the budding chests of other girls - then Leya's. She smacked him.

Most of the other children had already began puberty whereas the two twins were just tiny and unassuming. However, there was not any overt hostility directed to them as they walked through the school's courtyard.

It was covered on three sides with a landing up to it. Grand gardens with a central fountain existed underneath an upraised statue. It was a relatively normal looking man, but his face held bitter resolve as he stared stoically off into the distance.

"Must be fun at parties, huh?"

Leya elbowed him in the stomach and groaned, "he is the founder. You can think whatever you want, but don't say it, idiot."

"Princess, oh Princess, what would I ever do without you," scoffed Andrew as he coated his ribs with a warm rush of tranquil water. "Don't worry, I'll put my face here... here and here later on."

He pointed to several of the most eye-catching locations within the school; Leya just snorted and dragged him away. After a few mental calculations, he deemed it possible, but he was still only an initiate at best. Granted, one with access to novitiate spells and techniques, but still was held back due to his techniques.

'I need to work it past its breaking point,' mused Andrew inwardly. 'The growth has been too small. Efficiency has gone up, still lagging behind where I want it to be. Need ten independent daggers! Ten!'

Leya gave him a side-long glance before shaking her head at his odd expression. However, few other people noticed the unassuming children walking through the courtyard.

After a few minutes, Andrew heard a foreign thought come into his mind, 'minions?'

Andrew nodded and looked at her as if she were dumb. She snorted and laughed, 'just asking.'

'Isn't it obvious, though? I need right-hand ma- no, woman, to take up my side. She'll be the Queen of Darkness! Demonic King and Queen will ravage all of creation.'

'Yeah, no. Look all around you,' projected Leya. 'See the two lines on their chest? That's marks from the pantheon - almost all of them.'

Andrew waved his hand dismissively, 'I'll just convert them later. Else, I'll just head over to the Demon kingdoms to find a babe. Isn't a big deal. Only requirement: horns and bi-'

"Hello, I trust you are newcomers," spoke a jovial voice as soon as they walked through the door. "Do you have your identification slips?"

Andrew nodded and pulled out two slips.

"Andrew and Leya Fang. Nice to meet you both. We are currently gathering up the new students into the auditorium, so if you will kindly follow me."

Andrew noticed that the elderly woman seemed familiar, but he chose to ignore the sentiment. Leya, on the other hand, looked at her with wide-eyes.


"What are you speaking about?" Spoke the old woman with a small frown.

"Theta," spoke Leya curiously. "We're from Theta, do you have any relatives there?"

"A few that retired, but no one that readily comes to mind," spoke the old woman dismissively.

Her silver hair flickered back and she guided the two towards the auditorium. There was little there expect for a small mass of stone benches, students, and floor-space. However, even with slate-grey walls, plain windows, and even plainer decorations, the school radiated an odd feel.

The courtyard and halls were lavishly decorated, but to Andrew's eyes, the room was simple. In fact, so much so that he nodded in agreement. He was never much of a fan of overtly obnoxious decoration. It was inefficient and rather gaudy. While it sold well, that the extent of his interest. However, his sister's surprised expression caused him to tilt his head. At least so long as it didn't have a purpose - or monetary value.

"What is so special about it?"

"Gold... so bright and sparkly!" Cried in sister entranced.

"Huh? It is just plain; grey, dull, normal. Why is that so special? Are you on something?"

Leya released a fierce glare towards Andrew, but the old woman chuckled from behind them.

"It shows the viewer what they feel they most desire. I do not recall hearing of such a description from you, young man. However, typically, the more lavish it is, the more the person desires tend to be focused on material wealth."

Andrew laughed and shrugged. "Wealth is just a means! A means to -"

"And the darker and more barren it is, alludes to power and control. You two are related, right?"

"I wish we were not," said Leya.

"Agreed. She's just petty as the room can tell!"

"Ara, ara, the room does not lie. Nevertheless, it is a small test. There is no wrong and right, only the truth of the moment. Now if you'll excuse me."

The old woman left with a complicated expression. The two children in front of her gave off complete extremes in their descriptions. After a quick look inside a small hand-held device, her expression faltered greatly.

"I just don't understand. Where can you meet such differences? Each seems like a Tyrant and the other their equal on opposite standing. However, which it will be what is hard to judge," she breathed out a heavy sigh and mumbled, "this world will be an interesting place soon."

During it all, Andrew and Leya continued to bicker quietly amoungst themselves as they berated the other's inherent thoughts. However, each of them could not see nor sense the others apparent world in the slightest. As they continued, other children began comparing their descriptions and the minor news spread around the group.

"Hey, mind if we join you?"

"Please," said Leya with a radiant smile. "it'd be my honor."

Andrew noticed the two parallel lines pinned to their chest and frowned. Each was silver and illustrious, but the two girl who wore them seemed to be relatively simply. They each had black hair, but the shorter one had deep blue eyes and long flowing hair.

"Hello, my name is Kate, I hope we aren't disturbing you," spoke the blue-eyed girl cordially.

"Reva," added the girl with her hair worn up and blinked her owlish green eyes. "You two are?"

"Leya," spoke his sister as she pointed to Andrew. "This is my brother Andrew, but please disregard his antics."

"Antics?" Murmured Reva, "such as?"

Leya sighed and motioned to him, "you'll see, I'm sure."

Andrew rolled his eyes and spoke out indifferently, "she's just being judgmental. Doesn't like how she makes so much less than me. Anyways, you two seem to be young as well. Are you nobles?"

Kate blinked and bit her lip. "How can you tell?"

"Bearing, attitude, speech, and a few other factors. Your age as well. Not much older than us, but you were accepted in here."

"Then are you as well?"

Andrew laughed quietly and shook his head. "She," pointing at Leya, "probably wants to be, but no. Just normal, everyday commoners."

"Then how did you get in? Our magic isn't all that impressive and that's all they really need as a exam - save, of course, for personal connections."

Andrew looked at Leya with a wide grin and laughed. "I'm smart and she copies me - owe. It's true. You are just copying me, I was the one who found that book years ago!"

"Yeah, but it isn't like I just miraculously learned out of doing nothing!"

"Princess, don't be such a sour-puss. You'll cause a bad impression to your future fan club," spoke Andrew as he rolled his eyes.

"Princess? Leya? Is that just a nickname... or a title," spoke Kate anxiously.

"Title," grinned Andrew. "Title to her beloved fans. She's is just too hell-bent on getting a better one, I'm sure."

Leya smacked his chest which caused Andrew to roar in laughter. His high-pitched voice immediately attracted the attention of the vast majority of the audience. The room was still trickling in with people, but Andrew ignored the sudden attention.

"You two, Kate and Reva, I imagine... Baron? No offence."

"Daughters of," laughed Reva gently. "The title will be passed through our hand in marriage, no doubt, but the perks are still there."

"Proper reading material," sighed Andrew. "I'm stuck with novitiate spells for the moment. Hell, even if I went half way with Leya the price for anything more advanced would bankrupt be in no time."

Leya scoffed, "at least you can use them. I have three real spells, but you have double that."

"It isn't even necessary," shrugged Andrew. "Well, hexes are kind of, but still." Seeing Leya was about to speak, Andrew snickered and whispered, "silence."

Her face paled for a moment before she smacked him with a burst of air. The audiences attention once again turned on them again, but Andrew smiled innocently.

"Whatever was that for, Princess?"

"Shut up, you bastard. And stop with the Hexes!"

Kate looked at him fearfully for a moment while Reva seemed to stare wide-eyed. "What... what was that?"

"Dark magic," laughed Andrew. "She wanted light magic, but dark magic is so much better."

Reva was originally on the far side from him, but he cast his doppelganger to the other seat and casually sat down.

"See? I personally think this is cooler than healing magic. Sure banish the undead, make pretty lights, heal mortal wounds, but this is better," spoke the doppelganger.

Reva looked back and forth before she let out a large sigh. Sending her glance to Leya, she muttered, "antics?"

"What did I tell you?"

"Well," mumbled Reva. "It isn't against the holy teachings of the Gods, but I don't think I even thought of using that magic."

Andrew's original body and doppelganger shrugged simultaneously before it reverted back to him. "There are other perks, I'm sure. Anyways, still learning and that's only a novitiate spell. Expensive all the same though. At least in comparison to Earth, Fire, or Water."

"Nice tricks, little one."

Before he could demonstrate, a loud voice appeared from the podium. There no one there at the moment, but a figure slowly appears through in the air. Andrew looked at it critically before his expression turn into one of envy.

'Invisibility! One of the few that are shared between darkness and light! At least true mage, but considering the presence-less body, it should be higher!'

He noticed the young man looked at the group impassively before he finally began to speak once more.

"Well, you have all gathered here today to become part of our beloved school. There are few places in this Kingdom that can match up to the prowess you will see here. Those that come for fame or glory - take it. Wealth and riches - take it.

"Nothing can stand in your way should you demonstrate the power required of you. I will not have any mistreatment between commoner and nobles alike. Even allowing for the immense privileges they hold, only three nobles have risen to the title of Grand Magnus in the last ten years in the country. The common-born students carry seven more. However, even at this pinnacle, one must always seek to improve.

"Live or die, you ought to take only one thing from me: power waits for those with the hands and hearts to take it. Perhaps we will see another Legend come from our midst soon enough.

"I digress, you'll now be sorted into classes. Note the glowing colour you are inside. There should be roughly equal numbers this year, but eight classes will exist. Improve by yourself or as a whole. It matters not. However, standing, influence, and abilities will increase as you progress.

"This year, like all others, we will be offering the same competition as we did before. Students included in each class will be allotted additional resources and allowances in order to improve themselves. Everyone starts off at ground zero. Good luck."

He disappeared into a fine mist and soon eight glowing lights appeared all around them. Leya was dyed in a purple light alongside Reva. However, Andrew and Kate were carried off in a crimson light.

The lights swept them away and soon hundreds of students were sent screaming down the halls. Few, if any, had the opportunity to see where most of their friends were sent. However, as the halls split off, the students were gathered in various class rooms.

Kate and Andrew looked at each other wordlessly. He noticed, like the others, her religious marking was pulsating with a crimson glow.

A chipper voice swept over them all as they tried to get their bearings. "Well, hello all. We have already determined your general dispositions. This is the hall of Ator. He is known to stand alone in the pantheon as the God that wears two faces.

"Some times he wears the face of Demons, other times man and his holy light. However, he is impartial to their conflicts. He merely enjoys the struggle of all and grants his power to those that wish for it. Under his name, you'll be representing the two elements.

"However, be warned, his wrath is cruel. To call upon him for reasons below that which he expects of you is a crime in and of itself. You are not strickly bound to him under faith, but his rules will be that of this class room. This class has always vied for control of the top. Three others carry the power to oppress us. You'll meet them shortly, I'd surmise."

"Ator, huh," murmured Andrew.

The silver haired young woman seemed to have incredibly adorable features, even to him; rounded, puffy cheeks, big blue eyes, and oddly short of stature. However, the moment the thought appeared in his mind, he noticed a deadly glint in her eyes and he was projected into the back of the room.

Others looked back and forth and soon only three people were left standing. Kate was one of them, but soon she, too, fell back. The teacher's expression always reverted back to her quaint, cute self, but few repeated the mistake - except Andrew.

"She really is-"

By the time he stood up, he looked again to clarify his findings. Then he shot back into the wall with a third of those standing. He forced himself back up and was launched back three more times before he noticed the glint in her eye fade slightly.

"Such a brash young man. Perhaps, you'll like to speak for a moment?"

"Yes, ma'am," spoke Andrew respectfully. However, apparently she took offence to 'ma'am' as he was launched back.

"Uhm, yes, mis- owe! Tea... teacher? Sure, whatever, why are you upset that you are cute-"

Everything went dark.

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